
Using Cooperative Efforts between the African American Church and Local Public Libraries To Expand the Use of Library Services by African Americans. Final Report.

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Using Cooperative Efforts between the African American Church and Local Public Libraries To Expand the Use of Library Services by African Americans. Final Report.


Libraries, Churches


Features the Champaign and Urbana Public Library Districts. The African American church has a long history of service to its community. The church in African American life has always served as a source of support, learning, information, and improvement for its members and the community it serves. This project directed its resources and energies toward developing meaningful and effective strategies for working with African American churches to encourage their youth to make better and more extensive use of library services. Topics covered in this document are: an overview of the participants of the project; techniques used to increase communications between the two institutions; an examination of the African American collections at each library; an evaluation of materials purchased by the project; a list of recommended materials for a well-rounded African American collection; descriptions of the project's programs; evaluation of the programs; the questionnaires used in the project; the librarian interviews; the project director's evaluation; conclusions; and the recommendations and products of the project. The appendices include management profiles of the project libraries; a directory of the churches; Urban School Improvement Project church survey documents; library and church newsletters; selected African American publishers; the evaluation questionnaire; and a list of selected children's books and authors.


Frederick A. Rodgers and Elizabeth A. Innes


ERIC Government Reports


September 11, 1992

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Frederick A. Rodgers and Elizabeth A. Innes, "Using Cooperative Efforts between the African American Church and Local Public Libraries To Expand the Use of Library Services by African Americans. Final Report.," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #106, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/106 (accessed March 11, 2025).

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