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Herbert Burnett"s Suits by Soouljah

Rodrick Hambrick's Hambrick and Son Funeral Home

E. Martel Miller

Reverend Zernial M. Bogan Associate Minister

Angela M. Rivers Consultant

Woman's Day Salem Baptist Church

The opening agenda for the Hip-Hop express program, centered around different civil rights issues in Champaign-Urbana.

Kiwane Carrington shooting hearing of the truth of what really happened.

This is a flyer of what the project is and what it will do to help the community especially, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

This is a study report on the Civic Center for Engagement which was a Scoping Case Study. It includes the purpose, data, findings, and recommendations. It also talks about the Afro-American Cultural Program that they have.

Directory created by students in LIS490: The Digital Divide, UIUC, Fall 2009.

Website of the now defunct Champaign County African-American History Committee, active from the early 1990s to the early 2000s.

One of the focal areas is Champaign County.

Executive Summary:
Communities in Illinois and nationwide are reeling from a revolving criminal justice
door. The cycle of crime, punishment, and reoffending is a major…

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Listing of pages and sites of predominantly historically African-American institutions in Champaign-Urbana on social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Ning, etc. Also includes links to social networking pages containing extensive…

Project Background and CET A activities that led to the creation mural and continuity. Reflections by David Monk, Educational Resources in Environmental Science