
Champaign-Urbana Minority Business and Organization Directory
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Champaign-Urbana Minority Business and Organization Directory
Businesses, University--Community, Social Services--Urban League, Restaurants
Directory of local businesses owned and/or operated by African-Americans.
A primary goal of the Urban League of Champaign
County is to stimulate the growth and development of
minority owned businesses in our community. Part of that
goal can be attained if open-minded citizens know about
and patronize the businesses and services provided by
minority entrepreneurs. It is with that thought in mind that
we have developed and published this directory .
Economic development, on the other hand, is not our
sole concern. We believe that this directory can best serve
the community if we list organizations and individuals who
exist to serve the spiritual and social welfare needs of the
people, free of charge. With that in mind you will find
elected arid appointed officials, social welfare . and health
agencies, school and park board members, and religious
and fraternal bodies, as well ' as service or product-for-fee
listings .
A primary goal of the Urban League of Champaign
County is to stimulate the growth and development of
minority owned businesses in our community. Part of that
goal can be attained if open-minded citizens know about
and patronize the businesses and services provided by
minority entrepreneurs. It is with that thought in mind that
we have developed and published this directory .
Economic development, on the other hand, is not our
sole concern. We believe that this directory can best serve
the community if we list organizations and individuals who
exist to serve the spiritual and social welfare needs of the
people, free of charge. With that in mind you will find
elected arid appointed officials, social welfare . and health
agencies, school and park board members, and religious
and fraternal bodies, as well ' as service or product-for-fee
listings .
Urban League of Champaign County
Urban League of Champaign County Archives
Oasis Graphic Arts
September, 1974
Contribution Form
Online Submission
Document Item Type Metadata
Urban League of Champaign County, "Champaign-Urbana Minority Business and Organization Directory," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #29, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/29 (accessed March 14, 2025).
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