
Spring & Summer 2012 Community Flyers

Dublin Core


Spring & Summer 2012 Community Flyers


Community Organizations, Entertainment, Music, Food, Dance, Events and Holidays, History, Restaurants, Social Services


Spring 2012 Community Flyers. Events and information advertised include "A Night of Elegance"; a gospel concert; programs related to Black History Month; a Mother's Day concert; a comedy and live jazz show; R&B and Soul Night; An NAACP Anti-Bullying Program; a calendar of January events; a theatrical presentation titled "Tom Thumb Wedding"; important dates for the primary election; a supper hosted by Champaign Unit 4 School Superintendent Judy Wiegand; A Black History Month film festival showing of "Daisy Bates: First Lady of Little Rock"


Spring 2012



Contribution Form

Online Submission



Flyer Item Type Metadata



"Spring & Summer 2012 Community Flyers," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #2108, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/2108 (accessed March 13, 2025).

Social Bookmarking

File: 2012 Afro 498 WS Music Class taught by WT Summerville.pdf

File: 2012MLKPoster.pdf

File: 2012_retreat_tri-fold_Black_&_White.pdf

File: Cleanslate Clinic.pdf

File: Community Flyer 2012.pdf

File: CommunityFlyer2012.pdf

File: Conversation with the candidate.pdf

File: Don+Moyer+Boys+&+Girls+Club+Register+Now![1].pdf

File: Important Dates for the Primary Election.pdf

File: Invitation Dr. Wiegand reception.pdf


File: MLK Calendar Brochure[1].pdf

File: SponshorshipletterfordonationsCandy2012.pdf

File: Winter Break Open Gym.2011.pdf

File: 12SummerPressReleasefor15thAnnualSafeHouseBenefitGospel.pdf

File: 2012_CPD Open House Flyer.pdf

File: AFRO498ConcertPoster.pdf

File: Afro 498 End of Semester Concert.pdf

File: BLACK AND WHITE BALL SIZE 11X17 2012.pdf

File: CC3 flyer (1).pdf

File: Copyofanightfinal1.jpg.pdf

File: 498 2012 Spring Program.pdf

File: BacktoSchoolExposion2012.pdf

File: Brochure_052112.pdf

File: BuildingHealthyCommunities....pdf

File: CMHA Week Block Party.pdf

File: CUperStar 2012 poster final2.pdf

File: CUperStar2012poster.pdf

File: Car wash 2012.pdf

File: ChurchofApostolicAuthoritySchedule.pdf

File: Community Conversation 3 Flyer.pdf

File: FCN 8.22.12 flyer.pdf

File: Family 2 Family Flyer 1.pdf

File: Gospel Explosion Celebration.pdf

File: Invite-May242012(Celebration).pdf

File: Juneteent2012flier.pdf

File: May 11 flyer-melodye version.pdf

File: MealsforYouthUnder18throughAugust21.pdf

File: Mobettasummercampletterscheduleapplicationfinal12.pdf

File: NAACP-Summer-2012.pdf

File: NightofStraightComedyJune29.pdf

File: STAR Expo main invite -general.pdf

File: SUDAN_COURT_#19_CASINO_TRIP_2012.pdf

File: SouthernSonsofMemphisflier[1].pdf

File: Summer-Flyers2.pdf

File: Summer2012-Flyers.pdf

File: THE E1R1 Clothing Closet.pdf

File: VBS 2012 invitation.pdf

File: Wind Down Wednesday's Flyer.pdf

File: denimanddiamondflyerwithbigdiamond.pdf

File: fathersdaycommunitybigposter2012.pdf

File: may-15-forum-single-page.pdf

File: shiftinggearstraining (2).pdf

File: summercampflier2012.pdf

File: IMG.pdf

File: IMG_0001.pdf

File: Black Women's Experiences Survey Phase II.pdf

File: Upcoming Agape Feasts - Aug 12.pdf
