
The Circumvention of Public Law 94-142 and Section 504: The Sorting and Controlling of Black Males
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The Circumvention of Public Law 94-142 and Section 504: The Sorting and Controlling of Black Males
African-American Men, Education, Drugs
This study is a comprehensive investigation of the racial ramifications of
psychotropic drugs used to control the undesired behavior of Black school age boys. The
primary focus of the study examined how federal policy of Education for All
Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) of 1975. (P.L. 94-142). known presently as the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1990. has become a -gatewav. for
the introduction of behavioral stimulant used with Black males as a mode for social
control. In this study, 456 special education records from the local Champaign, Illinois
Unit 4 School District was used to show the circumvention of IDEA. issues of social
control of the White elite on Black males in regards to possible linkages with historical
data of school use of control, punishment. and the placement of Black males within the
special education bracket. Through the examination of the special education tiles. the
tallied number of Black males within the special education category was determined.
The preliminary results indicate that both White and Black males were disproportionately
placed within the category of special education and prescribed psychotropic medication
in comparisons to White and Black females. But. the results indicate that Both White and
Black males within special education are placed for different reasons. White males are
placed primarily due to only academic reasons. while Black males are placed for
academic and behavior concerns. In fact. this is also observed within the reasoning for
being prescribed medication as well. Study based on Unit 4 School District.
psychotropic drugs used to control the undesired behavior of Black school age boys. The
primary focus of the study examined how federal policy of Education for All
Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) of 1975. (P.L. 94-142). known presently as the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1990. has become a -gatewav. for
the introduction of behavioral stimulant used with Black males as a mode for social
control. In this study, 456 special education records from the local Champaign, Illinois
Unit 4 School District was used to show the circumvention of IDEA. issues of social
control of the White elite on Black males in regards to possible linkages with historical
data of school use of control, punishment. and the placement of Black males within the
special education bracket. Through the examination of the special education tiles. the
tallied number of Black males within the special education category was determined.
The preliminary results indicate that both White and Black males were disproportionately
placed within the category of special education and prescribed psychotropic medication
in comparisons to White and Black females. But. the results indicate that Both White and
Black males within special education are placed for different reasons. White males are
placed primarily due to only academic reasons. while Black males are placed for
academic and behavior concerns. In fact. this is also observed within the reasoning for
being prescribed medication as well. Study based on Unit 4 School District.
Terence D. Fitzgerald
unpublished doctoral dissertation
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Document Item Type Metadata
Terence D. Fitzgerald, "The Circumvention of Public Law 94-142 and Section 504: The Sorting and Controlling of Black Males," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #296, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/296 (accessed March 6, 2025).
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