Death Claimed a former Slave


Dublin Core


Death Claimed a former Slave


Willis Beeler


Willis Beeler, a former slave, and trusted employee of the First National Bank died March 2, 1916.

Willis Beeler was on of Danville's best known, most respected colored citizen. He was recognized a leader among the better class of colored resident of Danville. Uncle to William H. Beeler, owner of Beeler Transfer and Storage and Mrs. George Nichols widow of the late "Bud" Nichols who conducted a barber shop in the old court house.

He was employed at the First National Bank for over 30 years until he had to retire for health reasons.Belonging to the old school colored class, and could be trusted implicitly by his employers. During his years at the bank he had free access and not once betray the trust and confidence bestowed on him.

Born in slavery about 1841 in Kentucky, moved to Danville in 1883. He entered into service of Gen. A. G. P. Dodge, who came to Danville about the same time. He never married and resided with his brother David for many years. At the time of his death he lived with his niece Mrs. Alice Nichols at 336 North Franklin street.

Funeral service was held at Second Baptist church and burial in Springhill Cemetery.


The Danville Press


March 3, 1916