Finding Aid for Doris K. Wylie Hoskins Archive for Cultural Diversity
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Museum of the Grand Prairie (formerly Early American Museum), Mahomet, Illinois, a unit of the Champaign County Forest Preserve District, in Mahomet, Illinois
Doris K. Wylie Hoskins Archive for Cultural Diversity
Finding Aid (includes Scope and Content Note) for visitor use
Compiled by interns Rebecca Vaughn and Katherine Hicks
Call to schedule an appointment to visit the Doris Hoskins Archive (217-586-2612)
Museum website:
Scope and Content Note
Biographical Note
Mrs. Doris Baker (Wylie) Hoskins, was born October 18, 1911 in Champaign, Illinois, and passed away in September, 2004, in Champaign, Illinois. She served for many years with the Committee on African American History in Champaign County of the former Early American Museum (now Museum of the Grand Prairie), serving as the group's archivist. She was also active in the Champaign County Section of the National Council of Negro Women. Her collection of historical material was transferred to Cheryl Kennedy upon her passing. The Hoskins Archive is now made publicly accessible by the staff of the Museum of the Grand Prairie, Champaign County Forest Preserve District, and inquiries should be made to Cheryl Kennedy, Museum Director, (cited in Doris K. Wylie Hoskins Archive description).
Hoskins Archive Summary
The Doris K. Wylie Hoskins Archive for Cultural Diversity contains a wide body of materials featuring African American history in Champaign County and East Central Illinois. The date range for the archives contents extends from 1861 to 2010. The “bulk dates” or dates that the majority of the file contents fall under, range from 1930 to 2000. The collection consists of several different types of materials including scrapbooks and loose photographs (originals, reprints, and photocopies) of prominent African American individuals, families, and organizations. Additional materials include newspaper clippings, pamphlets, handwritten notes, published and unpublished works, and oral history tapes and transcripts with information pertaining to area churches, health centers, musicians and bands, African American-owned businesses, and historic events. The archives consists of fifteen drawers and one oversized file (titled Top of Drawer 1 Oversize Files) that have been arranged alphabetically according to the following subjects: Biographies (Men and Women), Black History, Education and Sports, Entertainment, Healthcare and Housing, Military, Oral History Materials and Multimedia, Organizations and Community Centers, Religious Institutions, Scrapbooks, Oversize Files, and Top of Drawer 1 Oversize Files. The drawer summaries (listed below) note files containing material on key subjects, people, places, organizations, and events. The controlled vocabulary list (see below) provides definitions for the different types of materials featured in the archives.
Physical Size of the Hoskins Archive
The Doris Hoskins Archive is housed in fifteen drawers and one oversized above-drawer file. Measured in square footage, the archives comprises of approximately six feet (length) by five feet (width/depth) by five feet (height).
Container List of Drawer Subjects (series)
Drawer 1: Biographies (Men) Drawer 2: Biographies (Women) Drawer 3: Black History Drawer 4: Education and Sports Drawer 5: Entertainment and Events Drawer 6: Healthcare and Housing Drawer 7: Military Drawer 8: Oral History Materials and Multimedia Drawer 9: Organizations and Community Centers Drawer 10: Religious Institutions Drawer 11: Scrapbooks Drawer 12: Oversize Files Drawer 13: Tapes Drawer 14: Tapes Drawer 15: Miscellaneous
Drawer 16: Lucy Gray File
Top of Drawer 1 Oversize Files
Drawer Summaries
Drawer 1 summary: Biographies (Men)
Drawer 1 consists of handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs, administrative records, typed written notes, unpublished works (biographies), oral history materials, and correspondences. The files contain biographical information about African American men in Champaign County collected by Doris Hoskins in preparation for the This Legacy is Yours Too exhibit at the Early American Museum in Mahomet, Illinois. Files of special note include the Jonas Taylor and Jess Ward file containing Ward family history as former slaves and Jesse Ward’s experience in the Cairo flood of 1882 as well as the John M. Smith file containing an oral history transcript on the horse showman, John Smith, and the Announcements files with newspaper clippings featuring announcements for weddings, retirements, anniversaries, and funeral services (including obituaries). Other files of note include the Lee Family file consisting of articles on Albert R. Lee’s service at the University of Illinois president’s office, the Nelson family file, and Biographies of Brushy Fork African American Community file with materials on the first black settlers of Champaign and Douglass Counties. Additional key individuals highlighted in drawer 1 include jazz musician Raymond Scott, Taylor Thomas (U of I faculty), and James Wilson as the first African American Track coach. *Note: biographies of men featured in the This Legacy is Yours Too exhibit are listed on the Museum of the Grand Prairie webpage.
Drawer 2 Summary: Biographies (Women)
Drawer 2 consists of newspaper clippings, photographs, unpublished works (biographies), correspondences, oral history materials, and family papers documenting the histories of African American women who have lived in Champaign County. Doris Hoskins collected the biographies and other materials in preparation for the 1999 This Legacy is Yours exhibit at the Early American Museum (now Museum of the Grand Prairie) in Mahomet, Illinois. Some of the highlights include biographies of early African American settlers in Champaign as well as urban renewal and public housing history, and the involvement of area women in Civil Rights events (such as protests against segregated housing and anti job discrimination rallies). Other subjects include African American students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the establishment of community and church organizations such as the Douglass Center as well as Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church and Salem Baptist Church organizations. A few selected files of note include the Mary Alexander file discussing her involvement in the Champaign-Urbana Civil Rights Coordinating Committee opposition to public housing and Urban League of Women voters, J.C. Penny Co. Store boycott, the Hattie Marion file discussing Hattie Marion’s memories of her mother’s quilts, and the Mildred (Smith) Jones file containing an autobiography that discusses race relations in 1929 in Mound City (Southern Illinois). *Note: biographies of women featured in the This Legacy is Yours exhibit are listed on the Museum of the Grand Prairie webpage.
Drawer 3 summary: Black History
Drawer 3 consists of newspaper clippings, unpublished works (theses), photographs, oral history materials, pamphlets, publications, and handwritten notes. The drawer contains histories of early black settlers, black-owned businesses, Civil Rights issues, community events, and academic writings on local African American issues. Files of note include the Black Settlers of Champaign County file with newspaper clippings and typewritten notes discussing the quality of life for early settlers and the Through the Years file with Through the Years: Black History in Champaign County newsletters for spring and winter, 1995-2001. Additional highlights include a 1976 copy of the publication Ground Level (a locally produced magazine), and a number of theses (copies) written by University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign students including Prenatal Care Among Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, Negro Mothers; The African- American Quilt Experience as Cultural Regionalism; and History and Organization of the Negro Community in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.
Drawer 4 summary: Education and Sports
Drawer 4 contains newspaper clippings, correspondences, handwritten notes, and, pamphlets with historical information on area schools as well as sports teams associated with high schools and the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. Topics of special note include the Negro League (baseball team), the Champaign Eagles; and Illinois’ First African-American Male Athletes to play with the Fighting Illini.
Drawer 5 summary: Entertainment
Drawer 5 contains scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, photographs, pamphlets, and typewritten notes addressing African American artists, musicians, and bands. The drawer primarily consists of photographs and clippings relating to jazz band musicians and performances around the Champaign area or within Illinois. Highlights include the “Music, Theater, Bands, Drama, News Items” Scrapbook; Cotillion Volumes from 1972-2003 which contain biographical information on sorority members; and the C-U Black Artists file with photographs of early bands and performers such as the Ringling Brothers Annex Band (1908 photograph) and Pete Bridgewater as an announcer for the WKID radio station. Additional highlights include the C-U Jazz file with advertisements (pamphlets) for Rainbow Tavern and Monarch Tavern, as well as the C-U History of the Illinois Theater file discussing the Ku Klux Klan owned and operated theater. Individuals of special note include blues and jazz organist Jack McDuff and musicians Erma Bridgewater, Doris Hoskins, Maurice McKinley, Count Demon, and Paul Wienke.
Drawer 6 summary: Healthcare and Housing
Drawer 6 contains newspaper clippings, typewritten notes, administrative records, pamphlets, photographs, and handwritten notes addressing area healthcare centers and housing issues. Files of special note include the Mercy Hospital file with significant dates in the hospital’s history and the Urban Renewal 1960’s – 1970’s file which contains approximately two hundred newspaper clippings on Urban Renewal plans for Champaign’ North End. The files include articles on city council meetings, opposition to Urban Renewal, structural surveys conducted, commentary by local African Americans on housing plans, and newly erected housing. The Substandard Housing file provides seventeen photographs of poor quality housing in Champaign- Urbana in the early 1940s.
Drawer 7 summary: Military
Drawer 7 contains newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, web-based sources, administrative records, newspaper clippings, publications, correspondences, and photographs. The drawer features military history files including Champaign County Civil War history, Black Soldiers serving in the Civil War, and Black Servicemen and women. Additional topics of note include African American soldiers serving during WW II and the Persian Gulf War and Tuskegee Airmen training at Chanute Air Force Base in Rantoul.
Drawer 8 summary: Oral History Materials and Multimedia
Drawer 8 contains oral history materials, cassette tapes, VHS tapes, CDS, and artifacts. Highlights include oral history interviews with local African Americans including Pete Bridgewater, Estelle Merrifield, Eugene Suggs, Bruce Nesbitt, Rev. Wright Bernice Chambers, Erma Bridgewater, Ruth Hendricks, Hester Suggs, and a number of other community members.
Drawer 9 summary: Organizations and Community Centers
Drawer 9 consists of newspaper clippings, photographs, pamphlets, administrative records, and correspondences. The files primarily cover Champaign County community organizations and local chapters of national civic, religious, recreational, city planning, and military organizations. Files also contain material on Champaign women’s clubs and histories of the organizations. Highlights include the Anna Tutt Honey file on senior citizen groups at the Douglass Center; the Champaign County Fair Association file, which features oral history transcripts from Doris Hoskins speaking on Champaign County history; and the Douglass Center file which contains newspaper clippings, pamphlets, and photographs of different events at the Douglas Center during the 1940s-1990s. Additional files of note include the Black Fraternities/Sororities file featuring group photographs and clippings pertaining to University of Illinois sororities and fraternity members (such as Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and Sigma PI PHI fraternity); as well as the Lodges and Fraternal Societies file with group photographs and newspaper clippings; and the NAACP (local chapter) Binder consisting of correspondences from 1915-1943 between the Champaign Urbana NAACP Twin City Branch and staff at NAACP office in New York City.
Drawer 10 summary: Religious Institutions
Drawer 10 consists of newspaper clippings, photographs, pamphlets, administrative records, handwritten notes, unpublished works, typed written notes, and correspondences. The files contain information about places of worship in Champaign County, especial historically African American churches including Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Morning Star Free Baptist Church, Mount Olive Baptist Church, Pilgrim Baptist Church, and Salem Baptist Church. The drawer also contains information about Jonas Taylor and Jess Ward from Mansfield, Illinois and a copy of the thesis Black Church Architecture by Michael J. Margaglia.
Drawer 11 summary: Scrapbooks
Drawer 11 consists of administrative records, pamphlets, photographs, newspaper clippings, unpublished works, and correspondences. The drawer contains scrapbooks that cover notable individuals and events in Champaign County. Files of note include the Project 500 binder featuring photographs of the Douglass Community Center Drum Corps and Drill Team as well as administrative records and correspondence pertaining to the Project 500 initiative at the University of Illinois. Additional highlights include scrapbooks and loose photographs from the 1920s-1940s of individuals from Champaign, Illinois, as well as the Scrapbook 3 file featuring individual and group photographs of men, women, and children (possibly some University of Illinois students) primarily outdoors in front of buildings, porches, and ponds; and the Pictures of Men and Women I and II files featuring individual and group photographs of military, church, grade schools, store fronts, automobiles, porches, gardens, and yards.
Drawer 12 summary: Oversize Files
Drawer 12 consists of oversize newspaper clippings, pamphlets, oral history materials, correspondences, photographs, family papers, and two-dimensional artworks on a number of subjects ranging from organizations to sports history to health centers. Highlights include the Margaret (Hite) Smith oversize scrapbook file with newspaper clippings about Les Hite and Chicago swing bands as well as photocopies of a marriage certificate and high school diploma for Lila Bromwell (Johnson) Benton, the first African American to graduate from Champaign High School in 1891. Additional files of special note include the Marion Jones oversize scrapbook file with materials on the Chanute Field squadron; the Oversize loose files #2 which includes fifty-eight photographs of civic organizations; the Shelton Laundry oversize file # 3 with transcripts from an interview with Frances Shelton Moreland covering the history of Shelton Laundry from 1934-1986; the Willie Williams oversize file featuring materials on the record breaking track runner and University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign track coach; the Mercy Hospital and School of Nursing oversize file featuring handwritten notes on African American graduates of Mercy Hospital from the 1939 -1960s; and the Smith Family and Ward Family oversize file #6 featuring genealogical records and clippings on Smith family history.
Drawer 13 summary: Tapes
Drawer 13 contains cassette tapes pertaining to interviews and oral histories conducted by the Museum of the Grand Prairie (formerly Early American Museum) and the Urbana Free Library.
Drawer 14 summary: Tapes
Drawer 14 contains cassette tapes pertaining to African American oral history projects conducted by the / Urbana Free Library as well as other institutions and individuals.
Drawer 15: Miscellaneous
Drawer 15 contains Urbana High School report cards for students of Thusenelda Gross who attended school during the years 1931 to 1947.
Drawer 16: Lucy Gray File
Drawer 16 contains newspaper clippings, pamphlets, correspondences, publications, photographs (reprints and originals) of Mrs. Gray’s family members from Paris, Il during the years 1887 to 2001.
Top of Drawer 1 Oversize Files summary:
Top of drawer 1 oversize files include oversize files with family papers, artworks, publications, pamphlets, and photographs. Highlights include clippings on the U. of I. Beauty Queen.
Controlled Vocabulary
Administrative Records- meeting minutes, reports, general paperwork, manuals, resumes Artifacts - three-dimensional objects (not print or audiovisual based) Artworks- two-dimensional items that are not prints Cassette tapes - self-evident
Correspondences - letters to and from, invitations, postcards
Family Papers- birth, death, and marriage certificates as well as diplomas, awards, and wills Handwritten/typewritten notes - notes on loose paper, important notes on other documents Music - sheet music, piano books Newspaper clippings - in original or photocopies
Notebooks - with handwritten notes Oral History Materials- oral history transcripts and interview questions Oversize Materials - larger than standard legal or letter size folders Pamphlets- booklets, brochures, fliers, hand-outs, newsletters, calendars, advertisements, tickets Photographs - self-evident. Originals, reprints, and photocopies have been noted Prints-two-dimensional artwork, bookmarks
Publications - stand-alone publication or photocopy of stand-alone publication; full newspaper poetry/short stories
Scrapbooks - regular scrapbooks and photo albums Unpublished works- unpublished poetry, short stories, biographies, and autobiographies VHS tapes - self-evident Web-based sources- advertisements; articles
Doris K. Wylie Hoskins Archive Finding Aid
*Note: To search this Finding Aid push “ctrl” and “f” (computer key tabs) and enter your search terms
Most files are arranged alphabetically in drawers however, there are a few exceptions.
Photographs are in boldface; photocopies of photographs are noted (a black and white photocopy is indicated as simply “photocopy”). Originals and reprints are noted when applicable.
“DH” indicates materials on Doris Hoskins
Drawer 1: Biographies (Men)
001 Announcements-Anniversary; 1940s-2001 (Bulk dates: 1990s) newspaper clippings, correspondence, artifact (fake weddings rings), photographs (color photocopies), pamphlets
002 Announcements-Birthdays; 1940s-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, photographs (photocopies), typewritten notes, paper napkin
003 Announcements- Engagements; 1940s-2003 (bulk dates: 1990-2000); News-Gazette newspaper clippings
004 Announcements- Retirements; 1965-1997 (bulk dates: 1960s-1990s); News-Gazette clippings, pamphlets
005 Announcements- Weddings; 1940s- 1998 (bulk dates: 1940s-1990s) newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs (photocopies).
006 Funeral programs and obituaries; 1982-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s); pamphlets, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
File includes funeral programs for Lorean Haydon, Herbert Tinsley Sr., Arthur Hayden, Jr., Odessa Britt, Theodore Hornbuckle, Raymond Boyd, Faye Archey, James Harold, Howard Boyd, Charles Cumby, Mildred Rozella Archie, Mary Ann Smith- Pelmore, Mattie Abernathy, Jasper Lewis, Eddie Dixie Palmer, Elizabeth Norwood, and James Norwood. Some programs have handwritten notes, cards, or newspaper clippings stapled inside. Obituaries for Norman Lambert, Vivian Cofield, Marion Jones, Genevieve Stratton. Obituaries page from August 9, 2009 and April 18, 2008, 1987 obituaries for Ada Marie Carter and Annie B. Lewis.
007 Biographies of Brushy Fork African American Community; 1993-2000 (bulk dates:1993); newspaper clippings, typewritten notes, handwritten notes, correspondence Primarily News-Gazette clippings and typewritten notes recounting the history of African Americans living in Brushy Fork (Douglas County, Illinois) since the 1830s. The file includes a biography of early African American and individuals who came to Brushy Fork after the Civil War.
008 Black Farmers; 1994-2000 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, web sources, oral history materials, handwritten notes
The focus of this file is black farmers. There are oral history questions that focus on African American farmers and their history.
009 Black Heroes; 1992-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); pamphlets, newspaper clippings
010 Blacks Politicians; 1940s -2000 (bulk dates: 1960s-1993); publications, newspaper clippings, pamphlets Primarily News-Gazette newspaper clippings on Champaign County municipal elections and campaign advertisements from the 1970s-1990s. File also contains national and international news stories pertaining to first black elected officials. Some duplicates.
011 Doris Hoskins’ personal notes on African Americans in Champaign County; (not dated); handwritten notes
This file contains information about African Americans in Champaign County that Doris personally collected. Included are names, phone numbers, addresses, marriage dates, employment information, birth and death dates. Some of the information is in alphabetical order.
012 Paper Carriers; 1950s-1994(bulk dates: 1950s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
Contains News- Gazette clippings (?) featuring individual and group photographs of children newspaper carriers from Champaign.
013 Ali, Khair (a.k.a Freddie Davis); 2000 (bulk dates: 2000); photographs (reprints), newspaper clippings, unpublished works, handwritten notes
All articles are about Khair Ali and family members. Articles cover his career in boxing and as a musician. There are multiple autobiographies about Khair Ali. One of the main topics of the file is Khair Ali’s life as a Muslim. Some documents explain the history and significance of Islam.
014 Archey, Franklin; (No date); newspaper clippings
There is one article about Frank Archey who worked at Carson Pharmacy.
015 Banks, Nathaniel; (No date); typed written notes
One sheet containing biographical information about Nathaniel Banks.
016 Barkstall, Vernon; 1995 (bulk date: 1995); pamphlets
Funeral program for Vernon Barkstall.
017Bridgewater, Cecil Sr.; 1940s (bulk date: 1940s); handwritten notes, photocopies
File contains two photographs. One photograph reads Cecil Bridgewater WWII Navy; The second photograph reads Cecil Bridgewater Navy Band WWII Curacao; handwritten biography
018Bridgewater, Harold (Pete) 1930s-1989 (bulk date: 1930s-1989); handwritten notes, typed written notes, photographs (reprints), newspaper clippings,
Colored photocopy of Harold (Pete) Bridgewater, typed written short biography of Harold (Pete) Bridgewater
019 Burgess, James Jr.; 1969-1998 (bulk dates: 1970s, 1990s); news paper clippings, correspondences, handwritten notes, pamphlets, photographs (reprints), administrative records
Many items in this file are about James Burgess. There are three photos of him. On the back of one photograph is a letter and says the photograph was taken in December 1972 at the Annual Conference at the Drake in Chicago. The second and third photographs are of James Burgess by himself. He is giving a speech in one photograph from November 30, 29175. The second photograph on the same sheet is a picture of James Burgess holding some paper work (June 1969. Other materials include: A certificate to James Burgess for attending the China Legal Study Tour, administrative records about an exhibit at the Early American Museum, and correspondence from Elizabeth Kay to Doris Hoskins.
020 Christmas, Johnny; 1916, 1921, 1979, 1999 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, administrative records, publications, photographs (reprints)
This file contains newspaper clippings about Johnny Christmas murdering his wife, Johnny Christmas being hung for murder, and Howard Eccles memory about the hanging. This file also contains the Legend of Johnny Christmas by William c. Groninger, Inquest held on Mrs. Alda Christmas, and photographs. Two photographs are of the scaffold where Johnny Christmas was hung (1921) and a photograph of Champaign Count Jail (1916).
021 Clark, Bobby; 1986, 2002 (bulk dates: 1986, 2002); newspaper clippings
All articles discuss Bobby Clark. One article is about the black athletes and the prejudice they face. The second article Bobby Clark being a great athlete and father. Bobby Clark’s obituary is included in this file.
022 Clements, Jesse; 1986 (bulk dates: 1986); newspaper clippings
One article is about the black athletes and the prejudice they face. Clemet s is mentioned in the article. This is the same article that is in Bobby Clarks file.
023 Clements, Tony; 2000, 2001 (bulk dates: 2000s); correspondences, pamphlets, photographs, handwritten notes, typed written notes, photographs (reprints)
The material in this file is from Clements Comedy Café 2000 and 2001 which was hosted by Tony Clements. There are two pictures of Tony Clements and Doris Hoskins from one of the shows. There are also tickets stubs and an article about Tony from the Illinois Alumni.
024 Dixon, Nathaniel (Nate); 2001 (bulk dates: 2001); newspaper clippings
Four newspaper clippings on Champaign Park District Director of Community Services and former Douglass Center Director, Nate Dixon.
025 Douglass, Frederick; 1974-2003 (bulk date: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, handwritten notes
Newspaper clippings about Fredrick Douglas. Two handouts about a Fredrick Douglas tribute at the Douglass Recreation Center.
026 Dye, William; 1994 (bulk date: 1994); administrative records, newspaper clippings, photographs (reprints)
William Dye is the subject matter of this file. There are newspaper articles and photographs of William Dye. The photographs are not labeled with dates or names of other people in the photographs. Dye’s resume is also included in this file.
027 Edwards, Richard Roy; 1960s-1988 (bulk dates 1960s-1988); pamphlet, photocopies, photographs (reprints)
Two funeral programs from Richard Edward’s funeral. One photograph that reads Mr. Edwards. The photograph does not have a date but may be from the 1960s.
028 Ellis, Harry D.; 1946 (bulk dates: 1946); handwritten notes, photographs (reprints)
Multiple copies of the same photograph of Dr. Harry D. Ellis. Photographs read Property of Winifred Green (Malcolm), Dr. Harry D. Ellis, M.D., he was a Jehovah’s Witness also a local (Champaign) doctor, from Ruth C. Ellis, November 24, 1946.
029 Farrakhan, Louis; 1993-1998, 2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, handwritten notes
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is the subject of all the newspaper clippings. There is a pamphlet from the Million Man March, Champaign- Urbana day of Atonement/ Absence, Monday, October 16, 1995.
030 Hacker, Joe and Fran; 1900s (bulk dates: 1900s); photographs (reprints)
This file contains black and white photographs of a girl. There are two colored photographs that show older women sitting around a table at a restaurant. The photographs are not labeled. There were removed from a bag that read Joe Hacker/Fran Hacker.
031 Hannet, John; 1980 (bulk date: 1980); pamphlets
A biography of John Hannet’s life which was for his 80th birthday.
032 Hayes, James Jr.; 2000- 2010 (bulk dates 2000, 2001); newspaper clippings, publications, photographs, colored photocopies
This files main focus is Urbana City Councilman James Hayes. There is Champaign County Voter’s Guide from April 3, 2001 and solicitations about re-electing James Hayes. Also located in this file are articles about other Champaign City Council members.
033 Henderson, Charlie; 1992-1999 (bulk dates: 1990s); handwritten notes, pamphlets, unpublished works, correspondences
This file focuses on Charles Henderson. There are articles from his funeral, a biographical narrative about Charles H. Henderson.
034 Hendricks, Frank; (no dates provided); handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photograph (reprints)
The information in this file is about Frank Hendricks Auto Body Shop. There is a brief history about Hendricks Body Shop and their business card. The newspaper clipping is about the candy shop Frank use to run being burglarized. The photograph contains no information about who is in it and what they are doing. letter from Tim Johnson to Doris Hendricks stating that House Resolution Number 2601 was adopted on behalf of Frank Hendricks.
035 Jackson, Billy Morrow; 1981- 2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
Artist Billy Morrow is the focus of the file. The articles discuss exhibit openings. There is one article about Clement’s Comedy Café and another one about Miss Henrietta (Goodness) Broyles.
036 Jackson, Jesse, Sr. and Jr.; 1997- 2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
A majority of the newspaper clippings focus on Jesse Jackson Sr. and his activism. There are articles in the files that directly relate to Champaign County and Illinois.
037 Jackson, Wardee; 1967 (bulk dates: 1967); newspaper clippings
Contains one article located in this file about a new Champaign team joining the Eastern Illinois Baseball team, and Wardee Jackson was the manager of the Champaign Eagles baseball team.
038 Johnson, John C. (Snapper); (no dates provided); newspaper clippings
Newspaper clipping of John Johnson at an All-Star game at Douglass Park. Email to Cheryl Kennedy from John Johnson’s son.
039 Johnson, John Lee; 1981-2006 (bulk date 2000s); newspaper clippings, publication, pamphlets
A majority of the news clippings and publication discuss the death of John Lee Johnson and his activism in Champaign County. Located in this file is the program for John Lee Johnson’s family.
040 Johnson, Robert; 2003 (bulk date: 2003); newspaper clippings
Two newspaper clippings about Robert Johnson, UI graduate, becoming the first black majority owner in pro sports. One newspaper clipping about James Seaberry dying.
041 Jones, Theo; 1996 (bulk dates: 1996); pamphlet
One flier that states Theo Jones was Bank One’s top employees in January/ February 1995.
042 Jordan, Herman Jr.; (no dates provided); typed written notes, photographs (reprints)
Typed written biographical information about Herman Jordan. One photocopy of Herman Jordan and Son Herman Douglas at the shop which was in a building on the rear of his house. The colored photocopies are on one sheet. The first photograph reads L-R Herman, Evola (wife), Herman Douglas, and Chloe Ann; second photograph reads L-R Chloe-Ann, Sandy’s Wife (Sandy was Herman’s youngest brother), Evola (wife), Herman Douglas.
043 The Lee Family; 1937, 1989 (bulk dates: 1937, 1989); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, handwritten notes, photographs (reprints)
Most of the articles and pamphlets are about Albert R. Lee and Maurice Lee. Albert R. Lee was served under seven University of Illinois presidents. One photocopy of Albert R. Lee. Maurice Lee graduated from the University of Illinois and invented the pressure cooker.
044 Lewis, Robert [Eugene]; 2004 (bulk date: 2004); typed written notes
Typed biographical information about Robert Eugene Lewis.
045 Long, Eldredge and Horace; (no dates provided); photographs (reprints)
Photograph reads Horace and Louise Long.
046 Miller, William; 1983 (bulk date: 1983); oral history material
of William Miller’s interview on August 23, 1983. Patrick Tyler and Melinda Roundtree conducted the interview.
047 The Nelson Family; 1916, 1945- 2002 (bulk date: 1940s, 2000s); handwritten notes, newspaper clipping, pamphlets, photographs (reprints), oral history materials
This files focuses on many members of the Nelson family. There is an article about the first black of Champaign which mentions the Nelson family. Transcripts from an interview with Mrs. Carrie Nelson are in this file. Biographical typed written notes about Cecil B. Nelson Sr. and Joseph and Stella Nelson. Article about Eleanor, Esteel, and Hester Nelson achievements. News clipping with Eleanor Nelson C___ at ____Junior High School. Photographs- Individual photograph of Angeline Anderson; Individual photograph of Jordan Anderson; Individual photograph of Charles McGee reads To Mother Sincerely Charles January 45; Group photograph of a Spring formal of 1949 at the Douglas Center; African American men marching, there is not a date and no one is labeled; Two women in photograph standing on the stairs reads Edna Diffay and Carrie Nelson; Three women in photograph standing outside reads L-R____Nelson, N__ J___, B____ J___ front; photograph of six men standing back of photograph reads Estelle Merifield, former 99th, late Earnest Nelson, Representative of Martin M__ and Bowing; photograph of fourteen men which has no label Earnest Nelson is third from the left in the row crouched down; photograph of sixteen men in front of a sign that says 99th Pursuit Sqd.; Photograph of thirty-four men in three row, back row from left to right reads Corp. Trollinger, Put. Thompson, Put. Wm Hill, Put. Harvey Cain, Sgt. Scott, Put. Skinner, Put. Boston, Cpl. R___, Put. P___S___, T/Sgt. Wm S_rcey, Sgt. Mumford, Middle row reads Put.Wilrens, Cpl. J. Johnson, Sgt. Uaughn, Sgt. H. O’Nelson, Put. Bush, Sgt. Ed. Brown, Put. Laguna, Sgt. Perry Tucker, Cp_. R. Roulette, Put. Bryant, Cpl.____rdens, front row reads S/Sgt. EP Nelson, Dgt. Devall, S/Sgt. WG_B, Sgt. Norman, 1st Sgt. Hartgrove, Lt. Jones, Lt. Malone, Sgt. Eddie Philips, T/Sgt Carles Mino, S/Sgt. David Wor_le, S/Sgt. Homes, S/Sgt. Turner, Serv. Det. #99, A.A.F., Tuckegee, Ala., Co. LT. ED. Jones, ___. Lt. Thos. Malone; Photograph of one man labeled Robert Nelson; Photograph of a Man, back of photograph reads Estelle Merifield, Dr. Emmet Conrad, 1st black Physician, Chanute.
048 Nesbitt Family; 1944-2001(bulk dates: 1980s, 2000s); pamphlets, newspaper clippings, oral history materials, photographs (reprints).
Most of the material in this folder s focused on Bruce Nesbitt. Bruce was in charge of the Afro-American Cultural Program at the U of I and volunteered at the Douglass Center. There are pamphlets and articles about Bruce D. Nesbitt Arts and Edu-tainmant Gala that was held Saturday, March, 3, 2001. Located within this file is the for the interview with Bruce Nesbitt on August 4, 2983. Other Nesbitt family members mentioned in the file: Rozell R. Nesbitt, Russell Nesbitt, George Nesbitt, Dr. Lendor Nesbitt, Dr. Robert Nesbitt, Herbert Nesbitt, and Pauline Nesbitt. Delmar Nesbitt funeral program.
049 Norman, Dr. Philip; 1960s-2000(bulk dates: 1960s, 2000s); newspaper clippings, photographs (reprints),
There are two items in this file: Dr. Norman’s obituary and an early photograph of him.
050 Norwood, Robert; 1983 (bulk date: 1983); newspaper clippings
One article about Bob Norwood was named Danville’s first citizen.
051 Palmer, Eddie and Bernice; 1944-1982; (bulk dates: 1940s-1970s) pamphlets, family papers, correspondences, newspaper clippings, photographs (originals), administrative records, unpublished works
Bernice Palmer ‘s Delta Sigma Theta Sorority pamphlet from March 1944 (includes history of the organization and names of other members), 1982 certificate for temporary deputy of county clerk voter registration for Bernice Palmer, student letters to Eddie Palmer thanking him for his quality teaching and encouragement at Parkland College, file also includes letters from Parkland College regarding course work or school, newspaper clippings about Selective Service Awards given by director Eddie Palmer and Kiwanis Officers including vice president Eddie Palmer, 1973 pamphlet for Alpha Phi Alpha Homecoming dance, two group photographs of African American men holding a banner that reads: Alpha Phi Alpha Omicron Lamda Beta, 1975 Alpha Phi Fraternity certificate for Eddie Palmer, administrative records with coursework taken by Eddie Palmer, unpublished works regarding guidance counseling written by Eddie Palmer (1953). File also includes three oversized photographs including: an unidentified group photograph of men and women in formal dress standing next to a bride and groom, a portrait photograph of a woman with a handwritten note that reads: To Bernice and Eddie Love Helen, portrait of a woman reads: Bernice Palmer.
052 Parsons, Tracy; 1995 (bulk date: 1995); newspaper clipping
A letter to the editor from Tracy Parsons, President Urban League of Champaign County.
053 Patterson, Dr. Frederick; (no dates provided); publication
A short article about Dr. Patterson.
054 Pickens, John; 1970s-2000 (bulk dates 1970s-2000); correspondence, photographs (reprints), handwritten notes, pamphlets, newspaper clippings,
Located in this file is an article (not dates) about John Pickens being a plasterer, handwritten not of the sports he was active in and what year, handwritten note stating Plasterers and Cement Mason Local 143, obituary(not date), a card to Doris from Sandy D. Dunn about her knowledge of John Pickens, a photograph of John Pickens with 2 fish.
055 Pirtle, J.W.;1960s-2001 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, handwritten notes, photographs (reprints), typed written notes
Contains a letter to the editor from Marvarine Pirtle about prescription coverage for seniors, J.W. Pritle’s typed resume, a program handout titled This is Your Day J.W. Pirtle, A day to Remember (not dated), and a photograph of J.W. Pirtle from the 1960s (not dated).
056 Rosales, Giraldo; 2003 (bulk dates: 2003); newspaper clippings
In this file there is one article about Giraldo Rosales, Champaign City Council member, moving from Cuba and eventually graduated from the University of Illinois.
057 Rowan, Henry Edward (Dr.); 1924, 1931 (bulk dates: 1924, 1931); handwritten notes, publications, newspaper clippings
In this file there is a copy of the 1924 University of Illinois directory with the names Henry Edward and Mary Virginia Rowan marked, an article from the New Gazette about Rowan dying in Kankakaee, and a handwritten note about the Rowan family.
058 Rucks, Louis (family); (no dates provided); handwritten notes
Contains two notes in the file. First handwritten note of family tree by last name. Second handwritten note reads Rucks, Lonnie.
059 Satisfied family; 1990- 1985 (bulk dates: 1980s, 1990); newspaper clippings, unpublished works
Satisfield family reunion booklet from August 1990. This booklet is a photocopy and has many pictures of people from the family. Also in the booklet is a schedule, list of committee members, and sponsors. Copy of a picture in a newspaper that reads Family Ties ’83. Chicago Sun-Times articles about Rutherford B. Hayes Elmore turning 111 on August 31, 1983. Bob Black is mentioned in an article from the Chicago Sun-Times on February 19, 1984 for winning a world award for a picture of Elmore and his great-great-great-granddaughter.
060 Scott, Raymond; 1945, 1960s (bulk dates: 1945,1960s); handwritten, photographs (reprints)
This file contains a short biography of Raymond Scott. There are three photographs. One photograph reads on the back Central School Jazz Band, Darrell Banks, Sax, Cecil Bridgewater, Trumpet, Louis Jackson, Bass, 1960s. One photograph of Raymond Scott (not dated). One photograph of the Douglas Center, 1945.
061 Shelley, Dean Clarence; 2001, 2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
Two articles about Dean Clarence Shelley retiring from the University of Illinois.
062 Short, Bobby; 1992-2005 (bulk date: 2000s); newspaper clippings, publications
This file contains newspaper clipping about Bobby Short visiting the Champaign-Urbana and Danville area, his achievements, and his death. A majority of the articles are about Bobby Short dying. There is one biographical article from a fashion magazine.
063 Shucraft Family (Phyllis Wheaton) 1940s-2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); pamphlets, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, correspondences, photographs (reprints)
This file contains multiple families. There is lack of a connection between the sir names Virgil, Winston, Wheaton, Shucraft, Jemison, and Caraway. There are many articles about Morris Virgil. Morris Virgil signed to play football with University of Illinois in 2001. During high school he ran track and was named News-Gazette All Area Football Player of the Year 2000. He was adopted by Lloyd Winston. This file contains a letter from Doris Hoskins to the Champaign Park District about dedicating a possible mini park to Mr. Willie Caraway. There is an article (not dated) containing biographical information. Located in this folder is a handwritten note with information about Pauline Shucraft’s family members and address. One photograph of William Shucraft (not dated). This file contains a Young Ministers In First Anniversary flier from the Pilgrim Baptist Church and a photograph that reads Pilgram choir, Ushers with Rev. Whitehead. A handwritten note that reads Rev. Jemison-Pres. Of National Baptist Convention and Barbara Shurcraft (middle R.). One page with four photocopies of pictures, back of the sheet reads Phyllis Winston “little girl” 1937- top left photo reads Dr. D.V. Jemison, Pres. Ala. Baptist State Convention, Pres. National Baptist Convention, U.S.A. Inc. 9094; top right photo reads Rev, R.A. Hayden, Pastor Salam Batist Church, 47th Anniversary cake (?), bottom left reads brother and sister Botts, bottom right photograph is of a group of children and reads Lanell and Te, One page with four colored photocopies- top left photograph reads Mother’s board, top right reads Keaton, bottom left reads Lanell and Terry, bottom right reads Mother’s board.
064 Smith, John M.; 1971 (bulk dates: 1971); newspaper clippings, typed written notes, oral history materials
This file contains two obituary of John Smith, horse showman, from June 17, 1971. One is a typed written note and the other one is from the News Gazette. There is also an oral history transcript that may have been a short film. The oral history has biographical information about John Smith and history about Champaign County. Some areas that are discussed: Homer, Newman, Broadlands, Farmer City, Tuscola, Danville, Springfield, and Champaign-Urbana.
065 Stratton, Kenneth; 1981 (bulk dates: 1981); newspaper clippings, colored photocopies
This file contains an article about Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stratton’s son, Denise, in the play Tom Thumb wedding (not dated). The colored photocopies of photographs are on one sheet. The photograph on the left is Kenneth Stratton (not dated). The photograph on the right reads Loop College, Graduation May 15, 1981 (person not identified).
066 Stringfellow, Allen and Elmer; 1940s-2004 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets,
Allen Stringfellow’s artwork focuses on African-American life. One newspaper clipping and an article from the CU Octopus contain biographical information about Stringfellow’s life in Champaign County. The one pamphlet in this file is from the exhibit Jamming with the Man, Allen Stringfellow, A Retrospective, at Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion (June 4 through August 1, 2004). This file also contains one article about Elmer W. Stringfellow graduating and enlisting into the U.S. Army.
067 Summerville, Willie; 1993- 2002 (bulk dates: 1990s, 2000s); newspaper clipping
All articles are about Willie’s career as an Urbana High School choral teacher. Contains articles about the choir raising money for a trip to Carnegie Hall, participating in new courthouse dedication, and taking a trip to Nebraska. In one article the News Gazette profile Willie and his career. There is an article about Heidi Mui, former student of Willi Summerville, being named No.1 soprano in District 3 of the Illinois Music Educators Association.
068 Taylor, Jonas and [Jess Ward], Mansfield, IL; 1909- 1988 (bulk dates 1930s); newspaper clippings, correspondences, typed written notes, handwritten notes, pamphlets, photographs (reprints)
This file contains a family group sheet of Jonas Taylor, Marquiss directory Monticello from 1909, Monticello’s 150th Birthday program, biography of the Ward Family, The Ward Family as told by Luther Ward, addresses of those contacted to compile the file, Blue Ridge Cemetery locations, letter to Doris from Blanche Stoller about a slave doll donated to the Piatt County Museum by Amelie Blyth and information about Leila Randle looking for African- American artifacts, and a letter from Leila Randle to the director of the director of Piatt County Museum. The file also contains newspaper clippings about Joe Ward and Cora Ward being killed in 1951 farm fire, Luther Ward dying, Luther Ward’s 25th wedding anniversary, the Ward family becoming a prosperous family even though they were former slaves, Jesse Ward’s experience in the Cairo flood of 1882, Ward Family farm house, ancestors of the Ward family living on farm, and Taylor being over 100 year old. There are obituary for Jonas Taylor (former slave), Mrs. Jonas Taylor, Elizabeth Lanard (Jonas Taylor’s daughter), Fred Taylor (Jonas Taylor’s son), Mrs. Stella Wing (Jonas Taylor’s daughter), and Miss Lou Taylor ( Jonas Taylor’s daughter). Obituary for Jess R. Ward (former slave), Mrs. Mary A. Ward, Henry Ward (son), Amanda Ward (daughter), Robert Ward (son), and Leonard Herbert Ward (son). Cassette tape from Mariam James travel to Monticello on March 20, 2000. Photograph of the Taylor (?) family farm. Photocopies of gravestones of Jonas Taylor, Lucy Taylor, and Stella Wing.
069 Thomas Family; 1927-1987 (bulk dates: 1980s); typed written notes, newspaper clippings, family papers, handwritten notes, unpublished biography, correspondence
This file focuses mainly on Taylor Thomas. Taylor Thomas received the Exchange Club award a Book of Golden Deeds. In this file is a letter from Joanne Radcliff to Taylor Thomas about receiving the award. There is also an article and typed written notes about the award. Newspaper clipping about Taylor Thomas’s retirement. An article about Taylor Thomas honored at Bethel AME Founder’s Day. Program for Go to High School, Go To College, Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Salem Baptist Church, May 1, 1927, at 6:30. This file also contains an article about Taylor Thomas being appointed to a faculty position at the University of Illinois. There is a newspaper clipping about Woodward Thomas, Taylor Thomas’s father, turning 90 (not dated). Obituaries for Woodward and Alice Thomas. Also located in this folder are copies of deaths, births, and marriages in the Taylor family (Taylor Thomas’s maternal side).
070 Warfield, William; 1982-2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains information about William Warfield’s career and death. There are three articles about the death of William. One is about Phi Mu Alpha hosting a memorial concert, the second one is about WILL one hour salute to William, and third article is his obituary. The is an undated article about William’s career at 80. There also is a program from Celebrating Excellence An Homage to an American Treasure William Warfield which was held at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts on October 19, 2003. There are three pamphlets from the program Performance for Peace II. Also located in this file is a flier from Todd Payne’s Doctoral Voice Recital.
071 Welch, Harvey; 1993-2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper articles
This folder mostly contains articles about Harvey Welch’s law career as a Ford County public defender and criminal defense lawyer. Many of the articles give biographical information about Welch’s life. There is an article about a teenager that killed his father Welch represented, a newspaper clipping of Welch’s son, and three articles about Welch filing a hate crime against a former client. The hate crime case was dismissed after 2 years.
072 Wendell, Evans; (no dates provided); handwritten note
Handwritten note reads No tools loans to anybody, Don’t ask, Wendell.
073 Wheat, Charles; 1976, 2002 (bulk dates: 1979, 2002); newspaper clipping
This file contains three articles about Wheat’s Steak House. In 1976, Wheat’s Steak House burned because of electrical failure. The second article is from Peter Tomaras had written to Lynda Zimmer asking about information on Wheat’s Steak House so he could nominate them for an award. The last article is a thank you letter from Peter Tomaras to Lynda Zimmer for all the information he received from readers.
074 White, John Russell; 1985 (bulk dates: 1985); oral history material
This file only contains the transcript from an interview with John White on June 18, 1985. John White is originally from Alabama and moved to Champaign to teach at Chanute. He discusses his daughters attending University High School and Champaign High School. White explains the changes in Champaign’s educational system. White does into detail about housing during the 1950s in Champaign County. He describes life in Champaign during the 1960s. He was active in the Urban League and the Masonic lodge. At the end of the transcript he discusses an incident at Salem when he was arrested.
075 Williams, Willie; 1998-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s, 2000); newspaper clippings, typed written notes
This file consists of information about Willie Williams, the University of Illinois sprint coach. Two newspaper clippings discuss his track career and William running 100 meter in 10.0 seconds, which set a world record and broke Jesse Owen’s record. The third article in the file is about Williams inventing the Williams SA-1 Speed Accelerator, which conditions athletes to run faster. There is one email from Margot Williams to Cheryl Kennedy containing biographical information for a program that the Early American Museum did with News Gazette.
076 Wilson, James C.; 1967-1973 (bulk dates: 1960s); handwritten notes, correspondences, publications
James Wilson was the first African American Track coach. There is a handwritten note that says: see Winnie Wilson. There are three handwritten and typed obituaries. There is one publication from the News Gazette highlighting Wilson’s nonviolence activism. He started interracial coffee houses, study groups, and an Afro-American club. This file also contains a letter to Mrs. Wilson stating the West Virginia State College was naming the College Union building after her husband James because the first unit of the College Union was completed largely because of his activities on campus. The commencement was held on May 13, 1973. Mrs. Wilson wrote back accepting the invention toe commencement. There is an article about Jim Wilson setting a school record of 6-4 in the high jump shortly before learning of his father’s death James Wilson.
077 Wilson, James Jr.; 1967-2006 (bulk dates 1960s); newspaper clippings, publication
In this folder there are ten newspaper clippings about Jim Wilson’s track career at Urbana Junior High School and Urbana High School. As an Urbana sophomore Jim Wilson set a new high jump at 6 feet 4 inches in1967. There are six other articles about Jim Wilson that do not relate to his track career. One clipping of Jim Wilson with Mrs. T.E. Larson from a panel discussion at a Delta Kappa Gamma education honorary meeting. One articles shows Jim Wilson with four other people at the Champaign County Committee for the 1970 Which House Conference on Children and Youth. Jim is pictured in another clipping with John Conlee, Jeff, Smith, an Sally Hindman during a coronation kiss. There is a clipping of Jim Wilson addressing a memorial service at Wesley Methodist Church two articles focus on Jim Wilson later in life. After the death of his father, he became focused on girls, politics, and reggae. He became known internationally as Chef Ra through his career at High Times. He also had a reggae show on WEFT.
078 Biographies (Men) Miscellaneous; (no dates provided); newspaper clippings, typed written notes, hand written notes, Photographs
This file contains a short biographies about Minor W. Jackson III, Terry Townsend, Cyprus Hughes, Norman Lambert, Rev. B.J. Tatum, Pastor Claude E. Shelby, Sr., Preston Williams, Lorenzo Montel Kindle, Joe A. Stovall, Bishop King James Underwood, Alvin Scott Griggs Sr. (photograph), Larry Taylor, Edward Bland, Dr. William M. Patterson, Andre Arrington, Dawson Banks, Sr., Willie Caraway, Ehmer Bracy, Willie Holt, Homer Chavis, Allen Rivers, Carlos Donaldson, Sr., Charles E. Phillips, Sr., George W. Smith and Family, Dr. Philip Norman, William Walter Smith, Jabali Kamau LaRaviere, Danis T. Pelmore, Samuel Sherman Sibley, Sr., and Captain Marc H. Foster. Newspaper clipping about Curley Lee.
079 Wesley Methodist Church; 1990s (bulk dates 1990s) newspaper clippings
File contains approximately six articles about Chef Ra.
080 In All My Years by Raymond Bial (six book copies); publications
081 In All My Years by Raymond Bial (six book copies); publications
082 In All My Years by Raymond Bial (six book copies); publications
083 In All My Years by Raymond Bial (six book copies); publications
084 In All My Years by Raymond Bial (six book copies); publications
085 In All My Years by Raymond Bial (six book copies); publications
Drawer 2: Biographies (Women)
001 Alexander, Mary; 1957-1995 (bulk dates: 1950s-1960s); photographs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, typewritten notes, handwritten notes, pamphlets
Primarily News-Gazette clippings on Mary Alexander’s involvement in community organizations. Newspaper clippings address United Church Women of Champaign-Urbana Tot Lot program, Marquette School, Albert Alexander Jr. and Carol Alexander, Champaign-Urbana Civil Rights Coordinating Committee opposition to public housing. Additional articles cover Alexander’s participation in Urban League of Women voters, J.C. Penny Co. Store boycott, Church Women United, and Council for Community Integration Officers. File contains a biography on Mary Alexander and articles mounted on card stock.
002 Avery, Patricia; 2000-2002 (bulk dates: 2001); typewritten notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, typewritten notes, pamphlets
File contains biographies on Patricia Avery, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, (NAACP) award nomination letter for Avery, and News-Gazette clippings on Human Relations Commission, Champaign County township government, Champaign County board members, debates over county government single member districts, and press photographs of Avery. File also contains “1975-1976 Directory County and Township Officers for Champaign County, Illinois including Rules of the County Board” and typewritten notes of YWCA presentation “Through the Ranks” by Avery.
003 Banks, Carrie; 1890s- 2002 (bulk dates: 1940s-1997); photographs (black and white and some color photocopies), handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, typewritten notes, correspondence
Primarily typewritten notes, photographs and newspaper clippings on Pope family members. File contains biographies about Luetta Smith Lee, Albert R. Lee (chief clerk for University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign president), Cecil Pope, Carrie Alice Lee Pope, Paul Lawrence Pope, Cecil Allen Pope, and Nathaniel Banks. Newspaper clippings cover family’s involvement with Bethel African Episcopal Church, Lee ancestor charts, and newspaper clipping about Mrs. General C. Lee. File includes photograph (photocopy) of Cecil Pope (Sr.), family tree of Carrie Alice Lee Pope, unidentified photograph (photocopy) of woman (most likely Carrie Alice Lee Pope) photograph (color photocopy) of George Lee Pope, autobiography of George Lee Pope, autobiography of Ruth Bernice Russell Pope (wife of George Lee Pope), photograph (color photocopy) of unidentified woman (most likely Ruth Bernice Russell Pope); military photograph (photocopy) of Paul Pope reads: Love to all Buddy Italy ’44. Photograph (photocopy) of Cecil A. Pope (Jr?), newspaper clipping on Gladys Pope’s retirement, Erma Bridgewater family tree, autobiography of Carrie Banks, photograph (photocopy) of Carrie Banks as a switchboard operator; photograph (photocopy) of the members of the Mothers Club holding plaques; photograph (photocopy) of officers of the Deborah Chapter No. 27 The Order of the Eastern Star, handwritten notes about the Gardenia club, handwritten note on photograph (photocopy) reads: Presenting Virginia Bush with the Gardenia Club scholarship-1950, another note reads: The Gardenia Club presenting scholarship to a worthy young lady. Group photograph of women reads: Marian Anderson and Sarese (?) AKA 1940s, rest of sentence is illegible, additional notes with this photograph read: members of the AKA sorority alongside Marian Anderson. Handwritten notes covering 1910s to 1960s Champaign County history including bands, businesses (cleaners, barber shops, restaurants), The Gardenia Club, and The Kavaliers. Photograph (color) of Gladys Pope. Photograph (photocopy) reads: Dawson Banks, First annual semi formal and dance-Victory Temple #530 (?) Daughters I.B.P.O.E.; photograph (photocopy) group of African American male barbers standing and young white men and boys sitting in chairs in interior barber shop (circa 1930s/1940s), obituary for Bernice Pope.
004 Bazell, Imani; 1999 (bulk dates: 1999); typewritten notes, newspaper clippings
One biography of Imani Bazzell and one newspaper clipping about SisterNet.
005 Belle, Maxine; 1950s- 1998 (bulk dates: 1940s- 1960s; 1998); photographs (black and white and color photocopies), newspaper clippings
File consists of family military photographs and one newspaper clipping on Maxine Joann Chatman. Photograph (photocopy) of group of men and women reads: U.S. Naval Dental Technicians School, Class “A” 1-61, Graduated 21 Oct. 1960, U.S. Nav. Tra.Cen. San Diego, Calif.; military photographs (black and white and color photocopies) of individuals read: Cynthia A. Belle AIC Air force National Guard, Mother: Maxine Johnathan Belle, Father: Marvin G. Belle U.S. Airforce WW II; Maxine S. Chatman-Belle Vietnam War, Mother: Vesta Hampton Chatman, Step-mother-Myrile M. Williams Chatman, Father-Horace Chatman; Kenneth E. Russell Korean War, Mother-Betty Russell Hangrett, Father- Horace Chatman; Airman 1st Class Cynthia Belle-A.F. National Guard; Horace M. Chatman WWII.
006 Benson, Mary Haywood; 1990s (bulk dates: 1990s); photographs (color photocopies), handwritten notes, typewritten notes
File contains one photograph of Mary Haywood Benson and biographies of Benson.
007 Benton, Lila Bromwell Johnson; 1900-1949 (bulk dates:1900-1920s ); photographs (photocopies), typewritten notes, family papers
File consists of family papers relating to Lila Benton. Unidentified photograph of a woman (most likely Lila Bromwell Johnson Benton), typewritten and handwritten biography of Benton. Contains Early American Museum certificate of appreciation, color photocopy of marriage certificate from 1900, three photocopies of death certificate for Luster Johnson (Lila’s first husband) from 1917, photocopies (one color and one laminated and mounted on foam core) of Marian Rose Johnson’s (Lila’s daughter) University of Illinois bachelors degree from 1933, color photocopies of sorority certificates for Helen Hite (Lila’s daughter ) date from 1949, photocopy of Helen Martha Johnson’s high school diploma from 1919. File also includes photographs (photocopies) of Margaret Hite. Photographs and family papers in this file are also located in drawer 16 in the Margaret (Hite) Smith oversize scrapbook.
008 Bridgewater, Erma Scott; 1930s-2009(bulk dates: 1940s-2000s); newspaper clippings, photographs (all photocopies), typewritten notes, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, correspondence, family papers
Primarily consists of photographs, newspaper clippings, and biographies on Erma Bridgewater and family members. Group photograph of all African American women in white dresses standing indoors reads: E. Bridgewater Douglass Center C__ Ball 1950s, early families; group photograph of all women standing on steps outdoors reads: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority G__ Chapter local members, 1st row-Burnice Lee, 2nd row-Mary Louise Hersey, Helen Hite, Erma Scott, Deszyre Doris (?), 4th row-Marian Johnson 1930s.File also includes biographies of Erma Bridgewater, handwritten notes on Scott and Bridgewater family history, obituary and biography of Louanna Riley, photograph of Erma Bridgewater and two other women reads: 2/17/70 Gladys Pope, letter from Erma Bridgewater to Early American Museum about exhibit featuring black women of Champaign-Urbana, group photograph of men and women in formal clothing standing indoors reads: Dick Cesine’s Band (?), Ambassador’s Club, Nov. 29, 1952, College Hall, cocktails and s__ at Popes Dance (?), Beasley-s__ and coffee, Elks Club-house 3 a.m. Sunday, Williams, Popes, Scotts, H. Gray, L. Gray; photograph of Erma and Cecil holding trumpet and saxophone(1970s); Muddie (?) holding Erma outside in front of wood frame building (circa 1914); photograph of man sitting on chair indoors in military uniform reads: Ray Jr?, group photograph of men in military uniform standing outside reads: Cecil’s Jr. Platoon Vietnam War era, Dave Davenport, 1st row L-R Don Abben, Frank B__, 3rd row Albert J. Boud (?), 4th Robert B__, 5th row 9 Joey De O__, 10 Cecil V. Bridgewater; group photograph of young girls and Erma Bridgewater standing outside reads: Girls Track Club Track Club 1965 Champaign, letter to Mrs. Bridgwater from Frank E. Schooley on July 9, 1964 regarding the death of Ramon, the Illini Worker newspaper clipping with two photographs of Ray T. Scott as a campus mail foreman, certificate (photocopy) of completion of social recreation leadership course from 1959 to Erma Bridgewater, newspaper article about Obama winning which features Erma Bridgewater and Douglass Center newspaper clipping. Additional photographs include: portrait of two little girls: Edna and Sarah (Muddy); two teenage girls; photograph of three children reads: Bridgewater Children, Cecil, Ron and Casandra; little girl standing in snow; little girl climbing into a car. File also includes Douglass photographs include: group of three women and one man reads: Erma, Muddy and Cecil with Lena Horne (famous jazz singer); group of two men and three women including Erma Bridgewater, Mrs. Scott (Erma’s mother) and Lena Horne; Mrs. Scott and Lena Horne; Erma Bridgwater, Lena Horne, and unidentified man; postcard with photograph of three children reads: Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas-Cecil, Ronnie, and Cassandra, Christmas 1949; handwritten note about Harold (Pete) Bridgewater; photographs (photocopies) of four quilts made by Ethel Bridgewater and exhibit label with information on Ethel Bridgewater as well as handwritten notes on quilt styles.
009 Bright, Clara; 2001 (bulk dates: 2001); unpublished works, photographs (color photocopies)
File contains autobiography of Lucey Jess Gray, one unidentified photograph of woman (most likely Clara Bright), and autobiography of Clara Bright. Gray’s autobiography mentions that she was born in Paris, Illinois in 1914, graduated from Paris High School in 1932, married Mr. Louis Gray, became a member of Bethel A.M.E. church under the sponsorship of Mr. A. R. Lee, and was the first African American to work in retail in downtown Champaign at Karefuwow’s (?) Clothing Store, and was a member of Champaign County League of Women Voters. Bright’s autobiography mentions that she was born in Edwards Mississippi in 1933 and in 1956 she moved to Champaign, Illinois. Bright was a beauty consultant, employed by Carson P__ Scott Co. in Lincoln Square in Urbana, Illinois in 1973 and did makeovers for young women who participated in the Catillion for fashion shows in the 1990s. Bright was also a member of the Macedonia Baptist Church.
010 Caldwell, Neppie; 2000-2003 (bulk dates: 2000-2003); correspondence, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, publications, handwritten notes
File contains one letter from Neppie Caldwell to Doris Hoskins, “Mrs. Neppie Caldwell Musical Tribute” pamphlet from 2000, YK2 Antioch Review pamphlet from 2003, full newspaper (photocopy of Loda Times, Loda, Iroquois County) from June 11, 1954, and handwritten inventory of file contents.
011 Campbell, Juanita; 1994 (bulk dates: 1994); newspaper clippings
One newspaper clipping about Juanita Campbell and her involvement with the Mount Olive Baptist Church in Champaign, Illinois and her 90th birthday celebration.
012 Campbell, Willie; 1967 (bulk date: 1967); typewritten notes, photographs (color photocopies), handwritten notes
File contains an autobiography of Willie Campbell. Photograph reads: February 11, 1967, Ron L__, Mr.Willie (?) Lee Campbell, 1113 S. 2nd, Champaign, P 6, Stephen B__.
013 Cantor, Nancy (U of I Chancellor); 2000-2002 (bulk dates: 2001-2002) newspaper clippings
Primarily contains news-Gazette articles about Chancellor Nancy Cantor.
014 Chamberlin, Charlynn, 1970s (bulk dates: 1970s); newspaper clippings
Contains two News-Gazette articles about Chamberlin as University of Illinois Homecoming queen.
015 Chambers, Bernice; 1960s (bulk dates: 1960s); unpublished works, family papers, photographs, typewritten notes, handwritten notes, pamphlets, newspaper clippings
File contains two biographies of Bernice McKinley Chambers, a certificate of appreciation awarded to Chambers on September 30, 2001, photographs of Bernice Chambers (one reads: Bernice Chambers-model), a collage of photographs of an unidentified man with drum set, and family tree notes.
016 Chatmon, Myrtle; (no dates provided); handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, correspondence
Handwritten notes about Grandma Hoskins, Grandmother Nannie Pickens, St. Luke’s blackened chicken dinners, list of female names, Ms. Lucky’s Aunt Virgie, Bernice Simpson, and Russell Nesbitt. There is also one newspaper clipping about five generations of Higgens family members.
017 Clark, Lucille; (no dates provided); unpublished works, photographs (one color photocopy)
Biography and autobiography of Lucille Clark. Three photographs of Lucille Clark include: one as a baby, one with a group of nurses, and one receiving an award.
018 Clark, Phyllis; 2000-2003 (bulk dates: 2003); photographs, newspaper clippings, unpublished works
File contains one photograph (photocopy) of Phyllis Clark and News clippings about Clark as city clerk elected in 2003 as president of municipal clerks of Illinois, autobiography of Clark.
019 Cole, Octavia; 1991-2003 (bulk dates: 2003); photographs (photocopies; one color photocopy), unpublished works
Biography of Octavia Cole. Photograph of Cole with Doris Hoskins (YWCA 2003); photograph of woman reads: Sarah Payton, Octavia’s mother; photograph (color photocopy) of Octavia Cole from 1991.
020 Cole, Verene; 1970s-2001(bulk dates: 1990s); unpublished works, photographs (some photocopies; some color photocopies), handwritten notes
Biography of Verne Cole, unidentified photograph of woman holding a baby indoors; unidentified photograph of two women indoors in front of banquet table; photograph of unidentified woman in hospital bed reads: 05/09/01 at Care Center of Urbana; photograph of two women reads: Octavia and daughter Esmuess; unidentified photograph of woman (most likely Verene Cole) holding white baby. File also includes newspaper clipping and report about three British girls rescuing Verene Cole from house fire and photograph (photocopy of Verene Cole.
021 Connor, Lula; 1980s-1990s (bulk dates: 1990s); unpublished works, photographs (some color photocopies), administrative records
Autobiography of Lula Connor, photographs (color photocopy) of Lula, and photocopy of loan form. Photographs include: family photograph with Lula Connor; Lizzie Johnson 100 years old; Grandson-Lula Connor; L__ Phillips, granddaughter; Alva Connor; Lula Connor; Lula and Alvin Connor.
022 Cook, Nettie; 1940s-1996 (bulk dates:1990s); handwritten notes; pamphlets, photographs, unpublished works.
Handwritten notes on Nettie Leona Cook’s role as National Council for Negro Women member, photograph of Nettie Cook , newspaper clipping about Patricia Cook’s (daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Cook) career as a professional model for Jet, Ebony and Tan, biography of Nettie Cook, and newspaper clipping about Mary Anna Johnson and Mary Grace Louis (noted as a local artist).
023 Crawford, Reatha (Areatha) May; 1997-1999 (bulk dates: 1997-1999); newspaper clippings
File contains News-Gazette clippings about Crawford’s life as a homeless person and the controversy over her being placed under the care of the state of Illinois.
024 Davis, Ollie Watts; 1997-2002 (bulk dates: 1997-2002); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs (photocopies), unpublished works, administrative records
Primarily News-Gazette clippings, pamphlets and biographies of University of Illinois voice professor Ollie Davis, as well as clippings on Reverond Harold Davis and Ricky Byrdsong Award, Womens Glee Club, Girls Next Door and Men’s Glee Club performances at Krannert in Champaign, Illinois. File contains photographs of Davis, exhibit loan form for photograph, and pamphlet on the Baker Board’s Ministry with Women.
025 Donaldson, Willette; 1954-1988 (bulk dates: 1950s); handwritten notes, photographs (color photocopies), unpublished works, family papers
Biography of Donaldson, photographs of unidentified woman (most likely Willette Donaldson), 1988 award as honorary football coach, newspaper clippings about Majorettes performance at 1955 Urbana High School football game, 1954 Douglass Center girls’ and boys’drill team competition at Illinois State Fair, Douglass park baton twirlers and drum majorettes, 1955 Lawhead- Washington-Willard Parent-Teacher Association variety show, King and Queen of Douglass Park with basketball free throw champs and drum corps members.
026 Drake, Rosie;F 1950s (no dates provided); unpublished works, photographs
File contains a biography of Rosie Drake and one unidentified photograph (original (?)) of a woman (most likely Rosie Drake).
027 Dunham, Katherine and U of I; 1995-1997 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file focuses on the Dunham Fest from 1997 and East St. Louis Action Research Project. Dunham Fest is benefit for Katherine Dunham Center and the U of I took part in this fundraiser. The U of I conducted the East St. Louis Action Research Project, which Katherine Dunham was a major support of. This file consists of an Annual Report of the project, a flier that discusses the project, and a newspaper clipping explain the purpose of the project.
028 Dyer, Rosie Lee; 1993-2003 (bulk dates: 1993-2003); unpublished works, photographs (photocopies; some color photocopies)
Unidentified photographs of a woman (most likely Rosie Dyer), handwritten notes listing Dyer’s grandchildren
News-Gazette articles about Neighborhood Watch Group, Community Center Proposal.
029 Edwards, Maudie; 1900s-2000 (bulk dates: 1987-2000); administrative records, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, unpublished works, photographs (photocopies; some color photocopies), handwritten notes
Early American Museum loan form, 1987 Retired Senior Volunteer Program newsletter about Edwards, newspaper clipping about Edawards’ volunteer work teaching children at the Douglass Branch Library in Champaign, photographs read: Maudie Edwards; Maudie’s grandmother (Pocahantus) Pakey quilt; Great-Grandmother Mary Flake of Maudie; Maudie’s mom, Ms. Lavania McKenney; photograph of museum exhibit labels and portrait, and handwritten notes about family quilts and quilts made by Maudie’s mother and grandmother.
030 Evans, Pearle; 1983 (bulk dates: 1983); photographs (color)
File contains two photographs of Pearle Evans at Mercy as Surgical Hostess (December 1983).
031 Freeman, Fannie (Peacock); 1983 (bulk dates: 1980s); photographs (color photocopies), unpublished papers
Autobiography on Fannie Freeman, one unidentified photograph of a woman standing outdoors (most likely Fannie Freeman), biography of Elizabeth (Bessie) Peacock, one color photocopy of The News-Gazette Weekend (July 29, 1983) with two African American men standing outside in front of parked cars; one of the men is wearing a construction hat.
032 Gay, Benita Rollins; 1967-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); handwritten notes, unpublished papers, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, correspondence
File contains autobiography of Benita Gay, one 1967 newspaper clipping about Benita Gay and the Neighborhood Youth Corps as well as several fliers about programming, economic impact, and the Gospel Review Show on WBCP Radio 1580 AM minority owned and operated East Central Illinois station. File also contains map of WBCP 1580 signal strengths and e-mail from Benita Gay to Cheryl Kennedy regarding a African American women from Champaign County.
033 Gray, Katie Thelma; 1956-2002 (bulk dates: 1965); newspaper clippings, photographs (color)
File contains one newspaper clipping about Gray’s retirement from position as Illini Union maid, photographs include: Leana White (?); Juanita Carson (?); Alice, Almeda, Juanita Campbell; 1957 reads: Lois Green Clyda Pickens (?), Mettie Stokes, Orbin Gray, Alice Stakes in door way; Orbin and Lula; Mrs. Stokes (?) seated; Lois Green, Alice; Mithie (?) Stokes; Alice Stokes Stewart.
034 Gray, Lucy Jess; 2002(bulk date: 2002); newspaper clippings, unpublished works
File contains Gray’s autobiography and newspaper clipping about WILL-AM interview with Lucy Gray.
035 Gray, Ruth Stratton; 2000-2001 (bulk dates: 2000-2001); photographs (photocopies), unpublished works, correspondence
File contains one photograph of Ruth Gray, autobiography of Ruth Gray, and four cards to Doris Hoskins from Millard C. Gray, Ruth Ray, Shirley Rose, and Shirley Marshall.
036 Green, Lucia Pyles Hornbuckle; 1944-2002 (bulk dates: 1950s); unpublished works, photographs (color photocopies), handwritten numbers, newspaper clippings
File contains primarily photographs. Includes a biography of Lena Jordan (grandmother of Lucia Green), two unidentified photographs of male and female couples sitting at tables, newspaper clippings about Honor Society Receives New Members and May 8, 1944. Photographs include: group of young men and women in formal attire standing outside, photograph reads: Mrs. Valentine’s Recital Group, sitting row 1: Lola Mae A__, Gloria Jean C__, Emily Valentine, second row: Barbara Ann Schucraft, standing left to right: Lucia M. Pyles, Joyce Walker, Harriet Y. Smith, back row left to right: Joane Rase (?), Mildred Easley, Pearlie (?) M. Roberts, Unknown, Nathan Hallich, Payton Valentine; group of young girls standing outside in front of wood-framed building reads: Girls at camp; young white man standing in between two young African American women, photograph reads: 5615 Reno (?) Hotel/ Chicago; young man standing outside in front of building in a uniform reads: Stanley Marshall in Bay Scout uniform; Maxine and Delores (?) Champaign Lawhead School; Mrs. Valentine’s farewell musical recital, L-R Lucia Pyles, Mary, Harriet Smith; Mrs. Green sitting at desk; photograph of woman and young girl sitting down reads: Willie C. and Lucia; unidentified woman. One 2002 newspaper clipping about black homeowners.
037 Harold, Erika (Miss America); 2002- 2003 (bulk dates: 2002-2003); newspaper clippings
File primarily contains newspaper clippings about Erika Harold winning the Miss America title. Articles also address Harold’s platform (youth abstinence, anti-bullying, and anti-violence) and her participation at local, state, and national events.
038 Harper, Ruthie; 1993-1997 (bulk dates: 1993-1997); newspaper clippings, administrative records, typewritten notes, correspondence
File contains Black Women’s Achievement Dinner “Unsung Achievers” Nomination Form, typewritten notes about Ruthie Harper’s involvement with the Erma D. Clark Youth Council, autobiography about Ruthie A. Weatherall-Harper and her work with local youth. File also contains several newspaper clippings about Harper receiving the President’s Medallion, Champaign’s Drum Major, and one letter regarding Harper’s nomination for the “Women of Distinction Award.”
039 Harris, Blanche; 1987-2001 (bulk dates: 1987-2001); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, photographs, family papers
One newspaper clipping of Blanche Harris’ funeral arrangements, one handwritten note with female names, one photograph of Blanche Harris, and certificate of appreciation awarded to Blanche Jamerson Harris in 2001.
040 Harris, Zelema; 2000- 2006 (bulk dates: 2002- 2006); newspaper clippings, correspondence, unpublished works, administrative records
Two biographies about Harris, National Council of Negro Women 1998 annual fundraiser notes, and newspaper clippings about Harris as president of Parkland College, Parkland employees and events, and Chamber’s valuable citizen award. File includes 2002 letter to the editor from Harris regarding teacher shortage. Copy of Commerce Connection with the article about Harris being named Champaign County most valuable citizen.
041 Hayden, Carla; 1997-2000 (bulk dates: 1997, 2000); newspaper clippings
This file contains three articles about Chicago Public Library hiring Hayden as second in command, receiving an award from Women Power Inc., and her work at Pratt central library.
042 Hendricks, Ruth; 1950s-1998 (bulk dates: 1990s); handwritten notes, correspondence, photographs (photocopies; some color photocopies), unpublished works, publications, pamphlets
Photographs of Hendricks’ 90th birthday party, portrait photograph of Ruth Hendricks (circa 1950s) party napkin, autobiography of Hendricks, photographs of Carla and Lucile Clark, 1996 Library Journal publication about Carla Hayden (Ruth Hendricks’ niece) as librarian of the year at Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Governor of Maryland’s press release recognizing Dr. Carla Hayden’s achievements, and pamphlets about Hayden as new American Library Association president.
043 Herndon, Wilda (see Royalettes); 1930s-2003 (bulk dates: 1970s-2000s); photographs (photocopies), unpublished works, family papers, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
One photograph of Wilda Herndon seated on stoop outside (circa 1930s; this photograph also found in drawers 6 or 7), autobiography of Wilda Herndon, 2001 certificate of appreciation for Herndon, newspaper clipping about Herndon being honored by Danville Royalettes in 1975, autobiography and biography of Wilda Herndon, and handwritten notes on family tree.
044 Hill, Davie; 1961-1990s (bulk dates: 1950s-1960s); handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, administrative records, unpublished works, correspondence, pamphlets, photographs
Newspaper clippings on Frances Nelson Health Center, two autobiographies of Davie Hill, correspondence and pamphlets regarding Optimist Community Home for Children, 1960s article about Davie Hill and community home for children, photograph of children at Christmas time, and photograph (color photocopy) of Davie Hill.
045 Hillsman, Ruthie; (no dates provided); handwritten notes, unpublished works
Autobiography of Ruthie Hillsman and handwritten notes on family members.
046 Hines, Ruth; 1980s-1990s (bulk dates: 1980s-1990s); unpublished works, handwritten notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs (photocopies), pamphlets
File includes 1995 letter from Berdenette to Doris Hoskins, 1982 pamphlet with funeral service arrangements for Ruth Woodruff Hines, one photograph of Ruth Hines, newspaper clipping about Ruth Hines and her recollections of Champaign-Urbana history, handwritten notes about family members, and Women of Bethel A.M.E. pamphlet that lists women involved in the church (first woman listed born in1842 and last date listed is 1978).
047 Hornbuckle, Willie C; 1950s-1990s (bulk dates: 1950s-1990s); photographs (photocopies), newspaper clippings, correspondence
Photographs include: Willie C.; portrait of a woman reads: Grandma Jordan; photograph of woman seated at desk: Lucia Green Family, Shareyn J. Green Wallace assistant editor of Publications W__ University, Bloomington, Il; woman standing outside with rake in front of plants reads: Mrs. Learea (?) Jordan, Willie C’s mom. File also includes obituary for Willie C. Hornbuckle and letter from Lucia Green to Doris Hoskins regarding Doris’ 90th birthday celebration.
048 Hoskins, Doris; 1978-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s-2003); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, typewritten notes, pamphlets, photographs, correspondence, family papers. * Additional file contents located in Drawer 8 in the “Black History: Through the Years” CD which includes photographs of Doris as a young child with her family, her second marriage, Doris’ children, and Doris as an adult. Other file contents are possibly located in the Museum of the Grand Prairie library (including oral history transcripts from Doris Hoskins speaking on Champaign County history in April 24, 2000 at a joint meeting between the Historical Society and the Champaign County Genealogical Society.) Biography file in actual archive contains handwritten notes discussing Doris’ life and notes for a speech, six pages of typewritten notes by Doris Hoskins primarily on her volunteer experience, typewritten notes from a speech regarding the exhibits and events at the Early American Museum on September 30, 2001 (?). Also includes Retired and Senior Volunteer Program newsletter, pamphlet (photocopy) from the 1930s that reads: Mac Scott and His “Footwarmers”, Champaign, Illinois (shows photograph of band and handwritten note reads: Doris K. Baker at piano), certificate of appreciation to Doris Hoskins for participation in “Making Tobacco History,” church newsletter article, and three photographs of Doris from 1999 (one photograph shows Doris with her daughter RuthAnne. Our Stories: Reflections by Doris Hoskins. File also includes photograph of four women that reads: 7-83, Mrs. Wylie [Doris Hoskins], Mrs. Sherman, and Mrs. Hoffman; 1981 Mercy Hospital newsletter to Doris regarding her donation, Covenant Auxiliary pamphlet with photograph of Doris Hoskins delivering mail, 1998 letter to Doris Hoskins from daughter, 1979 newspaper clipping of Doris Hoskins and four other women honored for their 1,000 hours of volunteer service, 1984 Mercy Hospital newsletter to Doris Hoskins discussing her service on the Planning Committee and letter to Doris from Sister Beverly Ann; 2000 administrative records noting Doris Hoskins’ role as Secretary/ Treasurer for Women of St. Mary’s, letter to Doris Hoskins regarding her assistance with the Booker T. Washington Welcome Celebration, 1998 photograph (color) of Doris Hoskins on an Auxiliary trip to Peoria, photocopy of an autograph by the “Fridge” from the 1986 Mercy Auxiliary luncheon.
049 Hudson, Odessa; (no dates provided); photographs (color photocopies)
One photograph of an unidentified woman seated at a table circa 1980s.
050 Humphrey, Kathryn Britt; 1965-2002 (bulk dates: 1965-2002) unpublished works, unpublished works, administrative records, pamphlets
Biography of Humphrey, photograph of unidentified woman, photograph of Kathryn Humphrey, YWCA 1999 Black Women’s Achievement Dinner “Forgotten Achiever” nomination form for Humphrey (form discusses Humphrey’s participation in Civil Rights movement in 1965 march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s march
handwritten notes about Humphrey’s life experiences, 80th birthday pamphlet, letter regarding 2002 Drum Major Award, CD titled: “Kathryn Humphrey Tribute” from Michael Henderson to Doris Hoskins, several photographs labeled: Kathryn Humphrey’s 80th Birthday Bash.
Hunt, Gladys; 2004 (bulk dates: 2004); newspaper clippings
File has two newspaper clippings regarding Hunt’s work as a University of Illinois employee.
051 Hunt, Gladys; 2004 (bulk dates: 2004); newspaper clippings
File has two newspaper clippings regarding Hunt’s work as a University of Illinois employee.
052 Hursey, Shirley; 1940s-2001 (bulk dates: 2001); photographs (color photocopies), pamphlets, unpublished works
One photograph of Shirley Hursey, autobiography of Hursey, 2001 Early American Museum Through the Years newsletter.
053 Jamerson, Dora; (no dates provided); unpublished works, photographs (color photocopies)
Biography of Jamerson and one photograph of an unidentified woman (most likely Dora Jamerson).
054 Jamerson, Nannie Ross; (no dates provided); family papers, photographs (photocopies)
2001 certificate of appreciation for Jamerson, autobiography of Jamerson, one photograph of an unidentified woman (most likely Nannie Jamerson).
055 Johnson, Helen E.; 1950s-1972 (bulk dates: 1950s-1972); photographs (photocopies), newspaper clippings, unpublished works
Photographs of women in classroom with children, newspaper clippings about Salem Pres-School, Community Home for Children board members, and grade school events. Also includes biography of Helen Johnson.
056 Johnson, Marquerita C.; (no dates provided); unpublished works, photographs (color photocopies), artifact
File includes biography of Marquerita Johnson and one photograph of an unidentified woman (most likely Marquerita Johnson).
057 Johnson, Maggie; (no dates provided); photographs (color photocopies)
One photograph of Maggie Johnson.
058 Jones, Kathryn (Mother); 1994-1996 (bulk dates: 1994-1996); unpublished works, pamphlets, photographs (color photocopies)
Biography of Kathryn Jones, 1994 Salem Baptist Church Kathryn B. Jones Day “Mother Dear” pamphlet, and photograph of Mother Jones.
059 Jones, Marion; 1971-2001 (bulk dates: 1971; 2001); unpublished works, newspaper clippings
Autobiography of Marion Jones and one 1971 newspaper clipping which features Jones’ picture and her commentary on soul food and some recipes.
060 Jones, Mildred (Smith); 1960s-1991 (bulk dates: 1991); unpublished works, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
File includes several pages of an autobiography of Mildred Jones. Born in 1919 in Tennessee, Mildred Jones discusses her memory of the murder of two young African American men by white men in 1929 in Mound City in Southern Illinois. Her father knew both of the young men who were shot and one was hung without a trial. Mildred Jones also discusses the tragedies of her own life as well as the impact of the floods on the residents living in Marion, Illinois in late 1930s or early 1940s. Handwritten notes include a 1930 recipe for Old Scripture Cake.
061 Kennedy, Ethel Mae; 2002 (bulk dates: 2002); photographs (color photocopies); handwritten notes, unpublished works, correspondence
Photograph of Ethel Kennedy, biography of Kennedy, unidentified photographs of man and woman seated (most likely Ethel and her husband Reverend Earl Kennedy), and letter from Ethel to Doris Hoskins regarding exhibit on African American women. DH.
062 Kinard, Dorothy; 1970s-1980s (bulk dates: 1970s); photographs (color photocopies and originals), family papers
Photographs include: Dorothy Kinard’s daughter; two photographs of Verene Cole, one shows Dorothy Kinard with Verene Cole and the other photograph shows Cole holding a baby.
063 Kinase – Leggett, Haruko;2000 (bulk dates: 2000); photographs (color originals and photocopies), unpublished works, correspondence
Photographs of Haruko, letters between Doris Hoskins and Richard Wheeler and a letter from Haruko to Doris. DH.
064 Lacy, Suzanne; 2002 (bulk dates: 2002); unpublished works, correspondence, pamphlets
Biography of Suzanne Lacy, letter from Doris Hoskins to Sharon Irish, pamphlet regarding Lacy’s artwork.
065 Latham, Ruth; 1950s-2000 (bulk dates: 2000); unpublished works, photographs (photocopies)
Autobiography of Ruth Latham and one photograph of Latham in nurse uniform.
066 Lewis, Patricia; 1920s-2001 (bulk dates: 1920s-2001) unpublished works, newspaper clippings, photographs (photocopies)
Autobiography of Patricia Lewis, 1975 East St. Louis Monitor newspaper clipping about Patricia Lewis role in providing room and board for African American students at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. The article discusses Lewis’ blindness. File also includes approximately 105 family photographs (photocopies) from scrapbooks; some family last names include: Baste, Lewis, McDuff, Edwards, Gils, Rodgers, and Chatman. The photographs are from the 1920s-1950s and range from family outings to formal events. File also includes newspaper clippings of World War II soldiers and 2001 Early American Museum newsletter.
067 Marion, Hattie; 1950s (bulk dates: 2000); unpublished works, handwritten notes, photographs (photocopies; some color photocopies)
Biography of Hattie Marion, her mother Valeria Miller, and Emma Marion. Hattie discusses her memories of Valeria quilting with scraps of materials, bleached flour sacks, and cotton that the family picked. The file also includes two unidentified photographs of a woman.
068 Matthews, Jacqueline; 2003 (bulk dates: 2003); correspondence
Invitation to Jackie Matthews’ retirement party.
069 McCoy, Mary; 2003 (bulk dates: 2003); pamphlets, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
File contains funeral service schedule for Mary Louise McCoy and newspaper clipping of African American quilters from Gee’s Bend, Alabama with a handwritten note that reads: Mary McCoy-Maudie Edwards, Pauline P__, Ethel Bridgewater, Lou Courriar (?).
070 McGee, Barbara Jean Algee; 2003 (bulk dates: 2003); newspaper clippings; photographs (some color photocopies), unpublished works, pamphlets, correspondence
Photograph of Barbara McGee, biography of McGee, 9th Annual Evening Celebration and Recognition pamphlet, 2003 correspondence
071 Miller, Georgia Inez; 1969-1980s (bulk dates: 1969-1980s); pamphlets, newspaper clippings
Pamphlet and newspaper clipping regarding funeral service for Georgia Miller.
072 Milton, Elease; no dates provide; unpublished works
Biography of Elease Milton.
073 Mullen Eldress, Mary; no dates provided; photographs (color photocopies), newspaper clippings
Three photographs that read: Rev. and Mrs. G__, Eldress Mullen; 45th anniversary, P__ Wedding.
074 Nesbitt, Charlotte; 2001 (bulk dates: 2001); photographs (color photocopies), unpublished works
Biography of Charlotte Nesbitt, unidentified photograph of a woman seated at a desk.
075 Palmer Family (from blue tote in EAM library); 1962-1971 (bulk dates: 1960s); correspondences, pamphlets
This file contains mostly correspondence. This file contains a letter to Mayor Charles M. Zipprodt from Eddie D. Palmer, a letter to Eddie D. Palmer from Mayor Charles M. Zipprodt, letter to Mrs. Palmer from Paul Sparks about teaching at Jefferson School, letter to Bernice Palmer from Margaret H Greenman about her teaching assignment, chest x-ray receipts, a letter to Mr. Palmer from Herman Hoskins about his insurance and retirement, apartment lease, insurance policy, teachers salary schedule from 1962-1963, a letter to Mr. Harshbarger about being a candidate for the school district, letters from Mr. Palmer about him resigning from Mercer County, Bernice W. Palmer’s resignation from the Supervisory Committee of the Credit Union, disconnection letter from the Palmers, letter from J.M. Slater about where Mrs. Palmer would like to teach, and the essay “Education for Adapting To Modern Living”.
076 Paulk, Hattie; 2000-2003 (bulk dates: 2001-2003); newspaper clippings, correspondence
Newspaper clippings address Hattie Paulk and winter coat drive and other activities Paulik was involved in as head of the Family Information Center. File includes a letter to Doris Hoskins from Family Information Center, newspaper clippings about murder of homeless man by four Champaign Urbana teenagers.
077 Payton, Connie; 2002 (bulk dates: 2002); newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs
Newspaper clippings on Connie Payton’s Touchdown for a Cure, Connie Payton’s visit to Champaign, letter from Doris Hoskins to Connie Payton regarding Hospice Care program dinner. One photograph of Doris Hoskins and Connie Payton. DH.
078 Peacock, Elizabeth (Bessie); 1940s-2003 (bulk dates: 1940s-1960s); photographs (some color originals; photocopies), unpublished works, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings
File includes biography of Bessie Peacock, photograph of Bessie from 1969, list of Bessie’s children, photographs (photocopies) include: group of four men in sailor suits reads: George Peacock (upper left), U.S. Navy-World War II; Jesse Charles Peacock (K.C.), U.S. Navy- World War II; Leon Peacock- Army WWII (includes handwritten note to sister); two newspaper clippings about the marriage of Miss Joan Peacock to S. Sgt. Alfred Ellis on February 11, 1962.
079 Pickens, Willa Mae; 1940s-1956; (bulk dates: 1940s); newspaper clippings, administrative records, photographs (photocopies)
File includes newspaper clippings about funeral services for Willa Mae Pickens and notes from her family, newspaper clippings about the death of Nancy Evette Kingston and Everett J. Kingston’s one month old son, State of Illinois burial removal permit (1956), one photograph (photocopy) of Willa Mae Pickens with handwritten note that reads: Organist. Material loaned by Ms. Marion Jones.
080 Pindenhughes, Dianne; 1997-2002; (bulk dates: 1997-2002); publications, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, correspondence
The Martha’s Vineyard Historical Society publication “African Americans on Martha’s Vineyard a Special Edition of The Dukes County Intelligencer” by Arthur Railton (1997), Vineyard Gazette (August 20, 1999) newspaper clipping about African American vacationers at Martha’s Vineyard, Martha’s Vineyard Island Ferry schedule and rates (2002), letter from Dianne to Doris Hoskins regarding condo at Martha’s Vineyard. DH.
081 Pope, Gladys; no dates provided; unpublished works, pamphlets
Biography of Gladys Pope, Early American Museum and Champaign County African American History Committee newsletter (circa 2000) with handwritten notes around photographs of featured African Americans.
082 Ransom, Mildred; 1983 (bulk dates: 1983); oral history materials
Transcripts from a 1983 interview with Mildred Ransom by Patrick Tyler and Melinda Roundtree representing the Urbana Free Library Archives Department.
083 Riley, Louanna; 1870s-1980s (bulk dates: 1870s-1902); photographs (photocopies), unpublished works, newspaper clippings
Photograph of young woman standing (circa 1870s?) reads: Sarah Gilbert Scott Nelson mother of Claude and Raymond Mac Scott; photographs of houses reads: 106 E.Springfield (Louanna Riley), 1926 City Drive; 108 Demolished 1984; 110 E. Spfd (possibly meaning “Springfield”), handwritten note on photographs reads: Church. File also contains two Daily Gazette clippings (photocopies) including an 1895 (September 5) article titled: The A.M.E. Church Desires the Return of Rev. Mr. Lewis to Champaign and a 1902 (April 5) article titled: An Evening at Bethel Church: Disappointment at the Non-Arrival of Bishop Grant.
084 Rodgers, Arnetta; 1990s; (bulk dates: 1990s); photographs (color photocopies), unpublished works, newspaper clippings, correspondence
One photograph of an unidentified woman (most likely Arnette Rodgers), autobiography of Rodgers, News-Gazette newspaper clippings about Rodgers brothers who graduated from West Point, correspondence regarding Allison M. Rodgers’ senior recital, and Allison Rodgers performance with Champaign Central High School Madrigals (1997).
085 Rogers, Virginia; 1930s-1998 (bulk dates: 1930s-1998); unpublished works, photographs (color photocopies), publications, pamphlets
One photograph of Virginia Rodgers (circa late 1930s or early 1940s), one page on Rogers from a publication (photograph of her from 1960s or 1970s), and a 1998 pamphlet with funeral arrangements for Virginia Rogers.
086 Rowell, Betty; 1960s-1997 (1990s); unpublished works, photographs (photocopies; some color photocopies), correspondence
Biography of Betty Taulese Nesbitt Rowell, photographs include: an unidentified woman (most likely Betty Rowell); photograph of three children reads: Del, Margret, Pauline, Gellespie in Sidney; young girl standing next to rocking chair reads: Pauline; young girl standing outside in coat reads: Pauline; two men (one wearing chef clothing) shaking hands in doors behind hanging pots, spoons, and ladles reads: Herbert Nesbitt, chef J__ 087 Hotel (?), Phil Rowell. File includes 1997 News-Gazette newspaper clipping regarding the death of activist Phillip Rowell, and note from Betty Rowell.
087 Scantlebury, Miriam; 2001-2006 (2001-2006); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, typewritten notes, unpublished works, correspondence, photographs (photocopies)
Newspaper clipping with obituary for Miriam Scantlebury from 2006, handwritten notes and typewritten notes on Scantlebury family history, biography of Miriam Scantlebury, 2001 e-mail from Marie V. Scantlebury regarding family history in Barbados, and one photograph of unidentified woman (most likely Miriam Scantlebury).
088 Scott, Anna Wall; 1966-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s-2002) newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, unpublished works, photographs (photocopies; some color), pamphlets, correspondence
Newspaper clippings about Anna Wall Scott as candidate in district 116 and as first woman to serve as Champaign County Council commander of the post and the county council as well as an autobiography and biography of Anna Scott, Scott’s letter to the editor regarding campaign signs (1999), and campaign fan (photocopy) for Anna Scott from 1976 (?). File also has photographs that include: Anna Wall Scott posting a campaign sign outside, photograph reads: Military, Human Relations Urbana, Politico, Professor, 7/29/76; invitation to collaring of Anna Scott on November 30, 1968 at Bethel A.M.E. Church, article on Mrs. Harvey Johnson as granddaughter ruler of Saughters of Improved Protective Benevolent Order of the Elks of the World (1967), and letter to the editor from Scott (2000).
089 Scott, Flora Giles; 1940s-1981 (bulk dates: 1940s-1981) handwritten notes, unpublished works, photographs (photocopies), pamphlets
File includes handwritten notes that read: Flora (Giles) Scott, Virginia Rodgers-dau., a biography of Flora Scott, one photograph of Flora Scott (circa 1940s), and a funeral service pamphlet for Flora Scott (December 16, 1981), newspaper clipping of Nada, Agnes Giles obituary, Photocopies of photographs of William Giles (Agnes son); V__, Stewar Rodgers, Alice; Ada; a young William Giles; group photograph of Virginia, Helen, Muriel, Agnes, Minnie; photograph of Ada and Meuriel on the beach; Ada with another women in front of a tree, William (older), four children sitting in front of a field Nada, Billie, D___, Rodney; L___ and George Jr.; Nannie with children; George Sr.(?); Ada; Rodney; Flora; Minnie (standing) and Agnes(sitting); Agnes in front of a house; Nannie Giles Bostic; Helen Steward Smith and Edward Smith in front of a house; George Sr. sitting; Nannie with a Christmas tree; Rodney, William, and Vernon; Percy and Bill Giles; Nannie with a dog; Ada and Vernon in front of a house; Billy and Rodney with a cat; Muriel Giles Lewis; Nan Bostic cooking outside; young Ronald Lewis; Non Bostic and William; Helen Steward and Horace Chatman; an identified man in front of a car; Virginia and Rodger sitting on stairs; Ada Bostic in from of a car; Muriel with a man sitting outside; George Jr. sitting outside in a suit; Minnie Giles; Ada outside; photograph of Ada; photograph of William Giles; photograph of 706 Populor, Giles Homestead; Ada and group of girls in bathing suits, Ada 1936; Minni Giles McDuff with a dog; Ada Bostic Edward (12 or 13?).
090 Scott, Sarah Wilson; no dates provided; photographs (color photocopies), unpublished works
One photograph and a biography of Sarah Scott.
091 Sessions, Halestine; unpublished works, photographs (color photocopies)
Biography and one photograph of Halestine Sessions.
092 Tanner, Louise; no dates provided; unpublished works.
093 Tatum, Stephanie; photographs (color photocopies), unpublished works, pamphlets
Photograph of an unidentified woman (most likley Stephanie Tatum), a partial resume, and a Cannan Baptist Church pamphlet
094 Tilley-Turner, Gennette; 1967-2003 (bulk dates: 2003); correspondence, publications,web-based sources, photographs (color photocopies)
File includes a 2003 letter (and envelope with address) from Turner to Doris Hoskis regarding the Brief History of the Negro in Chicago section that Turner’s father John L. Tilley wrote for Allan Spear’s book Black Chicago the Making of a Negro Ghetto: 1890-1920 and the History Makers video oral history archive in Chicago. The file also includes The Underground Railroad in Illinois journal article by Glennette Tilley-Turner and one group photograph of three women and one man that reads from left to right: 2. Mr. Nelson (?), 1. Mrs. Tiley (m).
095 Tinsley, Deborah Taylor, 1950s-2003 (bulk dates: 1960s); newspaper clippings, photographs (photocopies; some originals)
Most New-Gazette clippings relate to Deborah Tinsley or Eddie Thorpe Sr. File includes two group photographs of young boys in baseball uniforms posing with a trophy (circa 1950s). Clippings address Karoll-Faufman Little League, Mercy Hospital School of Nursing students, a note from Christie Clinic regarding the death of Support Services Department employee Eddie Thorpe Sr, (2003), and 1966 Urban League scholarship recipients including Deborah Tinsley. Also includes newspaper clippings on the 1982 Minnis murder trial, photograph (original) of Deborah Tinsley reads: Debbie 63-63 (front), To Daddy, One of the best Daddys anyone could ever hope for. This is an awful picture so don’t look at it too much. Love always, Debbie 63-63 (back); Tinsley’s marriage announcement, announcement for Tinsley as recipient of Young Women of America (1979), a business card for Herb’s Sharp’n Repair Shop (relative of Deborah Tinsley’s (?)), and two photographs (photocopies) including a photograph of a building dated as February 1967 and a photograph of a man wearing a suit, bow tie, and hat sitting on a chair in a studio- the photograph reads: Lockett Anderson (circa 1900s?).
096 Tinsley, Veola; 1900s-1979 (bulk dates: 1900s, 1979); photographs, unpublished works, newspaper clippings
File includes one photograph (unsure if original or reprint) that reads: Lockett Anderson (circa 1900s?), biography of Tinsley, and 1979 newspaper clipping about Tinsley obtaining her bachelor’s degree from Eastern Illinois University.
097 Turley, Esther; 1977 (bulk dates: 1977); newspaper clippings
One 1977 newspaper clipping on Church Women United Ecumenical Academy workshops.
098 Underwood, Evelyn Burnett; 1968- 2002 (bulk dates: 1960s; 2000s); newspaper clippings, unpublished works, photographs (color photocopies), pamphlets, handwritten notes
News-Gazette newspaper clipping on Women of Distinction winners, autobiography of Underwood, curriculum vitae, photograph of Evelyn Underwood, article about Underwood acquiring her law degree from Indiana University at Bloomington (1987), The Time is Now! pamphlet by Evelyn Burnett (1968) discussing African American youth and college. Mrs. James Burnett Runs for Urbana School Board (1968) pamphlet.
099 Utley, Dorothy (Rubavent); 1940-2002 (bulk dates: 1940-2002); unpublished works, photographs (photocopies; some color photocopies), pamphlets, typewritten notes, newspaper clippings
Biography of Utley, photograph of Dorothy Utley, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program article about Dorothy Utley, typewritten notes from “Forgotten Achievers Award” nomination by Vicki Stewart RSVP director, newspaper clipping about Utley’s involvement with Concerned Citizens for Better Neighborhoods and a funeral service announcement for Dorothy Utley, group photograph of baseball team reads: Le Roy Barnes Red Sox-Champaign, Ill. Champions of Corn Belt League, 1940. Winners of tournament of playoff , top row: MGR. Le Roy Barnes, E. Utley, S. Johnson (3b), Baker (c.f.), R. Taylor (u.t), U. Utley (c), center row: J. Nelson (p), A. Randall (r.f.), R. Thomas (p), L. Powell (p), front row: T. Fonville (s.p), Abernathy (l.f.), Y. Lewis (captin) (c), Ross (1b), H. Woods (2b), photograph by H&R Photo Shop; two photographs of Dorothy Utley (circa 1940s and 1990s).
100 Vickers-Shelley, Dorothy; 1940s- 2000 (bulk dates: 1940s; 2000s); pamphlets, handwritten notes, photographs, newspaper clippings
This Month in Urbana Schools, Your Story: sketches from District #116 article about Vickers-Shelley’s career as a librarian, Early American Museum loan information, photograph (original ?) of Dorothy Vickers-Shelley (?) (circa 1940s), and one newspaper clipping of WILL-AM student interview with Vickers-Shelley.
101 Walker, Shirley; 1978 (bulk dates: 1978); typewritten notes, newspaper clippings, publications
List of librarians and their employment dates at the Douglass Branch Library, The Morning Courier clipping about Douglass Library (1978), article about Black History Month at Douglass Library, photographs of woman and children at library from pages of a publication, The East Central Illinois Voice article, “Times We Remember” (1990) about the opening of the Douglass Library.
102 Washington, Barbara Gilespie; 1996 (bulk dates: 1996); unpublished works, photographs (color photocopies),
Autobiography and two photographs of an unidentified woman (most likely Barbara Washington).
103 Weathersby, Ruby; 1990s-2002; (bulk dates: 1990s-2002) newspaper clippings, photographs (color photocopies), correspondence, unpublished works
Rantoul press newspaper clipping on Walter B. Weathersby, retired Air Force Chief Master Sgt.,
photographs of Ruby and Walter Weathersby in front of Valentine’s Day backdrop, photograph of Ruby Weathersby and unidentified woman, envelope addressed to Doris Hoskins from Walter Weathersby, and a biography of Ruby Weathersby.
104 Wesley, Odelia; 1968-1970 (bulk dates: 1968-1970); unpublished works, newspaper clippings
Biography (three sentences) on Odelia Wesley, newspaper clipping funeral service announcement for Odelia Wesley, article about Champaign Park Board naming park in honor of Mrs. Wesley (1970), and Carver Community Center (1968).
105 White, (Mary) Lucille Birden; 1997-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); photographs (color photocopies), correspondence, unpublished works
Paper napkin from White’s 75th birthday, photographs include: woman seated at table reads: Crystal Wombla (?), Weathersby; Crystal Wombla at table; photograph of woman standing outside reads: 74th B.D. 8/4/97, CPD Welderwood N.J. 8/30/98; two photographs of Crystal Wombla, letter from Lucille to Doris Hoskins, autobiography of White, and newspaper clipping about Cheryl White Mason being appointed to Los Angeles legal post.
106 Williams, Barbara Cook, 1956 (bulk dates: 1956); newspaper clipping
One newspaper clipping announcing marriage of Barbara June Cook to Mr. Willie J. Williams
107 Williams, Margot Cook; 2001-2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); unpublished works, correspondence, newspaper clippings, pamphlets
Biography of Margot Williams, note from Williams to Doris Hoskins and Cheryl Kennedy, and Ninth Annual Evening of Celebration and Recognition program pamphlet.
108 Walden, Mary Frances; no dates provided; photographs (color photocopies), unpublished works
One photograph of an unidentified woman (most likely Mary Frances Walden) and an autobiography of Walden.
109 Williams, Rebecca; no date provided; unpublished works, correspondence
Autobiography of Williams and a note from Rebecca Williams regarding her photograph for the exhibition.
110 Wilson, Winnie; 1967-2003(bulk dates: 1968-1969); newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs (originals), handwritten notes, administrative records, unpublished works, published works
File contains newspaper clippings on Winnie Wilson as graduate advisor, Alpha Kappa Alpha University of Illinois scholarship, Prairie School student representatives at annual cafeteria workshop (Karen Wilson is one of the students), Alpha Kappa Alpha benefit dance, Student Council officers at Urbana Junior High school (circa 1970), Letter from Margaret P. Stillwell Champaign Community Schools of Office of Special Services to Winnie (5 February, 1969). Photographs include: One photograph of several individual student portraits reads: Switzer Elementary School, Grade 6, 1966-1967; photograph of a man (circa 1950s?); photograph of a boy (circa 1940s-1950s) reads: To Aunt __; photograph of a man, woman, little girl, and baby at a table reads: January 1970; photograph of a little girl standing next to a Christmas tree reads: January 1970, January 1970, photograph of a little girl and baby sitting in front of a Christmas tree; photograph of an unidentified young woman standing indoors; postcard from J__ and Dorothy to Winnie from Osseo, Wisconsin (1967); photograph of woman and man standing outside in front of flowering tree from June 1967 reads: This is on the South Side of the house; photograph of woman standing outside in front of flowering tree from June 1967 reads: This is in the back yard: destroy this. Please don’t let anyone see it (smile). Archival notes for Wilson’s file reads: two jewelry boxes, one cassette tape, one fan, in file number five; letter from Judie Tasch (?) to Winnie Wilson (1969), additional Christmas cards from M__R. Taylor, Roy D. Moore, Anne E. Parry (?), Enola Nelson, Illinois cross-country, several newspaper clippings on the death of track aide James Wilson Sr. (1967), Champaign Urbana African American high school athletes and the 1968 Olympics, Urbana integration, letter from Mrs. Wilson and Jim, college record for Winnie Ruth Hamilton (1949), Record and report of separation honorable Discharge for James C. Wilson (December 1945), Alpha Alpha Chapter letter from Richard Beitz to Mrs. Wislon, The Stinger newsletter for West Virginia State College Alumni and Friends (1973), biography of Winnie Wilson, photograph (color photocopy) of unidentified woman (most likely Winnie Wilson) from 2000, copy of Remedial Techniques in Spelling Special Education 318-B Dr. A. Hirshoren, Director summer, 1967 by Helen Ross and Winnie Wilson, letter from Board of Education regarding Mrs. Wislon, and letter from University of Illinois basketball coach, Louis Henson to Mrs. Wilson.
111 Womble, Crystal; no dates provided; unpublished works, photographs (color photocopies)
Biography of Crystal Womble and photograph of an unidentified woman (most likely Crystal Womble)
112 Biographies (Women) Miscellaneous; 1975-1994 (bulk dates: 1970s); newspaper clippings, typed written notes, handwritten notes, Photographs
This file contains articles about June Walden dying in an accident, June Walden’s obituary, Mary Varnando Walden tracing her ancestry, Val Grey Ward’s achievements in Champaign County, Irene Field turning 101, and Lena Rivers Lewis overcoming being blind. Short biograpies of Mildred Barnes Griggs with photograph, Frances C. Rollins, Genevieve Stratton, Geraldine C. Avery Lee, Maudie Flake Edwards, Mildred Shirley Rawls, Renee Karnett Renfro, Carrie Alice Lee Pope, Cecile Pope, Erma Clark, Effie Holt, Mary McKinley, Clarence Jackson, Idabell Banks, Virginia Steward Rodgers, Ohren Houston Clark, Carrie Nelson, Minnie Bracy, Sarah Scott, Mattie Tinsley, Rita M. Myles. Short biographies of the member of National Council of Negro Women Inc. 2003 Email from Angela Rivers about family history and reunion. Angela Rivers is the niece of Estella Merrifield. Handwritten notes with biographies of George W. Pope, Sarah Allen, Luetta Smith, and General Cass Lee.
113 Pelmore, Pauline; 1998 (bulk dates: 1998); pamphlets
One 1998 Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) newsletter article with biographical information about Pauline Pelmore and her volunteer work in holding craft classes at the Douglass Center as well as other community projects, and her work as a seamstress.
114 Wesley, Vera; 1991-2001(bulk dates: 1991-2001); handwritten notes, administrative records, photographs (color photocopies), unpublished works, newspaper clippings
Early American Museum loan form for Vera Wesley, photograph of woman shaking hands with President Bill Clinton (most likely Vera Wesley), newspaper clipping about Vera Wesley receiving award for her work in founding the Concerned Citizens for a Better Neighborhood in 1986, and as a recepient of the Golden Rule award (1991).
Drawer 3: Black History
001 African American History at the Early American Museum; 1994-1997 (bulk dates: 1994-1997); pamphlets, correspondences
Information about a special meeting on preserving African American Heritage in Illinois, letter to Ms. Shull about Beth Savage attending the African American Heritage meeting, invitation for Through the Years: African American History Come Home exhibit, flier for Through the Years at Champaign Public Library, Through the Years press release, list of African American Educators Through The Years in Champaign County, list of borrowed items from Mrs. Taylor Thomas, and Through the Years Treasure Hunt.
002 African American Connection; no date provided; pamphlet
This file contains one copy of African American Connection.
003 A Commemorative History of Champaign County, Illinois: 1833-1983; 1983 (bulk dates:1983); publications
Contains a copy of A Commemorative History of Champaign County, Illinois: 1833-1983.
004 The Black Community and Champaign-Urbana, A Preliminary Subject List; 1970 (bulk dates: 1970); typed written notes
File contains The Black Community and Champaign-Urbana, A Preliminary Subject List.
005 Black History Month 2001, Mahomet Citizen Exhibit 2001; 2001 (bulk dates: 2001); publications, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
Multiple copies of the same two newspapers. The newspapers have articles about Doris Hoskins and her work on the exhibit “This Legacy is Yours.” DH.
006 Black settlers in Champaign County; 1849-1870, 1914, 1934, 1974-1975 (bulk dates: 1849-1870); newspaper clippings, typed written notes,
This file contains the paper Blacks in Champaign County, 1865-1970, article Carver Park ‘something real’, article Many blacks who settled in C-U did so by default, article Many came to C-U because they’d had enough, trivia about African American history in Champaign County, the quality of life in Champaign –Urbana starting in 1878-1932. This file contains newspaper clippings about the migration of blacks to Champaign County after the Civil War, a modern article about early Champaign County Black History, Emancipation Celebration in Champaign in 1869, blacks being able to vote in Champaign County, black barber passing in Urbana, emancipation celebration in 1860, people bring old slaves to Illinois and residents being upset over them being left here without care, items for sale in 1849, death of the former slave Uncle Jake Ernest, and a letter to the editor about black suffrage.
007 Businesses (Black Owned); 1976, 1980’s – 2005 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs (reprints)
This file contains newspaper clippings about Van’s Barbershop, black businesses honored, Bracy’s Cleaners, Bluitt-Parker Funeral Home, the Upper Cut Salon, Tommy’s Barbershop, Twin City Memorial Chapel, Great Impasta, Shabazz Active Wear, Curly Lee’s trip to D.C. to meet with President Bush, Deaboat , Rose and Taylor Barber shop, Soulful Treasures, Tinsley’s Cleaners, Goldman Burnes sauces, First Call Electric, Jamal Maatuka’s publication Black Thought, Jones Cleaning Services, Jackson’s Ribs N Tips,local personal chefs, Black Expo, Royal cleaners hired African Americans and whites, 12th annual Feed the Homeless and Hungry, local black cab drivers, Malibu united Music Celebration and Pig Roast, Southern Cooking, closing Atkinson Monument Co., clock fixer Bob Leach, Courtesy Vans bid for airport transportation, Seon Williams owner of The Whip Hair Design, and Hickory Pits. Also in this file are fliers for antique shops down town, James Barber Shop, Bear’s Ribs, Willis Sanitary Hauling, Dottie’s The Hair Care Center, a photocopy of Eddie Glover from Glover’s Barber shop (undated), a photocopy of Frank Hendrick in his body shop, 10 original photographs of John Byer Repair Shop. File also includes African American Business Directory and business cards. Business cards the file are from The Art Affaire, State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America, Papa John’s, Wright Photography, Holland Home Remodeling, State’s Attorney, Carol and Co., Afrikan Institutions Bookstore, Skip Thompson’s Refrigerator Repairs, Creative Catering, and M.E. Mullen.
008 Celebrating Our History-Champaign and Urbana; 1999(bulk dates: 1999); unpublished works
Two drafts of Celebrating Our History-Champaign and Urbana by Alice B. McGinty.
009 Champaign Centennial; 1960 (bulk dates: 1960); newspaper clippings
All newspaper clippings are from July 3, 1960. The articles are about the first post office in West Urbana in 1855, Urbana will celebrate Champaign’s Centennial even though it was founded before Champaign, St. Mary’s celebrates with Champaign as the oldest church in Champaign, David William Stevick who consolidated the Champaign Daily News and The Gazette, Colonel George Scroggs owner of the Gazette, Montgomery Wards advertisement, front page of the News Gazette which states Hundred Years of Community Progress, and Champaign’s beginnings as a train depot.
010 Champaign City directory; 1870-1912 (bulk dates: 1870-1912) handwritten notes
This file contains hand written copies of Champaign City directory from 1870, 1878, 1900, 1912 and Urbana 1900 directory.
011 Champaign neighborhood email; 1998 (bulk dates: 1998); correspondences
This file contains an email to Valinda Littlefield from Michael Markstahler about Champaign’s Sesquicentennial Neighborhood history. This email includes part of a paper by Michael Markstahler.
012 Children and Historical Research; 1991-1992 (bulk dates: 1991-1992); published
“A Children’s Book of Biographies of Women and Minority People in Champaign County” by the third and fourth graders of Leal School 1991 – 1992, features children’s research and drawings
013 Civil rights (local); 1950s, 1985-1998 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, unpublished works, pamphlets,
This file contains newspaper clippings about civil rights trial because a ldy didn’t receive serves, Freedom Rider Ben Cox on WILL, Affirmative action, Affirmative action rally, Martin Luther King Commemorative Symposium, University of Illinois identify firms owned by minorities or women, two city account clerks charged the city with discrimination, University of Illinois breakdown of employees races, black attorney arrested in Campustown said it was because he is African American, Val Grey Ward, Diane Nash, Civil rights leader Julian Bond spoke at University of Illinois, Civic leader William Helms obituary, Frances Nelson’s death, Civil rights activist Ronald Greer’s obituary, Moratorium Day on Campus, Wal-Mart guilty in race case, letter to the editor from Anne Casey-Elder about the location of Rev. Graves obituary in the newspaper, civil right complaint pending against the Champaign School District, human relations officer hired for the city’s administrative team, Charles Whitted Quick, school integration, and picketing J.C. Penney’s. This file also contains a letter about honoring Martin Luther King, News release for Martin Luther King’s birthday, Martin Luther King scholarship information, a paper on civil rights movement activists from Champaign, a program from Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Symposium.
014 Civil War; 1998-2003 (bulk dates: 1998-2003); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
File contains two News-Gazette clippings on Civil War history and African Americans and handwritten notes on African American history (such as underground rail roads) in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
015 Community Events; 1968-2002 (bulk dates: 1960s and 1990s); newspaper clippings, publications, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about the Champaign County fair, Champaign-Urbana FunFest, community field day, Santa visiting the Urbana Junior Police organization, official guide to the 31st annual Taste of Champaign-Urbana, Champaign County Freedom Celebration July 4, 2000, Fourth of July parade 2000, Annual Campaign Fogs’ Hop, the Epsilon Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority scholarship benefit dance, the Douglass Senior Citizens’ Annual Fahipn Show from 1989, Cotillion, Champaign-Urbana Girls club bake sale, July Fourth of July celebration from 1990, National Youth Sports Program, Velena Miller of Seniors in Community service, string quartet practice for the annual Conservatory of Central Illinois Ensemble Festival, Concert in Diversity, Chleo Jordan appearing on WDWS, benefit for Champaign County OIC, Court of Calantha St. Patrick’s Day tea, Christian Racial Reconciliation Conference, 12th anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. George Ray, Tot Lot Parents’ Club, William Mitchell puts candles on a cake for Urbana’s 160th birthday celebration, July Fourth parade 1968, youth summit organized by New Directions, 1997 location of Easter Bunny visits, annual Best of Champaign-Urbana, Taylor Thomas Day 1977, and Henry Booker of Champaign repairing a fence. Also located in this file The Answer Book 2001, 2002, a letter from the City of Champaign about C-U International Humanitarian Awards Steering Committee, Harrieett and Brenda Smith Winter Open House, and Champaign-Urbana Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration and Speaker Series flier.
016 Cromwell Thesis; 1934 (bulk dates: 1934); unpublished work
This file contains two copies of the thesis History and Organization of the Negro Community in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois by Janet Andrews Cromwell.
017 The Good Life in Piatt County; no dates provided; publication
This file contains a copy of The Good Life in Piatt County, which discusses some of the African American families in Piatt County.
018 Ground Level; 1976 (bulk dates: 1976); publications
One photocopy of Ground Level: Viewpoints and Opinions from the Local Community. Volume 1, Number 1 (1976). Champaign, Illinois: Oasis Graphic Arts.
019 Hate Crimes; 1994-2003 (bulk dates: 1999, 2000s); newspaper clipping, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings anti-Semitism rally, officials speak out against hate crimes, Steven Kuo who was shot by Benjamin Smith, Champaign created a state panel held public meetings on discrimination and hate crimes, city council find a resolution on hate crimes, letter to the editor from Stephen Kaufman about the Chief being racists, letter to the editor about the violence and racism that took place on July fourth weekend, human relation commission were searching for a resolution against hate crimes in the wake of Benjamin Smith’s shooting spree, caravan follows the train of Benjamin Smith’s shooting spree, suit filed on behalf of victims of the Benjamin Smith shooting spree, possible hate crime at a campus tavern, John R. McLaughlin published neo-Nazi paper, investigating of whether or not Benjamin Smith carried out the shooting spree by himself, journal found in Smith’s car, biography of Benjamin Smith, interview with Benjamin Smith’s ex-girlfriend, Smith telephoned Hale just prior to killing spree, investigators look into Benjamin Smith’s buying guns from a Pekin man, Matt Hale’s speech at the Champaign Library drew criticism, letters to the editor about Matt Hale speaking in Champaign, Matt Hale denied law license, diversity festival planned for the same day as Matt Hale’s speech, Matt Hale backed the death of Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow, Matt Hale looked to Montana for law license, state agencies investigated the World Church of the Creator’s, National Alliance, Matt Hale started a call in radio show in Phoenix, Peoria Santa Parade denied Matt Hale’s group from participating, Matt Hale said wouldn’t be responsible for any violence after the Supreme Court refused to her his petition for a law license, John McLaughlin arrested on weapons charges, Jewish group angered by graffiti written on the University of Illinois campus, racist fliers left at law University of Illinois college of Law, and a letter to the editor from Willow Jenkins about racist remarks being made at an Urbana High School football game by a parent from Decatur Eisenhower, one registration pamphlet from Human Services Council “When Hate Groups Come to Town” with information on speaker and presentation.
020 History of Champaign County; (no date provided); typed written notes
History of Champaign County by Paul G. Busey, Chairman Champaign County Centennial Committee.
021 History of Tuscola’s African American Population; 1997 (bulk dates: 1997); publication
This file contains the newsletter Cabin Chatter. There is an article about Tuscola’s African American population on page 33.
022 Human Interest 1912, 1954 – 1957, 1976 – 1981, 1993 – 1999 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings single parents, 108 year old Champaign women discusses being born into slavery, Demetria Jackson getting her kids back and getting her life back on track, Cynthia Pickens overcame budget issues, Federal Housng and Urban Development, Correctional Employment Service, former slave Kizzie Williams turned 95, Dorothy Thompson of the Volunteer Bureau, burglar leaving above Terrace Steak House, exhibit In All My Years at the Champaign County Historical museum, gardener Samuel S. Sibley, Gardener David Session, 90 year old Will Shaw learning how to read, RSVP program, Carrie Nelson, Senior Citizen Police Academy, James McDonald, Robert De Shong, International Hospitality Committee, and Mennonite Mission Mobile Construction Unit, parties increase neighborhood pride.
023 Illinois Central Railroad; 1968-2002 (bulk sates: 1968-2002) newspaper clippings, photographs (original and reprints)
This file contains newspaper clippings about a steam locomotive bell donated to the University of Illinois, and magazine shows photos of I.C. rail yard, closing of I.C. rail yard, demolition of a railroad building by I-74, railroad carried newly freed blacks to Champaign. This file also contains photographs of I.C. Credit Union employees and retirees, photograph of The Panama Limited Dining car with the staff. Tin photograph of a child.
024 Illinois Generations: A Traveler’s Guide to African American Heritage; 1993? (bulk dates: 1993); publication
One copy of Illinois Generations: A Traveler’s Guide to African American Heritage.
025 Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society; no date provided; publication
This file contains a copy of the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society which is the emancipation centennial issue.
026 Let My People Go; 1996 (bulk dates: 1996); publication, pamphlet
This file contains a photocopy of the book Let My People Go, Civil Rights photographs by Preston Ewing Jr., edited by Jan Peterson Roddy. Let My People Go focuses on the civil rights in Cairo, Illinois. There is also a flier about the book in this file.
027 Martin Luther King, Jr. celebrations; 1989-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s, 2000s) newspaper clippings, pamphlets, typed written notes
This file contains fliers from local Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations and newspaper clippings about Martin Luther King Jr. Programs from Martin Luther King, Jr. celebrations 1989, 1990, 1995, 1996, 1999, 1998, 2000, 2001, 1997, 2002 Fliers for celebrations in 2000, City of Champaign Council Chambers Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration in 2001, 2002 Community wide Celebration Also, a speech by Rev. Harold Davis for 2000 celebration for Martin Luther King, Jr. , evaluation form for 2002 city wide celebration, Shirley Hursey received 2002 MLK outstanding Achievement Award Recipient, City of Champaign Human Relations Commission 2002 Award Winners, newspaper clippings contain information about 200 attended MLK celebration in Danville, area events for King’s birthday, awards and scholarships part of King programs, Urbana High School Choir performance for the Martin Luther King celebration in 2001, James Bevel, Kent Redmon delivered MLK’s I have A Dream speech, Krannert events marking Martin Luther King’s birthday, Civil rights leaders visit for Martin Luther King celebration,
028 McLean County African American History; 1857-1993 (bulk dates: 1989) pamphlets, typed written notes, administration records, correspondences
This file contains a script for McLean County Black History, flier for Black Family History Workshop, instructions for exhibit items, creating a calendar with local black history, report from directors of the Bloomington Normal black history project, Bloomington-Normal Black History Project Status of Archival and Artifact holdings, Celebrating Black History and Culture program, Bloomington-Normal Black History consortium, and spring 1991 black history exhibits and programs at the University Museum. Education materials in this file include Uncle Tom Wright article with lesson plans, Desegregating the Schools lesson plans, The Bill in Chancery lesson plans, article in The Advertiser The Weekly Advertiser Race Publication Carl R. Steares & Co., In Business for the Gospel, Elder George Hoagland (Pictorial Souvenir of Businesses in Bloomington, 1911), Bloomington’s Black Businesses lesson plans, Eva Jones: A Community Leader lesson plans, article Jones, Vincent, Gardner win seats on city school board, article Surrounded by sports woman starting league, Mrs. Caribel Washington Remembers: A Bloomington-Normal Memoir, lesson plans, 1910 census, 1920 census, Counting and Mapping the People lesson plans, article on Walter Bruce Williams, and McLean County Historical Society School program pamphlet.
029 Million Man/Woman March; 1997 (bulk date: 1997); newspaper clippings
This file contains clippings about a group of people from Champaign going to Philadelphia to learn about the Million Man March and Robin Barrow and Teressia Cowper attended the Million Woman March in Philadelphia.
030 Newspapers; 1960-1989 (bulk dates: 1967); publications
In this file there is one article about a black newspaper, The Advocate, starting in 1996. This file contains The Voice of the Black Community (1989), Spectrum (1978), The Plain Truth (1967), Illinois Times (1965), Herald (1989), Illinois Times (1960), The Plain Truth (1968), The Plain Truth ( 1967), The Plain Truth (1967), The Plain Truth(1968), The Plain Truth(1968), The Plain Truth (Tom Special), DRUMS: The Newsletter of the Black Students Association, Operation (1969), Underground Review, Walrus, Black Thought (June 1999), Black Thought (April 1997), Habari Volume 1 Issue 2
031 Old Newspaper articles; 1865-2000 (bulk dates: 1860s, 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1930s 1960s); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, typed written notes,
This file contains many random newspaper clippings. Some of the newspaper clippings are about the death of Columbus Green, churches, military, disease, employment of African Americans, Silver Leaf, death of Charles Sale, death of Mrs. F.O. Sale, Virginia Sale, death of John Foulk, death of Mary Ann Bell, death of Solomon Brown, African Americans inventing names, death of Mrs. Spicy Larry, inter-racial dinner at Richard B. Harrison, death of Wiley Jones, Winnie Hennison was 108 in 1912, death of Mrs. General C. Lee, Colored Woman’s Progressive Club, D.W. Stevick, death of Mrs. Kittie Anderson, and death of Pharoah Cox. Also included in this file is a copy guest invited to Richard B. Harrison’s dinner in1932.
032 Out of the Darkness: The Story of Blacks Moving North, 1890-1940; 2000 (bulk dates: 2000) publication
This file contains a photocopy of Out of the Darkness: The Story of Blacks Moving North, 1890-1940, by James Haskins and Kathleen Benson.
033 Pascin’s First American Journey, thesis by Linda Bloom; 1995 (bulk dates: 1995);
This file contains the thesis Pascin’s First American Journey – The Southern States, Cuba, and the Caribbean, 1914-20, a Socio-Historical Examination.
034 Project 500; 2003 (bulk dates: 2003); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about University of Illinois students commemorating Project 500 which was an initiative to bring 500 black and Hispanic students to the university, picture of Ed Blankenheim discussing the summer of 1961 and the Freedom Riders, Freedom Riders visited University of Illinois in 2003, and Project 500 events list. Also in this file is a packet about attending the 30th anniversary of Project 500.
035 Racism; 1953-1960, 1993-2002 (bulk dates: 1960, 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about police adopt policy banning racial profiling, racism in Campustown, minorities at the University of Illinois, minorities on sports teams at the University of Illinois, affirmative action, lack of minoritiy professors at the University of Illinois, demonstrators accused police of racism and brutality towards Jameel Harris who was arrested for obstructing a peace officer, a boy claimed he was hurt in police raid, John Lee Johnson accused the police of racism when the police stopped the car he was riding in because it was owned by Larry Johnson who was wanted on a warrant, WILL-TV show to spotlighted racial profiling, legend of Dr. Charles Drew being refused treatment by a Champaign white hospital, Marcelle Zouzoua Jacobsen’s story about facing racial prejudice, Winston Smart claimed racial discrimination after he was not hired as an assistant professor at the U of I, Roy Rhodse was accused of discrimination by two prospective tenants whom were black, the Urbana League of Champaign County asked for a two year ban on all athletic contest with Mahomet-Seymore schools after an alleged racial incident at a junior high basketball game, types of jobs African American held in the 1950s, segregation issues at Burnham Hospital, in 1960 a job survey of African Americans was planned in Champaign Urbana, labor in the Champaign area was the topic at a Champaign Human Relation Commission lecture in 1960, an Urban League study in 1960 recommended that Champaign-Urbana could organize a local Urban League to address interracial problems, two local grocery stores experienced a gross increase because they hired African American workers.
036 Resource Guide to the History and Culture of African American in Illinois; no dates provided; publication
This file contains a copy of the Resource Guide to the History and Culture of African American in Illinois.
037 Segregation and Integration; 1937, 1940s, 1957, 1986 (bulk dates: 1937, 1940s, 1957, 1986); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, administrative records
This file contains newspaper clippings about University of Illinois addressing segregation issues in the 1940s, and Jim Crow lecture in 1986. This file also contains the annual report for the Champaign-Urbana Council for Community Integration June 1957 and the Council for Community Integration newsletter for September 1960.
038 Sidney Illinois, Families; 1875-2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, typed written notes, photographs (reprints and originals)
Most of the materials in this file were gathered in the 2000s. This file contains printouts including photographs from Rob DeLands Geocities; Illinois Statewide Death Index 1916-1950 for Isaac Cole; 1880 U.S. Census Illinois Champaign County; 1880 United States Census with the names Sarrah Greger, Ella Greger, George Greger, George Pope, John Allen, Louisa Allen, Fill Allen, Sarrah Allen, Marry Allen, Lydiea Allen, Adalien Allen, Marriah Allen, Ella Allen, Exi Allen, John Allen, Albert Allen, Green Hall, Matta Hall, Fanny Hall, Walter Hall, William Hall, Scott Foks, Harriet Foks, Milin Foks, John Foks, Dee Foks, Jams Hall, John R. Harris, Sallie Harris, C.H. Parsons, Albert Robinson (Barber); History of General Telephone Co.; History of John Jacobs Mumm; News Gazette clipping Dec 10, 1937; The Urbana Daily Courier May 16, 1918 about Mary Woodruff; News Gazette clipping March 14, 1954 about the death of Arthur E. Woodruff; As I Remember The Grishow Family By Minnie C. Mumm, March 10, 1952; UPDATE February 1989 By Betty Blue; January 1992 Dorothy writing; Photograph of Isaac Cole’s home, 1875.
039 Slaves/Slavery; 1857- 1864, 2000 – 2003 (bulk dates: 1958, 2000-2003); newspaper clippings, unpublished work
This file contains Illinois Roots in Slavery and Racism by Michael Markstahler. This file contains newspaper from The Constitution, Central Illinois Gazette, and the Urbana Clarion about slavery in Illinois, black laws, and emancipation.
040 Soul Food; 1971, 1988, 1990, 1999, 2003 (bulk dates: 2003); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings for Bayou Express Restaurant, Pickens Chicken and Soul Food, barbecue, Sam Davis of Champaign and his greens.
041 The State of Black; 1984 (bulk dates: 1984); publication
This file contains the publication The State of Black Champaign County, 1984. Published by The Urban League of Champaign County. Mary Blackstone was the demographer and assistant to the principal investigator. John H. McClendon was the editor and principal investigator.
042 Thesis of Arnette Rogers & James Dudley; 1964 (bulk dates:1964); unpublished works
File includes one copy of the thesis “Prenatal Care Among Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, Negro Mothers”
043 Thesis of Jill E. Blondin; 1996 (bulk dates: 1996); unpublished works
File includes one incomplete copy of Jill Blondin’s thesis: “The African- American Quilt Experience as Cultural Regionalism.”
044 Who’s Who in Colored America File #1; File contains a copy (photocopy) of Who’s Who in Colored America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Persons of African Descent in America, 1928-1929 (Second Edition).
045 Who’s Who in Colored America File #2; File contains a copy (photocopy) of Who’s Who in Colored America: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Persons of African Descent in America, 1938-1939-1940 (Fifth Edition).
046 Black History miscellaneous; 1961-1999 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, correspondences, publications
This file contains newspaper clippings about events planned for Black History Month in 1995, Black Doctors, teachers enrich local history, Parkland hosts exhibit on local black history, and the Octopus edition about 1968. This file also contains information about the J.C. Penney Co. strike. Copy of the black history packet which uses Champaign County history. The packet focuses on migration, churches, quality of life, and family histories.
047 Illio-; 1896-1971 (bulk dates: 1896-1971); publications
File includes a photocopy of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Illio. Primarily consists of photographs and text on fraternities and sororities (1898 and 1918 photographs of Ku Klux Klan Junior Interfraternity Society active members), as well as cartoons, caricatures (including offensive depictions of Africans, African Americans, and Native Americans), university minstrel shows, Chief Illiniwek performances, circus events, and sporting events. Also includes 1952 Illio Senior photographs and brief bios.
048 Negro Press; 1969 (bulk dates: 1969); newspaper clipping
Newspaper clipping about the difference between white and black newspapers.
Drawer 4: Education and Sports
001 Barkstall Elementary School; 1998-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains articles about Barkstall opening up in 1998, movement specialist visits Barkstall, and the schools dedication.
002 Black History School Activities; 1994 (bulk dates: 1994); typed written notes
This file contains school activities to help students learn about local African American history. Most of the assignments are undated.
003 Black Teachers; 1939, 1950 – 2005 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, pamphlet, photographs (reprints)
This file contains newspaper clippings about first black professor Bennett D. Hill, students being gardeners for the day, Kenneth O. Stratton as president of Champaign Elementary Teachers Association, Mrs. James Burnett running for Urbana School Board, George b. Nesbitt received fellowship to Harvard, teachers from Champaign-Urbana receive Blue Ridge honor, honoring Barbara Gillespie-Washington, Willie Summerville, and Preston Williams resigned from Urbana High school boy’s basketball team. This file also contains a list of teachers’ names, List of Black academics in Champaign County for 1974 – 1975 , The Teacher My Story a narrative of Maudie Edwards as a teacher, A paper titled “Champaign – Urbana Education First” with notes, and Reaching out to teach our children a narrative of Barbara Gillespie-Washington. This file contains one photocopy of a class photograph. A handwritten note attached to it gives a list of names and is dated April 25, 1954.
004 Booker T. Washington; 1993-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains articles about U of I basketball player Jerrance Howard visiting Booker T. Washington, students collection money for premature babies at Covenant Medical Center, Phillip Rowell received the Best Household Award and Best fifth grade award during the annual Invent America Invention Convention at Franklin Middle School, school placed 2nd in the Most Promising Practices, and Booker T. Washington’s Give Thanks program.
005 Bottenfield School; 2001(bulk dates: 2001); newspaper clippings, correspondences, handwritten notes
This file contains a flier for Bottenfield Kicks-Off February as Black History Month, a thank you letter to Doris Hoskins from Michelle Nunlee and Cathy Moe about being a participant in Kicks-Off February as Black History Month, Kicks-Off February as Black History Month schedule, Debbie Woodworth prepping the school for the fall, and Bottenfield Retirement Dinners list which is handwritten.
006 Canaan; 1996- 2002 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This File contains articles about Canaan adding a school so that classes do not have to take place in the church, Canaan Academy student’s excelling academically, a fundraiser for Canaan Academy for the addition of the school, and an article about the groundbreaking ceremony for the new addition.
007 CARE; 1995 (bulk dates: 1995); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about Champaign’s Alternative Resources in Education (CARE), and an article about students who attend CARE and why they attend CARE.
008 Carrie Busey Elementary School; no dates provided; newspaper articles
This file contains articles about Champaign implementing a new behavioral program (pictured is the Principal from Carrie Busey Elementary and a Columbine High School memorial at Carrie Busey Elementary.
009 Centennial High School; 1989-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This contains articles about Centennial High School extracurricular activities, Black History Month, homecoming court, Random Acts of Kindness Week, Social worker at Centennial because of talks of the school closing, Centennial won $24,000 grant, volleyball team getting new players, Jamillah Bowman, special education teacher Molly Mills, Relationship Awareness Conference, choir performance in New York, state education superintendent visited for one of his Schoolhouse Meetings, Centennial senior Angela Malone visited Soviet Union, Nicole Love received a major scholarship, and job shadowing week.
010 Champaign Central High School; 1914-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, handwritten notes
This file contains newspaper clippings about Dorothy Munger marks 37 years at the high school, 1943 class reunion, in 1974 a time capsule was found at the corner of Randolph and Hill street from 1893, Champaign High School Marks Centennial, production of Anything Goes, Champaign High School’s move to a new location, gangs in Champaign- Urbana high schools, the High Schools allow a task force aimed at aimed at stopping crime in Campustown, choral director Don Decker, The Rodgers brothers, students’ spring break plans, creation of advisory board to increase communication in the school, Artworks program, William Savage received the Carnegie-Mellon Scholarship, basketball, drumline, and racial issues in the school. This file also contains a letter from the 1893 time capsule from the teachers, commencement programs from 1983 1974 1914, photocopy of a year book which has pictures of Margaret Gillespie, Vivian Green, Emma Herndon, Nettie Louis, George Nesbitt, copy of Helen Johnson’s diploma, and a list of candidates for 1940 graduation.
011 Champaign County Schools; 1964, 2001-2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, publications, pamphlets, correspondences, handwritten notes
This files focuses on Champaign County schools. All newspaper clippings are from the News Gazette. There are two complete CU Cityview.
012 Champaign Schools miscellaneous; 1901-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, handwritten notes, typed written notes, photographs (reprints)
In this file are newspaper clippings about C-U schools staying in session during summer, The best of the class of 1969, Champaign board picked a new director of school choice programs, Champaign lost four central office administrators in 2001, whether to assign students to other schools because of overcrowding, Muhammad Abdullah succeeded Mary Nesbitt on the Champaign Board of Education, Champaign school district paid to open an alternative school at Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club, Unit 4 school board gave superintendent Tim Hyland a 2% raise, prayer event around flag poles, Cal Lee leaving Champaign school board, controlled choice for students to attend other schools in Champaign, Frederick Rodgers replacing Thom Moore, 27 new positions for Champaign Schools in 1999, A Chicago consulting firm hired to help Champaign school district’s controlled choice plan, a sex offender living across from Stratton Elementary school, testing for gifted program, Champaign school board held meeting to find names for two new schools, Barkstall and Stratton were the two names picked for the new schools, survey intended to help Champaign schools improve the racial climate caused problems, meeting at the YMCA for the Politics in Education in the Unit 4 School District, collaboration between religious leaders and public schools, teachers are teaching in the school district they grew up in, civil rights lawsuits against Champaign schools, Bus drive Delores Cobb graduation from Parkland College, parents find out result of school lottery right before school started, school tours offered to parents to help choose a school, Mae R. Hawkins hired as first black teacher, a salute to black teachers, Carol Stack, hiring a permanent superintendent, panel reviews progress in hiring minority teachers, auditor to help Champaign school district in discrepancies in record keeping, holding back kindergarten students, three principals for Champaign schools were from the district, educating at risk elementary students,4 students were punished at school after drinking outside of school, redistricting issues, school discipline issues, Unit 4 schools fight ruling on tax protest, and Charles Wetschnig replaced David Grace. This file also contains a memo to the Black History Committee from Barbara Wysocki, Apple Bulletin from 1995, master agreement between Champaign Community Unit District No. 4 and the Education Service Personnel for 1983-1986 handbook, outline of A proposed problem, handwritten notes, a flier Seniors College bound seniors choose new home, and typed written notes. There are reprints of photographs in this file. Photograph of children at a police station reads courtesy of Catherine Hague, there is also a handwritten note with the picture; photograph of Mae Hawkins which reads class of 1934 Illinois states_______ The first African American hired to teach in the Champaign Public schools in 1934; photograph of an unknown sports team that reads First Row: Gamble, Stickrod, V. Carson, Baxter, Keck, Schwar, Second Row: Reid, East, Vriner, Mawell, Meskimen, Gillespie, Third Row: Drake, Wadelow, Schroeder, Richman, Coach, Turrell; photograph that reads Richard Edwards Champaign Unit 4 First African American School Bd.; photographs of a football team that has an attached paper that reads 1. Charles (Hicks) Clark, 2. Arthur Portefield, 3. Harry Swarz, 4. Ruel Lehman, 5. Fred Swift, 6. Jim Foulks, 7. Ernest Gust, 8. Ray Prickett, 9. Elmer Porter, 10. Emmit Kirby, 11. Frank Eaton, 12. Archie Watson (In the history book it says he is O. Johnson after the book was printed someone identified mine as Watson), 13. Harmon Mitchell, 14. Audrey Dunham, 15. Walter Francis, In the Sidney Bicentennial book it says this team was from 1901. It may have been 1904 instead. There were some mistakes made in the book.
013 Child Care; 1993-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about Kids at Night babysitting, Douglass Park Eager Beaver Preschoolers, Our Gang day care, Our Gang day care’s city code violations in a new building, Louise Tanner provides daycare at her home new East Park, Illini Children’s Christian Home, and The Crisis Nursery expanding outreach program. This file also contains Our Gang Infant Day Care guide for nutrition, The Marilyn Queller Child Care Center broacher, and Our Gang broacher.
014 Columbia School; 1993-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about the closing of Columbia school and the Oliger family, Columbia students crossing Neil and Bradley to get to school, relocation of Jim Casey, Columbia School principal, Columbia CARES Choristers, snack donation for students during National Achievement Testing Week, Alternative School helps students which features a photograph of Chris McDonald teaching at Columbia Center, Champaign Alternative Resources moved to the Columbia Elementary, last winter program for Columbia Elementary, students put on the play The Three Piggy Opera, Columbia Center art students painted bus benches to paint.
015 Countryside School; 1994-1995 (bulk dates: 1994-1995); pamphlets, newspaper clippings
This file contains a handout about Countryside School, application procedure, application for admission, payment schedule, parent questionnaire, student questionnaire, Countryside School newsletter, Countryside to add middle school grades
016 CUCSI (Champaign Urbana Charter School Initiative); 2000 – 2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, typed written notes
Newspaper clippings about community support for a charter school, test scores lower at charter schools, changes to original proposal for a chart school, Urbana school board approved the charter school proposal, charter school proposal denied by state board, Charter School Proponents appeal to State, Charter School community meetings, charter school is to help low income and black children and families struggling in Champaign-Urbana, research on charter schools and local charter schools, and Champaign gives tentative approval for charter school. Also located in this file are fliers from CUCSI and League of Woman voters, CUCSI Board meeting agenda and minutes 2000-2001, pamphlet about Champaign Urbana Charter School Initiative, In Brief News letters from October 1995, and letters to community leaders and supporters about the Charter School.
017 Cunningham Children’s Home; 1968-1994; (bulk date: 1968; 1994); newspaper clippings, pamphlets Primarily News-Gazette clippings. Note stating “Badge in Drawer number 5 for Cunningham Home.”
018 Day Cares; 1957 1993-1994 (bulk dates: 1960s, 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about the Burch Village Cooperative Nursery School reopens as the Bradley Street Day Care Center (has a handwritten note with the article), Peter Pan Play School’s opening, Peter Pan Day Care Center refused to sell her property to build a Hampton Inn unless they offer more money, Peter Pan relocates in order to build Hampton Inn, open house at the Tot Lot Nursery School, and Clean up and repairs at Tot Lot Nursery School after winter.
019 Dr. Howard Elementary School; 1997-1999 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about Dr. Howard Elementary results with a new behavior program, Junior League’s Locker program which features teachers from Dr. Howard, and problems with Dr. Howard’s parking and the community’s concern about a lot the purchased for a new parking lot.
020 Edison Middle School; 1995-2001 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about Secretary of State Jesse White visiting while Edison Middle School students demonstrate their computer work at the Champaign Public Library, ‘get to know each other day’ at Edison Middle School, Black History Bowl, band trip to Orlando, Florida, sixth annual African American reading, tensions about the Chief at Edison Middle School, Principal at Edison received a surprise tribute, In-service session about teaching black children, 1933 reunion committee met with students to discuss the only Champaign High School, and a letter to the editor about the treatment of an American Indian young man at Edison Middle School by Kathy Alexis.
021 Education – General 1942, 1957, 1960 – 2002 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets,
This file contains newspaper clippings about Upward Bound program, Cougar Unlimited visiting schools, children learning about Kwanzaa, increase of blacks and Hispanic students increased, two women honored by State Education Board, drug concerns, Marcuis M. Moore was the Student Leader of the Month at Macmurray College, Rachel Jones won a Martin Luther King Jr. essay contest, summer break, Channel One, Race and intelligence, ACT, National Education Association President Reginald weaver visited his home town Danville, increasing reading skills in Champaign Schools, agricultural lessons for South Side Elementary, changes in Illinois Standards Assessment, Champaign studied how to make Bilingual education improve, helping people pick their choice in school, Ludlow school district, push for a Catholic High School in Champaign, eight students from Champaign County competed in N-G’s Spelling Bee, gang activity, and fewer minority workers in Urbana district. This file also contains Champaign County schools directory for 1966 – 1967 and 1967 – 1968, Champaign County Schools Foundation for Education Excellence pamphlets, Council for Basic Education brochure (1970), Article 14 School Code of Illinois booklet (1965), Urbana Park District brochure for activities for Pre-school and Elementary school students, and Apple Bulletin Champaign-Urbana Community School Foundation newsletter (Spring 1995).
022 Franklin Middle School; 2000-2001 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about increasing Franklin Magnet Middle School enrollment, school musical, students using software developed by University of Illinois, choir signing at the Charter for Illinois Children, and Franklin’s Holocaust Museum.
023 Garden Hills Elementary; 1995- 2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains articles about students learning how to behave at lunch, retired principal Phyllis Wilken’s book signing at Pages for All Ages bookstore, children leaving school early because of the heat and teacher in-service, and black students underrepresented in self contained gifted program which features a picture of students at Garden Hills Elementary.
024 Gibson City; 1996 (bulk date: 1996); newspaper clippings
This file contains four newspaper clippings about Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley High School’s racial tension that caused students to boycott classes and fights between black and white students.
025 Gregory School; 1910s (?)-1992 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, Photographs
This file contains a short history of Gregory School building, newspaper clippings about the school wanting to turn the school into apartments and Our American Heritage Play, and a photograph of students in front of the school that reads 1. Alpha Vaky, 2. Raymond G_____, 3. Raymond Audreuis (?), and a photograph of Gregory School.
026 Hays School; 1956 (bulk dates: 1950s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs (reprints)
This file contains a hand written history of Hays School (later named King Elementary School), 1955-1956 year book which has information about the school (it does not contain pictures), a newspaper clipping about National Education week with the theme Strengthening the foundations of Freedom, a photocopy of Hays School and students with information about the school; a photocopy of Hays School that reads Hays School Enrollment 152 Grade 1-6 Maurice Wilson Principal, Nancy Ann Bates, Myron P Rose, Doris C. Kern, Roberta Scaggs, Jean E. Krebs, Nancy R. Suits, Jolenn Peterson; a photocopy of Hays School students playing football, and a photograph of J.W. Hays School.
027 Head Start; 1994-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s, 2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about Head Start adding all-day classes, whether Head Start is effective in helping kids, passing control from Vermilion County to Champaign County for Head Start, children at Parkland’s Head Start receive nutritional, medical and dental benefits, and a letter to the editor from Judy Akbar about Melvin Ford and Alvin Griggs leaving Head Start. This file also contains a flier about registration for Head Start.
028 Holy Cross; 1994-2001; (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about the Sisters of St. Joseph, debate about uniforms, students learning about Nigeria, and a fingerprint project hosted by Cub Scout Pack 9 of Holy Cross.
029 The Homerian; 1915-1919 (bulk dates: 1910s); publications
This file contains pages of a year book The Homerian.
030 Jefferson Middle School; 1993-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s) newspaper clippings, correspondences
This file contains newspaper clippings about Principal Carol Stack winning the U.S. Department of Education’s Blue Ribbon Award, eighth grader carrying a loaded gun to school, students studying Middle East cultures, Jefferson Middle School was picked as a “school to watch” by National Forum to Accelerate middle Grade Reform, interim dean appointed to help with discipline at Jefferson Middle School, DARE class, Chinese New Year celebration at Jefferson Middle School, students from Jefferson Middle School studying a stream at Heritage Park, and counseling services at Jefferson Middle School. Also located in this file are two letters to Doris Hoskins about Jefferson Middle School Civil War Day and a newsletter.
031 Judah Christian; 1988-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about Elizabeth and Sue Kleber role in volleyball, expansion plans, Bible College at the Judah Christian, and sports and religion at Judah Christian.
032 Kenwood Elementary; 1995-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about summer school at Champaign’s Kenwood Elementary, Myrna Duran’s experience at Kenwood Elementary, and students helping the Humane Society.
033 Lawhead and Willard Schools; 1939- 1990 (bulk dates: 1950s); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, photographs (reprints)
This file contain newspaper clippings about schools best citizens, Christmas party, toy repair for Christmas shop, sixth annual tea, unit on the significance and handling of money, carnival at Lawhead school, Dad’s night, Willard School Chorus, Mrs. Pauline Johnson appointment assistant director of the Lawhead service men’s center, Willard School packing gift baskets for Thanksgiving, Willard School participating in neighborhood Improvement, Mae R, Hawkins hired as first black teacher assigned to Lawhead School, and tearing down Lawhead School. Also located in this file are photographs of Lawhead School. One photograph of the school with the windows boarded up; colored photographs of Lawhead being torn down; photograph of Lawhead
034 School from far away; photograph that reads Maxine and Deloris Chapman Lawhead School; photocopy of an index of teachers that reads F. Sickafus, E. Keen, V. Betcher, R. Wilson, P. Gidding, R. Smith, M. Webster, G. Hollister, H. Green, M. Duginger, M. Keyes, M. Hawkins, Z. Wallens, J. McClure, M. Schmoldt, C. Bolin, E. Leslie, L. Vance, D. Hopkins, C. Savage.
034 Leal School; 1976- 2001 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about closing Leal Elementary School along with many other schools in Urbana, first day of school at the old Jewel Food Store because of remodeling, students from Leal not liking Jewel Food Store as their temporary school, Mary Brooks of Community Outreach getting goodbye hugs from Leal student Breeda Wool , African dance at the Krannert Center, assembly at Leal School about school violence, Leal parents helped change how school board members are voted in, and a photocopy of Leal School that reads For generation of young people in Urbana, this lovely building was Leal School. For years it also housed the high school. When the present building that housed the school was constructed as a WPA project in 1936, this stately edifice was razed.
035 Lincoln School; no dates provided; photographs (reprints)
This file contains a photocopy of Lincoln School reads Lincoln School Enrollment 259 Grades 1-3 Lizzie R. McReynolds Principal, Ruth Barrie, Jane Phillips, Gail Ennis, Shirley Puarice, Vernon Frazee, Patricia Robinson, Barbara Fulk, Bess M. Saddoris, Sally Schmidt; photocopy of a group of boys, photocopy of an African American boy reads 1925-27 see class pictures; five pages of class pictures, one page reads Thusenelda Gross Taught at Lincoln School 1925-1937, then she was at Urbana High for 27 years, photocopy of a postcard with Leal School on the front reads I wish I was up at Lakeside with you folks. I’ll lbet you are having fine times. Won’t be afraid of the ____, tho. R____, To: Miss Marguerite Nelson, Lakeside, Ohio, Box 186.
036 Marquette; 1959-2001 (bulk dates: 1959, 1993, 2001); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
This file contains newspaper clippings about Matthew Forteau at a Marquette school carnival for preschool age children and Marquette Fall Festival. One newspaper clippings about Frederick Lewis being the oldest person living in Champaign who attended Marquette School in 1959. The hand written notes state Mr. Louis graduated from the “Old” West Side High School in 1892. The school was destroyed by fire in 1893. A new high school was built in 1893. Minnie Mass (?) graduated from there in 1884.
037 Martin Luther King Elementary School; 1992-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about a summer hangout program at Martin Luther King School that taught children about African countries and customs, read books, and sharpened their math skills, performance of Peace Song, Martin Luther King School entered Redbook magazine ‘s nation’s best school contest, and Martin Luther King School integrates the history and traditions of African and African-American life into classes. This file also contains a parent handbook from 1998-1999 school year.
038 Prairie School; 1993-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about the Children’s Art Project at Provena Covenant Center which feature Brittany M. Jones and her sister Reniya, cuts to special ed in Urbana which features Prairie School mother Faye Fredrick Wilkie, and five students from Prairie School were honored by the Daughters of the American Revolution for their Junior American Citizen contest.
039 PTA ;1939, 1957 – 1959, 1965, 1992-2004 (bulk dates: 1990s, 2000); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs (originals)
This file contains two newspaper clippings about a reception for Hester Suggs and Washington school’s PTA Tea fundraiser. This file also contains Founders Day Invitation, Urbana High School PTA info pamphlet, J. W. Hays PTA info pamphlet , Song book sung at PTA events, Charter of Illinois Congress of Parents and Teacher, and Illinois PTA folder of informational flier and brochures. Thirteen photographs from Founder’s Day Dinner, February 2000 at Holiday Inn, Urbana.
040 Rantoul Schools; 1993-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
Lincoln’s Challenge Academy Rantoul board appointed their first black female village board member Marguarette Carter who was the assistant principle at J.W. Eater Junior High School, Rantoul school district looks for principals within the district, Rantoul agriculture teacher Carl Burkybil named best agriculture teacher in state, 1998 Eaglettes won many awards and made it to National Dance Team Championships, Former Chanute dorm to be school for troubled boys, debate whether or not Rantoul should give Pepsi pouring rights, Rantoul school practices crisis drill, Rantoul High plans new computer lab, Rantoul schools stop snack time prayer, Rantoul Village Board discusses village government, Microsoft’s Gates donates to Lincoln’s Challenge lab, Rantoul school tax passes, Rantoul Township High School all-school assembly, Rantoul Township High School began a parade to rally people to past the 45 cent increase in the school district’s property tax rate, Jacob Meercer from Rantoul was the pole vault leader, A Christmas Carol present by the Lincoln’s Challenge theater, regional college fair at the Holiday Inn in Urbana was attended by the Tech Prep Program through the Education for Employment System, Rantoul senior Randy Wright won the 110 meter high hurdles and finished second in the 300 hurdles, and Rantoul’s basketball player Yolanda Smith. This file also contains fliers from Rantoul City Schools, Spectrum Early Childhood Program, and a bumper sticker that read Make it Rantoul.
041 Robeson School; 1997- 2000 (bulk date: 1990s); newspaper clipping, pamphlets
This file consists of newspaper clippings about the play Jack and the Beanstalk was presented to Robeson Elementary School, students paint a mural which local muralist Gland Davis assisted on, students learn about British police, Emily Hoerr loved her fifth grade teacher at Robeson School that she became a teach herself and attended ISU for free thanks to a scholarship from Rep. Rick Winkel, Robeson Elementary School students visited Velro Mattress Factory, and a newspaper clipping of Robeson students arriving at school along with the article about integration and bussing.
042 Salem Baptist Church Preschool; 1960s (bulk dates; 1960s); typed written notes, newspaper clippings, photographs (reprints and originals)
This file contains typed written notes about the school and community involvement, director Mrs. Johnson, and school bake sale. This file contains one newspaper clipping about Salem Pre-school bake sale which features a picture of Larecia Shepard, Stephen Pillar, Enette Sibley, and Helen Johnson. This file also contains two photographs. One photograph is of Mrs. Helen Johnson with children which is the same photograph used on the typed written notes about the school and community involvement. The second photograph is of a lady playing with children.
043 School Board; 1997 – 2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about increase in salary for the superintendent of Champaign School District, renovations on Champaign middle schools, contest school board elections, program allow parents to choose a middle school, Urbana schools studied equity issues, school boards rejects tax split, C-U School budgets, recommendations for Unit 4 school board, Schools of Choice Community Task Force, tax levies, year round school, cooperative agreement between the U of I and Urbana Schools, Urbana sub-districts, Urbana redistricting, and truancy ordinance in Urbana.
044 South Side Elementary School; 1993-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clipping
This file contains newspaper clipping about principal Cal Lee growing up in a Chinese family, students learned about the six pillars of character and how character matters in life, a photograph with a caption about it being the first day of class for South Side School, student honoring head custodian Herdie Thomas, and a photograph with a caption about South Sides school musical Once Upon a Lily Pad.
045 St. Mary’s High School; no dates provided; newspaper clippings
This file contains three newspaper clippings about St. Mary’s High School junior class entertaining the senior class at Miss Gertrude Lange’s house, graduated entertaining guests, and a reception for Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Lee’s daughter Alice.
046 St. Matthew’s School; 2001-2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
This file contains two articles about St. Matthew’s students recreated a rain forest at the school by decorating and St. Mathew’s health fair which features picture of Brittni Pravdica and Katrina Keller.
047 St. Thomas More High; 2001 (bulk dates: 2001); newspaper clippings
This file contains one article about St. Thomas More adding students, classes, and sports.
048 Stratton Elementary School; 1997-2001 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains articles about naming schools after Vernon L. Barkstall and Kenneth O. Stratton, committee heard recommendations for names of the two elementary school, a visit from author Ann Cameron which feature a picture of Cameron, Roxanne Hunter, Ann Cameron’s intending visit to Stratton to discuss misidentified characters as white when they were black characters, a picture of Terrance Mercier from a Stratton class playing with a kite at Hazel Park, two Stratton Elementary School students creating artwork as part of Project MURAL, Stratton in 2000 went to a year round calendar and enforced uniforms, Students from Stratton School read poems on a poster during a graduation program at the school, Stratton hired a program development coordinator helped Stratton develop a magnet program with the foal of attracting students district wide, and two photographs with a caption about Stratton becoming a year round school. Also in this fill is a program for the grand opening dedication ceremony from May 2, 1999.
049 Thomas Paine School; 2000-2001 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about a fire at Thomas Paine Elementary and a photograph of the students holding a paper chain they made for Random Acts of Kindness Week.
050 Thornburn School; 1951-1994 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper articles, publication, photographs (reprints)
This file contains newspaper clippings about Thornburn School (later called Thornburn Center) being demolished. This file also contains a copy of the publication The Thornburn Thistle which gives an overview and history of schools in Champaign Urbana and the schools districts. There are two photographs in this file which are on one sheet of paper. The first photograph reads Mrs. L Davis, 7th grade, Thornburn Junior High School, May 1951. The second photograph reads Mr. Bankert, Grade 8, Thornburn School, May 1952.
051 University High School; 1948-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clipping
This file contain newspaper clippings about Barbara Wysocki succeeding Henry Meares as principal, University High students achieve best ACT scores in the nation among school with more than 30 students, Henry Meares quitting as principal, filmmaker Fred Marx visited University High School and gave a screening of his movies Hoop Dreams, Zewde Demissie won honorable mention for the University of Illinois Principal’s Scholars program oratory and essay competition, John Hedeman’s creation of the Hedeman Fund for University Laboratory High Schol which held a reception for the donors, University High School student Nate Mathews Habitat for Humanity in the Mississippi Delta, University High School students sponsored a community walk for Community Unity, and a reception held at the Douglass Center for Charles Hassell. This file also contains a photocopy of University High Junior Prom in 1948 program, and a copy of 1995-1996 University High School alum magazine.
052 Urbana High School; 1957-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, publications, handwritten notes, photographs (reprints)
This file contains articles about Urbana High School majorettes Helen Brock, Marvis Fitzsimmons, Andrea Arnold, Linda Nack, Dorothy Clem, and Janet Bickers performing at football games, a program to provide help to students with poor grades or attendance in middle school, photograph of Troy Cobb and the Urbana High School football team, list of 1992, 2000 and 2001 graduates from the newspaper, groundbreaking of Urbana’s pool which features a photograph and caption about Urbana High School diver Mike Mendoza, picture of students from Urbana High School performing for participants at the 10th annual gathering of community religious leaders and school officials, Urbana High School choir’s trip to Florida, Champaign Human Relations Commission honored choirs director Willie Summerville in 1995, extracurricular code includes non-school events, Urbana High School basketball and football, quilt for social skills class, Shawna Cooper of Urbana was selected as a panelist for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, police seized a gun from a 16 year old Urbana High School, celebrating black history month, Urbana High School students’ book We Can All Get Along If obtained national attention, math ream to compete in memory of teacher Carl Smith, Urbana school district faced teacher shortage, and Urbana High School class reunion of 1954 posted in the newspaper. This file also contains pages from the Urbana High School Rosemary from 1921, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1934, and 1942, and handwritten notes about people who attended Urbana High School. This file contains one photograph of Urbana High School.
053 Urbana Middle School; 1995-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file consists of newspaper clippings Kathy Barbour winning a grant for reaching history, the Urbana approved the second phase of construction at Urbana Middle School’s addition, assembly about school violence, board approved Marion Krier as interim principal and Blanton Bondurant and Warren Rudkin as assistant principals, Home Grown Success Week at the middle school, Urbana Middle School Alumni Nancy Thies Marshall wrote a book called Women who Compete and planned on visiting the middle school, and Urbana Middle School madrigal Christmas play.
054 Urbana Schools; 1940s-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper, handwritten notes, pamphlets, photographs (reprints)
This file contains newspaper clippings Urbana school district hiring an expert in school equity issues, notice proposed property tax increase for Urbana School District, behavior issues at Wiley Elementary School, C-U One to One mentoring program took Urbana a first place award in the Governor’s Home Town Award program, equity audit for the Urbana school district conducted by two Western Illinois University professors, emergency leasing of Webber and Brookens school buildings to Champaign County Regional Planning Commission and City of Urbana, Urbana’s summer Project Even Start program to educate parents and show them how to educate their children, Urbana School integration in 1966, Urbana studies do not address minority students, Urbana school district hired two administrators Bob Nielsen and Preston Williams, Federal mediator sat in on talks for contract negotiations, 1993 Urbana school district board candidates were concerned about middle school conditions, full day program for Kindergarteners, 29 laid off in 1994, Urbana school needs repairs but will have to refinance its bond, Urbana schools celebrated Illinois Arts education in 1996 with a number of special programs, in 2000 Urbana expected a increase of students, approval of school proposed budget in 2000, proposed private school in Urbana receives donations, opening of Countryside School in 1992, and an Urbana summer school program learned about wild life. This file also contains pages from The Rosemary, photocopies from a book of the first Urbana High School, Thornburn, and the New Urbana High School, Urbana School district Parents’ post from March 22, 1954, J.W. Hays Parent-Teacher Association handbook from 1961-1962, school report to the Board of Supervisors of Champaign County, identification of needs for Wiley Elementary, District Budget Information from 1994, and three photocopies of class records. In this file there are three photographs. Photograph one is of Taylor Thomas; second photograph of kids sitting at table reads Y___ ______, Paul H_____, June P_____ 1940s; a copy that contains two pictures on one sheet the first picture reads teacher and P___ Bella South (?), second picture of children at a table reads 1940s.
055 Urbana School Issues 1959, 1993 – 2003 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about mandatory busing, business that runs school for profit not for District 116, improving middle schools, whether or not to model Leal school, federal civil rights officer’s reviewed the district on two minority issues, cafeteria problems, gifted children, issues with having backpacks in schools advocates for kids increases, and 1959 D-Day dinner. This file also contains newsletter for Urbana schools and Urbana School District Staff Directory.
056 Washington Elementary School; 1954-1997 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about Arnetta Rogers retired, Booker T. Washington students attended the insect Expo, Washington Elementary School was put on lockdown because of hostage situation near the school, tree planting ceremony, Alice in Wonderland, Washington Kindergartens prepares children for school, Washington needed more money to restore the magnet school to what it was when it started, Washington lost its appeal to people because it was no longer the only magnet school, and Washington had a party for the student who participated in the schools walkathon. This file also contains a newsletter from Covenant Medical Center that discusses the students raising money for Covenant’s NICU and a White House Tea but on by Washington School.
057 Webber School; 1907-1970s (bulk dates: 1970s); newspaper clippings, photographs (reprints)
This file contains a newspaper clipping about the school board closing Webber School at the end of 1977-1978 school year. This file also contains a photograph of Webber School 1907 with a not that reads third grade, teacher Carson, Allie Mae Burke McCullan, first girl in second row left side black dress; photograph that is of Webber School the back reads Webber School 79-80(?) about E. S_____ (?).
058 Westview Elementary School; 2000-2001 (bulk dates: 2000); newspaper clippings
This file contains information about principal Bill Freeman retiring. Students learn about lungs during the annual Body Walk tour at the National Guard Armory, and Westview School received money from Champaign-Urbana Community School Foundation.
059 Wiley Elementary; 1999-2000 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about Judy Barr Topinka visiting the school and giving $1,000 to Kendall Arrington to highlight her program Bright Start, student teacher Kimberly Faulkner, and students won a limousine ride for meeting their reading goals.
060 Willard School Champaign; 1940s (bulk dates: 1940s); photographs (reprints)
This file contains on photograph of Willard School, the back reads Dan Bierman, photographer, Champaign- Urbana Courier, Ca. 1940s.
061 Yankee Ridge; 1993-1995 (bulk dates: 1940s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about students taking part in Wee Deliver program sponsored by the postal service and Principal Mark Cabutti playing in the snow with students.
062-064 Baseball research I, II, III; 1911- 2008 (bulk dates: 1930-1970); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, publications, typed written notes, handwritten notes, Photographs
This file is split into three folders. This file contains newspaper clippings which are listed by article titles-Plumbers, Monticello Beaten in Twin Bills; Cornbelt Ends Legue Season; Custer, Utley Tie for Cornbelt Bat Title; Ed Hines, 74, Champaign Negro Born A Slave; Among the Colored Folks; Elsa Utley; obituary of James Hines Sr.; Merchants Rap Eagles Again; Frank Gagnon Signed with Urbana Group; Shelby Himes; Colts Entertain Buckley Nine Today; Rantoul Els Nab 8th Win, Royal Gains 2d Place; Eagles, Dexters Top E.I. Honorary Tangle in Tournament Opener Here; Locals Draw Royal Nine For Debut; Urbana League Has 10 Teams; But Local Park Not Apt To Be Ready May 3; EI Stars Defeat Illinois by 12-7; EI All-Stars Whip Illinois by 12-7 Count; Jaycees Draw Up League Schedules; KCs, Eagles Will Tangle at Kenwood; 9-Club E.I. Opens May 1, Chanute In, Royal Out; E.I. Opens 24th Season Sunday; Easter Illinois baseball league; Maroon 9 Loses to Charleston; Eagle Eye Title Clinch at Buckley; Three Knights Named EI All-Stars, Eagles go After Title Clinch Today; Eagles Defeat Tuscola Newman, Nail Title Tie; Eagles Rap Colts for Clear Title; Giff –Flats Clinch EI Title Share; EI Race Ends in Triple Tie for First Time in History; EI League All-Star Nine Named by Courier(Tate, Mrray, Head, Ring, Moore, Crum, Freeman, Christensen, Adkinson), Underdogs Eye Upsets in Tourney Openers; EI Teen-Agers Open ’60 Season Sunday; Three Teams Tie for Title In EI League; Torrid EI Campaign Again Ends In Three Way Tie; Royal at Buckley for Final, Cooke Near Batting Title; S. Hillsman is Charged With Murder; Royal Nails Title Share In EI; Eagles Gain Tie For EI Lead; Ties for EI Title Not New; Westfield picture from newspaper; 3 Eagles on EI Stars Nine, Tourney Begins Today; Eastern Illinois Baseball League Statistics ( Aug. 28, 1966); Title Eagles, Rantoul Live Up To Billing; Eagles, Rantoul in Finale; Rantoul Topples Eagles for Title; Loschen Hurls Shutout, EI Race Still Tight; Eagles in Third Straight EI Win; Action Sunday May Tighten EI Race; Eagles, Rantoul Enter Final Week Tied, Buckley ½ back; Rantoul Tie for EI Title; Rantoul Eagles Win In WI, Championship Sunday; Rantoul, Buckley in EI Showdown; Merchants Forfeit Finale, Royal, Tuscola Post Wins; Krumwiede Wins, Tourney Begins; Paxton Upsets Royal In El, Rantoul Bows, Eagles Win 2; Jackson obituary only hit highlights; obituary for Waddel Jackson; Remember The Champaign Eagles?; picture of Wardell Jackson, John “Snapper” Johnson, Joe Doyle; EI Eagles Gave Blacks a Chance To Play; Rain Interrupts EI Tourney Eagles, Buckley Post Wins; Royal, Rantoul Into Extra Innings; Radmaker Return To EI Expected; Royal, Rantoul, Buckley Win; Paxton Spills Rantoul, Eagles, G-F Win; Rantoul Tally Wins 2nd Tilt, Nets EI Lead, Royal Loses; Rantoul, Royal Both Notch 5-1 Winds, Eye EI Windup; Royal Rips Rantoul 10-1 For Title (?); Royal Outlasts BUckely 17-15, Fro Clear EI Title; establishment of the Wardell Jackson tournament trophy; Fletcher’s 1-Hitter Gives Royal EI Tourney Title; EI Legend Gillespie still gets raves about his bat; picture of Wardell Jackson at annual EI All-Star Game (1975), Wisenborn Holds Giants to 4 hits, Royal Wins; Barnes Club Local Entry in Cornbelt; Old Time Ball Preserved in EI; May 30, 1953…A Day of Glory in EI’s History; Prep Couch has Torrid Bat in EI; Famed Pitcher Satchel Paige, From Curves to Self-Promoting; Paige Pitched in 2 EI Exhibitions; EI Saeson Set To Open on Sunday, Buckley ’56 Champ; Knights and Colts To Host Openers; Eagles’ Magic Number is 4; Eagles Win, Now Within Two Games of EI Title; Buckley Wallops Eagles, 16-11; Buckley Whips Loop Leading Eagles, 16-1; Eagles Grab Clear EI Title; Three EI Hitters Swing .500 Bats (Adkinson); Five Tilts Begin EI Play Sunday; Royal Clinches Title Tie In Day of EL Oddities; All Stars Named (Aug 24, 1960, Meier, Adkinson, Murray, Olden); Eagles, Knights, Tuscola, Royal Win; Eagles, Royal Win EI Semis; Eagles Whip Royal 5-2, for WI Tourney Title; New Hardball League Formed (1936); Remembering Early Days of EI Baseball League; New Champaign Nine Joins EI; Charles Scoby; obituary for Odell Scoby; John Eddie Scoby obituary; John Cleo “Snapper” Johnson, Sr. obituary; picture of Pepsi-Cole’s Jaycee Senior Leagues; Six Lewis Brothers Serve in Army of United States; Vernon Lewis obituary; Eddie Glover’s obituary, Colored Elks; Elks-Legion Play Titular Go Wednesday; Colored boys star as head __ holds legion; Merchants hit at .309 Clip, Elks are 2nd; Home Nine to Top Beating Elks, 7 to 5; Legion-Elks Break Even in 2 games; Flateville is winner over Colored Reds; Ben Hur Nine Whips Giants by 7-4 Score; Giants Beat Ben Hur, Hope Pitches Four-Hit ball for winners; Giants Spank Plumber Nine; Leaders Face Fight to Hold League; Colored Giants Spank Moore’s in Commercial; Standings of local teams in 1934; Annual Picnic Group Watches Wild baseball; Baseball Play Nearing End (1934); Colored Giants Lead Increased in League; Giants Capture 9-5 Win Over Old Timers; Managers Vote to Stop Games After Petition; Giants, Lions Are Defeated In City Loops; County Hardball Loop Opens Second Half of Campaign Sunday (Dock Leedy’s place); Bailey and Himes, News Agency Win Final Games; Colored Infield Visits Here Monday (picture); Two Change on Top; Chicago Giants Trip Champaign All Stars; Season Dates For Hardball Circuit Set; Flynn Name to Commission to Supervise Work; EI Baseball Season Card Is Announced; New Hardball League Formed; Mahomet New League Member; Corn Belt Schedules ( 1936); EI Cornbelt Players Named (1939); Favor Champs in EI League; Cornbelt Lays Final Plans; New Cornbelt Teams Strong; Barne’s Club Local Entry in Cornbelt; Thrasher New Pilot, Men are Young; Doyle, Masters, Wierman Hurl for Irish; Cornbelt League Managers Vote; Shift Seymour to Shortstop for 1940;Cornbelt Ends League Season (1940); Red Sox Top Royal, 7-6 Win Pennant; Custer, Utley for Cornbelt Bat Title; Colts Play Mattoon Team Sunday; Glover’s Club Boasts Hitting Plus Pitching; Tuscola Club Quits Eastern Illinois Loop, Poor Support Reason Given by Bud Wiese; EI Box Scores (1941); Red Sox, Chanute Clash Here Today; Colts, Seymour Battle In EI Feature Today; Colts Defeat Seymour, Move Closer to Title; Colts Favored to Take EI Tournament Title; Thomasboro in Upset Victory Over Colts, 8-6; Red Sox Beat Ludlow, 13-10 In Tournament; Flatville Nine Spanks Seymour in 7-3 Scrap; Flatville is set to Halt EI Leader; Royal Tops Thomasboro in 8 to 1 Tilt; Colts Annex at Hindsboro; North Team Tips South 2-0 In EI All-Star Mound Duel; This opportunity is tailor made, Negro Leagues back in uniform; Texas man works to preserve history of Negro Leagues (Nate Smalls); Former Pitcher still poetry in motion (Ernie Westfield); Karoll-Kaufman Little League (picture); Game Decade Old: Old-Timers Debuted in 1972; Meet Ernie Westfield, Negro Leagues Pitcher ( The Last Word publication); Glory Days of Baseball in C-U; Discussion of area figure rustles me (Rochell Broome, Snapper Johnson, Dick Hyde,); Baseball Hall of Famer Griffth started out here (The Pantagraph); EI bat Chat (picture of Jack Waldron, Ronald Harbaugh, Bob Fruhling, Herb Osterbur, Eddie Glover); Champaign Eagles (picture); All EI Games Washer out, Flatville Spared Loda Test; Eagles Edge Flatville in EI; Jackie Robinson Breaks Baseball’s Color Barrier; The Negro National Baseball League is a hit (picture); You’re never too old to learn; Life after 100, Linda Loses her heart to century old baseball player; Beyond Apple pie, ‘Baseball as America’: Exhibit shows true that is; Sam Lacy, Pioneering Sportswriter, Dies at 99; Easy Does it, White Sox General Manager Williams Learning Silence Sometimes can be Golden (Chicago Sun-Times); James McCurine, played for Giants in Negro League; J McCurine Negro League Slugger; Fleeting Fame, Less than 20 years after the Civil War, Fleetwood Walker opened the door for African American Major-leaguers-only to see it slammed shut (American Legacy); Baseball great ‘Buck’ Leonard dead at age 90; Toni Stone, 75, First Woman to Play Big-league Baseball; Remembering the soul of the game (St. Louis American); Doby Again Follows Robinson; Sam Haitston, 77, First American Black on White Sox, Dies (The New York Times); Piper Davis, 79, Star Infielder and Manager in Negro Leagues; Negro League start Piper Davis; Safe at Home (Ted Radcliffe); Fielder of Dreams: Defensive Wizard Caps storybook career with induction; Josh Gibson scoring for the Homestead Grays in 1942 in “Baseball” (picture); fond recollections (Armando Vazquez and Jim Robinson pictured). Also in this file, PBS The Story of the Game: the Story of America; Sports Illustrated: Black Baseball, National Baseball Hall of Fame archival finding aids and inventories; A Brief History of Baseball; African American History and Culture Periodicals; Claudia G. Utley: A Transmitter of Love, Letter from Cynthia Utley; funeral program from Mr. Elsa Utley; Royal Baseball Team for the Balance of 1943; questions for J.W. Pirtle; Email to Cheryl from Ernest about Doc Leedy, LeRoy Barnes Red Sox-Champions of Corn Belt League 1940 Winners Tournament Playoff list; Eagles Sunday June 12, 1960 picture- EI League Champions; Interviews: Patricia Pickens Kingston, Beverly Scoby, J.W. Pirtle, Ernie Westfield, Wardell Jackson; baseball position; email about restarting the African American History Committee 2006; email from Cheryl to Alicia Lowery about the direction of the baseball research; interview questions; Vern Lewis biography; email to Cheryl from Neil Williams about talking with Neil’s brother; email to Cheryl from Rosalind Lewis about her brother “Snap”; letter to Cheryl from Ernest with list of baseball players names and phone numbers; emails about Pete McFarland; letter to Hattie, Ms. Utley, Patricia, Rosalind, Ms. Wood about baseball research; Birmingham Black Barons, Ernest L. Westfield Sr; list of players and the years and teams they played; an outline for gathering baseball materials and research; 18th and Vine Historic District and the New Negro League Baseball Museum; Silhouettes, 2008 Winter/spring issue; Negro Leagues Baseball Museum Presents: Shades of Greatness; photocopies of trading cards; biographies of Eddie Glover and Wardell Jackson; The Apollo West Carson Players Executive Director Marvin Clayton Present their 23 Annual Black History Celebration 2009 with a Salute to the Negro Baseball League Players, Doris K. Wylie Hoskins Archive Early American museum Champaign County Forest Preserve District Recognizes James H. Clayton and Alfred B. Robinson for their distinguished service and devotion to their community Sunday February 22, 2009. This file contains photographs- Rochelle Brown; team photograph of an African American team; photographs of little league teams without any notes; photograph of team of almost all African American players and two white players; photograph of an African American child in a baseball uniform with two African American adults in uniforms; C-U Kiwanis team; Birmingham Black Barons baseball player; Eagles sitting on the bench watching a game; African American man in an Navy outfit; Le Roy Barnes Red Sox; Douglass Park Girls Softball Team 3rd row- Louie Nash, Dorothy Jordan, Helen Holt, Kathryn Britt, Wilma Clarey, Louis Mason, Elsie Utley , 2nd row- Charlesette Campbell, Margaret Hite, Harriet Wells, Inez Mcnair, Virginia Banks,, 1st Row-Mary Ola Banks, Daisy Holt Jackson; Colts at Buckley fame, July 12, 1942, Tay Thomas, Eddie Glover, Rubavent Utley.
065 Basketball; 1992- 2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about Paxton Lumpkin star of the Du Sable basketball, 2001 News-Gazette All-Area Boys’ Basketball Player of the Year DaJuan Gouard, former basketball Kendall Gill, 2000 News-Gazette All-State Girls’ Basketball Team, Housing Authority of Champaign County sponsored basketball games every Monday night at Douglass Park, Urbana girls’ basketball team’s come back in 1997, Vincent Brock high school athletes of the week in 1997, Vincent Brock mad the winning shot in 1997, Urbana won Tuesday’s Big 12 Conference boys’ basketball game.
066 Boxing; 1960s (bulk dates: 1960s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings of Anthony Jones and his parents when he came home to visit Champaign, picture of “Bud” Johnson and his father “Snapper,” and Anderson Epps idea to bring a boxing club into Champaign to help stop children from fighting.
067 Football; 1960s- 2001 (bulk dates: 1950, 1960s, 1974, 1995, 2001, 2002); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, publications, photographs (reprints)
This file contains newspaper clippings about Urbana halfback Harry Anderson, Centennial’s Marquis Johnson’s recruiting by colleges, and former Illini football player Howard Griffith. In this file there is one photograph of a football player, the back reads J.C. Caroline Ca. 1950. Also located in this file is one flier for Illinois Dad’s day 1974 and a section of the newspaper, which features University of Illinois football.
068 Golf; 1999-2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clipping about minorities golfing in Champaign Urbana, DUC Hookers golf club, Kevin Gill playing fold in Savoy.
069 Little League; 1950s, 1999, 2000 (bulk dates: 1950s, 1999, 2000); newspaper clippings, publication
This file contains newspaper clippings about Karoll-Kaufman Little League, 1999 Kiwanis Club bracket map, and Addison Aina’s homerun C-U Kiwanis Little League Home Run Derby. This file also contains a Little League Yearbook from 2000 and 50th Anniversary of Little League.
070 NCAA; 2001 (bulk dates: 2001); newspaper clippings
This file contains one article about the mothers of Illinois basketball players.
071 Negro Leagues; 1959-1999 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, photographs (reprints)
This file contains newspaper clippings about the Negro League the Champaign Eagles, Erni Westfiel of Urbana visit to Leal Elementary, a program on Negro League baseball during Black History Month, Negro League players signed autographs at Lincoln Square Mall and planned bus tour, and a newspaper picture of Le Roy Barnes Red Sox from 1940. This file contains a large photocopy of the Champaign Eagles with an attached not that reads Top Row- Charles Kent Sr., Roberto Lavador, James Lee, Jim Freeman, Robert Jordan Pablo Labrador, Mag. Wardel Jackson, Middle Row- Elsa Utley, J.W. Pirtle, Al Shelton, J.R. george Moreland Jr., Isiah Morrow, Wilber Atkinson, Front Row- Billy Chambers, McGee, Terry Kizer, Hank March. This file also contains a photocopy of a publication with Illinois’ First African-American Male Athletes, and a sheet of paper with a copy of an article about the Fighting Illini beating UCLA which also contain hand written notes about the first African American male athletes.
072 Olympians; 1994-1999 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains articles about ex-Illini Tonja Buford, Tonja’s second Olympics, Tonja won the 400 hurdles, speed skater Chantal Bailey, Chantal Bailey’s Olympic Diary that was published in the News Gazette, and eight Illini bid for the U.S. Olympic final tryouts.
073 Schools-sports; 1920s-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains articles about Urbana football, J.C. Caroline kept is position as a teacher but it did not extend to his coaching position, Parkland soccer team, Parkland softball team and University of Illinois team played against each other, IHSA team positions, Russ Oliver scored 52 points and helped Parkland College win the game over Kankakee, Byron Robinson’s switch from football to track, Kevin Roberson, creation of new parks for Champaign district, Randy Wright running track for Rantoul at Gene Ward meet, athletes headed to nationals and future stars, Morris Virgil was the Area Player of the Year in football and a scholarship recruit to Illinois, AAU Junior Olympians, high school volleyball 1997, Centennial volleyball, Ebonie Kelly joined Parkland basketball team, Urbana beat Mattoon in basketball, Waymon Upshaw regained academic eligibility to play basketball 1995, Parkland’s picture of Robbyn Preacely , Patty Taylor, and Robin Patton, Anthony Jones, Urbana beat Champaign Central in 1978, Tanesha King won three even winner for a track meet in 2000 at Danville, 1999 Big 12 Conference meet, Central senior Lashonna Taylor’s improvement in track and field, Rantoul long jumper Lena Geronimo, brothers DeShaye and DeMorrio Jones made up Centennnial’s starting backfield, High School Athletes of the Week Latana Lillard and Tarrie Monroe, High School Athletes of the Week Jamie O’Connor and Carvell Ammons, Mike McDaniel’s biography, Centennial beat Central in 1995, Jay Hite and Jesse Clements, picture Champaign who won sectionals in 1943, Rennie Clemons was dropped by the University of Illinois for not satisfying summer school requirements, four Champaign Central basketball stars their college intentions, picture of Carrier Booth and Kammy Davis, Robbie Long Centennial’s top receiver, Parkland volleyball were National Champions, and Central plays a rematch game against Urbana. This file also contains a flier from football game between Champaign and Urbana, Douglass Park girls softball team picture, picture of Champaign Maroons from a publication, flier for basketball and dance, and a flier for basketball Leco Maroons vs All Stars.
074 Track and Field; 1921-2001 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clipping, publication
This file contains newspaper clippings about Central’s Janelle Johnson, Du Sable Team won the two mile relay, News-Gazette Honor Roll track and field meet, Stacia Harold became on of the top sprinters after her knee injury, Andy Drake, and Ermanda Roberts who won three titles at the Region 6 AAU track and field meet. This file also contains a copy of Action from 1969 which features an article about Illini girls track club.
075 Women’s basketball; 1995-1998 (bulk date: 1990s); pamphlets
This file contains 1995-1996 Fighting Illini Women’s basketball banquet program and a flier with games dates from 1997-1998.
076 U of I baseball; 1986 (bulk dates: 1986); pamphlets
This file contains a baseball program from 1986.
077 U of I basketball; 1994-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, publications
This file contains newspaper clippings about Jimmy Collins possibly replacing Lou Henson, former Illini basketball player Deon Thomas’s visit to Champaign after the unexpected death of his grandmother, Marchoe Dill moved back into the starting lineup in 1996, Jimmy Collins, women’s basketball final game, Vivian Stringer replaced Theresa Grentz, Tonya Booker fast track in becoming a Division I basketball coach, Illini women’s basketball team start 3-0 Big Ten, Illinois women’s basketball team beat Michigan in 1998, practice report about Cindy Dallas and Shavonna Hunter, Illinois picked up three guards Jere Issenmann, Tiffanie Gutherie, and Angelina Williams, Illini high scores in season openers, Tauja Catchings, in 2000 the women’s and men’s basketball team headed to Maui at the Maui Invitational, Aminata Yanni committed to Illinois, Theresa Grentz received a pay increase and contract renewal because she took the women’s basketball team from last to first in the Big 10, practice report highlights Theresa Grentz and Yolanda Smith, practice report that highlights Shavonna Hunter, practice report that highlights Holly Wilson, Shavonna Hunter, Jimmy Collins, LaTana Lillard’s college basketball career at Rutgers, women’s basketball season 2000, Festus Hawkins signed with University of Illinois in 1995, Alicia Sheeler moved to the U of I when TTheresa Grentz left Rutgers to coach at the U of I, Shelly Clark was arrested in 1995 for driving on a suspended license and no insurance, Tracey Marshall, practice report of Tauja Catchings, Deon Thomas only Illini to receive Big Ten honor in 1994, women’s basketball team lost to North Carolina in the NCAA Mideast Regional semifinal in 1997, men’s basketball report which features Robert McCullum, U of I homecoming kickoff celebration at Hessel Park, tattoos the U of I basketball team members have, and Flyin’ Illini sign autographs. This file also contains a newspaper publication of The Flyin’ Illini Reunion, 2001 look back, basketball 2000, Look back at Lou Henson’s years at Illinois, and 2001 NCAA tournament. There is a booklet looking back on the 100 years of University of Illinois Basketball.
078 U of I football; 1993-2001 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, publications
This file contains newspaper clippings about legend Bob Zuppke, the outcome of Illinois-Ohio State game, Red Grange, Marc Jackson commitment to the Illinois football team, Larry Davis’ biography, 1993 University of Illinois football recruits, picture of Two Illini football players Lashon Lundington and Simeon Rice, Johnny Johnson was the third black quarterback to starter, Shawn Wax and Dulick, and Mike Pearson’s preparation in writing a book about the Fighting Illini in 1994. This file also contains a newspaper publication about the U of I basketball team in 1995.
079 U of I track and field; 1993-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clipping
This file contains newspaper clippings about Illini women’s track becoming number 1, Jason Zieren’s pain in his foot keeps him from running, Illini hurdlers among fastest college quartets ever, Tonja Buford-Bailey dead to the Olympics after the placing third during the Olympic trials, Perdita Felicien set a school record in the 10-meter hurdles, in 1995 the track team was down two because Jenny Schwab and Kim Donohue left the team, Collinus Newsome changes in her training in 1999, Candace Nicholson, and Marion Jones.
080 Education and Sports miscellaneous; 1960s-2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, typed written notes, publications
This file contains newspaper clippings about the student union building at West Virginia State College being named after former University of Illinois assistant track coach James C. Wilson, adult sewing class which includes a picture, STEP program, Oprah Winfrey speaking at the University of Illinois, History Professor Juliet E.K. Walker’s class Oprah Winfrey , the Tycoon, University of Illinois hosted Moms day expo, University of Illinois Afro-American Studies program marked 30 years in 20000, and Urbana schools received a grant for remedial reading plan, the possible closing of Urbana Adult Education Center. This file also contains first grade pilot math study. This file contains news paper articles and one copy of the publication Patterns, May 2004, which feature Franklin Middle School students who helped produce “Our Journey.”
081 Through the Years newsletters; 1995-2007 (for digital copy see Drawer 8, 004 CDs: African American History Newsletters)
082 Through the Years binder; 1995-2001 (bulk dates: 1995-2001); correspondence, photographs, pamphlets
Letters to Mrs. Littlefield from Linda Pete’s Easter Jr. High students in 1996, letter regarding Through the Years: African American History Comes Home, exhibit, letter from Dr. Katie H. Wright regarding exhibit opening (includes group photograph of women at exhibit), quotes from Champaign County community residents about the exhibit, Through the Years: Black History in Champaign County original newsletters for spring and winter, 1995-2001.
Drawer 5: Entertainment and Events
001 “Music, Theater, Bands, Drama, News Items” Scrapbook; 1923-2000 (bulk dates: 1923-1940s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, photographs (all photocopies)
Primarily consists of photographs and clippings relating to jazz band performances around the Champaign area (such as concert at Douglass Center) or within Illinois. Clippings Illinois Voice (?). Some photographs have been identified. File also includes advertisements for Allen Green’s Cleaning and Pressing service, Rainbow Tavern, and Monarch Tavern.
002 C-U Black Artists 1993-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s-2000s); pamphlets, newspaper clippings
File includes newspaper clippings on local and visiting artist exhibitions: Allen Stringfellow (born in Champaign), Mary Grace Louis, James Dunn, Elizabeth Catlett, Margaret Burroughs, Melodye Rosales (local author and illustrator of children’s books), Bessie McKinney (local artist), and Parkland College theatrical performances.
003 C-U Bridgewaters 1953 – 2003 (bulk dates: 1990s-2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, handwritten notes, photographs (photocopies)
File includes newspaper clippings and Krannert Performing Arts Center pamphlets on jazz musician Cecil Bridgewater, Dee Dee Bridgewater’s singing career, concert performance at Krannert, and Cecil Bridgewater’s signature on Krannert paper. File also includes photographs: Pete Bridgewater sitting at desk with microphone, reads: WKID (?) on Philo Road 1953; man sitting at desk with microphone and record player reads: Harold “Pete” Bridgewater-WDWS Radio Station, WKID (?) on Philo Road 1953; photograph of man sitting at desk with microphone reading from a sheet of paper (two men looking through glass window in background) reads: WKID (?) on Philo Road 1953; newspaper clipping on WDWS Radio; additional photographs include: group of men on a stage playing instruments reads: U.S. Navy Band Curaco (?) NWJ, passed by Naval Cruser (?) Cecil Bridgewater; group of four men and one woman performing on stage in front of a sign that reads: Music by Pete (?) Bridgewater Quintet (additional information reads: P.B.’s Quintet, Glen Crokite__(?), P.B. Base, E. England Jr. (?), Norm Langford, P__Lemar sax, Ethel Bridgewater-vocal club 4.5, c. 1963; Cecil and Erma Bridgewater holding trumpet and saxophone, newspaper clipping on the Bridgewaters and jazz; photograph of men in uniform sitting with instruments on stage reads: Ringling Brothers Annex Band 1908, Preston Bridgewater, trumpet (second from right, father of Cecil Bridgwater, Sr.).
004 C-U Jazz; 1916 – 2004 (bulk dates: 1910s–1960s; 1990s- 2000s); newspaper clippings, photographs (photocopies; some color photocopies), pamphlets, web-based sources
File primarily consists of newspaper clippings on jazz performances at the Krannert Perfoming Arts Center in Champaign, Illinois or local jazz musicians. Newspaper clipping subjects include: Blues and Jazz organist Jack McDuff, Erma Bridgewater and Doris Hoskins as well as history of jazz in Champaign County, annual River Front Festival in Indiana, Brandon T. Washington, Nathaniel Banks, Krannert Center Jazz threads (includes photograph of musicians sitting outside with Cecil Bridgewater, circa 1990s or 200s), local Muddy Waters tribute, Wayne Shorter, and UI Jazz Band. Photographs include: group (circa 1910s) of young musicians reads: Brewer’s Juvenile Band of Champaign; five men playing instruments on stage in front of a sign that reads: Welcome Home Illini (sign includes two derogatory caricatures of Native Americans) with note that reads: 8 O’Clock Club 150 E (?)-Lou W__, Pete B., Ernie Englewood (?), R__Erickson, Dick Webber; group of mal musicians and one female sitting on stage reads: Mac Willis and His Doctors of Rhythm Boys, Mr. J.__Bush-1936, compliments of Mac Willis; group of men in suits reads: Jerry Lynch and his “Rhythm Club” band, Jerry Lynch, Richard Caro- Bass, Bubbles Wilfard (?), Everett Ursley (?)- trumpet, Goose Wesley (?)-piano, R__ Rayford (?)-drummer (?), group of men in suits reads: Jerry Lynch and His Rhythm Club Band; group of young men standing outside with drums (includes handwritten notes); group of five men playing drums, piano, banjo, violin, and saxophone, back of photograph reads: Ray Hines-D, Jay Hines (?)-P, Ray Scott-sax, Harry D. Ellis-B, Cliff Jordan- violin?-per Ernie Hite’s tape 1979, circa 1916; group of young men with instruments on stage reads: Ringling Bros’ Annex Band 1908; man standing in front of multiple mail boxes (Raymond Scott?) placing mail in box; 1968 advertisement that reads: If you want fun, atmosphere, or simply to enjoy a good glass of beer- It’s the Monarch. Now Playing: The Jazz Members-with Count Demon, Chuck Fields, Lamont Parsons, and Norm Langford, Thurs Nights 9-12:30. Monarch Tavern Fifth and University Champaign; 1968 advertisement for The Tony Zamora Jazz Ensemble; postcard (photocopy) with a group photograph of young men in suits and coats reads: The Monarch Club and the back reads: seated- Ray Scott?, Claude Scott, Fred Clay-standing, Cecil Pope, Art Woodruff; advertisement for Mac Scott and His “Foot Warmers,”
File also includes pamphlet on Maurice McKinley, 1975 Tribute to Count Demon, and newspaper clippings on Paul Wienke, jazz performers as well as Jazz Threads Exhibit at the Krannert.
005 C-U History of the Illinois Theater; 1993 (bulk dates: 1993); typewritten notes
File includes one item: typewritten notes titled History of the Illinois Theater by Perry C. Morris (1993).
Notes discuss history of the Illinois Theater (formerly located at 312 West Railroad Street, now Springfield Avenue) built in 1907. From 1923-1927 the Illinois Theater was “was owned and operated by the Zenith Amusement Company, a Ku Klux Klan …during this period the theater was used principally for Klan activities, but was available for rental by local organizations.” The Theater burned down on April 3, 1927.
006 African-American Class Reunion; 2001- 2003 (bulk dates: 2002); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
In this file are newspaper clippings about local school reunions, African American All Classes High School Alumni Reunion in 2002 which all classes from 1927-1997 were invited, members of the Champaign County black community pulled resource for A Cultural and Spiritual Rite of Passage for high school graduates and people receiving their GED, Johnnie Dorris graduating from Urbana High School at the age of 69, 2003 African American All Classes High School Alumni Reunion, 2002 African American All Classes High School Alumni Reunion was the same weekend the Bears were in town and Rantoul’s World Free Fall Convention, Jazz artist Gregg Bacon played at the Virginia Theatre which was part of the African American All Classes High School Alumni Reunion weekend in 2002, a letter to the editor from Terry Townsend about 2001 African American All Classes High School Alumni Reunion, a letter to the editor from Nathaniel Banks in regards to African American All Classes High School Alumni Reunion excluded people, 3 letters to the editor about the lack of coverage of the African American All Classes High School Alumni Reunion because of the Bears and the Rantoul World Free Fall Convention, letter to the editor from Elizabeth Vasser about her great experience at the African American All Classes High School Alumni Reunion, and a letter to the editor from Frances Sutton who attended the African American All Classes High School Alumni Reunion but was shocked by the deterioration of north Champaign. Also in this file hand written note from June 1, 2002, handouts from 2001 and 2002 African American All Classes High School Alumni Reunion, and a program from African American Graduating High School Senior and GED Recipients Celebration.
007 Black Women’s Achievement Dinner; 1997-2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); pamphlets
This file consists of program booklets from 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2003, Nomination forms and letters, Doris Hoskins personal participation form, Doris Hoskins personal form for sponsoring a young woman, and an article about five black women from Champaign-Urbana being honored at the annual Black Women’s Achievement Dinner in 1998, which included Doris Hoskins.
008 Champaign-Urbana Day; 1997-2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about the C-U Day celebrations 2001, 2002, 2003, letter to the editor about the C-U days being a great event because of the reunion and the activities. Also contains 2001 events and program calendar for the Douglas Park, flier for Champaign- Urbana Day events in 1997,1999, and 2000, handwritten note about Champaign-Urbana Day, Douglass Annex Senior sign-in form from C-U Day 1997, and a map of events from Champaign-Urbana Day 2001
009 Cotillion 74; (bulk dates 1974); typed written notes
File contains Cotillion 1974 program guide and statement of the occasion.
010 C-U Old Timers Picnic; 1978 (bulk dates 1978); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
Newspaper clipping from The Spectrum and the fifth annual Champaign-Urbana old timers picnic on August 12, 1978. People identified be handwritten notes are Ida Chipman, Eliza Mae Wallace, Monica Jones, Mr. Tom Maclin, George Nesbitt, C.B. Burch, Taylor Thomas, Hollis Johnson, Erma Bridgewater, Myrtle Chatman, Kathryn Humphrey, and Helen Berry.
011 C-U Parks & Play Activities; 1993-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlet
The newspaper clippings in this contain pictures of Rachel Simmons and Elisha Polk in the pool At Crystal Lake, Shaquille Potts at the Water Play at Hessel Park, dedication of new equipment at Bristol Park, Bill Pellum and Barbara McGee serve up pancakes at the breakfast put on by Champaign Park District senior citizen, Ernyse Blanson and Bernadette Wagner swinging at Centennial Park, Ian Wright and Bryton Jenkins plat at the water playground at Hessel Park, Terrianna Davis and Maureen Henry playing with water guns during Hang Time camp at Kaufman Lake, Otha Simmons playing with his daughters at Crystal Lake Park, Kendra Henson and Desiree Nicole playing on the merry-go-round at Carle Park,, Shannaya McFarland and Toya Creighton jump roping at Crystal Lake Park, Donna Tinsley eating lunch at Scott Park, Jerae Murphy at Spring Break Day Camp, Raniese Osby and Aubree Stevens playing in the sand at Hessel Park,Taylor Bankhead and Chase Click playing at Hessel Park, Keyanna Pope and Diamond Napper at the Community Day Care in Champaign, Kim Phillips and Anthony Phillips waiting for the bus on a fall day, Aaron Kirby washes a car at the Community Day Care Center on Neil Street and Bradley to raise money, Cornelius Campbell riding his bike with his dog, Curley Boo Johnson of the Harlem Globetrotters five 4 year old Sheena Polite lessons on ball twirling, Chaka Wesley sitting under a tree while waiting for her sisters, Dezzire Keeling watching her mother Nadia Upshire and her friend Dee Johnson play basketball at her home on Scovill Street, and an article about the restoration of The Prayer for Rain statue at West Side Park. Also located in this file is a flier for Neighborhood Nights.
012 Do the Right Thing Day of Celebration; 2001 – 2002 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
The newspaper clippings in this file are about the Urban League of Champaign County’s Do The Right Thing Day of Celebration from 2001 1997, and pictures of kids from the Do The Right Thing Day of Celebration. This file also contains fliers about Do the Right Thing celebration.
013 Local Beauty Pageants; 1960 – 1999 (bulk dates: 1960); newspaper clippings
Articles about Tish Graves winning Miss Black Danville in 1997, Caleigh Dawn Sharp winning Miss Champaign County 2003, Erika Harrold of Urbana reining Miss East Central Illinois in 1999, Sennie Goines participated in Miss Black Illinois 1960, Hattie Taylor reigned as queen of the Junior Craftsmen’s Ball 1960, 1960 Junior Craftsmen Ball candidates Hattie Taylor Glorie Smith and Helen Allen, and Kim Atkinson Miss Teenage Champaign County.
014 Make A Difference Day; 1993 and 1997 (bulk dates: 1993); newspaper clippings
Articles in this file are about Make A Different day 1997 which collected items for schools and social service agencies, the Eastern Illinois Food Bank in Urbana counted on donations from Make A Different Day in 1993, Eastern Illinois Food Bank received a 264-pound donation from Jericho Missionary Baptist Church, A list of places to donate for the Make A Difference Day, and food donations were the focus of 1993 Make A Difference Day.
015-045 Cotillion Volumes; 1972-2003; pamphlets
Volumes include: May 21, 1972; May 20, 1973; May 25, 1974; April 12, 1975; April 10, 1976; April 9, 1977; April 1, 1978; April 14, 1979; April 12, 1980; March 28, 1981; April 10, 1982; April 9, 1983; April 14, 1984; April 13, 1985; April 12, 1986; April 11, 1987; April 16, 1988; April 8, 1989; April 7, 1990; April 4, 1992; April 3, 1993; April 9, 1994; April 1, 1995; March 30, 1996; March 29, 1997; April 4, 1998; March 27, March 27, 1999; April 1, 2000; March 31, 2001; April 6, 2002; March 29, 2003.
046 Cotillion Loose Items File; 1992-1996(bulk dates: 1990s); pamphlets;
File contains three items including a pamphlet with a drawing of a woman in formal attire, as well as twenty-fourth annual cotillion ball instructions for debutantes, and twentieth annual Debutant Cotillion.
047 Entertainment and Events miscellaneous; 1940s-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s and 2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, handwritten notes, Photographs (photocopies)
This file contains newspaper clipping about Uptown String Quartet, Mary Grace Louis local artist, Make A Difference Day, National Night Out 2002, local parades, The Whirlwind Project, The Urbana-Cahmpaign Talent Fest, Culture Camp, Project Unity Records. This file also contains Afro-American Heritage Revisited Third Annual Achievement Awards Banquet program, Lincoln –Douglass Human Relations Banquet Program from 1983, Let Freedom Ring 2003 program, Text, Texture, and Context: Toward an Ethnographic History of Slave Resistance by Charles Joyner flier (signed by author), 6th annual All-Star Jazz and Blues Blowout flier (signed by Jack McDuff), Writers Live at the Library Eddy Harris flier (signed by Eddy Harris),photocopy of Sound Advice, and Honoring William Warfield flier (signed by William Warfield).
Drawer 6: Healthcare and Housing
001 Burnham Hospital; 1988 (bulk dates: 1988); newspaper clippings
Newspaper clippings about Burnham Hospital merging and their relationship with other local healthcare facilities.
002 Christie Clinic; 1979-2000 (bulk dates: 1979-2000); newspaper clippings
Newspaper clippings on Christie Clinic ending two contracts with physicians (Drs. Frank Wrestler and Imhotep Carter), establishment of cancer center at Provena Covenant Medical Center in Urbana, and history of Christie Clinic.
003 Frances Nelson Health Center; 1968-2001 (bulk dates: 1971-1991); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
administrative records, pamphlets, Photographs
Primarily consists of News-Gazette clippings on Frances Nelson Health Center budget issues, Board of directors, racial and class-based issues, moving the center, a letter to the editor from Erma Bridgewater, the history of Frances Nelson Center, “The Frances Nelson Health Center, A Personal Account” by Frances Friedman, research findings titled “Pre-Natal Care Among Champaign-Urbana African American Mothers” by Arnetta Collins Rodgers and James Dudley, and Through the Years African American History of Champaign County newsletter Fall/ Winter 1999. Annual report 1995, and 1991-1992. Brochure for six annual open house. Photograph of (backrow l-r) James Culp, Jack Monkmon, John Bud Johnson, (front row l-r) Dr. Slator, Erma Bridgewater; photograph of a meeting, 30 miscellaneous photographs with some people identified.
004 Frances Nelson Health Center binder; 1981 (bulk dates:1981) newspaper clippings, Photographs
This binder is from The Community Services Administration to express its appreciation to Frances Nelson Health Center. The people who are mention Mr. Frieman, Mrs. Goins (outreach worker), Mrs. Davis (outreach worker), Erma Bridgewater, Chris Washington, Grace Mitchell, Denise Cross, Mary (booker), Mrs. Cole and son Jr. (outreach director), Mr. Evan (board member).
005 Health Care; 1937-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s-2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
Includes News-Gazette clippings on local health care issues, United Community Counsel of Champaign County, kidcare and, DSC in the community newsletter. File also includes newspaper clippings of photographs of Champaign-Urbana African American doctors and one 1940s (?) newspaper clipping on father and son doctors (Doctors Wilson Sr. and Jr.) from, Danville, Illinois.
006 Mercy Hospital 1934 –1996 (bulk dates: 1960s); newspaper clippings, typewritten notes, administrative records
Typewritten notes with significant dates in hospital history, newspaper clippings discussing history of
nursing and Mercy Hospital in Champaign-Urbana as well as 1934 medical bill (photocopy).
007 Provena Covenant Medical Center; 1930-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); Newspaper clippings, Correspondences, Pamphlets, photographs
Contains three photographs titled: Covenant table Awards dinner 1997. Photographs show Doris Hoskins, Ruth Anne Wylie and male and female couple sitting at a table as well as another unidentified couple getting their photograph taken. Many documents about Sister Esther Mathew from Provena Covenant Medical Center.
008 Champaign’s North End; 1970s-1990 (bulk dates: 1970s-1990); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about cleaning up Champaign’s North End, white families moving to Champaign’s North End, and the demographic make-up of Champaign’s North End. Report on the northeast part of Champaign.
009 Foster Families; 1989-1997 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clipping about Kendall Gill donating $300,000 for a new boys home in Urbana, states remained guardian in drug case, Christmas program unite children and biological parents, and foster parents Shirley and Curlie Rogers.
010 Public Housing; 1963-2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about the north end of Champaign and blacks forced to live in the area, resignation of Gladys Hunt, resignation of Terry Townsend, push for the housing authority to hire their own police, housing grants, Joann Dorsey Homes, making people more self-sufficiency, Darlice Ogletree interim housing chief, director Elawrence Davis, keeping the housing with both old and young residents, delayed payments to the housing Authority from the HUD, loan program for low income, arrest of Elawrence Davis, increasing codes, suspension of Elawrence Davis, HOPE VI grant, Champaign County Housing Authority annual plan approved by Urbana council, Champaign County Housing Authority townhome development, chairwoman Paula Abdullah stepped down, Edward Bland hired as director in 2003, Champaign County Housing Authority wanted the federal government to take over in 1995, grand opening for the new Oakwood Trace Townhomes, apartments for homeless, Lakeside Terrace, Beardsley Plan, violence in public housing, Burch Village, maintenance problems, Garden Hill, grant cuts threatened Kwanzaa Club, plans to give low income computers, housing for the disabled, and proposal for the Taylor Thomas development. This file also contains Illinois Property Tax Homestead Exemptions handout and Understanding the Property Tax Extension Limitation Referendum handout.
011 Homeless/ shelters; 1995-1997 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains articles about homeless programs, Malibu Bay Lounge New Year’s day lunch for the homeless, TIMES center, letter to the editor from Kimberly Winston about North Champaign being a bad location for a transition home, homeless man cooking dinner on Thanksgiving with food he found in a dumpster, helping the homeless get off the streets, Springer Building, Women’s Emergency Shelter, complaints about Women’s Emergency Shelter, neighbors opposed homeless housing experiment, A Woman’s Place, Kendall Gill Group Home for boys, the Roundhouse Shelter, and homeless breakfast on Thanksgiving. This file also contains A Resource Guide For the Homeless, TIME center materials.
012 Substandard housing; 1941-2003 (bulk dates: 1940s); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, photographs (reprints)
This file contains articles about housing issues in the black community, family living in tent, and five families living on one lot. This file also contains a photograph of Romeo Green (1942); Malcolm Green (1943); seventeen photographs of poor quality housing in Champaign- Urbana in the early 1940s.
013 Urban Renewal 1960’s – 1970’s; 1962-1975 (bulk dates: 1962-1963); newspaper clippings
File contains approximately two hundred newspaper clippings (primarily News-Gazette and Champaign-Urbana Courier) on Urban Renewal plans for Champaign’ North End as well as articles on city council meetings, opposition to Urban Renewal, structural surveys conducted, commentary by local African Americans on housing plans and newly erected housing. Newspaper clippings also show dilapidated housing on the north side and in other cities such as Indianapolis as well as articles discussing houses that will be demolished and properties that will be rehabilitated.
014 Healthcare and housing miscellaneous; 1970s-2000 (bulk dates: 1970s-2000); newspaper clippings, correspondences, Photographs (originals)
This file contains newspaper clippings about Fair Housing Ordinances, notice to the public about zoning changes, and demolition of Lee Roy McCall’s building. The article about Lee Roy McCall’s building was attached to four photographs of buildings. The photographs are not labeled.
Drawer 7: Military
001 Black Soldiers/Civil War; 1860s-2003 (bulk dates: 1860s; 1990s); handwritten notes, web-based sources, administrative records, newspaper clippings, publications (photocopies), correspondence Contains newspaper clippings from Central Illinois Gazette (1 May 1861) discussing 32 “free colored men” who enlisted in the military as well as an article from Champaign Co. Gazette (13 September 1899) titled “Honor for Colored Men.” File also includes records for the Twenty-Ninth Regiment U.S. Colored Infantry and copies of veterans’ records from the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, DC (records contain information on African American soldiers from Quincy and Cairo Illinois who served during the Civil War).
002 Black Servicemen and women; 1940s-2005 (bulk dates: 1940s); newspaper clippings, photographs (photocopies), correspondence File contains primarily newspaper clippings from News-Gazette on Champaign County African American soldiers serving during WW II and the Persian Gulf War, as well as a 1943 postcard from Fort Devens to Doris Hoskins. File also includes one photograph of a woman in a military uniform (circa World War II), newspaper clippings on Malcolm Green (brother of Romeo Green), Colonel John C. Robinson (aviator who headed Ethiopian air force during Italian-Ethiopian war) coming to Champaign, and performance by Chanute soldiers chorus members and glee club on national broadcast. DH.
003 Champaign-Urbana Veterans; 1942-2003 (bulk dates: 1942-1970); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, administrative records, Photographs File includes newspaper clippings on Vietnam veterans (American Legion Post 559) and a benefit program given by the UI chapter of Beta Theta Pi fraternity to raise funds for a community recreation center to raise funds for colored men in the armed forces. File also includes handwritten notes with a list of World War One and World War Two veterans, handwritten notes about a person’s service with the Red Cross possibly during World War Two and one Women’s Memorial registration form for Esther M. (Baker) Stoba (served with American Red Cross March1943-March 1947). Two photographs of groups of soldiers without any identification of the men.
004 Chanute Air Force Base File # 1; 1940s-2003 (bulk dates: 1940s-2000s); newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs (originals, reprints, photocopies), handwritten notes, administrative records, publications
Letters to Doris Hoskins regarding Tuskegee Airmen, history of Chanute, and materials as well as photographs for the 1998 museum exhibit, It Started Here about the Formation of the First All Black Airforce Corps Squadron in the United States Army Air Corp at Chanute Field in 1941. File also includes handwritten notes about Chanute and Tuskegee pilots, correspondence between Doris Hoskins and historians as well as Tuskegee airmen regarding history of African American serviceman (includes photographs from serviceman), a photograph of David (Phillips?) with model airplane, approximately fifteen photographs of groups of pilots at Chanute standing in front of airplanes, panoramic of African American serviceman standing in front of a plane (circa 1940s) as well as photographs of individual, airplanes, and men marching in formation. File includes Octave Chanute Aerospace Museum loan forms with list of items donated or given to museum for exhibit on African American pilots, artifacts including: United States Air Corps patch, jacket insignia from the 99th Pursuit Squadron at Chanute in June 1941, 1942 Victory Parade of Spotlights Band postcard, metals and photographs belonging to William R. Morris, letter to Doris Hoskins from Bill Morris, newspaper clippings on Douglass Center and African American soldiers. DH.
005 Chanute Air Force Base File #2; 1940s-2003 (bulk dates: 1940s-2000s); newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs (originals, photocopies, negatives), handwritten notes, oral history materials, administrative records, publications
File includes informational packet on 1998 museum exhibit, 1940s newspaper clippings on African American men joining military and serving at Chanute, as well as 99TH Pursuit Squadron at Chanute performance, bible study group formed by 99th Squadron, clippings from publication: History of the Tuskegee Army Flying School, newspaper clipping on Chanute Chef, Through the Years African-American History in Champaign County Spring 1998 newsletter about Chanute, newspaper clipping on aviation cadet James J. Taylor of Champaign (circa 1940s), obituary for Christopher Copeland, newspaper clipping on the Southernaires radio and concert quartet, “A Tribute to the Airmen of the 99th Pursuit Squadron, 1941” type written notes from a speech by Mrs. Erma Scott Bridgewater discussing Chanute history and mentions the Douglass Center, transcripts from a 1987 interview with Colonel Nelson Brooks and Lieutenant Colonel Williams R. Thompson who both attended Chanute, handwritten notes about local women’s participation with Serviceman’s Center, handwritten notes with names and addresses of serviceman, correspondence with historian about Octave Chanute, and 1941 administrative records from Headquarter air Corps Technical School Chanute Field, Illinois. File also includes photographs and negatives from September 1997 of museum exhibit, one photograph (that reads: Vivian Bird 11/1995) of a group of ten men (including African American and white men) standing outside in snow with two African American men wearing pilot uniforms (circa 1940s). DH.
006 Chanute Air Force Base File #3; publications, handwritten notes, artifacts
File includes:
Heroes on the Home Front: A Pictorial History of the Chanute Field YMCA/ Hostess House, and Rantoul’s USO Club/ Armed Services YMCA, 1917-1990.
007 Chanute Air Force File #4 1940s-1989 (bulk dates: 1940s-1973); newspaper clippings All newspaper clippings from News-Gazette and Chanute Wings
008 Navy Binder; 1942-1999 (bulk dates: 1940s) newspaper clippings, hand written notes, typed written notes, Photographs
This binder contains newspaper clippings about Samuel Davis, Julius Ellsberry (Pearl Harbor victim), Daenport Donaldson, Alonzo D. Ransom, Joseph McDowell, Dorie Miller, Ellis Washington, Robert Stovall, Bobby Huff, Erma Scott Bridgewater (director of Lawhead), Landle Difay, S.O. Beckum, Samuel Leroy, marriage of Orval Gray and Lilla Stokes, W.R. Williams, Elvin Bell, Robert Ewing, Carzell Langford, Alonzo Swann, Julia Love, Louis Watson, Paul R. Donaldson, Graham Martin, and Nancy Leftenant, Photograph of Eugene Delmas Hoskins.
009 Tuskegee Airmen; 1940s-2006 (bulk dates: 2006); newspaper clippings Clippings are from New York Daily News and Chicago Sun-Times. Most of the clippings cover biographies of airmen outside of Champaign County.
010 US Army WWI, WWII, and Civil-Spanish American Binder, 1928-2003 (bulk dates: 1940s and 1990s); newspaper clippings, correspondences, hand written notes, Photographs
This binder contains biographies of Colonel Charles Young, Benjamin O Davis, and newspaper articles about West Point, America’s first black brigadier general, Captain Walter Bruce Williams, plaque honoring blacks who fought in Civil War, students learning from Civil War re-enactors, Buffalo Soldiers, death of Cecil Nelson, American Legion, death of Edward Wascher, Legion gets a new site, Sgt. Charles N. Evans returns home (1957), Sgt. Raymond Phillips first colored man to die in action, obituary for James McNeal, Anthony Jones to turn professional fighter, Elsa Utley, Service Men’s mothers were honored, Musical for colored benefit, Bethel Choir surprised A.R. Lee, marriage of Lieutenant and Mrs. Virgil Lee Campbell, Miss Esther Mae Baker went to Australia with the Red Cross, and Mary Lewis received a pin in honor of her four sons in service. This file contains newspaper clippings about African American who are the U.S. military. Not all names are listed above. Some clippings are of soldiers’ pictures. Photograph of Lt. Harold Wascher (OSC-WWI); Reubavent Utley (WWII); photograph taken in a photography studio of a soldier; photograph of three soldiers; U.S. Naval Dental Technicians school (1960); headshot of an African American lady.
011 A-Train Memoirs of a Tuskegee Airman, by Lieutenant Colonel Charles W. Dryden. Mentions Chanute in index.
012 Separate and Unequal: Race Relations in the AAF During World War II
Alan M. Osur.
013 Tuskegee Airman: the Biography of Charles E. McGee Air Force Fighter Combat Record Holder, by Charlene E. McGee Smith. Mentions Chanute in index.
014 Tuskegee Army Flying School and AAF 66TH FTD Tuskegee, Alabama. Army Air Forces Southeast Training Center. Inside page of front of book reads: Property of Vivian N. Bird, 1613 E Captiol Ave., Springfield, Illinois 62703. Note: Page 59 of this book had one black and white photograph (that reads: Vivian Bird 11/1995) of a group of ten men (including African American and white men) standing outside in snow with two African American men wearing pilot uniforms (circa 1940s). The photograph was found paper clipped to the top of page 59 next to the title: 318th Base Headquarter and Air Base Squadron. The photograph has been moved to the back of Chanute Airforce Base File #2.
015 Military Miscellaneous; 1940s (bulk dates: 1940s); newspaper clippings
Announcement on local solider returning home and female performer at Chanute Air force Base.
016-017 Two laminated oversized photographs; 1940s (bulk dates: 1940s); first photograph reads SH 335, this photograph has doctors names on the bottom of the picture; second photograph reads 335th Sta, Hospital, Ft. Huachuca, Arizona 1944
Drawer 8: Oral History Materials and Multimedia
001 Interviews and oral histories; 1970s, 1995-1997 (bulk dates: 1990s); oral history material
This file contains Early American Museum oral history release forms from Henry Matthews, Mildred Jones, Freddie Davis (Khaie Ali), Myrtle Chatman, Doris (?) Hill, Willie Mae Dibrell, Peter McFarland, Erma S. Bridgewater, and Wilma Clary Cross (with photograph). Transcriptions for interviews Gladys Loyd, John Rothermel, Jack Bear and Claude Palmer, Mrs. Walz, Mary Huff Temple, Doris Hoskins (two interviews), Reverence Raymond Wiliamson, Patricia Lewis, Lucia Green, and Charlotte Nesbitt, Harold Combs. Note cards excerpts from Oral History. Two interview sheets from the World War II project Elsa Utley and Earl E. Smith. This file has multiple copies of the oral history release forms.
002 Loan Records; 2000 (bulk dates: 2000) administration records, handwritten notes
This file contains loan forms from Catherine Hogue, Dawson Banks, Patricia Lewis, Westfield, Bishop Loyd E. Gwinn, Margot Williams, Rosalind Lewis, Phillip Norman, Doris Burgess, Doris Hoskins, and Erma Bridgewater. Also located in this file is a list of material on loan to the museum.
003 Objects in Drawer 8- Bag labeled Goes With Winnie Wilson File, bag contains a tape, a fan, and two jewelry boxes; a bag with a spoon; a photograph of a group of children with no label, two computer disks labeled Goes with Walter Young, Young scans high resolution; certificate for Top Ladies of Distinction from June 1985; 47th Winter frolic, Taylor Thomas’ pocket calendar; Herbert Tinsley’s report card; photograph album with nine photographs from The Champaign Catholic Social Service Community Advisory Board hosted a luncheon to honor Doris Hoskins; Odelia Alexander name tag.
004 CDs
African American History Newsletters: “Through the Years” series created by the Champaign County African American History Committee (CD contains all publications which total 16 PDFs). Newsletter PDFs include:
Fall 2007--“Play Ball” Baseball, Part II
Spring 2006--“Play Ball” Baseball, Part I
Fall 2002--Our Stories: Reflections by Doris Hoskins
Spring 2002 --Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church, Church Women United and more.
Spring 2001 --Special Millennium Issue-"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"
Summer 2001 --Continuing Memories Shared...
Summer 2000--The Shelton Laundry, Black Owned Businesses and more.
Fall/Winter 1999 -- Mercy Hospital School of Nursing, Francis Nelson Health Center and more.
Spring/Summer 1999 --Maudie Edwards, the Teacher; my Story and more.
Winter 1998 -- Salem Baptist Church, a Tribute to the 99th Pursuit Squadron and more.
Spring 1998 -- 99th Pursuit Squadron Technical Command, the Cotillion and more.
Summer 1997 -- Through the Years; African-American History Comes Home and more.
Spring 1997 -- Prepare for the Future, Music, Business, Church Photos and more.
Spring 1996 -- Portrait of a Family, Cornerstones of Black Businesses and more.
Spring 1995 -- Blacks in Champaign County 1865-1970, Family and more.
Winter 1995 -- Entrepreneurs, the Creation of the Douglass Center and more.
Black History: Miscellaneous
Black History: Through the Years
Jazz Photos
Lewis Photos (27 images)
Millennium Photos
NAACP History Champaign Urbana 1915-1944 (Digitized copy of NAACP Binder from Drawer 9:
Organizations and Community Centers. CD contains 282 scanned items)
Nelson, Earnest Photos
Newspaper Clippings and Photographs
“Our Journey” Interview Transcripts
Scrap Book
Urban Renewal
Young, Walter Album
005 Computer diskettes and zip disks
AAHC Newsletter (diskette)
African American Newsletter (Zip)
Barb (Zip)
Black History (Zip)
Church of Living God, Stratton (Zip)
Educational Newsletter (Zip)
Lewis Picture (diskette)
Lewis Photos (Zip—27 images)
Millennium Issue (diskette)
Millennium Photos (Zip)
Stratton (diskette)
Reflections, Places, Remembrances, Final Information (diskette)
Rowell and Young (Zip)
006 DVDs (WILL Youth Media Workshop Documentaries)
African-American Life in Central Illinois: Black and Proud
African-American Life in Central Illinois: Once a Ghetto
African-American Life in Central Illinois: This Bus Stops
And the Beat Goes On
Our Journey
African American Life in Central Illinois: Justice: Color Blind...or Just Blind (2 discs)
007 Micro Cassettes
Jazz Interviews
Bridgewater, Erma (2 micro cassettes)
008 Mini discs (University Laboratory High school projects)
Bazzell, Imani (2 mini discs)
Clark, Mary (2 mini discs)
Edwards, Maudi (2 mini discs)
Freeman-Bridgewater (2 mini discs)
Grey (2 mini discs)
Hambrick, Lashunda (2 mini discs)
Hoskins-Renner (2 mini discs)
Irfan-Womble, R. (2 mini discs)
Paulk-Alper (2 mini discs)
Scantlebury (2 mini discs)
Shir-Clark, Phyllis (2 mini discs)
Vickers-Shelley, Rich (2 mini discs)
Williams, Margot (2 mini discs)
009 Oral Histories (CDs)
Banks, Nathaniel interviewed by Deanna Carr (WILL Media project)
Bridgewater, Erma interviewed by Tamika Lee (WILL Media project)
Bridgewater, Erma (history of Urban Renewal in Champaign, Il; 50 minute interview; CD housed with interview questions). Interview conducted July 6, 2011 by Rebecca Vaughn (Doris Hoskins Archive Intern: Museum of the Grand Prairie)
Bridgewater, Erma; Estelle Merrifield; Eunice Rivers; Champaign Urbana Days audience members at Douglass Annex Senior Center (history of Douglass Center) 1 hour, 40 minutes interview. Interview conducted June and August 2009 by Rebecca Vaughn (Early American Museum volunteer)
Gray, Lucy (family history in Paris, Il; 40 minute interview; CD housed with interview questions). Interview conducted July 7, 2011 by Rebecca Vaughn (Doris Hoskins Archive Intern: Museum of the Grand Prairie)
Green, Malcolm and Lucia (history of Urban Renewal in Champaign, Il and Romeo Green’s photographs of substandard housing in African American neighborhoods) 1 hour, 20 minutes interview; CD housed with interview questions). Interview conducted July 20, 2011 by Rebecca Vaughn (Doris Hoskins Archive Intern: Museum of the Grand Prairie)
Hogue, Catherine interviewed by Tamika Lee (WILL Media project)
Johnson, John Lee interviewed by Markisha Motton (WILL Media project)
Lewis, Patricia (family history of Vern and Patricia Lewis) 36 minute interview; CD housed with interview questions). Interview conducted July 15, 2011 by Rebecca Vaughn (Doris Hoskins Archive Intern: Museum of the Grand Prairie)
Miller, Martel interviewed by Markisha Motton (WILL Media project)
Patterson, Nina and Taylor, Fannie interviewed by Jessica Austin (WILL Media project)
Paulk, Hattie interviewed by Markisha Motton (WILL Media project)
Ridgeway, Ivon interviewed by Markisha Motton (WILL Media project)
Slates, Kathleen interviewed by Tiera Campbell (WILL Media project)
Smith, Timothy (identification of scrapbook materials pertaining to his mother, Mrs. Willa Mae Dibrell’s family members and friends in Champaign, Il); 2 hour interview (47 minutes; 1 hour, 14 minutes). Interview Conducted July 29, 2011 and August 10, 2011; CD housed with interview questions) interviewed by Rebecca Vaughn (Doris Hoskins Archive Intern: Museum of the Grand Prairie)
Suggs, Hester 1 of 2 interviewed by Veronica Martin (WILL Media project)
Suggs, Hester 2 of 2 (WILL Media project)
Wilson, Karen (daughter of Winnie Wilson) Talk about Karen Wilson’s career for Church Women United; 49 minutes (CD copy of cassette tape (original tape returned to Winnie Wilson); notes on tape read: The Ann Locklin Memorial Endowment, 5-3-01, Attorney Karen L Wilson side 1, side 2 Wesley Urbana Church 7:00)
Yarber, Arnold interview by Veronica Martin (WILL Media project)
99th Pursuit Sqd.: The First All Black Air Corps SQ in the Army Air Corps at Chanute Field 1941; (no date); CDs. File contains one CD.
Unidentified negatives; no dates provided. This file contains negatives. The envelope reads City of Champaign Building Safety.
010 VHS Tapes
After Jackie: Black Baseball in the 1950’s
Carrie Banks Interview (Interview conducted by RSVP and the Early American Museum)
A Christmas Story: Matthew House
The Girls of Franklin Missle School
Matthew House
Parkland Community Forum: This Legacy is Yours
Prairie Fire March 1994 John Lee Johnson (these VCR tapes for with the Royalettes)
Studs Terkel (video of Doris Hoskins receiving Studs Terkel award for her community service)
This Legacy is Yours
Winter Frolic 1993
Winter Frolic 1997
Drawer 9: Organizations and Community Centers
001 AACP (African-American Cultural Program); 1972-1990 (bulk dates: 1972-1990); newspaper clippings, correspondence File includes newspaper clippings on minority students and graduate school, Steve Birdine, and Bruce Nesbitt. Also includes a letter about Rev. Leon H. Sullivan.
002 African-American History Comm. 1980- 2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); pamphlets, correspondence, handwritten and type written notes, administrative records File contains materials on African-American History Committee events and exhibits, meeting minutes, correspondence amongst members, and committee pamphlets with background information on the organization such as “Through the Years: African American History Comes Home Treasure Hunt” pamphlet. African American History Committee October, 10, 2000, Community Foundation Champaign County Application, Champaign County Forest Preserve District Summary of All Funds FY 2000 working budget, letter to Cheryl and staff from Erma Bridgewater, card to the Early American Museum from Charlotte Chilton, Salute to Champaign County Black History flier, African American History Committee Meeting February 15, 2000, 1934 map of Champaign Streets, African American Committee Meeting March 18, 1997, African American Committee Meeting November 18, 1998, African American Committee Meeting May 19, 1999, African American Committee Meeting January 18,2000, and News Gazette’s article on the Early American Museum’s exhibit on black women.
003 The Ambassadors’ Club; 1950s (bulk dates: 1950s); photographs (photocopies)
This file contains on photograph of the Ambassadors’ Club. This photograph does not contain any information.
004 Anna Tutt Honey’s - Senior Citizens of Champaign County; 1971- 1995 (bulk dates: 1970s); photographs, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, correspondence, handwritten notes, artworks File includes photographs with identification of different senior citizen events such as the Father’s Day Tea as well photographs of a woman cooking. File also includes News-Gazette clippings on Anna Tutt and Henry Tutt Mathews, as well as handwritten notes from an interview with Mr. Matthews, and a brochure with funeral arrangements for Henry Tutt Mathews.
005 Best Interest of Children 1995-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings File contains primarily newspaper clippings on the court case over custody of the baby Elizabeth Horne and two articles on Best Interest of Children and child welfare.
006 Black Fraternities/Sororities; 1915-1996 (bulk dates: 1940s-1990s) photographs (some color photocopies), pamphlets, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes; some duplicates
Primarily group photographs and clippings pertaining to University of Illinois sorority and fraternity members, events, and campus houses. Organizations include Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority and Sigma PI PHI fraternity.
007 Black Honors; 1940s-2005 (bulk dates: 1993-2001); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, typewritten notes, handwritten notes
Primarily News-Gazette clippings recognizing senior citizen volunteers, students, University of Illinois professors, college graduates, and a 1978 article about Doris Hoskins. File also includes short biographies of area working professionals. Some duplicates. DH.
008 Boys & Girls Club; 1962-2003 (bulk dates: 1997- 2003); newspaper clippings, administrative records, pamphlets Primarily contains News-Gazette clippings on Boys and Girls Club board and program activities, Lincoln’s Challenge, as well as a newspaper clipping on Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity Project Alpha (speaking to local African American males about gangs, education, and premarital sex) event held in 1999. File also includes administrative records for Boys’ Clubs of America from 1969-1971 (includes meeting minutes and newspaper clippings; one article discusses president elect Tommy Drish).
009 Champaign County Historical Society; 1990s-2002 (bulk dates: 1994-2000); pamphlets, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, correspondence, administrative records Primarily pamphlets on Champaign County Historical Society and historic preservation.
010 Champaign Human Relations Commission; 1994-2003 (bulk dates: 2000s) newspaper clippings, pamphlets, administrative records File contains articles on Champaign Human Relations Committee plans for Martin Luther King celebration and awards.
011 Civil Service (Police and Fire); 1946-2003 (bulk range: 1950s; 1971; 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets Primarily News-Gazette clippings about Champaign Urbana police and local crime-related incidents.
This file contains newspaper clippings about murder Charles Keippler being found dead, letter to the editor about poor and crime relationship, murder of Cora Nash, Chanute Private James E. Clayton admits stabbing, four articles about Ernest “Boodles” Connors who stole $7,230, Alpha Phi Alpha educated others about racial oppression, and Felonies keep thirteen percent of black men from voting.
012 Community Activism Champaign-Urbana; 1976-2002 (bulk range: 1993-1997); newspaper clippings, publications Primarily News-Gazette clippings and one photocopy of publication “Ground Level: Viewpoints and Opinions from the Local Community” (Volume 1, Number 1).
013 Douglass Branch Library; 1997-2003 (bulk dates: 1997-2003); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, correspondence
File primarily includes News-Gazette clippings on Douglass Branch Library staff, library events, the Frederick Douglass memorial, Douglass advisory committee, the hiring and firing of Douglass Branch Manager Charles Moore, and other Douglass events.
014 Douglass Center; 1940s-2002 (bulk dates: 1940s-1950s; 1990s); publications, correspondence, photographs (some photocopies), newspaper clippings, pamphlets, administrative records, oral history materials
File contents include photographs of Black History exhibit at Douglass Center on March 15-21, 1993 and photographs of guest speakers at Douglass Center. Also includes photographs of 1998 Senior Style Show and photocopies of events relating to Douglass Center during 1940s. Most photographs in this file have been identified. Also includes News-Gazette clippings on Douglass Park and Douglass Center events and typewritten notes on history of Douglass Center and Douglass Park, transcripts from an interview with Mrs. Erma Bridgewater by Dallas Brown, handwritten notes from 1960s on status of Douglass Center, and a list of individuals who contributed information to paper on the Center history. Includes Champaign Park District newsletter, newspaper clippings on ground broken for Douglass Community Center, 1993 pamphlet by Douglass Annex Senior Center about obtaining patch-work quilts for Douglass Annex and Krannert Art Museum exhibit, “Urban Bushwomen” performance, newspaper clippings about Douglass Center staff members, 1995 letter from Doris Hoskins to Robert Toalson regarding Eager Beaver pre-school program, clippings on talent shows, 1946 Douglas Community Center: First Anniversary Program (photocopy), letter to the Editor from Erma Bridgewater on Douglass Center history. Also includes clippings on Health Fair at Douglass Park, 20th annual Day in the Park, information on some park commissioners, and Champaign Urbana Days, and Peace Stone gang members (1969). DH.
015 Douglass Center II; 1940s-1970s (bulk dates:1960s-1970s); newspaper clippings
Continuance of the Douglass Center.
016 Gardenia Club; 1950 (bulk dates; 1950); photographs (photocopies). File includes one photograph of group of women in formal gowns which reads: Gardenia Club’s Pre-Spring Formal, photographer: George H. Smith, 117 W. Birch, Champaign, Il, phone: 8912028548.
017 Habitat for Humanity; 1991-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about summer student apprenticeship paint program, Habitat for Humanity expand to new areas, Nguyen family receives a home, churches involved with house building in 1997, ground breaking on a house for Everett Bernard, moving houses from State Street to new locations so they could be remodeled, Local celebrities help build houses for building day, Habitat for Humanity build a house for Shimkus family, Karen Peeples receive a new house, Cornelius family receive a new home Beech Street, first home on Beslin St., and Bell dedication. This file also contains by-laws of Habitat for Humanity for Champaign County, application for homeownership, Women for Habitat volunteer opportunities packet, and Habitat for Humanity Home Dedication program.
018 Illinois Association of Colored Women’s Clubs; 1950s (bulk dates: 1950s) ;newspaper clippings
This file contains two articles from the newspaper about the Illinois Association of Colored Women’s club meeting with Mayors James D. Flynn, Champaign and Jon Gray, Urbana and picture of Colored Women’s Civic Club Will Bring Joy To Tots
019 Ku Klux Klan; 1923, 1994–2005 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings first KKK meeting in Champaign-Urbana in 1923, KKK inter-fraternity junior organization changed their name to Tu-Mas, KKK burns cross in Urbana, Matt Hale’s connection to a shooting spree, KKK rally cost tax payers money for protection, Tuscola has a history of being involved with the KKK, Lions Club had to apologize for giving first prize to a girl dressed as a KKK member but the girl claims it was in protest of the KKK, church leaders planned a racial reconciliation conference in response to recent activities in Champaign and Ford Counties, letter to the editor from F.H Stevenson about burning of the Illinois Theater in Urbana, KKK fliers found in Melvin and Loda, Area clergy rallied against KKK, KKK member Brian Hesterberg was charged with a hate crime, and racial unrest in area to be topic at meeting lead by church leaders.
020 Ladies of Distinction; 1964-1987 (bulk date: 1980s); pamphlets, publications, photographs (originals)
This file contains a pamphlet about LOD, 13th annual conference program, pamphlet about the National Program, charter constitution and by-laws, Area III Conference program, The Crown, TLOD Network Workbook for the Twenty-first anniversary Syn-Lod, TLOD Network Presidential newsletters. This file also contains photographs that are not labeled. Eighteen photographs from February 14, 1987 ladies’ luncheon. All eighteen photographs read in the right bottom corner 2/15/87. There are two photographs that were attached to the 13th Area III Conference Banquet program. The two photographs are not labeled.
021 League of Women Voters; 1965-1994 (bulk dates: 1991-1994); newspaper clippings, publications
This file contains League of Women Voters 1991-1992, Yearbook 1993-1994, Adequate open space for Champaign County- A Challenge, and a flier for the brown bag lunch with the Committee On Local Schools,
022 Les Femmes Club; 1945 (bulk dates: 1945); photographs (reprints)
This file contains one photograph with a separate list of the name of the women in the photograph.
023 Lodges and Fraternal Organizations; 1930s-1994; (bulk dates: 1940s-1950s); newspaper clippings, photographs, pamphlets, publications, notes, administrative records, typewritten notes Primarily group photographs and newspaper clippings with individual photographs of African American male and female shriners. Includes clippings from News-Gazette about The American Legion Auxiliary Post 559, Victory Temple 530, Hiram Lodge, Elks lodge. This file also includes Illinois Knights Templar booklet; Order of the Eastern Star Deborah Chapter #27 pamphlet and “Walking in the Light for 100 Years” booklet, Corinthian Lodge No. 31, 1982 booklet, Free Masonry informational pamphlet, handwritten notes on Lone Star Lodge #18, history report on The Domestic Friendship Club, organization bylaws, Second Anniversary Banquet of Sudan Court No. 19 Daughters of Isis program. This file contains photographs. First photograph is of the American Legion burning a flag. Photograph of Daughter Ruler Velma Colley. Black and white photograph of two men sitting together.
024 Matthew House; 1981 – 1999 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, pamphlets
Letters to Doris Hoskins from children at Matthew House, newsletters, one photograph of Doris Hoskins with boxes of food titled: Matthew House, Christmas 1984, one photograph of children, letters from Tamara to Doris Hoskins, newspaper clipping on Mrs. Hoskins’ volunteer work. DH.
025 NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People); 1950-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); clippings, pamphlets, correspondence, publications, handwritten notes
This file contains newspaper clippings about NAACP sponsored a candidate forum for local candidates in Champaign and Urbana, NAACP conference held in Champaign, NAACP rejected the use of Native American mascots, NAACP were guest of Wesley Foundation at an interracial banquet, NAACP meeting hits on racial profiling, zero tolerance, Lending practices focus of NAACP meeting, and Grady Jordan re-elected to head Champaign Branch NAACP. This file also contains NAACP’s 2003 National Survey, It Seems To Me by Taylor L. Thomas, Millennium Issue, The NAACP News from 1997-2000, Have you Voted Yet? Pamphlet, How the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Began pamphlet, 80th anniversary Gala program, 12th Annual Banquet for the Champaign county Branch, 15th annual banquet, 64th Annual State Convention, Community Summit 1998, and Provena newsletter discussing Provena sponsorship of NAACP local chapter 64th annual convention.
026 NAACP (local chapter) Binder; 1915-1944(bulk dates: 1915-1944); photographs (reprints?), handwritten notes, administrative records, correspondence
Containing approximately 286 items (photocopies), the binder consists of correspondence from 1915-1943 between Champaign Urbana NAACP Twin City Branch and staff at NAACP office in New York City. Includes one group photograph (reprint? Circa 1940s) of young students around desk (some wearing costumes) reads: Magistrate Vergel Burgess (in his courtroom), Mc Glenda Pallard- teacher, police officer, plaintiff, defendant, bailiff, witness, mock trial. May 3, 1915 application for admission from the Twin City Branch to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People-application contains several signatures and lists occupations of applicants. Selected items from files include membership cards (photocopies) listing names, addresses, and amount paid to organization, letter to Mrs. Thompson, letter to Mary Childs Nerney (secretary of NAACP) from C__R. Lee (Treasurer, Twin City Branch), 1923 application for charter, letters regarding police brutality including 1925 letter from president of Champaign- Urbana branch to and response from NAACP New York office regarding murder of a local African American man by a white man whose trial was dropped, 1929 letter from Champaign-Urbana chapter President Gray to New York NAACP office (includes their response) about the beating of a young African American man by Champaign policemen-also discusses the initial confrontation that arose after eight African American men ranging from ages 19-23 went to local theater, were denied seats in front row and asked for a refund and then one man was stuck over the head by a police officer and the young men were taken to police station and the young African American man was further beaten (his collar bone was dislocated and his hand “crippled”) by policemen and denied bail and or access to doctor. New York office responded suggesting the Champaign- Urbana chapter establish a conference and form committees to address legal action, 1934 correspondence between national office and George Nesbitt, 1942 letter from Grady Jordan (NAACP president), and letters discussing union boycott.
027 National Association of Negro Musicians; 1957 (bulk dates: 1957); newspaper clippings – Picture of three officers of the National Association of Negro Musicians.
028 National Council of African-American Men (N.C.A.A.M.); 1994, 1998 – 2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, correspondence, administrative records
This file contains newspaper clippings about symposium, black men address Unit 4 issues, Evening of Celebration and Recognition, Champaign-Urbana chapter of the National Council of African-American Men was the first chapter in Illinois, Black male symposium at Parkland. This file also contains forth, sixth, fifth, third, ninth, eighth, and seventh Annual Evening of Celebration and Recognition invitation, NCAAM goals and Objectives, NCAAM oath, flier for memberships, problems for committee, invitation of Black Male Symposium Reception, sixth annual Evening of Celebration and Recognition program, seventh annual Evening of Celebration and Recognition program, eighth annual Evening of Celebration and Recognition program, and Black Male Symposium programs.
029 National Council of Negro Women file I; 1992-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, typed written notes, correspondences, pamphlets, photographs (originals)
This file contains newspaper clippings about honoring black women at Mother’s Day Brunch and NCNW gala A Night to Remember. This file also contains Holiday Gala and Fundraiser flier, membership fee increase, program for Honoring William Warfiled, 2000, 2001, 2003, Mother’s Day brunch program, granddaughter of Eleanor Roosevelt visits Mahomet for program honoring Eleanor Roosevelt and Mat McLeod Bethune, fact sheet, Champaign members lists, Anniversary Banquet 1994, Pre-Thanksgiving program 1996, Mission Matters newsletter 1999, twelve photographs from 1994 at the NCNW event (sent to Doris by Jeanette Graves), photograph of Mildred Allen as a baby, four photographs from 1995 NCNW luncheon (sent be Jeanette Graves), and a photograph of four women (including Doris) and a man handing one a paper. These same people are in photographs sent to Doris by Jeanette Graves.
030 National Council of Negro Women (N.C.N.W.) file II; 1997-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s-2000s); correspondence, administrative records, pamphlets, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, web-based source, photographs
Includes agendas 2002, minutes 2002, reports 2002-2003, and bylaws 2002, 2002-2003 Calendar events, Holiday Gala 2002 flier, letter about Doris resignation from the Office of Historian for the Champaign County Section of the Nation Council of Negro Women to Ruthie Hillsman from Doris Hoskins. Primarily consists of administrative records, correspondence, newspaper clippings and press releases regarding visit from Anne Roosevelt and Early American Museum (EAM) This Legacy is Yours 2001 exhibit. File contains National Council for Negro Women (NCNW) 2003 agenda, meeting minutes, and EAM release forms (photocopies) for Rosalind Lewis and Margaret Williams. Also includes addresses of Champaign female residents and business cards.
031 O.N.O. Social Club; 1957-1978 (bulk dates: 1970s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about O.N.O. Social Club’s twentieth anniversary, O.N.O. Social Club secret organization, pictures of O.N.O. Club sixth and tenth annual formal dances.
032 Royaletts (See Wilda Herndon); ca. 1950s, 2000 – 2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); correspondence, publications, pamphlets, clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about the Royalettes hosting a winter dance, Royalettes produce a skit called Champaign ‘N Urbana Goes on TV, letter to Myrtle Stratton from Almenda Gray about her joining the Royalettes, Royalettes charity work, program for A Peep Into Spring sponsored by The Royalettes, Royalettes history, Royalettes fifth-fifth-third annual celebration, a letter to Doris from A. Buchanan about the history of the Royalettes and people she knew.
033 Salvation Army; 1960, 1993-94, 2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, publication
This file contains newspaper clippings about Salvation Army resident wanting to start a band, Kettle campaign funds programs all year long for Salvation Army, Maurice Akins is a Salvation Army bell ringer who dances and has fun while he rings the bell. This file also contains an article about the Origin of Christmas Kettles.
034 Scouts; 1950s-1990s (bulk dates: 1970s); newspaper clippings, publications, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about Boy Scouts from Champaign, Negro leader A.J. Taylor, Girl Scout leaders took a five week training course, six boy scouts are presented Eagle Badges, Robert E. Glover, increasing African American boys to join the Boy Scouts, Girl Scout fete, Girl Scout troops gave been bags to Happy Day School for the mentally retarded, Girl Scouts show off clothing from 1868, and Girl Scout service recognition. This file also contains 85th anniversary Boy Scout magazine, Green Meadows Girl Scout Council of Illinois job description, minutes Girl Scout Advisory Council Meeting from March 14, 1977, and list of members Girl Scout Advisory Committee for Troops in the North end.
035 Social Science Club; 2000s (bulk dates: 2000s); correspondences, pamphlets, handwritten notes
This file contains a letter to Doris from Carol Arnould speaking to the Social Science Club, a letter to Mrs. Dawson from Doris Hoskins about biographies on Carrie Banks, Erma Bridgewater, and Doris Hoskins, Carrie Banks biography, Erma Scott Bridgewater biography, Doris Hoskins biography, a note to Doris from Phyllis Robeson about the presentation that Doris was involved with, a letter to the presenters for the presentation from Stacy Schroedor, and One Hundreds-thirteenth Yearbook of the Social Science Club of Champaign and Urbana 2000-2001.
036 Study Circle Program; 1997 (bulk dates: 1997); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains a newsletter about Study Circles Program and a newspaper clipping about goal towards different races trying to understand each other.
037 Thursday Night Supper Club; 1980s (bulk dates: 1980s); typed written notes, handwritten notes
This file contains membership list and place they were meeting, Thursday Evening Super Club constitution, and phone lists.
038 United Way; 1970, 1996 – 1999 (bulk dates: 1990s); correspondence, newspaper clippings, publications, administrative records
This file includes newspaper clippings about United Way in Champaign raising more money. Includes Michal S. Josephson biography, Community Forum for Character and Values 1996, newsletters, Leading the Way newsletter, and 1970 financial statements.
039 Urbana Human Relations Commission; 2002 (bulk dates: 2002); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about Martin Luther King Day, 2002 Black History Program flier, pledge of nonviolence, Urbana Celebrates Black History Month flier, and What if There Were No Black People?
040 Urban Aid Programs; 1980 (bulk dates: 1980); correspondence, publications, administrative records.
Includes letter from City of Urbana, Urban Action handbook, and financial information sheets.
041 Urban League; 1960s, 1986, 1993 – 2005 (bulk dates: 1990s); pamphlets, correspondence; publications; correspondence; administrative records, typed written notes, handwritten notes,
This file contains newspaper clippings about older workers, teaching kids how to use the internet so they can help others in the community, Williams’ Restoration Urban Ministries, Restoration urban Ministries, Urban League hosted a Apprentice Job Fair, Maurice McKinley became the director of education and youth development, Do the Right Thing day, urban League gave coats to needy children, expansion of the local Urban League, training people so they can make hire wages, Urban League oppose a tax hike unless it was going to benefit at risk students, push for integration in Unit 4 schools, 25 years of the Urban League, Urban League leader Barkstall retired because of health reasons, Urban League held a press conference because of the rejection of the Urban league during the rise of black militant organizations, Marguerite Johnson won an Urban League award, race relations, door to door fundraising, six from the C-U area attended Urban League national conference, Urban League president call for improved race relations, job training program, Urban League ousted from running Head Start, a forum that was sponsored by the Urban League examined education of black students, visit from the National Urban League President, Narmen Hunter was the guest speaker at the 32nd annual dinner meeting, and an article featuring Imani Bazzell who was the Education coordinator at the Urban League of Champaign County. This file also contains annual report meeting programs, Achievement Matters Gala programs and invitations, fundraising letters, fifth annual Fall Festival program, address list of senior at Urban League, and The Reporter newsletter.
042 YWCA/YMCA; 1960s, 1990-2003 (bulk dates: 1990s); correspondence, publications, administrative records, newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
Includes “YWCA Update” newsletters, “YWCA of the University of Illinois: 1884-1984 Women Making An Impact for 100 Years” booklet, YWCA 1998 – 2001 Annual Reports. Newspaper clippings about Mryam Ar-Raheem, nominations for the fifteenth annual Black Women’s Achievement Dinner, black women sought for outstanding awards, Robin Barrow, and a picture of the new members of the University YWCA Corp. Board. Also includes newsletters, My Story by Doris Hoskins (1996), Women Histories and Cultures 1993 Program, Cosmo Connections newsletter Generations of Pride: African Americans in Illinois, Great Beautiful Black Women portraits by Paul Collins, YWCA Constitution New Faces in Congress from Seniority Feb./Mar. 1997.
043 Organizations and Community Center miscellaneous; 1950s-1960s (bulk dates: 1960s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper clippings about the Hunting Club Officers, Gayette Birthday Club giving a scholarship to Rhonda Powell, the Ever-ready Club, 20th O.N.O. anniversary announcement, and Elks performance.
Drawer 10: Religious Institutions
001 A Look at Religious Development in Champaign County, Presenter- Jim McClarey, Sr; 2000 (bulk dates:2000); unpublished works
Presentation of A Look At Religious Development in Champaign County.
002 Apostolic Church of Christ; 1950s/1960s (bulk date: 1950s/1960s); newspaper clipping
One picture of worshippers at Apostolic Church from newspaper clipping.
003 Bethel AME; 1985-1997 (bulk date: 1985-1997); pamphlets
Annual Founders Day Celebration books 1985 – 1997
004 Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church; 1900s – 2003 (bulk dates: 1960s, 1990s, and 2000s); pamphlets, administrative records, handwritten notes, typed written notes, newspaper clippings, photographs
A majority of the newspaper clippings are from the News Gazette. One group of articles focuses on new pastors coming into the church and others retiring. A few articles focus on Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church’s history. A large number of the articles consist of information about events at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Some events that are covered are choir singing at other churches, Men’s and Women’s day, guest speakers, holiday programs, benefit for the Prairie AIDS Foundation, and fundraising. In this file there are brochures and fliers of church events and hymns, list of member contributions from1990 and 1991, Bethel A.M.E. Annual Women’s Day celebration booklet 1993, program for Choir Songfest 1949, appendix of clergy personnel, Bethel 136th Anniversary booklet, wedding program for Mary Jean Somalar and Charlie O’Neal Harris, 1950s list of Choir Members from a record cover that was photocopied, an invitation to Sarah Allen Luncheon from February 22, 2003, I, a flier from The Luana Riley Society of Bethel M.E. Church, an invite for Bethel’s First Symposium and Luncheon, Bethel A.M.E. Annual Women’s Day Celebration from 1993, and memorial brochures. There are two photographs in this file. One photograph has multiple photocopies and it is also in a newspaper clipping that shows members of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in the early 1900s, one copy reads among those pictured are Ray Scott, Cecil Pope, Cliff Jordan, Art Woodruff, Woodward Thomas, Elmer Bracon (?), and some students from the U of I. The second photo shows a group of men and women standing and setting around a blueprint. It is not dated but looks to be from the 1950s. Also located in this file is a typed written copy of History of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church (abridged), which was researched by Luana Riley, Florence Louis Mileam, Clara Anderson Allen, Mary Blackburn Jones, Albert R. Lee. The history was compiled and edited by Albert. R. Lee.
005 Canaan Baptist Church 1981-2002 (bulk dates: 1980s and 2000s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets, typed written notes
This file contains newspaper clippings focus on The Substance Abuse Free Environment House (SAFE), which Canaan helps fund, music programs, expanding the church and creation of a Canaan School. There are sign-up fliers for the Youth choir, Women’s Safe House, Young Adult Choir, Victory Chorale, Ussher Board Ministry, Transportation Ministry, Teacher Training Ministry, Swat Misistry, Sunday Church School, Substance Abuse Ministry, Rap Ministry, Pace Ministry, Mother’s Board, Men’s Safe House, Men’s Discipleship, Media Ministry, Housekeeping, Health Education, Grounds Beautification, Greeters, Faithful Bible Investigators (FBI) Choir, Discovery/ Christian Living, Damaged Love Receptors, Children’s Church, Canaan Development, Credit Union, Canaan Academy, Boy/Cub Scouts, and Bereavement. This file contains a brief history of Canaan’s beginning. Also located in the file is a program for the Fourth Church Anniversary and Appreciation Service for Rev. and Mrs. B.J. Tatum.
006 Champaign County Church miscellaneous; 1950s -2003 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, typed written notes, handwritten notes, pamphlets, unpublished works, photographs (reprints)
This file has information about other churches that do not have a file in the collection. In this file there are articles about Mary Ann Bridges being installed as assistant pastor of Living Faith Ministries, Cunningham Children’s Home appointed Rev. Elaine McCoy as chaplain, the move of First Christian Church, Buddhist Teachings from the Octopus, Rev. William Salzmann leaving Westminster Presbyterian Church, local missionaries, retiring of Rec. Charles Sweiter of McKinley Church and Foundation in Champaign, pilgrimage to Israel by Champaign –Urbana residents, Bradley Warkins became the Champaign District Superintendent of the United Methodist Church, a former Urbana pool hall turned into the Pentecostal church, Mundy Singers vist to University of Illinois, and a photograph with a caption from Women’s Missionary Society Communion at St. Jame’s in Danville. This file also consists Central Illinois District The Gate Post January/February 2002, typed Written notes take and transcribed by: David Wttleson, Stenotype Reporter, Opportunities Through empty tomb, Inc. which highlights many churches around Champaign County for their charity work, hand written notes on Church/historians, flier for Spring Gathering for Women at the First Presbyterian Church, church directory for 13 churches, “Black Church Architecture” by Michael J. Margaglia, Church Women United flier which futures Doris Hoskins, Ellen Rivers, Esther Donaldson, Octavia Cole, and Esther Kemp, program for Central Illinois Chapter Dorcas Fellow ship March 2001, flier for a program called When Will There Be Peace On Earth?, a copy of The Baptist Advocate from October 1999 that mentions a high school graduate fro Mt. Olive Baptist church who received the Baptist General State Convention Awards First Scholarships, Black Church Architecture, and Vigil for the Deceased program at Holy Cross Church. One photograph from of The Methodist (AME) Church in Paris, Illinois ca 1950s.
007 Church of the Living God; 1994-2003 (1990s and 2000s); Newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about obtaining permits to expand Church of the Living God, Rev. Mary Mullen, and an article focusing on the history of Church of the Living God. Located in this file are fliers for Bishop and Mes. Lloyd E. Gwin’s 25th wedding anniversary and Renewal of vows and the 18th annual Shepherd’s Day Celebration in honor of them. There is also a flier for the 21st annual Shepherd’s Day Celebration. Also located in this file is a booklet containing the history of Church of the Living God.
008 Greater Holy Temple; 1997-2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings, typed written notes
In this file there are three newspaper clippings about Greater Holy Temple helping the needy by collecting clothes and opening a soup kitchen. Also located in this file, a brief history about Greater Holy Temple.
009 Jericho Missionary Baptist Church; 1993-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlet
Two articles in this file focus on the expansion of Jericho Missionary Baptist Church. There are two articles about Rev. Ronald Baker Sr.’s first service at the House of Worship Community Baptist Church and his reinstallation at Jericho Missionary Baptist Church. Also located in this file is the 13th anniversary booklet that has a brief history of the church.
010 Morning Star Free Baptist Church; 1924-2000 (bulk dates: 1960s); newspaper clippings, artwork, typed written notes, handwritten notes, photographs (reprints)
Newspaper clippings in this file are about the expansion of the church, it being Urbana’s oldest black church, career day, obituary article about Rev. Prentice Williamson and Rev. Alfred Morgan, song recital by Mrs. G.W. Brown, and drug awareness program for the community. Also located in this file: Terre Haute Conference 1948 brochure, handwritten note with phone numbers of parishioners from Morning Star Free Baptist Church, typed written History of church, 56th and 88th Church anniversary programs, “Family Portraits” newsletter Fall 2001, a drawing of church with typed written notes about the history of Morning Star Free Baptist Church by R.L. Louis , 1995 Inspiration reading and yearbook, Morning Star Free Baptist Church 72 anniversary celebration. There are five photocopies of photographs. One photograph is of seven women reads L-R Bet Johnson, Mrs. Mary Foltz, Sally Flemming, Awanda Adkison, Alice M____, Mary Lynn. Photograph of five men reads L-R J.R. Willis, Pete K___, Horus Up___, Raymond Willianson, Robert ____. Photograph of seven women from the choir reads L-R Katherine Lewis, Barbara Mareland, Lela King, L___ Jordan, Sally ____,M____ Mareland. Photograph of eight people reads L-R Willa Mae Nelson-DiBrell, Genevieve R__ Stratton, Rev. Edgar Allen, M___ C___ Allen, Mary Shelton, J___ Dorothy Franklin (?) Moreland, Barbara Moreland Williamson, Evelyn (?) McDonald B_____. One photograph of Morning Star Free Baptist Church congregation.
011 Mount Olive Baptist Church; 1900s-2003 (bulk dates: 1960s and 1990s); handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, publications, pamphlets, typed written notes, photographs (originals)
In this file are newspaper clipping about Mount Olive Baptist Church performances, board dinner, an article about Lundy Savage being a pastor for 30 years, clipping from Mount Olive Baptist Church fifth anniversary, clipping about Mount Olive Baptist Church Study Group, clipping about Mount Olive Baptist Church pastor being in charge of arrangements for the Baptist General State Congress of Christian Education of Illinois, article about honoring Rev. graves from Mount Olive Baptist Church, Mount Olive Baptist Church expansion plans, article about Mount Olive Baptist Church pastor helping to stop the crime in the area around the church, article about parishioner Juanita Campbell, and an article about Denny Dwight Davis, Rev. Kilgore’s funeral. Also located in this file, handwritten and typed history on church, 75th anniversary Jubilee book 1991, 80th anniversary book cover, service program from December 30, 2001 and January 5, 1992, All Club Day program from April 28, 1963, program from second anniversary of Pastor and wife from October 13, 1960, men’s day program, bible school certificate from Mount Olive Baptist Church to Shelly Mason, The Baptist Advocate April 2003, and original photographs. Photographs are in an envelope, envelope top left hand corner reads Marcia G__ ___ 0f Br____ from Jesus project, middle of envelope reads Alice Stewart of Salem Baptist Church, Champaign. There are twenty-one original photographs (1940s-1980s) that do not contain any information. A majority of the photographs are of individuals. Eight photographs (1900s-1980s) contain information. One photograph (postcard) from the early 1900s reads Red H___, Sam _____ , imprinted with Abernathy, Champaign, IL; photograph of six people Peacock (?) R. S____; photograph of a baby back reads Carolyn Delores Ferdinand , now deceased; colored photograph of a man in front of curtains back reads To: Mrs. Alice Stewart From: Jerri and Mel; small black and white photograph of a boy front reads 380 back reads Givens, small photograph of a boy back reads 92628-4 Anderson; large black and white photograph of a man sitting down front reads From D.H.___ To My Alice.
012 Muslims; 1989-2000 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
This file contains newspaper articles about an open house at the Urbana mosque, H. rap Brown’s visit to Champaign, conversion from the Bible to the Koran, turning the AT&T building in Danville into a mosque, and an article about Muslims in Illinois which highlights the Urbana Mosque.
013 New Free Will Baptist Church; 1991-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, typed written notes
There are two newspaper articles located in this file. One articles is about Evelyn Burnett Underwood becoming the first woman president of the Ministerial Alliance of Champaign- Urbana and Vicinity. The other article is a letter to the editor from Rev. Dr. Evelyn Underwood and Rev. Elaine Gehrmann about Brady Smith, former dean of discipline at Franklin Middle School, soliciting a 14-year old Champaign boy. Also located in this folder are typed church histories from 1991 and 1994.
014 Pilgrim Baptist Church; 1930-1997 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
There are newspaper clipping in this file about groundbreaking at the new site of Pilgrim Baptist Church, Dr. J.C. Austin giving a speech to Pilgrim Baptist church during his visit to Champaign, a unity service that was held at Pilgrim Baptist Church, death of Eva Dean, a photocopies of a picture with caption The above picture is one of Champaign’s progressive Baptist churches. Rev. Charity is its pastor, article about Rosetta White (Illinois Spectrum), and an appearance of the Olivet Baptist church at the Pilgrim Baptist Church. All but one article are from the News Gazette. Also located in this file, 71st and 72nd Pilgrim Baptist Church Anniversary booklets.
015 Restoration Urban Ministries; 1995-2003 (bulk dates: 2000s); newspaper clippings
In this file are newspaper articles about opening New Restoration Urbana Ministries, which stemmed from Restoration Urban Ministries that opened in 1993, the expansion of Restoration Urban Ministries into a northwest Champaign neighborhood, donation Restoration Urban Ministries received, and a banquet to mark the 10th anniversary of Restoration Urban Ministries.
016 Salem Baptist Church; ca. 1930’s- 2001 (bulk date: 1980s); handwritten notes, correspondence, news clippings, pamphlets, Photographs (original and reprints)
This file contains newspaper clippings about church anniversaries, church events such as choir concerts, activism in the community, expansions of the church, history of the church, pastors moving to other churches, dying, and new pastors moving into the church. Some newspaper clippings are about congregational members dying, attending church, birthdays, accepting jobs in a different state. Included in this file-flier for Salem Baptist Church A New Beginning Dedication Service for The New Sanctuary, musical tribute to Mrs. Montrula Shelby program, mortgage burning service program from June 1963, a letter to Salem Baptist Church from Jim Edgar about the dedication of the Salem Baptist Church, congratulation letter from Tim Johnson to Salem Baptist Church, congratulation letter from Pat Quinn to Salem Baptist Church, letter to Pastor Shelby from Robert Hutchens concerning a donation for the addition to Salem Baptist Church, acknowledgements and Thanks from The Building Committee, many photocopies of photographs in a church booklet, history of church and history of educational annex of Salem Baptist Church, program for the 162th annual session of Wood River District Baptist Association, Inc., Baptist General State Convention of 1923, certificate of Recognition for being a member for 50 years (Mrs. Lila J. Benton), death certificate for Helen Hite, Copy of B. A. diploma (Marian Rose Johnson, 130th and 135th Anniversary program (1996 and 2001), Biography of Charles Everett Phillips 1889 – 1975, a New Beginning Salem church book (photocopied), 53rd Annual Men’s Day booklet 1998, biography of Katheryn B. Jones, 162th Annual Session of Wood River District Baptist Assoc. Inc. booklet, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority certificate to Helen Hite, Ivy Leaf Summer 1983 article about Helen Hite, letter to congregation members about honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, news release about honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, King Scholarship, Article about the death of Charles Everett Phillips, Sr. , program for In Appreciation of Fourteen Years in Service Salem Baptist Church Honors Pastor and Mrs. W.H. Donaldson, typed flier about the death of Pastor W. Howe Donaldson, and congratulations from local churches and businesses on the completing of an edition to the church. There are 8 original photographs. One group photograph reads Bread from Jesus Pastor-Laity workday April 11, 1987; group photograph Bread from Jesus Pastor-Laity workday April 20, 1985; three black and white photographs attached to a sheet of paper read Salem M.B. Groundbreaking; three photographs attached on a sheet of paper are more pictures from Salem M.B. Groundbreaking; photocopies of Salem Baptist Church Gospel Choir 1950s. There are photocopies of photographs, one sheet has three colored photocopies of the church, group black and white photocopy that reads Salem Baptist Church Champaign ILL __ A S Webb, ___ne 19 Past; photocopy of two women by a car that is not labeled; photocopy of one lady standing by a car that is not labeled. Located in this folder is one postcard of Salem Baptist Church.
017 Sherriff’s Temple Aoh Church of God; 1977 (bulk date: 1977) ;Newspaper clippings
Two newspaper clippings are located in this file. One clipping focuses on the background of the church and Bishop R.F. Sherif. Second clipping is from the Religious Page by The North End Pastors’ Alliance, which R.F. Sherif was a treasurer.
018 Sinai Temple; 1994-2002 (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings, typed written notes, pamphlets, publications
Newspaper clippings in this file are focused on the Old Testament, Palestinian and Israeli relations, Exodus Project, Rabbi Isaac Neuman’s book The Narrow Bridge, Jewish festival of Lights, refugees coming to the Mattoon and Champaign- Urbana from Russia, writing a Haggada (personal narrative), and the World Heritage Museum creating three exhibits to focus on religion in 1994. Also located in this file are Temple newsletter Sept. 1994 – May 1996, programs for Sinai Temple Celebration Friday, May 24, 1996, Friday night service (not dated), Torah Service February 24, 2995, The Captain’s Ball, Cruise into ’96 fundraiser, Farewell Dinner for Rabbi Brad L. Bloom and his family June 11, 1995, a letter to All Sinai Temple board members and Committee Chair from Michael Shapiro about overlap of committee meetings and annual reports, letter to the Congregants about the new directory, letter to congregants about a naming ceremony on January 19, 1996. flier about transportation for seniors, Ruth Anne Wylie’s personal invitation to Celebration Weekend May 23-27, 1996, booklist for reading on Judaism, flier for the Chanukah gift shop at the temple, flier for the Interfaith Service Weekend October 21-23, 1994, Pruim Funbook 1995, flier for Women of Sinai Temple October 24, Flier for Havdalah and potluck dinner, a flier for Selichot Program and service, typed sermons, member List of names and addresses, copy of Chap. 8 “Testament of a Jew in Saragossa” (book unknown), and Sinai Temple bulletin 1994-1996.
019 The Social Role of the Black Church in Champaign-Urbana; 1988 (bulk dates: 1988); unpublished work
This file contains Excerpts From: The Social Role Of The Black Church In Champaign-Urbana: Salem Baptist and Bethel A.M.E. Churches.
020 Sunday Services in Three Churches; 1989 (bulk date: 1989); unpublished work
Part III What Time is God’s Time on Earth? Sunday Services in Three Churches is from a dissertation, which examines three churches in Champaign Urbana, the type of cars in the parking lot, and how they were parked.
021 St. Luke Christian Methodist Church; 1948-2001 (bulk dates: 1960s); newspaper clippings, typed written notes, handwritten notes, pamphlets
In this file are news clipping about honoring the Rev. and Mrs. Earl Kennedy, renovation of St. Luke’s after a fire, Rev. Earl Kennedy winning a lottery to buy a house that was renovated, celebrating 14 years of St. Luke, pageant titled The Successful Journey, White House Tea, a recital featuring Fred Morris which was held at St. Luke’s, Rev. Dotty and Bishop celebrating anniversaries, Miss Metabeth Starks being the hostess for the Quarter Master’s and Medical Corps from Chanute Field, dedication of St. Luke’s addition , and a brief histories of local black churches. Also located in this file typed written sheet with announcements, financial statement for July 11th, and class leaders report July 14th, list of events, handwritten notes about the Congregation members, St. Luke Christian Methodist Church 1909 – 2002 book by Rev. Dr. Jesse L. Douglas Sr., Pastor, event program, history of church from July 15, 1958 , interfaith service speech 1994, and St. Luke CME Youth choir album sleeve (photocopy).
022 Anderson and Tinsley Box; 1950s -1960s (bulk dates: 1950s-1960s); correspondences, artifacts, notebook
Most of the contents in this box are letters to Annie Anderson who is related to the Tinsley family. Also in this box are artifacts- Herb Tinsley’s bible, Herb Tinsley’s1950s notebook, slides of pictures that are not identified, a rubber stamp, pocket viewer, and a bicycle license plate that reads Powered By EOD McDonald land.
023 Religious Institutions Miscellaneous; 1950s- 2001(bulk dates: 1970s, 1990s); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
This file contains newspaper clippings about Christian Racial Reconciliation Conference, letter to the editor about United Church Women, 25th annual Mammoth Tea of Carter Metropolitan Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, religious leaders rally against racism. Breakfast sponsored at the Greater Holy Temple, religion and workplace, Olivet Baptist Church Choir gave a program in Champaign, the House of Worship Community Baptist Church’s first service, First United Methodist Church moving, profile of Bradley Watkins, and new ministers at local Champaign Churches. This file also contains a draft of CCAAH committee brochure content, the history of Second Missionary Baptist Church, program for style revue, and United Methodist Women news.
Drawer 11: Scrapbooks
001 Loose Photographs; 1920s-1990s (bulk dates: 1920s-1940s); photographs (photocopies), correspondence
File primarily consists of photographs of groups and individuals (men and women) from the 1920s to the 1940s. Contents include baseball and organization photographs. Also contains photographs titled 1987 New Orleans trip, 1991 Mobile Alabama trip, 1992 Carmen birthday pictures. Some identification provided. Some duplicates. I (some photographs seem to be of individuals from Champaign, Illinois- also found in Drawer 7 “Memory Book” album).
002 My Memory Book; 1922- 1940 (bulk dates: 1922- 1923); handwritten notes, photographs, newspaper clippings
Primarily photographs (89 in total). Most individuals and places in photographs have been identified. Locations cited include Sharon PA and Champaign Il. Majority of photographs are of individuals (men, women, and children) in front of store fronts, automobiles, porches, gardens, and yards. Names, addresses and family relations listed on the first page of scrapbook read: Elsie Williams, 2386 E. 49th St. Cleveland Ohio, My mother; Anna Hopkins, 507 N. Walnut St. Champaign Ill., My mother in law;
Margaret B__ (?), 331 Pine St. Sharon PA (?), met on Nov. 8th 1922 Sharon PA.
003 Walter Young Scrapbook; 1890s-1960s (bulk dates: 1910s-1920s); administrative records, pamphlets, photographs (originals and reprints), newspaper clippings, correspondence, photocopies
Contents include typewritten note that reads: Presented to Mr. Walter Young With The Compliments of J.C. Blair and Family Christmas 1916. Photographs are 41 in total and are not identified. Majority of photographs show black and white individuals standing in front of cars and houses. Individuals are also shown riding in wagons, buggies and sleighs. The scrapbook includes a loan form for Rosalind Lewis (July 2000). Note: there are color photocopies of Scrapbook 1 photographs in Drawer 16, Miscellaneous oversize file # 8.
004 Project 500 Binder (University of Illinois 1960s); 1960s-1970s (bulk dates: 1968); handwritten notes, photographs (photocopies; some originals), newspaper clippings, typewritten notes, correspondence, pamphlets
005 Walter Young Scrapbook Photocopies; 1890s-1960s (bulk dates: 1910s-1920s); administrative records, pamphlets, photographs (originals and reprints), newspaper clippings, correspondence
File includes photocopies of scrapbook contents including 41 photographs.
006 Binder contains a total of twenty-three photographs which include: drummers (Perkins, Russell); musicians (playing saxophone, guitar, and piano); Bud Johnson, Drill Team Leader (group of three men: two are playing the drums); group of young men with arms extended into fists wearing military-like uniforms with berets (note reads: Bud Johnson); group of girls dancing while two male drummers play drums; group of five young men singing while holding sheet music; group of four young men playing drums; from left to right: group of young men wearing military-like uniforms playing drums next to a group of young girls wearing white sailor suits while standing indoors in front of an audience; from left to right: young man standing next to a group of young girls dancing in sync (note reads: Wednesday July 31, 1968-Illini Union Building); group of young girls standing on risers (note reads: Willie Summerville, Chorus Director); young man playing the piano with one hand raised; group of young girls singing; group of young girls singing while standing in front of man with hand raised; Douglass Center: Girls Drill Team, photograph of group of young girls dancing in sync outside (note reads: Barbara Boswell, Drill Team Leader); Douglass Center Guitar Program: man standing in front of chalkboard with one hand pointing forward and the other hand point to a drawing on the chalkboard (note reads: Preston Jackson, Coordinator of Guitar Program); group of four boys sitting down playing guitars; man assisting young boy in placing hands on guitar (note reads: Lamont Parsons (?)); two men standing next to a guitar (note reads: L. Lamont P. Preston (?); two boys sitting down playing electric guitars. Additional materials include: typewritten notes labeled: North End Community Project includes list of task force committee members; outline titled: Increased Focus on the Economically and Culturally Deprived (presented at the Division of University Extension Roundtable, Friday, Sept 20, 1968); newspaper clippings on the recreation committee, Citizens for Racial Justice, university and community relations, Booker T. Ford and O.F. (Bub) Bartholow of Bartholow Wells (of Champaign Wells, Inc); section labeled “Proposal” reads: AD-HOC Committee on the University and Community Relations- Meeting of January 11, 1968 (includes three sections: Commitment and its Urban problems, Immediate Steps to be Taken, A continuing and Expanding Program for the University). File also includes committee meeting minutes, University of Illinois Division of University Extension memo; inventory report form for twenty-eight bugles from the University of Illinois Business Office; newspaper clipping and documents on Douglass Center Drill Units; correspondence among University of Illinois administrators regarding 1968 Cultural Arts program; additional documents on Community University Action Council, budget reports, document created by Black Students’ Association 500 Program (also known as Project 500), newspaper clippings on creating a community cultural center, and transcripts from a talk given in 1997 regarding Project 500.
007 Scrapbook 3 (Willa Mae Dibrell); 1900-1971 (bulk dates: 1920s-1950s); photographs
Some individuals in photographs are identified but not locations. File includes individual and group photographs of men, women, and children (possibly Willa Mae’s friends in Chicago) primarily outside in front of buildings, porches, and ponds. 82 total photographs. Handwritten note on outside of scrapbook reads: Willa Mae Dibrell. Also contains one envelope with 24 loose photographs titled: Willa Mae Dibrell’s Portfolios. Identified photographs read: Henry Upchurch; Harriet Johnson, Tweet; Sylvann Drake; Herman Jordon; Leroy Pickens; Harriet Chandler; Willa Yette (?) H__ 112 E. Church; Robert Nelson age 19 or 20; One of Champaign’s baseball teams (postcard); William S__ ; Horace and Louise Loug; Tim Smith; Jo Tweet Pierre; Helen Braun of Rulevills Miss.; NAHRO Convention Miami 10-14-69; Champaign 1984 photographs; My grandmother and her sister Sara and Mary Jones; Marie White 1968; Sadie Nelson and daughter N__; Audry Dawling (?); Taken in Miss: My aunt Pauline Allen; Memphis, Tennessee, Grandfather Lee Jackson of Jackson Tennessee, Sadie daddy; N.M. Nelson as a Baby; Willa Mae, Donald, Mrs. Nelson, Sadye; Pauline Allen my mother’s sister; Pauline Allen; Emma Margaret, Connie B. Miller, Church and Fifth Street Champaign, Il; Willa Mae; Mr. and Mrs. Sprattling Ray’s mother and step father; Reo and Mrs. Sanders; Some of the photographs are of people from Missouri, Tennessee and Michigan.
008 Scrapbook 4 (Willa Mae Dibrell); 1920s-1971 (bulk dates: 1970s); photographs; pamphlets
Majority of contents include Willa Mae Dibrell’s family members and friends, fashion show and wedding photographs of groups and individuals from the 1970s. Other photographs are from the 1920s. Total number of photographs amount to 49.
009 The Spiral Scrap Book; 1946- 1950s (bulk dates: 1940s); pamphlets; newspaper clippings;
Primarily newspaper clippings from the Chicago Defender (?) about Chicago events and the Brown Bomber boxer.
010 Esther Phillips Kemp Album; 1975-1994 (bulk dates: 1993-1994); newspaper clippings, correspondences, pamphlets, photographs
This album contains a letter to the President of the Church Women United about honoring Esther as their Valiant Woman at the World Community Day Celebration, certificate for Esther Kemp as the Valiant Woman, photograph of Esther with a child, obituary for Esther, funeral program, Chapel Dedication Service Dwight Correctional Center, obituary for Alma Jackson who Esther’s sister, funeral program for Alma Jackson, Charles Phillips obituary, article on Esther’s involvement in Church Women Unit from 1977, and article on Esther’s community involvement.
011 Pictures of Men and Women I; 1920s-1994 (bulk dates: 1940s-1950s); photographs (photocopies; some originals), newspaper clippings
Primarily photocopies of black and white photographs of individuals and groups. Identification for the photographs include: Harriet (?) Johnson; Harriet Chandler, Sylvann Drake; Leroy Pickens; Herman Jordan and Sylvann Drake (?); Savoy Ballroom 1939-Rayford Smith; Henry Upchurch, Gereldine Felder, illegible; illegible; Don Harlow’s Gas Station; Lottie Belle Lipscomb (?); Bettie Rivers; illegible first name Lewis (far right); Oneida Harrington (?); Mrs. Mathea (?) Howel’s house; Lawanda Heed (?); Fourth of July Parade; Fourth of July Parade; Erma Olarkin (?) illegible; Shelton (?); illegible; Fourth of July Parade 1960; Virginia Banks; Gloria Smith (right); illegible; M__ Moreland; Hazel Bright; Chloe Ann Jordan (?);Mary P__; Ruth Newdri __ (?); William Shueraft (?); Robert Nelson; Wilda Herudow (?); Judith Speard (?) 8 months 1941; Judith Speard now Sister CeCeline (?) 12/23/1965; Left to right: Raymond Scott, Sarah Scott, Chauncey Ryder, Mae Ryder(109 Ellis Ave. Champaign, Il (?)); group photograph-front row (left to right): Maude Lee, Carrie Nelson, Hardison, Maclin, Minor, top row: Mrs. Jordon, Cozetta Chavous, Hattie Wells, Marion Anderson, Anna Watson, Ruth Hines, Mrs. Hursey (Paul’s mother), Dr. Clara Smith, Sarah Scott; Ray Scott; Landle DeFay; Sincerely Yours, Scott Family; CDA Style Show 1994: Casual Corner (left to right): Janice B__, S. Schevleghart ?, D. Hoskins; Brandon A. Hill; 13 ¾ lb catfish cught [sic] by Dal Anderson.
Some duplicates.
012 Pictures of Men and Women II; 1900s- 2001 (bulk dates: 1910s-1950s); photographs (some color photocopies), handwritten notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings
Contents include individual and group photographs of men, women and children (some identification provided). Some military, church, grade school, Smith Memorial Music School University of Illinois, and Interior of University of Illinois Green House photographs. Also includes photocopies of Rantoul grade school class from 1908, 1909 and 1910 with all white students and one African American student (attached correspondence indicates that photographs are from area museum).
Drawer 12: Oversize Files
001 Oversize File African American Occupations; 1973-2003 (bulk dates: 1980s-1990s); newspaper clippings
File includes newspaper clippings on Dawson Banks Jr. as an antique collector, Vernon Barkstall’s retirement from Urban League director position, black-owned radio station WBCP, Jackson’s Ribs-n-Tips restaurant, Allen Rivers as first African American Champaign police office, African American businesses, Willie Caraway and Brownie’s Shoe Repair.
002 Oversize File Churches; 1940s-1990s (bulk dates: 1990s); newspaper clippings
Mount Olive Choir, black churches and history of activism, Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, and Judah Christian School. Also includes newspaper clippings on the following: The 1948 St. Luke Search Light Hymn, clipping on Reverend P. Williamson (pastor of Morning Star Free Will Baptist Church), Argo Gospel Singers, Mercy Hospital and Bill Fondren.
003 Oversize File Doris Hoskins; 1988-1999 (bulk dates: 1988-1999); newspaper clippings
File contains two newspaper clippings about Doris and her second marriage to Eugene Hoskins and Doris Hoskins’ volunteer work and her interest in the history of black community in Champaign Urbana.
004 Oversize File Museum Exhibits; 1999- 1999 (bulk dates: 1999- 1999); newspaper clippings
File includes three newspaper clippings on Early American Museum storage space, Cheryl Kennedy’s involvement in quilt book project, and Champaign County African-American Committee black history display (includes clipping of Valinda Littlefield), exhibit at Early American Museum displaying local African American women’s biographies and quilts, quilt exhibit at Krannert Museum, Prairie Stories exhibit.
005 Oversize File Entertainment; 1995-2001 (bulk dates: 1950s-2001); newspaper clippings, pamphlets
Newspaper clippings include Roger Cooper’s radio program on Public Radio International about African American female singer Leontyne Price, jazz organist Jack McDuff, African American jazz singer and pianist Cleo Napier originally from Danville as Chicago performer of thirty years, fundraiser for Bruce Nesbitt, poster and newspaper clipping for 1940s Docudrama “I’d be Delighted,” swing band musician Pete Bridgewater, Ulali poster with handwritten signatures of Native American performers, musician J.B. Lenoir, Nathaniel Ali Shabazz, poster for Urbana celebrates Black History month, The Uptown String Quartet, the WBCP poster, Urbana High School choir, librarian Marcia Martin as a storyteller at Douglass Branch Library, history of
Illinois Times (African American owned newspaper), and artist Marilynn Dean. File also includes newspaper clippings on Illinois football players, Champaign Eagles (photograph), “Bepoppers” performance at the Miss Champaign Urbana beauty pageant, Cecil D. Nelson of North Fifth Street painting in art exhibition at University of Illinois selected for nation recognition, Resignation of Taylor Thomas (Director of Douglas Center), 1961 Murder of Champaign Eagles star pitcher, proposed boxing program at Douglass Center, Legion to play Eagles at M’Kinley, Douglass and Amvets Champaign softball scores,
006 Oversize file Local African Americans; 1921- 2002 (bulk dates: 1920s-1930s; 1970s-1990s); newspaper clippings, family papers, photographs
Files includes newspaper clipping on cemetery walk in Bloomington, Illinois and history of African Americans such as Lucinda Barton, 1928 Eastview Baptist Sunday School certificate (original), 1943 marriage certificate (original) for Horace Clay (?) and Elizabeth Davis in Chicago, Illinois, Elizabeth Clay army certificate (no date provided), 1910s group photograph of young men and women in formal attire and young women in front row are wearing graduate caps and gowns (photograph reads: Willie Snell, Jess Miles (?), Annabel Pickens Pittoford (?), K. B__), Rosie Anderson and her 17 children, Best Interest of Children, reunion of the Taylors, Jamisons, Coopers, and Johnsons, 1921 Public School Diploma for Rosie Lee Davis (original), 1925 Madisonville High School diploma for Rosie Davis (original), 1928 Madisonville Public School diploma for Liza May Davis (original), 1891 High School Diploma for Leyla Bromwell (photocopy), 1919 Champaign High School certificate for Helen Martha Johnson, 1927 Champaign High School for Marian Rose Johnson, Through the Years: African American History Comes Home poster (Thursday, October 24, 1996), article on contributions of African Americans to Champaign Urbana, June 26, 1988 News Gazette article on George Smith family, U. of I. Beauty Queen Helps Teach Democracy, Minister Evelyn Burnett, Overia Barringer and fourth of July parade, R. E. Goines’s recovery from cancer. File also includes newspaper clippings on African American organizations including Lone Star Officers, Deborah Chapter OES officers, Willard School Christmas Tea for parents, Douglass Center Christmas program, Urbana Kindergarten annual tea, OES Rose of Sharon Chapter 3 annual election, The Court of Calantha’s No. 8 Tea, Meeting between Past Exalted Rulers and Past Daughter Rulers of the Central Councils of Illinois IBPOEW, police sponsor boys trip to camp, and Earnest Legion groups, Margaret Hite photo album page (photocopy), photograph of African American family circa 1880s (photocopy), resignation of City of Champaign Community Relations Director Larine Cowan (1979), Don Swift and Johnny Abram of Personnel Services discuss Swift’s retirement.
007 Oversize file Tuskegee/ Chanute/Military; 1940s-1996 (bulk dates: 1940s; 1990s); photographs
File includes six photographs including group and individual photographs some of photographs signed, group photograph in front of an airplane (1940s), individual standing in front of an airplane, selected articles from Chanute Field Wings include: 99th Cops Field Day Honors, Chanute Sluggers, Big Boxing program, high altitude fighter plane, Colored enlisted men in service, laundry records show 99th Squadron is best customer, 99th Pursuit Squadron will be heading to field in Alabama, 1941 advertisement for boxer “Mad Anthony” (Anthony Jones), McDonnell Douglas Foundation.
008 Oversize file Urbana Champaign Schools; 1984-1996 (bulk dates: 1984-1996); newspaper clippings, artworks
File includes Kappa Alpha Psi returns home newspaper clipping, history of University of Illinois African American students, and drawing of J.W. Hays School Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School.
009 Oversize loose files #1; 1947-1989 (bulk dates: 1956-1968); newspaper clippings (majority of articles include photographs); two-dimensional artworks, correspondence, publications
File includes one line drawing of woman with bangs wearing scarf reads: Michelle Rene Mason-II, The Flirt (sticky note reads: Ruth Hendricks) All News-Gazette clippings on Champaign Urbana selected topics/articles include Ash family fire, murder of Mrs. Rosie Vivens and Waverly carter by Wiley Peeples, additional murder trials, marriage announcements, student canned food drive for elderly citizens, annual public tea for Champaign-Urbana Kindergarten, house fire, Willard Schools Christmas Tea, Douglass Christmas program, Lone Star Lodge 18 officers, OES officers of Deborah Chapter 27, Charles Phillip Sr. and his work with the Boy Scouts, mail carriers awarded trip to Washington, D.C., annual Allen-Douglass Lincoln dinner at Bethel AME Church, Urban Renewal approved, American Legion posts 559 and 736, NAACP “Lights for Freedom” fund drive to aid anti-segregation bus boycotters in Montgomery, Alabama and other “Negro” movements in the South, Bethel AME Reverend Parks as Champaign-Urbana Ministerial Association, Dukes and Duchess Clubs at Douglass Center, Champaign Urbana Kindergarten board, murder of Mrs. Smith, Charles Hassell honored at Douglass Center, Order of Junior Craftsman organized by Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F& AM state of Illinois jurisdiction, University of Illinois students as Royal Musicians at National Association of Negro Musicians, Members of the Mothers Council of the Sharps and Flats and Majors and Minors Youth Music Clubs at Salem Baptist Church raising money, Legion and Auxiliary officers of post 559, obituary for Ray M. Scott, The Coronet Singers, a few articles on police raids, University Elks Auxiliary, Sing for Bethel fund, elected NAACP officers, Illini Union Honors staff, several articles about domestic violence, obituary for Sam Lanfair, state NAACP officers, Terry family house fire, Leader visits Lone Star Lodge No. 18, Reverend J.E. Graves as news pastor of Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Christmas play at Booker T. Washington, Urbana High School Six-Teens, Acting Sargent Allen A. Rivers, Brotherhood of Salem Baptist Church, Victory Temple Daughters of Elks, Daughters of Isis Sudan Court 93 and Friendly 15 Club, Urban League of Champaign County-25 years of service, several articles on violent crimes, Adult sewing class at Douglass Center, Salem Baptist Church ground breaking ceremony, Mothers Council of Sharps and Flats Youth Music Club, obituary for Julia Walden Valentine (musician and school teacher), Kenneth O.Stratton (Champaign school teacher) announces candidacy for City Council, and Postman Richard Edwards’ community involvement, Don Saunders (football player for Fighting Illini), Champaign Community Schools (several pages of articles on P.T.A., 1962 budget, fitness, foreign language, pre-vocational education, population, and long term building program),double-sided article titled “Hate Gone” about white and black students at Champaign High School and their response to the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.(includes line drawing of Martin Luther King as a knight on a horse labeled “Civil Rights” riding into the sky with a staff through his back that reads “Non Violence” (other side of article as photograph of students gathered at West Side Park at a memorial for Dr. King), letters to the editor regarding the death of Dr. King, Central High School students and University of Illinois memorial services for Dr. King, Champaign Urbana Memorial service, O.N.O secret African American women’s organization, Anna Wall Scott advertisement, advertisement reads: Meet black officials at the Urban League Black Officials Open House at Douglass Center Annex, Response to a letter to editor inquiring about Communists being involved in national and local NAACP, several letters to the editor about local and national race relations, letter to editor regarding picketing of Mr. Collins’ grocery store, firing of Salem Baptist Church Reverend Asa Bradford Moore, Salem Baptist Church annual Women’s Day service, Alpha Kappa Alpha chapter, full page article on Albert Lee (“unofficial Dean of Colored Students”), article with interviews of Taylor Thomas (first black teacher in Urbana in 1956), Robert Eubanks (first black to be tenured at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 1965; Eubanks talks about segregation on university campus and only five seats in back made available at Orpheum Theater for African Americans), and Al Rivers (Champaign’s first black policeman in 1935), social dance sponsored by club O.N.O., opening of Urban Renewal Project office (1966), Lone Star officers, Illinois Central Service club, tenth anniversary for O.N.O. club, Salem Baptist Church gathering (1959), letters to the editor about J.C. Penny hiring African Americans, letters to the editor for and against African Americans being employed at J.C. Penneys, FEP Rally speakers, FEP Bill Passage Seen by State Labor Director, Penney Store pickets lifted, letter to editor about private business having right to choose, pastors urge Coke boycott, no “Negroes” in Top Jobs: Whites hold all managerial positions here”, obituary for Frances Nelson, Community Mothers’ Study Group clean-up committee and neighborhood improvement plans, articles on: Benny and Earnest Hendricks, one letter regarding Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, Golden Age Banquet, Champaign Urbana mail carrier (Lindall Tinsley) obituary of Kizzie Williams (born into slavery on a Morganfield Kentucky plantation), Victory Dinner held by Optimists, Rev. Cleo R. Blackburn visited Illinois Disciples foundation, Douglas Board asks Chest for Funds, James Clayton Trial, Quality Restaurant closed as 40 Negroes seek service, and Chanute Airman Jailed for Mauling 2 African American Women. Also includes articles on League of Voters discuss housing needs for African Americans, CYO Douglass Center softball, obituary of Allen Green of North Hickory Street, Lu Anna Missionary society of Bethel A.M.E. Church, death of I.T. Johnson “Negro Section” railroad worker, twentieth-fifth wedding anniversary of Reverand and Mrs. R. L. Lillard, Elks Parade, Masonic sermon, Columbia University Class at University of Illinois, A.J. Johnson apple butter tradition, Douglass Park parade, murder of Eddie Williams, removal of 40 temporary war surplus public housing units, Patrolmen Wilson Dunn and Al Rivers send boys to camp, Annie Lee Coleman accused of stabbing Ella Mae Stone, complete February/March 1994 publication of The Black Rap Journal, Julius Ellsberry: Pearl Harbor victim at age 21, Francis E. Nelson elected to Psi Chi, Theola Bowles accepted Civil Service position in Chicago, murder of Rosie Vivins.
010 Oversize loose files #2; 1920s-2000 (bulk dates: 1920s-1930s; 1940s-1990s); photographs (photocopies; some color photocopies)
File includes fifty-eight photographs: group photograph of men and women indoors wearing shrine hats with tassels that read: Sudan (all women in photograph are wearing white dresses/clothing); group of all women indoors in front of Christmas tree; Carla D. Hayden; group of teenage girls and boys standing outdoors reads: circa 1920s; Elsie Milton; couple standing in front of “Welcome O.N.O. 10TH Anniversary sign reads: Ruth and Frank (?); group of twelve women standing indoors in front of banquet table reads: Mrs. Hendricks- December 29, 1980, three women identified include: Ruth Hendricks, Nettie Scott, and Anna Lee; group of men and women reads: Frank and Ruth H., T__ and Margaret H__; women and one man reads: B__ Roberts, Ellen Rivers, Marion Jones, Dorothy Lee C__, Emma Shelton, Mildred Roctar (?), Valarie Jamerson, Allen Rivers, Ruth Hendricks (bottom), O.N.O. January 1973; group of children/teenagers reads: Colleen, Madelyn, Delores and George Hendricks Jr.; Mabel Hendricks, E__Fally (?), Ruth Hendricks; Mrs. Bruce Hayden Sr., Bruce Jr. and Carla; Anna Lee; Steve; Taylor the son; Pauline and Leo Jamerson (?), Bernice Mckinley, Larese Mckinley (?) 1975; Celina Penn (?) and hubbey (?) 12/2/1999; Sr. Citizen’s Style Show-2000; Frank and Eddie; The University of Chicago Commencement Ceremony August 28, 1987, Carla’s PhD; Ruth and Frank on his 89th birthday, 9/14/1991;Frank Hendricks, Senior Citizen’s Style Show-September 1982, Eddie Glover; scrapbook page with eight group photographs of young men and women (circa 1920s-1930s) include: unidentified group of three men; left to right: W. M. Nelson, N. Johnson, M. Mills, Ruth Hendricks; Harriet J., Shelby, Willa Mae Nelson; Willa Nelson and Rose Shelby; Hershel Anderson, Margaret Mill; W.M. Nelson, H. Johnson, M.Mills, R. Hendricks; Harriet J., R. Hendricks, and W. M. Nelson; scrapbook page with eight photographs of individuals and one photograph of a couple arranged as petals that form the shape of a flower include cut out words and flowers reads: Harriet Johnson, Elwood Buchanan (?), Rosa, Herschell (?), Margaret; Frank Hendricks body shop; Juanita Mason and Frank (uncle); Leo and Pauline Jamerson; Virginia Rodgers; three group of men (several holding cloth folded in their laps and wearing white gloves); group of men and women holding sign that reads: Salem Baptist Church Champaign, Ill __ A. S. Webb, June 19, Past__; group of men women, and children standing indoors with married couple next to wedding cake; Carla D. Hayden; group of men and women standing in doors next to a cake; group of men and women standing indoors with married couple in front of wedding cake and punch bowl; group of men, women, and children standing with married couple inside church (?); group of men sitting around table, photograph of young woman wearing graduation cap and gown; two women and a man standing outdoors in front of sign that reads: Summit Pikes Peak: 14,110 ft, another sign reads: July 3, 1968; group of men and women (some wearing hats that read: 559 Champaign; men and women sitting on machine that reads: Mt. Mantou Incline Ry; group of men and women sitting at table reads: Willa Mae, L__ Braun, Howard and Juanita Mason; group of men sitting on couches around table with cake reads: Frank’s 89th B.D.; man and woman sitting inside church (?) reads: Reverend and Mrs. Claude Shelby; man wearing sailor uniform reads: M.S.S.R. Marceh D. Battle, U.S.S. Planeer (MCM-9), F.P.O. A.A. 34092-1929; three photographs of unidentified men and women; seventeen photographs of individuals who attended the This Legacy is Yours exhibit opening (includes two photographs of Doris Hoskins).
011 Shelton Laundry oversize file #3; 1940s-1985 (bulk dates: 1940s; 1978-1981); oral history materials, pamphlets, photographs (photocopies), newspaper clippings, family papers
File includes transcripts from an interview with Frances Shelton Moreland (age 76 at time of interview) by Doris Hoskins (covers history of Shelton Laundry from 1934-1986), Through the Years African-American History in Champaign County Spring/Summer 2000, photographs include: Arah Mae Shelton; large black cauldron with wash board, clothes, and bar of soap (note reads: original start up equipment in home, 1934); Mary Shelton; Frances Shelton; Ethel Shelton; Merritt Jr. Shelton; Albert Shelton; Martha Shelton; three photographs of Shelton Laundry loading dock; thirteen photographs of laundry equipment including washers, dryers, and folding machines; façade of building reads: Shelton Laundry, Inc.. Also includes News-Gazette newspaper clippings on history of Shelton Laundry and equipment, laundry facility floor plan, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority certificate for Albert Shelton in recognition of proprietors of Black owned businesses, obituary for Ethel Mae Jones, October and November 1968 newspaper clippings about Frances Moreland’s sponsorship of the high-rise 26 story apartments for University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign students.
012 Willie Williams oversize file #4; 1956-2000 (bulk dates: 1950s; 1980s-2000s) handwritten notes, correspondence, photographs (photocopies)
Letter to Doris Hoskins from Jane Brichford containing card of Willie J. Williams, photographs include:
oversize page #1 Willie Williams in “take-off” position; Drake Relays-1952 second 400 meter reu., anchor leg-college; oversize page #2 upper left- gold medal Pan American Games, 4x100 relay; upper right-gold medal Pan American Games, Mexico City, 4 x 100 meter relay; lower left- 1973-1974 plaque from Gary West Side Indiana State High School championship coach; lower right- a young Illinois track team (four members); oversize page # 3 top-five runners: Willie Williams leading track event; bottom- Army Ft. Meade, Maryland, 1956; oversize page #4 top- four Illinois track team members with Coach Willie Williams (in color); bottom- High School State Track championship team, Gary West Side High School, note reads: This is one of five State Championship teams during Coach Williams’ 11 years at the school before coming to Illinois; oversize page #5 top- (in color) a collage of Willie Williams’ career from 1949 to 1980; bottom- Coach Willie Williams with four Illinois track team members each holding trophy; oversize page #6 all army meet, Houston, Texas; oversize page #7 top left-Willie Williams on track at Illinois; top right-Willie Williams signing autographs on opening day of C.I.S.M. International Clinic in Formia, Italy; March 28, 1957; bottom left- N.C.A.A. 100 yard dash champion; bottom right- two time N.C.A.A. 100 yard dash champion.
013 Mercy Hospital and School of Nursing oversize file #5; 1952- 1999 (bulk dates: 1940s-1950s); handwritten notes, administrative records, photographs (photocopies), pamphlets
Handwritten notes on history of Mercy Hospital and from conversation with 1937 graduate of Mercy Hospital, Blanche Correy (?), handwritten notes on African American graduates of Mercy Hospital from the 1939 and the 1950s-1960s, application for admission to Mercy Hospital for Vivian Grundy, June Walden (includes some photographs with applications). File also includes photographs: two women weighing a baby on a scale; unidentified woman; two women weighing a child sitting on a scale (a mother holding a child stands in the background); doctor giving a small boy an injection; five photographs of children being treated by doctors; photograph of woman sitting in a chair with children; young boy standing with a dog in a baby carriage in front of a sign that reads: Champaign-Urbana Social Service Center Community Chest Association Council of Social Agency (?) Central Ind__ Tuberculosis and Public Health Welfare American Red Cross; woman and child sitting with nurse and doctor; group of women and children sitting in front of a table that has a baby sitting on a scale reads: Well Baby Clinic 1930s; five photographs of children being treated by doctors (some duplicates)
014 Smith Family and Ward Family oversize file #6; 1870- 1999 (bulk dates: 1911- 1950s); unpublished works, family papers, publications, administrative records, photographs (photocopies), newspaper clippings, correspondence, handwritten notes
Biography of George Smith, photocopy of front cover of 1887 Portrait and Biographical Album of Champaign County, Ill, genealogical record reads- generation one: George W. and Mary Eliza (Oglesby) Smith (1835-1932); two photographs of Smith family; Petition for Probate of Will of George W. Smith who died on December 29, 1911 in Broadlands, newspaper clippings on the history of Smith family discuss the father, George Smith, who was a former slave from Tennessee who was sold along with his six brothers and sisters from his mother for five-hundred dollars at the age of nine. Articles also mention George Smith’s service as guide with the Union Army before he settled down as a farmer in the Broadlands, 1940 obituary of Mary E. Smith (wife of George Smith), genealogical record for Smith family from Raymond Township, Champaign County, 29 June, 1900, marriage records of Sangamon County, Illinois. Also includes John Smith “Tired Farmer” card with a poem: “A Tribute to the Horse” on the back, letter from Rosetta Williams (daughter of John and Frances Smith), article about John Smith’s horse shows (notes Smith’s comments on his experiences as an African American at a horseshow), article about John Smith’s death in 1971,1912 (?) bill for divorce for John W. Smith and Eva M. Smith, 1912 marriage license for John Smith and Frances English, news clippings on William Walter Smith (first African American to graduate from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1900; obtained degree in civil engineering; lived in South America for five years; worked for Amrour and Co. meat packing), petition for change of name in 1922 by William Walter Smith to be called Walter Smith Oglesby, genealogical record- generation three: Charles W. and Harriett (Ingram Smith), obituary for Charles Smith in 1987 (son of John and Frances Smith), newspaper clipping on Harrieett Smith (wife of Charles Smith).
015 Art and Artists oversize file #7; 2002 (bulk dates: no dates provided); correspondence, artworks
Letter from Susan Taylor to Doris Hoskins (includes hand-made card), postcard to Doris Hoskins from William C. Baker, pattern paper (for sewing?), one painting (unsure if oil or acrylic paint) on canvas and wood depicting seashore with skiff and seagulls signed: Engel. File also includes one water color artwork of a sailboat on water at sunset (includes some oil pastel), and one painting of flowers and a bird with seal that reads: Elisabeth Maria Becker: Artist in Taos NM USA.
016 Miscellaneous oversize file # 8; 1900s-1997 (bulk dates: 1920s-1960s); photographs (reprints and one negative), newspaper clippings, handwritten notes
Two photographs (reprints and one negative) including one duplicate of a group of men in military uniforms standing outdoors reads: University of Illinois 1926, ROTC-Co. E and H Infantry 71G 2381 (?) Strauch. File also includes color photocopies of Scrapbook 1 photographs found in Drawer 7 (scrapbook titled: Presented to Mr. Walter Young With The Compliments Of J.C. Blair and Family Christmas 1916), portrait of unidentified woman, portrait of unidentified girl, group photograph of choir and musicians standing inside church, newspaper clipping on Frances Nelson Health Center, oversize photograph (photocopy) of woman reading to children in a library. Also includes newspaper clippings on sports events: Champaign Junior High football, Champaign Maroon track team, runner Willie Steele, Illinois Gridders.
017 Margaret (Hite) Smith oversize scrapbook; 1891- 1998 (bulk dates: 1930s-1940s; 1970s); administrative records, photographs (some photocopies), newspaper clippings, pamphlets
File includes photocopies of marriage certificates and high school diploma for Lila Bromwell (Johnson) Benton. Also includes photographs of Ernie and Les Hite (actors/musicians?), newspaper clippings about Les Hite and Chicago swing bands. Photographs of groups and individuals have been identified. The front of the scrapbook reads: Material loaned by Margaret Hite Smith. Accompanying newspaper clipping notes that Mrs. Benton (lifetime resident of Champaign) was the first African American to graduate from Champaign High School in 1891.
018 Marion (Marian) Jones oversize scrapbook; 1900s-1996 (bulk dates: 1930s-1950s; 1980s-1990s); photographs, correspondence, pamphlets, newspaper clippings (scrapbook contains approximately 122 items)
The scrapbook primarily contains photographs and newspaper clippings. Additional photographs read: Gospel Chorus of Salem Baptist; organist Ms. Willa Mae Pickens. Most of the newspaper clippings are from the 1940s-1950s. The clippings mention Champaign residents (such as Novella Price born in Trenton Kentucky in 1870), a Chanute Field squadron, Apostolic and Salem Baptist Churches, Works Progress Administration, birthday and marriage announcements, Danville musician, black-owned business in Champaign, and the Douglass Center. One of the photographs in the scrapbook reads: Les Femmes Club which has the names of all of the women in the photograph (Marion Jones is in the second row; fourth woman from the left wearing a black dress with a flower pinned to the lapel.
Drawer 13: Tapes
001 Interviews and oral histories
Afro-American History in Champaign Co. Val Littlefield, Doris Hoskins, and Estelle Merrifield
Bridgewater, Erma (Department of Anthropology)
Bridgewater, Erma (Department of Anthropology)
Nesbitt, Charlotte (WEFT Interview)
Women Making Wave (WEFT)
002 Early American Museum Oral Histories (Purple labels)
Ali, Khair Asaad
Cross, Wilma
Chatman, Myrtle
Chatman, Myrtle
Chambers, Bernice
Chambers, Bernice
Dibrell, Willa Mae
Edwards, Maudie I of II
Edwards, Maudie II of II
Green, Lucia
Hite, Terry
Hoskins, Doris
Hoskins, Doris (duplicate)
Hoskins, Doris (duplicate)
Hoskins, Doris (duplicate)
Johnson, John Lee I of II
Johnson, John Lee II of II
Jones, Mildred
Jones, Mildred (duplicate)
Kizer, Terry (possible copy of WW II tape)
Lewis, Patricia
Matthews, Henry
Moreland, Frances
The Norwoods
Pickens, Julia
Smith, Earl (possible copy of WW II tape)
Suggs, Hester
Suggs, Hester (duplicate)
Suggs, Hester (duplicate)
Suggs, Hester (duplicate)
Utley, Elsa I of II (possible copy of WW II tape)
Utley, Elsa II of II (possible copy of WW II tape)
003 African American Oral History Project/ Urbana Free Library (orange labels)
Allen, Mildred/ Cole, Octavia
Barkstall, Vernon/ Benton, Leonard
Bowles, Theotto/ Matthews, Henry
Bridges, Eliza
Bridgewater, Erma
Brightwell, Bernice
Buckley, James/ Donaldson, Neppie
Combs, Harold/ Harmon. Loretha
Cole, Octavia/ Turner, Burnell/ Rev. Wright
Clark, Ohron Houston/ Jones, Kathryn/ Waller, Janet
Donaldson, William
Donaldson, William/ Scott Sara
Donaldson, William/ Townsend, Beulah
Gaskins, Tom/ Hunter, Sally/ Hursey, Paul
Gray, Millard
Gray, Rosetta/ Shelton, Albert
Griggs, Alvin
Hines, Ruth
Hines, Ruth (Duplicate)
Hite, Ernest I of III
Hite, Ernest II of III
Hite, Ernest III of III
Humphrey, Kathryn
Hursey, Paul
Jamerson, Leslie
Jordan, Sandy
Lynn, Mary
Matthews, Jaqui/ Meares, Henry/ Rev. Donalson
Merrifield, Estelle
Merrifield, Estelle (duplicate)
Merrifield, Estelle/ Suggs, Eugene
Nelson, Carrie
Nesbitt, Bruce I of II
Nesbitt, Bruce I of II (duplicate)
Nesbitt, Bruce II of II
Drawer 14: Tapes
001 African American Oral History Project/ Urbana Free Library (orange labels)
Nesbitt, Bruce II of II/ Miller, William
Nesbitt, Charlotte
Nesbitt, Charlotte/ Ransom, Mildred
Smith, Charles I of II
Smith, Charles II of II
Tinsley, Mattie
White, John
Williamson, Raymond
Young, Dr. Charles/ Griggs, Alvin
002 Other Tapes (Green labels)
African American History Exhibit
Bridgewater, Erma I
Bridgewater, Erma II
Bridgewater, Erma III
Bridgewater, Peter
Burnham City Hospital
Burnham City Hospital (duplicate)
Carver Park
Hendricks, Ruth
History of Douglass Center
Joyner, Charles
Kingston, Patricia
Lewis, Patricia I (Patricia Lewis and Cheryl Kennedy discussing Lewis family history (?))
Lewis, Patricia II (Patricia Lewis and Cheryl Kennedy discussing Lewis family history and identifying scrapbook photographs (?) Photocopies of the identified photographs are housed in Drawer 2 in Patricia Lewis’ file)
Lewis, Vern
NCNW meeting
Drawer 15: Miscellaneous
001 Class record notebooks; 1931-1947 (bulk dates: 1930s, 1940s); notebooks
Urbana High School, T Gross (green); Urbana High School 1942-1943, Thusenelda Gross (brown); cover reads Physical Geography, Physiology, Thusenelda Gross (green); cover reads T.C. Gross, Physical Geography, Physiology (red); Urbana High School, 1,2,3 and 4 year; Thusenelda Gross (green); Thusenelda Gross beginning Feb 2, 1931-June 1931 (green); T. Gross, Physical Geography, Physiology (gray); class record (red); Physical Geography, Physiology, First Semester 1939-1940 (orange), 1940-1941 First Semester, Physiology and Hygiene, Physical Geography, Thusenelda Gross (light blue); Urbana High School, 1942 Second Semester, Thusenelda Gross (brown); Thusenelda Gross, First Semester 1946-1947, Physiology and Hygiene, Economics Geography (brown spiral notebook); September 1945-Febuary 1946 (black spiral notebook); Thusenelda Gross, Urbana High School, 1944-1945, First semester- Physiology and Hygiene, Economic Geography, Second Semester- Physical Geography, Economic Geography (black spiral notebook); T. Gross, Urbana High School, 1943-1944 Physiology and Hygiene, Economic Geography (black spiral notebook).
Drawer 16: Lucy Gray File
Lucy Gray; 1887-2001 (bulk dates: 1910s, 1920s, 1990s) newspaper clippings, pamphlets, correspondences, publications, photographs (reprints, original). The Lucy Gray file contains the following materials:
Book: The Story of the Illinois Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs 1900-1922
Five postcards 1941
Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story
American Visions with Martin Luther King Jr.
Military Images Volume VII, Number 2 September-October 1985
United Nations Review
Book-The Story of The American Negro
Book-The Movement Documentary of a Struggle for Equality
Collector’s Edition LIFE May 1988
Book-Military Records of Samuel H. Williams with Historic Reference (has a black book cover with it)
Envelope that reads Mr. Samuel Williams, Paris, Illinois from W.H. Owen Supreme Organizer, Crawfordsville, Indiana (envelope was original in with the book Military Records of Samuel H. Williams)
Book- The Story of My Life and Work
Book- Uncle Tom’s Cabin,
Book- Progress and Achievements of The Colored People Book- George Washington Carver
Book- From Slavery to Freedom, Book- Deep South Photography
Magazine-The Crisis
Magazine Vanity Fair January 1988
Magazine-LIFE April 1992
Magazine-LIFE June 1992
Magazine August 27, 1965
Magazine-Patterns February 1986
Magazine-Look November 1960
Chicago Tribune November 1976
Newsweek The North American Road Atlas
News Nation A Newspaper History of The United States
post cards copyrighted 1907 C. Eckston
Post card postmarked 1906
Negro Digest
Urban League of Champaign County 7th Annual Report 1967
folder of newspaper clippings with two photographs Fanny Brown and Samuel Williams
List of addresses
A Community Report- Twenty Years Later The Status of the Negro in Champaign County by The League of Women Voters
A death certificate for Henry Artie (Artis?) with a photocopy of an article tilted Colored Veteran of Civil War Dies Few Weeks Before 100th Birthday
McKinley Year Book
Bethel AMC Church 1998 135 Years celebration program
The Legato Music Club A Branch of The National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc. Presents Community Choir in Salute To Negro History
A letter to Mr. Samuel Williams from The Supreme Tribe Ben Hur acknowledgement of his son’s death
Program for Recognizing Parkland Stars
Cards with paintings depicting the south
Funeral cards for Rev. H.E. Stewart,
Crisis Nursery Newsletter
Champaign Public Library- Directory of Boards
Letter from The Urban League of Champaign County to Lucy Gray about the event an “Evening of Celebration and recognition,”
A letter to Lucy from Main Street Paris about this first Antique Road Show
An award to Lucy from the “Third Annual Evening of Celebration and Recognition” for sales and the spirit of entrepreneurship
Recognition award from the city of Champaign for Lucy’s service on the Burnham City Board of Trustees
An award for being an outstanding Local Missionary President
Photocopy of an envelope to Mrs. Lula Lee (?) dated January 31, 1887
A letter from Grace Moss to her cousin from 1892
Lucy Gray’s Board of Trustees business card
The Negro Community at Brushy Fork, and letter from Lucy Gray inviting people to her new house.
The newspaper clippings in the file are about:
Lucy Gray’s work in the community, closing of her shop, Urban League dinner, a letter to the editor from Karla Fisher about an article that featured Lucy Gray,
picture of her being honored at the dinner given by the National council of African American Men and other groups
Lucy Gray registering for the local League
Seychelles, creation of the Park Avenue Park, and Discrimination in Champaign-Urbana.
This file also contains photographs:
Lucy Gray back reads Lucy J. Gray Gray’s Antiques 723 S. Neil Champaign, IL, 82 years old 1998, 1/16/1916
Lucy Gray dressed in all white reads Lucy on her way to Decatur to be honored for her Missionary with Bethel AME Church, 2000
Lucy Gray on her patio
Lucy Gray next to trees and flowers (in her yard)
Lucy Gray leaning on a tree (in her yard)
Lucy Gray at gray’s Antiques and Collectibles reads May 25, 2000
Lucy J Gray and Rev. Charles Jackson in June 2000
Black and white photographs of Lucy Gray (?) modeling for the art department at the University of Illinois
Lucy Gray and her grandson Steve
Lucy Gray modeling for the University of Illinois art department
Lucy Gray at her shop
Two photographs of Lucy Gray that reads The Champaign Mayor and City Council cordially invite you and a guest to a Volunteer Recognition to honor your service to the community
Photocopy of Lucy and a man reads NCAAM Awards 1997, Chancellor Hotel
Eighty-two photographs of the 1910s and 1920s of:
Janette Williams, Mr. Brown Emily Bayer, Elizabeth Bryant, Daisy Henderson, Daisy Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B Williams, Lula Boyd, Louisa E Williams, PE Boyd, Mary E Russell, Samuel Williams, Mrs. Owen Gray (Ruby Botemps?), Mr. and Mrs. Theo W. Gray, Rachel William, Ada Russell, Era Collins, Mary Riddles, Cecelia McElroy, Jerry Freeman, Julia Mason, Rev. G C Mason, Julia Walden, Grayson Brown, Jinny Williams, Mrs. Lenora Cook, Mrs. Gorden , Dr. Pully, Harold, Vera Croxlou, Fannie Blackburn, Mrs. Walter Bruce Williams, John Taylor Williams, Rev H.E. and Emilt E Stewart. Not all the pictures are labeled. Many of the photographs have location of where the photographs were taken. Photograph of Second Baptist Church, Paris, IL Rev.___ Taylor. Pastor. Photo album with pictures of the same people listed above.
Over sized scrap book with photographs and newspaper clippings. There is also a photocopy of the photo album.
Music books from Lucy Gray’s file:
Lyrics of the Hearthside (1904)
Famous Negro Spirituals (1924)
At Dawning I Love You (1906)
Radio City Album of Contralto Solos (1944)
Oh Promise Me (1949)
Because (1902)
Inspirational Songs (1958)
Method Play (1962)
Simplified Standard Songs (1959)
Favorite Hymns (1957)
Organ Album (1949)
The Most Popular Vocal Duets (1914)
The Christ-Child (1916)
Pale Moon An Indian Love Song (1920)
Woodland Sketchy (1896)
A Little Prayer (1929)
The Opera: A Collection of Trios, Quartetts and Chorusses, From The Favorite Operas
Maynette: Waltz Caprice (1889)
The Lord’s Prayer (1935)
Summertime (1935)
I Love You Truly (1983)
Chauncey Olcott’s Greatest Song Successes
God Bless American (1939)
Star Dust (1929)
Dancing With Tears in My Eyes (1930)
Frasquita (1927)
That Wonderful Mother of Mine (1917)
Beautiful Ohio (1918)
When my Baby Smiles At Me (1920)
Just an Old Love Song (1922)
Beloved (1928)
Little Mother of Mine (1917)
Roses of Picardy (1916)
Thank God for A Garden (1915)
Sylvia (1914)
Somewhere a Voice Is Calling (1911)
The Etude Music Magazine 1934, 1915, 1914, 1903
Top of Drawer 1 Oversize Files
001 Top of drawer 1 oversize files; 1950s-1980s (bulk dates: 1950s-1980s); family papers, artworks, publications, pamphlets, photographs
News Gazette article on George Smith family, U. of I. Beauty Queen Helps Teach Democracy, Minister Evelyn Burnett, Overia Barringer and Fourth of July parade, R. E. Goines’s recovery from cancer. This file contains a poster with signatures from the Negro League baseball players, information about Mary Alexander on foam board, poster about Taylor Thomas, poster Princess of Ife, 1987, Book- Celebrating Champaign-Urbana History, photograph of Doris Hoskins, Small book- My Daily Bread which has Doris Hoskins written inside, League of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague which reads Mrs. Doris Wylie, star registry for Doris K. Wylie-Hoskins. File also includes two scrapbooks--one reads: Newspaper clippings RE: Urban Renewal 1960-1970. The second scrapbook (missing front cover) reads: City of Champaign Department of Urban Renewal newspaper articles Champaign-Urbana Courier 12-2-62, Champaign-Urbana Courier March 31, 1963, The Champaign Daily Gazette- Through the Years: African American History Comes Home oversize poster (Oct 24th, 1996).
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