
The Public-i: Published by the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center

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The Public-i: Published by the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center


Community News, Underground Press, Policing


The Public-i, a project of the Urbana- Champaign Independent Media Center, is an independent, collectively-run, community- oriented publication that provides a forum for topics underreported and voices under- represented in the dominant media. All contributors to the paper are volunteers. Of special note are articles touching on issues facing local African-American populations:

July 2010 - Belden Fields "Urbana Neighborhood Connections, Inc." - article on community center run by Janice Mitchell in East Urbana; Janice Walker "Valedictorian Speech From The Odyssey Project"; Kerry Pimblott "Odyssey Project"; Noah Lenstra "eBlack Project: Online and in the Community"; Belden Fields "The Summer Construction Education Program"

April 2010 - Ashley Redding "The Intertwining Cycle" - article on poverty and homelessness in North End.

February 2010 - "Black History Month" - features on the cover a picture of the Tuskegee Airmen Mural at Chanute Airforce Base, Rantoul. Also includes: Michael Burns "A History of the Douglass Center"; Jan Kruse "Juvenile Justice in Champaign County—A Racial Disparity"; "Interview With Deborah Thomas Who Lives In The House Where Kiwane Carrington Was Killed"; "2010 Martin Luther King Essay Contest Winners"; Belden Fields "New York/Champaign: Policing and Race".

January 2010 - Durl Kruse "Juvenile Justice in Champaign County—A Racial Disparity"; Kerry Pimblott "State’s Attorney Files No Charges Against CPD."

November 2009 - Brian Dolinar "Courthouse Rally in Kiwane Carrington Case: 'Felonies Ain’t Favors! Plea Bargains Ain’t Either!'"

October 2009 - Special issue on the Kiwane Carrington murder by Champaign Police Department. Brian Dolinar "Champaign Police Fatally Shoot Unarmed 15 Year-old African American Youth"; Marti Wilkinson "Power Without Accountability?"; Brian Dolinar "Unity March Highlights “Don’t Care” Attitude Toward the Poor"; Aaron Ammons "Cycle of Greed" (poem); "Statement From CU Citizens for Peace and Justice"

September 2009 - Brian Dolinar, "2008 Racial Profiling Numbers Released By IDOT"

June/July 2009 - Brian Dolinar "Community Leaders Speak Out On Toto Kaiyewu Case"

May 2009 - Brian Dolinar, "Racial Profiling Incident Leads to Police Shooting of “Toto” Kaiyewu"

March 2009 - "Champaign County Board Approves Committee to Study Jury Selection"

Jan/Feb 2009 - Black History Month Edition. "Excerpts From 2009 MLK Essays"; Brian Dolinar "Racial Profiling Study Suppressed by Local Media"; Local Yocal "Discreet Discretions"; Ruth Nicole Brown "Reflections of Black Girlhood: Necessary Truths, A Photography Exhibit/Multimedia Installation"; Ernie Westfield "Negro League Black Men" (Poem); Karen Simms "Youth Making History at Home"; "Ministerial Alliance Awards Community Organizers"

November/December 2008 - Belden Fields "Project 500 Participants Ask Tribune For Apology and Call For A New Report"; Aaron Ammons "History Matters, Just Ask Barack"

October 2008 - Randall Cotton "Restoring Champaign’s Safety Net for the Poor"; Brian Dolinar "Patrick Thompson and Martel Miller Arrive At Settlement on Eavesdropping Charges"

August 2008 - Kevin Hamilton "Local Racism, Global Politics, and a National Audience"

Summer 2008 - Brian Dolinar "Patrick Thompson Exonerated"; Brian Dolinar "Sentencing of Brian Chesley"; Niloofar Shambayati "A Bourgeoning Community Garden In North Champaign"

May 2008 - Alvia Dyson "Signs of the Times: A Message from Douglass Park Resident to a Toxic Neighbor"; Treva Ellison "Police Officers in Unit Four Schools"; Belden Fields "Young People Can Learn a Trade and Earn a Wage this Summer"; Amira Davis "The Labor of Black Women"; Belden Fields "Poverty in Champaign County"

April 2008 - Douglass Park Residents & C-U Political Action Project "A Toxic Legacy: Douglass Park Residents In Their Own Words, Part 2"; Marti Wilkinson "Pezzullo Interview On Fifth & Hill"; Brian Dolinar "Three Cops Versus an Entire Community"; "Activist to Be Tried Again May 12"

March 2008 - Douglass Park Residents & C-U Political Action Project "A Toxic Legacy: Douglass Park Residents In Their Own Words"

February 2008 - Amira Davis "Reclaiming Black History"; "Excerpts From The 2008 Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest"; Kerry Pimblott "The Struggle For Racial Equity In The Champaign
County Criminal Justice System"; "Boxing Champs Worked to Help Black Youth in Campaign"; Ruth Nicole Brown "SOLHOT: 'Know That!'"; Aaron Ammons "What is the Struggle?"

January 2008 - The C-U Political Action Project "Against Toxicity and Secrecy: Digging Up the Legacy of the 5th and Hill Site"; Seth Jackson "Patrick Thompson Returns to Court Again"; Belden Fields "IBEW Local 601 Absolved of Discrimination"; Marti Wilkinson "Environmental Justice an Overview"

November/December 2007 - David Roediger "Land Of The Chief & Home Of Modern Blackface Minstrelsy"; "Photos From The 4th Annual Urbana-Champaign Unity March, Saturday, October 16"

October 2007 - Brian Dolinar "Home Invasion: Racial Disparities in SWAT Raids"; "NWC: The Race Play Controversy"

September 2007 - Brian Dolinar "CU Citizens Help Ms. Davis Move Out Of Bullet-Riddled House"; Ricky Baldwin "Citizen Police Review Boards As Summer Ends: East 1, West 0"; Marti Wilkinson "Toxic Tours"

August 2007 - Marti Wilkinson "A Garden Hills Resident Responds"

May 2007 - Brian Dolinar "Patrick Thompson’s Conviction Overturned"; Marti Wilkinson "How Does the Criminal Justice System Work in Champaign County?"

March 2007 - Laurie Solomon "A Response to Champaign Authorities Who Dispute Need for a Citizen Police Review Board"

February 2007 - Brian Dolinar "Consent Decree 101: The Mis-education of Champaign’s Black Students"; Brian Dolinar "Witnesses Appear in Post-trial Motion for Patrick Thompson"; Carol Ammons "Campus Academy Youth Reflect On The Legacy Of Paul Robeson"

December 2006 - Brian Dolinar "Community Court Wwatch Corner"

November 2006 - Brian Dolinar "Court Watch Report: Another Cop Gets Off"; Brian Dolinar "What You Got To Go Through To File A Police Complaint In Champaign"

October 2006 - "Torture Exposed In The Champaign County Jail"; Brian Dolinar "Torture Exposed In The Champaign County Jail"

September 2006 - Belden Fields "The Injustice System in Champaign County"; Ricky Baldwin "Who's Policing the Police?"; Aaron Ammons "Construction of Injustice"; Patrick Thompson "Police Corruption"; Lynsee Melchi "It's Raining Felonies"; Brian Dolinar "Busy Week for Community Courtwatch"

July/August 2006 - Brian Dolinar "Vigil For Quentin Larry and Terrell Layfield"

June 2006 - Brian Dolinar "Police Stage Attack on Garden Hills" and "Five Deaths at County Jail"

November 2004 - Brian Dolinar "U-N-I-T-Y in U-C: Why Are You Marching for for Unity?"

October 2004 - Brian Dolinar "From Profile to Prison: The Criminalization of a Community"; Aaron Ammons "Abuse of Power"

September 2001 - Belden Fields "Economic Human Rights In Champaign County: A Living Wage"; John Wason "Police Race Education to Community Roundtables!"


Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center and Community Authors







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Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center and Community Authors, "The Public-i: Published by the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #165, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/165 (accessed March 4, 2025).

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