Negro fined for Assault upon woman

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Negro fined for Assault upon woman


Frank Neal


Newspaper article on Frank Neal court appearance on assault and battery charges.


Danville Public Library\319 N. vermilion St.
Danville, IL




September 23, 1932

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Negro Fined For Assault Upon Woman

Frank Neal, 16, colored, living in the rear of 426 East North street, pleaded guilty in municipal court Friday morning to a charge of assault and battery and was assessed a fine of $10 and costs by Judge J. W. Bracewell.

Neal was taken in custody at 4"18 o'clock, Friday morning by Detectives W. C. Smith and Jesse Cowan, who went to his home to investigate a report that the negro has severely injured Madeline Robinson, colored. They found the woman suffering from a badly bruised jaw and upon her request took Neal in police headquarters and locked him up.

Friday morning at 9 o'clock this Robinson woman caused a warrant to be issued for Neal's arrest.