
Champaign County Affordable Housing Analysis:
A Look at Affordable Housing Needs of Champaign
County Past, Present, and Future

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Champaign County Affordable Housing Analysis:
A Look at Affordable Housing Needs of Champaign
County Past, Present, and Future


Champaign County Housing Authority, Public Housing, Urban Planning


From Introduction:

This study examined the past, present, and future need of affordable housing so that the
Champaign County Housing Coalition could use this information to assist them in their
efforts of providing affordable housing.
The first step in our study was to break down the different types of providers for
affordable housing. We ended up with the following 4 categories:
1) Champaign County Housing Authority (CCHA).
2) Community Development Corporations (CDC's).
3) Private Landlords
4) Tax Credits
*List of Respondents were acquired through: Champaign & Urbana Planning
Departments, Champaign County Housing Coalition, Central Illinois Apartment
Association, and Illinois Housing Development Authority.
The second step was to organize the structure of the survey and determine the questions
that would be included in it This was done by Len Heumann. The survey questions
were broken down into 4 sets. The first two sets used the same format and were broken
into the affordable housing provided in the Past (1990) and Current (2003). The template
is attached in the Appendix. The third set asked the respondent their estimate on the
amount of affordable housing need in 2008, and what their organization/company could
provide in 2008. The final question set focused on the planning and delivery of
affordable housing in Champaign County. Each Providing group received slightly
different questions that were tailored to their role as providers of affordable housing.
Outline of Questionnaire:
I. Past 1990-Affordable Housing Provided by Respondent
II. Current 2003-Affordable Housing Provided by Respondent.
m. Future 2008-Affordable Housing Expect. Need in Community & by Respondent.
IV. Questions asked regarding planning and delivery of Affordable Housing.


Urban Planning Students


unpublished report




Leonard Heumann

Contribution Form

Online Submission



Document Item Type Metadata


Urban Planning Students, "Champaign County Affordable Housing Analysis: A Look at Affordable Housing Needs of Champaign County Past, Present, and Future," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #831, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/831 (accessed July 3, 2024).

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File: CountyAffordableHousingAnalysis2003.pdf
