C H A M P A I G N  U R B A N A  B L A C K  H A I R  C A R E  D I R E C T O R Y

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The Digital Divide

We are at a critical juncture in the transformation of society.  As social, political and economic institutions are becoming exclusively digital, a new inequality is forming around existing injustices.  People already disadvantaged by multiple systematic inequalities now face digital inequality. A non-segregated Digital Nation can only emerge if all citizens have the skills and resources necessary to participate fully in ICT. 

Locally, there is a digital divide running along education, gender, race, and class lines.  Because hair salons and barbershops are central institutions in the black community and sites of cultural production, these institutions can be at the forefront of the digital revolution.  Hair shops can be part of the process of mobilizing communities around ICT and empowering people to participate in a Digital Nation.

The image below is a map of Champaign-Urbana.  The sections in yellow are census blocks that are considered 'underserved' by broadband internet connectivity.  In each of these yellow areas, less than 40% of households have adopted broadband internet. 56% of the Black hair care institutions in Champaign-Urbana are located in the underserved census blocks.


Champaign Urbana Hair Care Institutions

1. A Cut Above the Rest
2. Dottie's
3. G & R Hair Salon Barber Shop
4. Jazzie Looks
5. Just B Cause
6. Les Cheveux Gallery
7. Locks of Glory
8. Mirror Image Hair Studio
9. North 1st Street Barber
10. Razzberry Hair Studio
11. Rose & Taylor
12. Sister Curls
13. Trendsetters
14. Whip Hair Designs
15. Sheer Images

Additional Resources on the Digital Divide

Broadband Technologies Opportunities Program

Funded at $4.7 billion, BTOP provides grants to support the deployment of broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved areas, to enhance broadband capacity at public computer centers, and to encourage sustainable adoption of broadband service. Through this support, BTOP will also advance the Recovery Act’s objectives to spur job creation and stimulate long-term economic growth and opportunity.

The Urbana-Champaign Big Broadband Proposal

Read the Urbana-Champaign BTOP proposal!  This pages on this website describe the major projects that will be implemented (both above and below ground) to bring big broadband internet connectivity to locally underserved areas.

Digital Divide- The Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project

This independent non-partisan research center has the most recent statistics regarding intenet connectivity among the American population.  Additionally, this site links current articles and the most recent research on the digital divide.