
Browse Items (638 total)

Website honoring Chef Ra, a regular on the Champaign-Urbana reggae circuit and WEFT D.J.

From Years: 2004, 2008, 2009

Program put out by Urbana Public Television

Program put out by Urbana Public Television. Video directed by Ted Adkisson. Features Zernial Bogan as D.J. on WEFT radio.

Local community members discuss Operation S.T.O.P. and the mission to end truancy at schools in Champaign, IL.

Created as part of AFRO298 Seminar on Policing and Kiwane Carrington, taught by Amira Davis at UIUC.

Page includes links to agendas, minutes and supporting documentation.

Text from front page:

One of the terms in the Consent Decree Settlement Agreement between the Champaign CUSD #4 Board of Education and the Plaintiff’s required the…

Videos from Ken Salo's "Toxic Tour" in North Champaign, featuring Seon Williams and Aaron Ammons, among others. Tour began August 31, 2007, in front of a former Illinois Power Coal to Gas Plant, and concluded at Douglas Park, where Seon Williams…

Syllabus and proposal for Saving Our Lives, Hear Our Truth, course, taught at UIUC in 2007 through the Ethnography of the University Initiative and involving middle school aged female youth from Urbana.

Video property of WCIA 3 News in Champaign, IL.

The Heavenly Seven filled over 600 backpacks with school supplies and handed them out to underprivileged families around the Champaign area.