January 8 Jobs and Technology Conference Archive

The January 8, 2011, Conference on Jobs, Technology, Community and Digital Technology was a great success. An estimated 100 people attended all or part of this morning discussion, which featured economic leaders dialoging with community leaders, students and the general public on technology and the future of jobs, job creation, youth, education and religion. A detailed description of the event can be found at: http://eblackcu.net/portal/jan8description.

At the center of the discussion was Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband, or UC2B. The goal of the January 8 event was to get our community mobilized to both take advantage of UC2B and to make sure their voices are heard in the deliberations of the UC2B committees responsible for deciding how the high-speed Internet will be built and managed.

This webpage serves as the audio-visual record of the event, and features pre-event publicity, photos and videos from the event. All are welcome to add their voices to this record. Click the Contribute link to add a memory or perspective on the event.

We are also asking people to get on the same page around technology and the future of Champaign-Urbana. Please take a moment to read over the sign the manifesto we are supporting. Over 160 individuals from across the twin cities have signed - add your voice to support our community's collective intelligence!

This event was co-sponsored by: NAACP, Champaign County Branch; Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center; C-U Citizens for Peace and Justice; Champaign City Council Member Will Kyles; University Office of Equal Opportunity and Access.

The organizing committee for the event included: Abdul Alkalimat, Brian Bell, Jaime Carpenter, Connie Dillard, Chris Hamb, John Kersh, and Noah Lenstra.

Pre-Event Publicity

January 8 Event Flyer

Detailed January 8 Event Description

Audio-Visual Record

Video of first hour of Conference: Economic Leaders discuss Technology and Jobs. Panelists include: Craig Rost, City of Champaign; Tom Carrino, City of Urbana; Otis Noble, University of Illinois Office of Equal Opportunity and Access; and Minor Jackson, III, Parkland College Workforce Development Center. Panel was moderated by John Kersh of CITES, University of Illinois and UC2B.

Video of Second hour of Conference. Featured small group break-out discussions on 1) Churches and Technology; 2) Youth and Technology; and 3) Jobs and Technology.

Video of third hour of Conference. Featured a report-back to the large group on the break out conversations and a discussion of next steps for our community.

Photos of Conference, Part 1

Photos of Conference, Part 2
