eBlackChampaign-Urbana C.A.S. Appendices

These data-sets are all in .csv format, and can be opened in either Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc,
or any other spreadsheet program.

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Facebook Data

YouTube Data

Feedback Data

Meetings Data

Community Engagement @ Illinois Data

Manifesto Signer Data

November 5-6 Symposium Attendee Data

January 8 Attendee Data

Undigitized Records and Documentation on African-Americans in C-U CMOs

Community Websites Data

eBlackCU Project Archives Inventory

Visit the eBlackCU website!

This CD was made by Noah Lenstra, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, as part of a Certificate of Advanced Study Final Project, February 22, 2011.

E-mail questions to nlenstr2@illinois.edu