
Articles and links on St. Luke's C.M.E. in Champaign

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Articles and links on St. Luke's C.M.E. in Champaign





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Champaign Park District to celebrate black history
Svjetlana Stojanovic News staff writer Contact me
March 8th, 2010 - 2:02 PM
Tagged with: Champaign Park District, Douglass Community Center
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The Douglass Community Center will celebrate black history with an afternoon of free entertainment.

The event will take place April 24 at 3 p.m.

The play “From the Bidder’s Box to the White House” will be presented by the Douglass seniors.

Praise Dancers from Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church and New Life Choir from St. Luke C.M.E. Church will also be performing at the event.


St. Luke Honored for
One Church One School

St. Luke CME in Champaign, IL, where Rev. Dr. Clarence Buchanan is the pastor, was recognized at the December 14, 2009 Champaign School District Board of Education meeting for its One Church One School initiative at the school district’s Academic Academy.

A certificate designating St. Luke as an A+ Partner was presented to Patricia McKinney Lewis, St. Luke’s One Church One School Coordinator, by Superintendent Arthur Culver.
Pictures of staff members from the Academic Academy attending a worship service at St. Luke were projected on a large screen during the presentation.

Recent OCOS projects at the Academic Academy consisted of St. Luke’s Minister Jacqueline Davis starting a workshop series in November on the topic of “Building Self-Esteem and Character Building.”

On December 17, 2009, Tanya Chillis, a nurse, spoke to female students about respecting their bodies and maintaining positive images. Mrs. Chllis is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, a collaborator with St. Luke’s One Church One School initiative.
St. Luke members with school age children are invited to attended parent meetings in which speakers will speak on topics that may be of interest to them. Students at the Academic Academy are available for service learning projects designed to help senior citizens at St. Luke CME.

Photo shows Patricia McKinney Lewis accepting the A+ Partnership certificate from Champaign School District Superintendent Arthur Culver.


The Church Hopper #3: St. Luke CME

Posted in OPINION to Your Humble Heretic by Ryan Neaveill on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at 9:30 am

St. Luke CMEThis past Sunday, April 27, my family and I attended St. Luke Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in Champaign. I had never attended a CME church before and so I really did not know what to expect. The only things I really knew for sure were that this church has, like me, a Methodist heritage and that it has, unlike me, a black heritage.

I have visited or attended many Methodist churches (e.g., Urbana First UMC, Champaign First UMC, Wesley UMC, New Horizon ) but they have all, unfortunately, lacked in the area of cultural diversity. I have also visited a few black churches (e.g., Love Corner, Salem Baptist, Canaan Missionary Baptist ), but none of these had Methodist roots.

So I was quite curious about St. Luke CME, for here is a church that has both a black and a Methodist heritage. How, then, would it come across? Would one of these heritages win out over the other? Or would this church somehow manage to marry Methodist and black culture into a cohesive whole?

I was pleased to find that the latter was the case.

The worship service at St. Luke followed traditional Methodist liturgy and all of its old familiar trappings were present including an organ prelude, call to worship, choir processional, hymns, gloria patria, scripture reading, sermon, offering, doxology, benediction and postlude. We even said the Apostle’s Creed.

But this wasn’t your old, stodgy, anal-retentive Methodist worship service, for driving all of this familiar liturgy was the infectious and celebratory music of the black church.

It rocked.

And the folks at St. Luke were by far the friendliest I have ever met in a worship service. I think almost everyone in that church shook my hand.

My only complaint about St. Luke — and forgive me if I’m starting to sound like a broken record — is that there was no Eucharist. I really don’t want to preach another sermon here about the importance of Communion in Christian worship, so all you churches out there in Champaign-Urbana, would you please just start doing it every time you worship?

OK, off my soapbox.

St. Luke is a lively and friendly church that has successfully joined the Methodist and black cultures into a rockin’ good worship service. So if that’s what you’re looking for in a church then check ’em out at 809 N. Fifth Street in Champaign.

St. Luke Christian Methodist Episcopal Church: 4 stars
05/07/08 at 05:59

Is it air conditioned? Do they provide child care during service or other times? Do they have help getting there van or volunteer? Are they accessible to the handicapped? Did you let them know you were comming? You were welcome as a guest, do you think you would be welcome as a member being outside of the culture? What is the average age? Were their many children, what age groups? Are there many singles? What committees/charity do they sponsor internaly and externaly? Is the minister the kind of guy you call for help in the middle of the night? What is the average income? What is the dress code? Are the taking new parishers and if so what’s involved?
Ryan Neaveill avatar
Ryan Neaveill
05/08/08 at 05:51

Those are all excellent questions. I will try to incorporate some of them into my next Church Hopper article. Thanks for your feedback.
05/28/08 at 05:49

I have enjoyed your previous postings and they were wonderfully descriptive and very detailed on several points.

I didn’t get a clear picture of this church. I was also curious about the cultural diversity you were seeking? The adage about Sunday morning being our most racially divided hour of the week is a tough trend to overcome.




"Articles and links on St. Luke's C.M.E. in Champaign," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #270, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/270 (accessed March 14, 2025).

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