
Browse Items (86 total)

Urban League's closure leaves community-watchdog void
Sun, 11/23/2008 - 8:40am | Julie Wurth Contact Author
Photo by: Vanda Bidwell

Urban League of Champaign County interim Director Sandra Jones and others are packing up to leave…

Champaign school board's decision upsets crowd

Photo by: Darrell Hoemann

It was standing room-only Friday as the Champaign Unit 4 School Board held an emergency meeting at the Mellon Building in Champaign.
Sat, 03/18/2006 - 12:15pm | Anne…

CHAMPAIGN – Here's how the movie went: Denzel Washington plays a professor who forms a debate team at his Texas college in 1935. It's the Jim Crow era, and the team of black students is the first to debate teams from white colleges. They go…