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Carla Jones, co-owner of Rose & Taylor


Carla Jones was born and raised in Chicago.  She earned her B.S. from the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign in 1991.   Upon graduating from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 1991, she decided to stay in the Champaign community.  She completed cosmology school in 2004 and became licesned in 2005.  Carla's passion for hair care began when she was eight years old when she  started braiding hair for kids around her house including her two sisters who now live in St. Louis and the Bahamas.  Outside of the salon, she is active in the community through her involvement with the Canann Church which she has been attending since 1987.  She has been on the praise team, the choir, and has led as a musician for the church.

"It is my duty and honor to give clients what they ask for, not to give you a style that I think you need."