C H A M P A I G N  U R B A N A  B L A C K  H A I R  C A R E  D I R E C T O R Y

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Local Resources

The Minority Business Development Agency:
The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) at the U.S. Department of Commerce is the only federal agency dedicated to advancing the establishment and growth of minority-owned firms in the United States. Through a network of minority business centers and strategic partners, MBDA works with minority entrepreneurs who wish to grow their businesses in size, scale and capacity. These firms are then better positioned to create jobs, impact local economies and expand into national and global markets. MBDA has spent more than four decades increasing the competitiveness of minority firms.

City of Champaign-Minority Owned Businesses:
This is the most recent list of minority owned businesses in Champaign County.  This list may not be completely up to date, but offers a great starting place to learn more about what businesses and services are offered from minority businesses in the area.

The WorkNet Center:
Illinois WorkNet in Champaign provides training for people looking for work and also has resources for managing businesses.  Computer classes are also currently being offered in tandem with Parkland College at the Worknet Center.  This excellent web resource also offers computer skills classes ONLINE that you can take from your own computer.

African American Cultural Center at the University of Illinois:

The AACC serves as a vehicle for self-expression and leadership enhancement to students of African descent through the vehicles of workshops, seminars, and performing groups.  The ACC promots campus-wide understanding of the unique contributions of African-Americans to the life and culture of the campus, the nation and indeed the world.

Parkland College:
Take advantage of all the unique services that a dynamic and responsive community college offers its district residents: personal growth workshops, meeting spaces, public speakers, and workforce training.



Through the Years: African American History in Champaign County 



The two articles listed above include important African American history in Champaign County.  Both articles also make mention of the history of black hair care in the area.  These articles also include photographs.