
The Academic Cultural Enrichment Mentorship Program: An Innovative Approach
To Serving African American Youth

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The Academic Cultural Enrichment Mentorship Program: An Innovative Approach
To Serving African American Youth


Douglas Community Center, Youth


The purpose of this study was to evaluate an after school program that is designed
to meet the specific needs of African American youth. The program is called the
Academic Cultural Enrichment (ACE) Mentorship Program and is sponsored, in part, by
the Campaign Park District. The purpose of the program is to provide students with the
competencies and skills needed to be involved, resilient, and successful. The program
seeks to foster positive Black identities in the participants, and to develop strong math,
reading, oratorical, and analytical thinking skills. The program has a strong African
cultural component, as well as academic and recreation components. Three research
questions guided the evaluation project: 1) are the program’s goals being achieved; 2) do
the parents and leaders perceive a positive change in the participant’s behaviors and
attitudes as a result of their participation in the program; and 3) what are the salient
program aspects of the ACE Mentorship Program. The evaluation took place over a twoyear
period. Pretest and posttest survey data were collected from the participants for two
consecutive years. Additionally, at the end of the second year interviews were conducted
with leaders, parents, and participants. The participant’s academic grades were also
examined. The information collected from the surveys indicated that the pretest and
posttest scores on the Protective Factors Scale and Harter’s Self-Perception Scale were
not significantly different. The academic grades did indicate positive changes for most of
the participants. Further, the information received from the interviews with the parents,
leaders, and participants consistently indicated that the program is meeting its goals and is
having a positive impact on the children. The salient program elements that seemingly
contribute to the positive outcomes include effective and consistent leadership, parental
involvement, and innovative programming.


Kimberly J. Shinew
Dan K. Hibbler
Denise M. Anderson



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Kimberly J. Shinew Dan K. Hibbler Denise M. Anderson, "The Academic Cultural Enrichment Mentorship Program: An Innovative Approach To Serving African American Youth," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #218, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/218 (accessed March 14, 2025).

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