Research and Development Program on Preschool Disadvantaged Children Final Report
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Research and Development Program on Preschool Disadvantaged Children Final Report
Education, Social Services
Three volume report on economically and ethnically marginalized populations in preschool. Champaign-Urbana is featured prominently in the data, especially in volume 3. Includes sections on Potter Addition and the North End. See especially section beginning on page 542 of pdf: "Problems of Competence Development Among Ghetto Residents of a Middle-Sized City."
Abstract: To determine the relative effectiveness of different
methods of preschool educational intervention for disadvantaged '
children, comparisons were made of five programs whose levels of
structure ranged from the traditional nursery school to a highly
structured preschoolo Subjects were 79 4-year-olds representing a
wide range of ability levels~ Intervention effects were evaluated at
the end of the preschool year and also, at the end of the
kindergarten year. Follow-up data were collected at the end of first
grade for three of the programso preliminary results were
differential and encouraging for the more structured programs. The
ameliorative preschool provided a framework for the subsequent
investigation of related variables: effects of initiating the program
with 3-year-old, low IQ children, and the feasibility of using
paraprofessional staff as teachers. Included in this report are
studies undertaken to provide instructional programs for children
under 3 years and to find techniques to train mothers in home
intervt2ntion. (MS)
Abstract: To determine the relative effectiveness of different
methods of preschool educational intervention for disadvantaged '
children, comparisons were made of five programs whose levels of
structure ranged from the traditional nursery school to a highly
structured preschoolo Subjects were 79 4-year-olds representing a
wide range of ability levels~ Intervention effects were evaluated at
the end of the preschool year and also, at the end of the
kindergarten year. Follow-up data were collected at the end of first
grade for three of the programso preliminary results were
differential and encouraging for the more structured programs. The
ameliorative preschool provided a framework for the subsequent
investigation of related variables: effects of initiating the program
with 3-year-old, low IQ children, and the feasibility of using
paraprofessional staff as teachers. Included in this report are
studies undertaken to provide instructional programs for children
under 3 years and to find techniques to train mothers in home
intervt2ntion. (MS)
Merle B. Karnes, Primary Investigator
ERIC Educational Abstracts Database
Institute of Research for Exceptional Children, University of Illinois
May 1969
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Document Item Type Metadata
Merle B. Karnes, Primary Investigator, "Research and Development Program on Preschool Disadvantaged Children Final Report," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #405, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/405 (accessed January 23, 2025).