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This study investigated the relationship between
school racial climate and students’ self-reports of
academic and discipline outcomes, including whether racial
climate mediated and/or moderated the relationship
between race and outcomes.…

A local teen, Rachel Harmon, uses her experiences with poetry to reachout to teen inmates at the detention center as apart of an english class assignment. Also includes article feature on Preston Williams.

Scholarships were awarded to Champaign and Urbana High school students through the One-To-One Mentoring Program.

This is the Obituary of Mrs. Genevieve Stratton who is the widow of Mr. Kenneth Stratton,Sr. Mr. Kenneth Stratton was the first African-American to serve on the Champaign Unit#4 School board.

This file includes
--the charter members
--their activities
--the mission and history of NCNW
--a membership application

This file includes
--the family and friend's day program
--the preface
--history of family and friend's day
--the organizers

This file includes
--ads from companies in the Champaign-Urbana area
--signature events being held
--stories of how places used to be

This talks about Empty Tomb and how they got their building. This file also talks about the donations, the events that they had, the employment opportunities, and the mission match.