eChicago 2011: Video Archive
two-day symposium "eChicago 2011: Democracy, Diversity and the
Digital" celebrated the fifth year of eChicago gatherings, which
are archived online at:
complete program provides context, details on sessions, and
participant bios and
conference program explains:
Chicago continues to be a major city in Illinois, in the US, and in the world, but things are changing. Industry—railroads, steel mills, packing houses and stockyards, candy factories and printing—was our foundation, but now Chicago is being transformed by the information revolution. This annual symposium is an approach to promoting an inclusive, democratic approach to this revolution, especially inclusive of Chicago’s new diversity.
is hosting video and presentation slides of the sessions. eBlackCU
was also discussed at the conference, as was the Urbana Champaign Big
Broadband (UC2B) project and the eBlack CU Community/Technology
eChicago 2011 was organized by the University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign Graduate School of Library and
Information Science (and partners). Urbana-Champaign participants
included Brian Bell, Connie Dillard-Myers, and Christopher Hamb as
well as university faculty, staff and students.
Williams, conference chair; Noah Lenstra, Abby Sackmann, and Brian
Zelip, videography.
Kate Williams, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Opening; Joe Hoereth, University of Illinois at Chicago, Welcome; Greg Wass, Cook County; Matthew Guilford, City of Chicago.
Session 2 Broadband: The Pipes.
Herb Kuryliw, Northern Illinois University; Mike Smeltzer, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Robin Woodsome, Illinois Century Network; Charles Wu, Convergence Technologies, Inc.; Connie Dillard-Myers, Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband (UC2B), chair.
Brian Bell, Parkland College; Ed Remus, Chicago Public Library; Maria Hertel, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, chair.
Session 4 Broadband: The People.
Gina Baxter, Connected Living, Inc.; Jim Ciesla, Northern Illinois University; Karen Mossberger, University of Illinois at Chicago; Jimmy Prude, Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation; Chris Hamb, Chrisp Media/Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband (UC2B), chair.
Joel Rubin, National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter; Diana Stroud, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, chair.
Session 6 CyberNavigators and Librarianship.
Daylily Alvarez, Chicago Public Library; Mosi Kamau, Chicago Public Library; Anita Mechler, Union League Club and Chicago Public Library; Phillip Spirito, Glen Ellyn Library; Frances Roehm, Skokie Public Library, chair.
Session 7 Technology/Revolution.
Abdul Alkalimat, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Patrick Lichty, Columbia College; Lucy Parker, School of the Art Institute; Bruce Parry, Coalition of Veteran Organizations; Ed Remus, Chicago Public Library, chair.
Session 8 CyberNavigators and Social Work.
Kera Kelly, Chicago Public Library; Ed Remus, Chicago Public Library; Brandon Roberts, Chicago Public Library; Aldo Vazquez, Chicago Public Library; Brooke Bahnsen, Fremont Public Library, chair.
Session 9 Students Connecting.
Tiffany Chow, University of Michigan, and Noah Lenstra, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, co-chairs.
Abdul Alkalimat, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Opening; Ernest Dawkins, Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians; David Kelly (Capital D), All Natural Paul Maloney,
Taylor Bayless, Chicago Public Library; Jefferey Sweeton, Howard Area Community Center; Isaac Baker X, Austin YMCA; Michelle Bourgeois, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, chair.
Sara Chapman, Media Burn Archive; Karen Kanemoto, Japanese American Service Committee; Noah Lenstra, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Rebeccah Sanders, Chicago Cultural Alliance; Kathleen Bethel, Northwestern University, chair.
Session 13 Building Community Through Broadband Media.
Tiffany Bosley, CAN TV; Adriana Gallardo, Radio Arte; Frances Roehm, Skokie Public Library; Ethan Michaeli, We the People Media/Residents Journal; Colin Rhinesmith, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, chair.
Jeanne Larzalere Bloom, Chicago Genealogical Society; Tony Burroughs, independent genealogist and consultant; Cynthia Piech, Polish Genealogical Society of America; Grete Bever, Chicago Public Library, chair.
Session 15 Developing Our Vision.
Charles Benton, Benton Foundation; David Johnson, South Suburban Community College; Alejandro Luis Molina, Caja del Agua Studios; Patricia O'Brien, University of Illinois at Chicago; Kate Williams, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, chair.