eChicago 2011


The two-day symposium "eChicago 2011: Democracy, Diversity and the Digital" celebrated the fifth year of eChicago gatherings, which are archived online at:

The complete program provides context, details on sessions, and participant bios and photos:

The conference program explains:

"Chicago continues to be a major city in Illinois, in the US, and in the world, but things are changing. Industry—railroads, steel mills, packing houses and stockyards, candy factories and printing—was our foundation, but now Chicago is being transformed by the information revolution. This annual symposium is an approach to promoting an inclusive, democratic approach to this revolution, especially inclusive of Chicago’s new diversity."

eBlackCU is hosting video and presentation slides of the sessions. eBlackCU was also discussed at the conference, as was the Urbana Champaign Big Broadband (UC2B) project and the eBlack CU Community/Technology Manifesto.

eChicago 2011 was organized by the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Graduate School of Library and Information Science (and partners). Urbana-Champaign participants included Brian Bell, Connie Dillard-Myers, and Christopher Hamb as well as university faculty, staff and students.


Kate Williams, conference chair; Noah Lenstra, Abby Sackmann, and Brian Zelip, videography.