This web site was created by one of the student's in Afro 220, Justin Allen.
This study will track the progression of slave patrolling tactics to the way Blacks are being patrolled in Champaign, Illinois. The study will follow the transition of…
Within the field of composition history, much is presently known about the ways in
which elite groups have employed literacy instruction to preserve economic and/or political
power and privilege. However, as a number of recent scholars suggest,…
Features memories of Michael James Brown, son of Khair Ali, who grew up in Champaign and Rantoul and remembers the racist climate of the time and the cultural life of the black community in Champaign County.
Many of the references have since gone missing. Check with the libraries mentioned in the report to see if the items are still available. Bibliography focuses principally on the years 1965-1970.
Includes the Scott Family from Champaign and all the family members. It also includes obituaries of the deceased family members and many recipes they used to cook with.
The present study explored the experiences of African American parents engaging in their children’s education in a medium-sized mid-western community. More specifically, the project examined African American parents’ perceptions of…
This study investigated the relationship between
school racial climate and students’ self-reports of
academic and discipline outcomes, including whether racial
climate mediated and/or moderated the relationship
between race and outcomes.…