
Council member speaks out regarding employee discipline in Kiwane Carrington incident
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Council member speaks out regarding employee discipline in Kiwane Carrington incident
Crime, Policing, and Gangs, Eddie Adair, Holly Nearing, John Freese, Kiwane Carrington, Kiwane Carrington, Police officer Daniel Norbits, shooting, Steve Carter, Tamara Cummings, undefined, undefined, undefined, Champaign-Urbana
Police Officer Daniel Norbits was suspended as a result of the fatal shooting of Kiwane Carrington. The Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council is disappointed with the suspension saying that it is too severe, while others feel as if it is not severe enough.
Stephanie Tussing
Daily Illini
22 April 2010
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Police Officer Daniel Norbits has been suspended for 30 days by City of Champaign City Manager Steve Carter due to his actions in the fatal shooting of Kiwane Carrington Oct. 9, 2009.
The decision was determined by review of the Internal Investigation Report by Deputy Chief Holly Nearing, a report from the Champaign Police Department's Firearms Discharge Review Board and an External Review Report by retired Judge John Freese and retired Urbana Chief of Police Eddie Adair.
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State's Attorney's Report on Death of Kiwane Carrington
Kiwane Carrington's death an "accident"
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The review determined Officer Norbits violated Police Department policy when he failed to maintain control of his weapon. Carter's decision was made in recognition of the act as unintentional and one which was affected by other circumstances, including the confined area of the incident and failure of Carrington to obey the command of a police officer.
Carter stated that it has been a difficult time for the entire community and that no action on behalf of the city could make up for the loss of Kiwane Carrington.
According to its press release, The Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council is "extremely disappointed" by the decision of the City Manager that any discipline against Officer Norbits is appropriate, let alone a penalty as severe as a 30 day suspension.
"While the death of Mr. Carrington is a tragedy," the release noted, "It is a tragedy that was brought about by Mr. Carrington’s own actions and not by any fault on the part of Officer Norbits."
Tamara Cummings, legal staff with the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, doesn't know for sure yet if the labor council will appeal the suspension.
"As far as I know (the suspension) is final," she said. "But we are considering appealing it, which might lessen (Officer Norbits' suspension time), or eliminate it."
City council member Will Kyles disagreed with Norbit's penalty saying, "Based on the fact that two out of three additional reports revealed that there was a policy violation, with that policy violation being a contributing factor in death, I do not believe that the discipline is severe enough."
Kyles continued, "Saying that, I believe that IFOP's press release was one-sided, did not take all factors into account, and paints the Champaign Police Department in a light that hampers and hinders any hope for better Police-Community relations. Beyond that, my deepest hope is that the Champaign community digs deep, police officers included, and fight to change perceptions and realities for a better tomorrow."
The decision was determined by review of the Internal Investigation Report by Deputy Chief Holly Nearing, a report from the Champaign Police Department's Firearms Discharge Review Board and an External Review Report by retired Judge John Freese and retired Urbana Chief of Police Eddie Adair.
Also See
State's Attorney's Report on Death of Kiwane Carrington
Kiwane Carrington's death an "accident"
Charges dropped against youth in Kiwane Carrington incident
The review determined Officer Norbits violated Police Department policy when he failed to maintain control of his weapon. Carter's decision was made in recognition of the act as unintentional and one which was affected by other circumstances, including the confined area of the incident and failure of Carrington to obey the command of a police officer.
Carter stated that it has been a difficult time for the entire community and that no action on behalf of the city could make up for the loss of Kiwane Carrington.
According to its press release, The Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council is "extremely disappointed" by the decision of the City Manager that any discipline against Officer Norbits is appropriate, let alone a penalty as severe as a 30 day suspension.
"While the death of Mr. Carrington is a tragedy," the release noted, "It is a tragedy that was brought about by Mr. Carrington’s own actions and not by any fault on the part of Officer Norbits."
Tamara Cummings, legal staff with the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, doesn't know for sure yet if the labor council will appeal the suspension.
"As far as I know (the suspension) is final," she said. "But we are considering appealing it, which might lessen (Officer Norbits' suspension time), or eliminate it."
City council member Will Kyles disagreed with Norbit's penalty saying, "Based on the fact that two out of three additional reports revealed that there was a policy violation, with that policy violation being a contributing factor in death, I do not believe that the discipline is severe enough."
Kyles continued, "Saying that, I believe that IFOP's press release was one-sided, did not take all factors into account, and paints the Champaign Police Department in a light that hampers and hinders any hope for better Police-Community relations. Beyond that, my deepest hope is that the Champaign community digs deep, police officers included, and fight to change perceptions and realities for a better tomorrow."
Stephanie Tussing , "Council member speaks out regarding employee discipline in Kiwane Carrington incident," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #350, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/350 (accessed March 6, 2025).
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