
Champaign City District 1 Council Member William Kyles e-newsletter

Dublin Core


Champaign City District 1 Council Member William Kyles e-newsletter




Note From Councilmember: It's been officially 1 year of service in office! One valuable lesson that I have learned is that citizens want to be informed. Thus, this is how the weekly newsletter started. My vision is that this newsletter will be a tool to spread information on current events, meetings, progress throughout the city - and that communities will begin to become more knowledgeable about each other. There was so much information that I had for you in this week, that I had to wait to the next letter to send to you. I anticipate the next opportunity to network and communicate with all of you.

CM Will Kyles

City Council Study Session
Also there will be our annual City of Champaign Township meeting as well during this time.

City News
City Website has a great source of information at http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Community Forum info has been compiled. The only thing that has been taken out of this data are names. More to come on the follow-up from this forum.

Internal Investigations related to Kiwane Carrington should be completed within the next two weeks. More info coming soon.

Spring Yard Collection - See attachment. (District 1 pick-up days are April 20th and April 23rd)

Bone Yard Clean-Up Day - For more info please go to www.BoneyardCreek.org.

Motivating More Males Town Hall Meeting - See attachment.

Neighborhood Leadership Meeting/STARS award ceremony - See attachment.

School News

School Board Meeting. See Link http://www.champaignschools.org/Board/0910boardagendas/Notice%20April12%2010%20RegMtg.pdf

Public meeting on traffic analysis - See link.

Champaign Park District News

Champaign Park District is accepting applications for summer jobs. There are some deadlines. Go to http://agency.governmentjobs.com/champaignparkdistrict/default.cfm for more info.

Spring/Summer planning http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/brochure.htm

Events at Park District http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/events/index.html

Douglas Park http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi

Employment opportunities






Additional Events

Free Auto Clinic in Danville


AutismOne & Generation Rescue Conference: Redefining Autism Monday, May 23 – Sunday, May 30, Chicago, Illinois. Send me a reply if you want more info.


From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 7:41 AM

Good morning citizens,

Today, I wanted to take the opportunity to focus on police-community relations. Besides developing economic strategies for my district, it's a top priority of mines to see that we effectively progress the police-community relations citywide. I don't think that this is an issue that can be fixed overnight, but there are re-occurring themes that happen each year. Each incident causes stress on the Champaign community physically, mentally, and financially, I am going to get the dollar amount of this incident and what it has cost the taxpayer with just this incident. The impact is mind boggling. Thus, for me, as an elected leader, to accept normal results would be a failure of mines. It's too easy for me point the finger at the City, or the Police Department, or the community. We've done that way too long and found that nothing gets resolved in the end by finger-pointing.

What has been done?

Six initiative update: The Community and police six initiatives can be viewed at http://ci.champaign.il.us/departments/city-manager/6-initiatives/. Looking at the initiatives, the use of force policy has been revised and implemented. The second initiative is in progress. The third initiative is almost complete. The internal investigations are almost complete with the Justice Department being the final report. The fourth and fifth initiative are in progress. The sixth initiative is still in progress. Out of all of the initiatives, personally I am most excited about the sixth one. A community forum sub group meets once a month to plan, discuss, and strategies on how we can use the info from the forum to make a better Champaign community.

City Manager has made decision on discipline for Officer Norbits. Statement can be viewed at http://ci.champaign.il.us/news/general-news/city-manager-makes-decision-regarding-employee-discipline-in-vine-street-incident/

Internal Investigation can be viewed at http://ci.champaign.il.us/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Vine_Street_Internal_Investigation.pdf.

Champaign Urbana Citizens for Peace and Justice have presented 3 proposals that I think hold a lot of weight. Police contract negotiations are coming up. If you support any of these three proposals, please feel free to forward your support (or any suggestion) to your council member or to city staff @ hr@ci.champaign.il.us. See proposal in attachments.

How has the community become more involved?

CCAP meets every 4th Monday from 3- 4:30pm at the Douglas Annex. This group meets once a month, with their main focus being how we move forward with better police-community relations. The public does have an opportunity to provide public input at the beginning of these meetings.

North End Breakfast Club meets 2nd and 4th Saturday from 7am-10am at the
Boys and Girl's Club. This is a group where men get together and fellowship over breakfast. Afterward they discuss current issues in the community. This is a very positive group and open to men (young and old) to participate.

Brother's Let's Talk meets every 4th Sunday at the Boys and Girl's Club from
4pm- 6pm. Seon Williams leads these one one sessions where men mentor boys. Young men are allowed to vent, present their problems and have an opportunity to gain wisdom from older men who have knowledge to give.

Motivating More Males meets every 1st Monday at rotating locations from
5:30pm- 7:30pm. This was a group started by the Peer Ambassadors and encourages males to come out and mentor young males.

Don Moyers Boys and Girl's Club has hosted forum after forum, with their last forum involving the Champaign Police Department. I encourage everyone to find a way to physically and financially support the club because they are doing a magnificent work for our kids all over the city.

ACCESS Group. I don't have the exact details of when this group regularly meets. However the county has received a SAMSHA grant which will soon be used to help provide mental health services to families and youth. They are required by the grant to do 1 year of planning and this is that year.

Champaign Police Department on many occasion have been volunteers and active participants in several forums and discussions over the past 6 months. I definitely appreciate their time and efforts that sometimes get missed.

Human Relations Commission meets every 1st Monday at 5:30pm in
the Council Chambers. A lot of issues and good conversation has come out of this commission in the past 6 months. I appreciate all of the work.

Neigbhorhood Services department just had a STARS award. As citizens' accomplishments are continued to be recognized, more people will see the appreciation and that does go a long way.

Neighborhood Impact. These are the meetings that we don't see, the good parenting that doesn't occur, the people that don't get credit or even look for credit for their accomplishments. I appreciate your individual works that help resolve a city issue.

What does our future look like? I feel positive about the future. Where I see the most need is in outdoor outreaches. The Police Department and community have a major opportunity to do something here. Also, we need a way to provide knowledge of our social services to the community. These two are huge. I look forward to working and hearing from all of you.

Until the next time,
CM Will Kyles


--- On Tue, 5/18/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter (Councilmember Will Kyles)
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 10:29 AM

Regular Meeting


Post Study Session


Special Meeting


Budget Info & Memos



Check Out Champaign Park District Special Events


College Night


Champaign Unit 4 Schools to Destroy 2004 Temporary Records


More Unit 4 News & Announcements



From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 3:39 PM

The summer is quickly approaching. I’d like to take advantage of this great weather and make the month of June all about spending time with constituents and learning what is important to you. If you would like to sit down over coffee and chat, please email me and we will work within our schedules to meet. Lastly, please feel free to send me events that you would like to be included in these newsletters. Your feedback is welcome. It is definitely a pleasure, an honor, a privilege to serve you on the Champaign City Council.

Special Note: Boys and Girls’ Club Needs Our Help: Due to shortages in funding by the state and a tough economic environment, the Boys and Girls’ Club is in jeopardy of closing. Besides the history that the Boys and Girls’ Club has in our community, it provides a safe haven for children to interact, grow, and develop. Without the club’s existence, children all over Champaign County are at risks of losing out on the social, education, and developmental skills that the club provides. The Boys and Girls Club needs your help. Donations can be made on-line at www.dmbgc-cu.org or contact the club at (217) 355-5437.

Regular Council Meeting


Champaign Unit 4


I would like to personally thank all students, parents, teachers, and administrators for their achievements this year. I especially would like to congratulate all recent graduates for their hard work and efforts. I encourage you to continue working hard and pressing towards the mark.

Champaign Park District


Seeking your input: What time should the Douglas Park close? Should it be closed at 9pm or should it be closed at the time of special activities? Currently the Park closes at 9pm or normal days. However there are days when the park has extra activities that run late after 9pm. This has caused some confusion in the past. Please advise.

Champaign Police Charities Association Calls for Donations


Community Events

Public Work Kid’s Day (June 3rd 7:30am-12:30pm) at 702 Edgebrook Drive. Hot dog and Peanut Butter and Jelly lunch served at 11:30am.

Touch a Tractor (June 5th 1pm-4pm) at Centennial Park. Fun-filled family event.

Men’s North End Breakfast Club meeting (June 5th 7am-10am) at Boy’s and Girl’s Club. Come out and fellowship with other men over a meal and conversation.

Douglas Park Community Garden Work Day (June 5th). This will be the official work day of the new Douglas Park Garden. The goal is raise beds and plant some flowers on that day.


--- On Tue, 6/15/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter (Council member Will Kyles)
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 2010, 2:08 PM

Thank you all for allowing me to serve you. As many of you can tell, I have consolidated the newsletters considerably. I provide the same information. However, I use a lot of email links instead of attachments. This makes the email a lot smaller and was a result from feedback that I've received over the months. If there is anything else that I can do to improve this newsletter, please feel free to let me know. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email or phone at (217) 552-3625.

CM Will Kyles

Past News – Nuisance and Vacant City Ordinance goes back to city staff to clean up language with the ordinance.

Regular City Council Meeting


Cable Commission Launches Community TV Website


City Cable Channel Now Streaming Live on the Web


Champaign-Urbana calls for nominations for the International Humanitarian Awards


Help Support a Park in Dobbins Down Neighborhood


Employees Recognized at Champaign Police Awards Ceremony


Champaign Schools

Champaign School District Summer Program for kids 18 and under can eat free at the

following sites Monday through Friday:

Carrie Busey and Garden Hills June 7th- July 23rd

Breakfast 8am to 9am; Lunch 11am to 12:30pm

Dr.Howard Elementary June 7th - July 23rd

Breakfast 8am to 8:30am; Lunch 11am to 12:30pm

Jefferson Middle School June 7th - July 2nd

Breakfast only 10am to 11am

Community Events

1000 Men Praying in Douglas Park on June 19th from 8am-9am

Come join men across the Champaign-Urbana Community pray for our community.

Father’s Day Celebration and Customer Appreciation Day from 11:30am to 5pm

Rose and Taylor Barber and Beauty Shop on124 North 1st Street

Come enjoy free food, fun, and games.

Kids Derby Fishing- June 19th 9am- noon @ Kaufman Lake


P3 Summer Training @ Champaign Public Health District June16th – June 26th

For parents who want to be a voice in the community, involved in local decision making and advocate for improved programs

Unity In Action Magazine would like your article submission and request. For more info please email Tanya Parker at contact@unityactionmagazine.com


--- On Mon, 6/21/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)
Date: Monday, June 21, 2010, 1:56 PM

Special Note: This week, I have specifically kept the newsletter short as to put more focus on tomorrow's study session. Specifically the item that I have received the a lot of conversation on over the last year is the Complaint Process. Most would agree that the complaint process needs to be improved. I would encourage you to read the proposed recommendations and then provide feedback. Tomorrow I anticipate that many will come out and speak on this item. However, I do encourage everyone to read the recommendations presented and then provide feedback.

Also, I do encourage you to take a look at the other two items as well: CU Scholar Program and Proposed Development at Curtis Road Interchange: Wellness at Prairie Village. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me or call me @ (217) 552-3625.

Regular Study Session


From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter Update Returns (Councilmember Will Kyles)
Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2010, 8:14 AM

Note from the Council member: I know that it's been a long time overdue since the last newsletter. I am excited about the children starting school and the new opportunities that each season brings. I will continue the newsletter and I look forward to hearing your feedback, especially on study session topics and council votes. Thank you for allowing me to serve you, directly and/or indirectly. If you have any question, please feel free to call me at (217) 552-3625 or by email.

Study Session Topics Can be viewed at:

What are your thoughts on the two subjects: Comcast and Six Initiatives?

Events and other News

Unit 4

August 27th NCAAM Man of the Year Award Event

Time: 6pm

Location: Hilton Garden Inn

Sponsors: National Council of African American Men

August 28th - September 11th

State Town and Country Amateur Art Show

Springer Cultural Center

August 28th Kingdom Fellowship

Time: 12pm-9pm Event promoting fellowship and unity.

Location: 600 E. Grove Street Between Wright and Sixth Street

Sponsors: Lighthouse Ministries

August 29th A New Perception: Rock the Block

Time: 10am-3pm

Sponsors: United Methodist Church

Location: Between State and Randolph Street


From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)
To: williamkyles2@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010, 12:36 AM


City Website

City Financial News

City Elected Officical News

Police Department Posts Policies Online

2010 County Wide Election Info

Unit 4 News

School Board Meeting Dates

Weekly Updates

Parental Safety

Park District
- Dobbins Down Playground Build Day is September 25th from 8:30- 2pm. Volunteers are needed.
- Kraft Foods is working on a community outreach project to improve Hazel Park (Bradley and Neil)


--- On Tue, 9/7/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Update (Council member Will Kyles
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 9:23 AM

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Although, I didn't have much to put in a newsletter, I still thought that it was important to send you a copy of our agenda for tonight's regular City Council meeting. Have a great day and a great week!

CM Will Kyles



William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
to Will Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
date Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 2:17 PM
subject Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)
mailed-by yahoo.com
signed-by yahoo.com
hide details Sep 14
Note: Good afternoon. I hope that this reaches you with warm greetings. I have included in this week's updates, a lot of events that are occuring around town. Some of these events are events that you sent to me and others are from websites that I researched. I look forward to our continued work together in our mission to improve our city, town, country, WORLD! As always, if you have any questions of me, please feel free to contact me at this email address or by phone at (217) 552-3625.

Current City News

Regular Study Session

Economic Workshop

Police Remain Proactive

Curtis Road Grand Opening

For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Champaign Schools News

This week in Unit 4 (there are a number of openhouses this week listed)

Candidates wishing to run for school board

For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

Punt, Kick, Pass Event for Kids

Fall Fitness Challenge

Senior Happenings

For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

More Events

Community Civic Event Celebration
Emeralds Lounge at 6pm.

North End Men's Breakfast Club
Boys and Girl's Club from 7am-9:30am.

Douglas Volunteers Needed to Work on Douglas Community Garden
Douglas Park from 10am-4pm
Volunteers do not have to work the whole 6 hours, but whatever your time permits.
For more info, please contact eeharper@gmail.com

Interested in Sponsoring a Sculpture on the North End of town, well we're only a few dollars away from making that happen. For more info, please contact Brian Knox at knoxarray@earthlink.net.

Small Business Development classes at the Land of Lincoln. This is a great opportunity to get free knowledge and training. For more info, please contact Otis Noble at onoble@illinois.edu or visit http://www.sell2.illinois.gov/Registration_Certification.cfm.

Access Initiative starting Beyond Words classes at the M2 building
the M2 Building on the 4th Floor (downtown Champaign at 301 N. Neil,
Champaign, IL). Please contact Karen Simms at karen.c.simms@gmail.com for more info. Below are dates and times

September 13, 2010~4:30pm-5:30pm
*Cultural and Linguistic Competence-Beyond Words

September 20, 2010~4:30pm-5:30pm
*Family Driven-Beyond Words

September 27, 2010~4:30pm-5:30pm
* Youth Guided-Beyond Words


from William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
date Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 8:13 AM
subject Fw: Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)
mailed-by yahoo.com
signed-by yahoo.com
hide details Sep 21 (8 days ago)

--- On Tue, 9/21/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)

To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2010, 8:10 AM

--- On Tue, 9/21/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2010, 8:08 AM

Note From Council Member: I have great pleasure in serving all of you in one way or another. I would like to use this week as a way to articulate the need for your physical involvement:

I am totally against the fact that teens have resorted to using violence as a form of entertainment. I do not support the "hunting" that is going on in campus. I encourage us as a city to come together and discourage these type of activities. Not only does this type of behavior impact the student (short and longterm), it impacts the person doing the crime as this is a felony. Once our young people get felonies, the road to repair is tough. I will work with anyone who has a solution to this issue. We cannot afford for students to be injured in the short term, but then damaged in the long term with a negative perspective on race. We cannot afford our young men to continue to make mistakes that jeopardize their futures. There is power in the police upholding the law, but there is also a power in a community's (all races working together) presence and concern over an issue in this critical state. Here are some ideas that I have:

A) On Saturday (Midnight Prayer) on campus corners
B) Community watch groups during the hours of 12-3
C) Patrols with the CAT team and police
D) Talking to teens that you know or can have a positive influence over to discourage this activity.

Together we can bring an end to this behavior on campus, but in other parts of the city where crime is an issue. Thank you for your time and help. Below is the rest of the newsletter.

Regular City Council Meeting

Curtis Road Grand Opening

City Yard Collection

For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Info on November Elections
http://www.champaigncountyclerk.com/elections/docs/2010/11_02_2010_candidates.pdf 2010 Candidates

Champaign Schools News

This week in Unit 4 (there are a number of openhouses this week listed)

Candidates wishing to run for school board

Sept 23 Balanced Calendar, Half-Day, School Improvement Day, Parent/Teacher Conferences (4:00 – 8:00 p.m.)
Sept 24 Balanced Calendar - Parent/Teacher Conferences (8:00 – 11:00 a.m.), No School

For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

Fall Fitness Challenge

Senior Happenings

For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

More Events

New Magazine Link http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/

Dobbins Down Needs Volunteers to Work on NEW PLAYGROUND
Volunteers do not have to work the whole 6 hours, but whatever your time permits.
For more info, please contact 1 (217) 403-4690.

Interested in Sponsoring a Sculpture on the North End of town, well we're only a few dollars away from making that happen. For more info, please contact Brian Knox at knoxarray@earthlink.net.

Small Business Development classes at the Land of Lincoln. This is a great opportunity to get free knowledge and training. For more info, please contact Otis Noble at onoble@illinois.edu or visit http://www.sell2.illinois.gov/Registration_Certification.cfm.

Access Initiative starting Beyond Words classes at the M2 building
the M2 Building on the 4th Floor (downtown Champaign at 301 N. Neil,
Champaign, IL). Please contact Karen Simms at karen.c.simms@gmail.com
for more info. Below are dates and times

September 27, 2010~4:30pm-5:30pm
* Youth Guided-Beyond Words


rom William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
date Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 6:17 AM
subject Fw: Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)
mailed-by yahoo.com
signed-by yahoo.com
hide details Sep 28 (1 day ago)

--- On Tue, 9/28/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 6:14 AM

Note from Council member: It is always an encouragement and satisfaction to send these weekly updates out. I enjoy the ability to present events and info that you all forward me throughout the week. I encourage you to forward this email to your social networks. One of the greatest opportunities that we have as a city is to continue to strengthen our communities and reach across street boundaries to resolve issues. It is the people that make up a community that give power and life to a city. In fact if you look throughout history, it is the community and the people therein that have helped nations deal with some of its toughest issues. I encourage you all to visit a part of town that you wouldn’t normally visit whether rich or poor. I encourage you to talk to a person that you may not have normally talked to and try to understand their ways. I look forward to the ideas that you will come up with that will continue to make this city great. All in all, a city is made up of neighborhoods, neighborhoods are made of blocks, blocks are made up of houses, houses are made up of people – and people must work together for ultimate success. As always please feel free to email me or contact me by phone at (217) 552-3625. Your input is welcome.

City News

Regular Study Session

Police and Fire Memorial Celebration

Housing Study

Champaign Fire Department Open House

Community Forum Report

City Yard Collection
Campus News
As community members get involved, the number of issues on campus is starting to decrease. I encourage more people to come out and discourage violence of any sort. It is a stretch, but 2 hours of your time from 1am - 3am could make a huge difference. Even more, if know any young people that may be involved in these acts, please educate them and discourage them from these activities. With the help of the police and working Together as a community, we can diffuse this issue.

For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Info on November Elections

Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week

Teacher Wins Award

Candidates wishing to run for school board

For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

Senior Happenings

For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Lighthouse Calendar. See Attachment

News Letters

Unity Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/

Parkland College WeTrain Newsletter. See attachment.

More Events and News

September 30th- October 6th Upcoming Art Show at 6 E University

October 2nd North End Breakfast Club from 7am to 9:30am.

October 8th from 8:30am-2pm a playground will be built in Hazel Park . Volunteers are needed.

October 9th Annual Unity in Community March @ 12pm

October 11th – Community Matters Bowling Event. See attachment.

October 31st. Community Matters Fall Festival. See Attachment.

Virginia Theatre Job Posting. See Attachment.

Interested in Sponsoring a Sculpture on the North End of town, well we're only a few dollars away from making that happen. For more info, please contact Brian Knox at knoxarray@earthlink.net.

Small Business Development classes at the Land of Lincoln . This is a great opportunity to get free knowledge and training. For more info, please contact Otis Noble at onoble@illinois.edu or visit http://www.sell2.illinois.gov/Registration_Certification.cfm.

The ACCESS Initiative

For more info please email access-all@googlegroups.com


From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: Weekly Newsletter (Council Member Will Kyles)

To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 6:51 AM

Note from Council Member: I do believe that there is no greater time than now to get actively involved in the work of our city and various communities. This week marks the 1 year anniversary since the death of Kiwane Carrington. Kiwane left our city with a mission to do better, to try harder, and to build relationships for the betterment of our future. I have seen a rise in volunteerism and action from our citizens; City Council and staff that keep me hopeful that our city will move forward in helping all kids succeed. Although we may forever debate the facts of why Kiwane is no longer here with us, there is one fact that we cannot deny. The mission of raising healthy, productive children in this day and age is difficult and yet vital. The difficulties and pressures are seen and felt by every race, sex, and class. And the only way we come out situations like this is when we play our roles, whether big or small, collective or single to foster an environment where we can raise healthy, productive citizens. I encourage you to come out and help build a playground for kids at Hazel Park or participate in planting a tree at the Unity March in memory of Kiwane and all of the children that struggle and still struggle on daily basis to thrive. Maybe you have time to eat lunch with your child’s class or volunteer at a school. Or possibly say a prayer or be bold to build a relationship with someone you wouldn’t normally talk to. This week, I encourage you to exceed your expectations, and play your role, whether big or small, in helping children thrive. As always, please feel free to contact me by email or phone (217) 552-3625 with questions, concerns, feedback, etc. Thank you for allowing me to serve you.

City News

Regular City Council Meeting


Post Study City Council Meeting


Take Housing Study


City Yard Collection


Campus News

As community members get involved, the number of issues on campus is starting to decrease. I encourage more people to come out and discourage violence of any sort. It is a stretch, but 2 hours of your time from 1am - 3am could make a huge difference. Even more, if know any young people that may be involved in these acts, please educate them and discourage them from these activities. With the help of the police and working Together as a community, we can diffuse this issue.

Crime Prevention Activities. See Attachment.

For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Info on November Elections



Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week


Discussion on New Sites For Central High School


Candidates wishing to run for school board


For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

Senior Happenings


For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Lighthouse Calendar. See Attachment

News Letters

Unity Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/

More Events and News

September 30th- October 6th Upcoming Art Show at 6 E University

October 6th – Olympian Drive Open House 4pm-7pm Urbana Civic Center

October 7th – S.P.E.A.K Café at Krannert Center 500 E Peabody at 7pm

October 8th from 8:30am-2pm a playground will be built in Hazel Park . Volunteers are needed.

October 9th Youth Literature Festival Krannert Center on 500 South Goodwin 10-4pm

October 9th Annual Unity in Community March @ 12pm @ 906 W. Vine

October 16th Help Habitat Community build a house on 607 E. Beardsley

October 11th – Community Matters Bowling Event. See attachment.

October 13th – 40 North ACE Awards at Canopy Club at 5:30pm

October 31st. Community Matters Fall Festival. See Attachment.

Save the date Campus Community Symposium. See Attachment

Job Opportunities

Family Advocacy Vacancies. See Attachment

US DOT Women Internship Opportunities. For more info please contact Theyla Horna at thorna@haciawoks.org

Interested in Sponsoring a Sculpture on the North End of town, well we're only a few dollars away from making that happen. For more info, please contact Brian Knox at knoxarray@earthlink.net.

Small Business Development classes at the Land of Lincoln . This is a great opportunity to get free knowledge and training. For more info, please contact Otis Noble at onoble@illinois.edu or visit http://www.sell2.illinois.gov/Registration_Certification.cfm.


From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: Weekly Newsletter (Council member Will Kyles)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 2:09 PM

--- On Tue, 10/12/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter (Council member Will Kyles
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2010, 2:08 PM

Note From Council Member: I hope that you all are having a wonderful week or at least overcoming obstacles. As most of you who have been receiving this email for a while know, I am always trying to perfect the structure of the letter. To make things flow easier, I have highlighted the major categories in bold orange font. Some of the new subtitles are Champaign Library and Campus. I included the Champaign Library because I would like to promote reading especially amongst our grade school children. ISAT tests will be approaching us soon and I would like all schools to make AYP. I included Campus because campus is apart of the City of Champaign and I would like to help communicate ideas and events that happen both on campus and in town. As always, it is a pleasure to serve you. Please feel free to contact me via cell phone at (217) 552-3625 or by email. Have a great week!

City News

Regular Study Session


More City News


Take Housing Study


Crime Prevention Activities


City Yard Collection


Campus News

As community members get involved, the number of issues on campus is starting to decrease. I encourage more people to come out and discourage violence of any sort. It is a stretch, but 2 hours of your time from 1am - 3am could make a huge difference. Even more, if know any young people that may be involved in these acts, please educate them and discourage them from these activities. With the help of the police and working Together as a community, we can diffuse this issue.

For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Info on November Elections



Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week


Discussion on New Sites For Central High School


Family Information Center


Candidates wishing to run for school board


For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

Champaign Park District Events featuring CU on the Trails


Senior Happenings


For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Lighthouse Calendar. See Attachment

Champaign Library

Library Home Page


Library Calender


Library for the Kids


News Letters

Unity Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/


October Events at Parkland


Public Engagement at U of I


News at U of I


Daily Illini


More Events and News

October 13th – 40 North ACE Awards at Canopy Club at 5:30pm

October 16th Help Habitat Community build a house on 607 E. Beardsley.

October 26th Obstacles. See Attachment.

October 31st Community Matters Fall Festival. See Attachment.

Save the date Campus Community Symposium. See Attachment

Job Opportunities

Family Advocacy Vacancies. See Attachment

US DOT Women Internship Opportunities. For more info please contact Theyla Horna at thorna@haciawoks.org

Interested in Sponsoring a Sculpture on the North End of town, well we're only a few dollars away from making that happen. For more info, please contact Brian Knox at knoxarray@earthlink.net.

Small Business Development classes at the Land of Lincoln . This is a great opportunity to get free knowledge and training. For more info, please contact Otis Noble at onoble@illinois.edu or visit http://www.sell2.illinois.gov/Registration_Certification.cfm.


On Tue, 10/19/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly News Letter (Council Member Will Kyles)
To: williamkyles2@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 6:00 PM

City News

Regular City Council Meeting


More City News


Crime Prevention Activities


City Yard Collection


For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Info on November Elections

Early Voting

Dates: Monday, October 11, 2010 through Thursday, October 28, 2010
Times: Monday through Friday - 8:00am to 4:30pm, Saturday and Sunday - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Office of the Champaign County Clerk
1776 East Washington Street, Urbana
University of Illinois Campus
700 South Gregory Street, Urbana



Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week


Online Survey For Unit 4 Website


Parenting Seminar


Candidates wishing to run for school board


For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

25th Annual Halloween Fun Fest at Market Place Mall. http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/events/Funfest10.pdf

Senior Happenings


For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Champaign Library

Library Home Page


Library Calender


Library for the Kids


News Letters

Unity Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/

eBlackCU Newsletter http://www.eblackcu.net/eBlackCUNewsletter1.pdf


October Events at Parkland


Public Engagement at U of I


News at U of I


Daily Illini


More Events and News

October 24th Black Chorus Annual Fall Concert 4pm at Smith Memorial Hall

October 29th Community Matters Fall Festival. http://www.champaignschools.org/News/1011/2010-10-18_CGTVLightedSchoolHouse.pdf

Job Opportunities

Family Advocacy Vacancies. See Attachment

US DOT Women Internship Opportunities. For more info please contact Theyla Horna at thorna@haciawoks.org

Interested in Sponsoring a Sculpture on the North End of town, well we're only a few dollars away from making that happen. For more info, please contact Brian Knox at knoxarray@earthlink.net.

Small Business Development classes at the Land of Lincoln . This is a great opportunity to get free knowledge and training. For more info, please contact Otis Noble at onoble@illinois.edu.


From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: 400 Plus Served Weekly Newsletter (Council member Will Kyles)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2010, 1:17 AM

Note from Council member: This week's newsletter will highlight the elections. I have put together a nice section for those who would like to learn more about the candidates before they go into the polls. I hope that everyone takes the opportunity to vote for their particular candidates this election cycle. This is one of the easiest ways to be involved and have an impact on your community. Lastly, thank you for allowing me to serve you. Please feel free to contact me at (217) 552-3625 or via email.

City News

Regular City Council Meeting


More City News


Invitation to eBlack Champaign-Urbana Campus/Community Symposium


City Electronic Recycling Event


City Yard Collection


For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Info on November Elections

Sample Ballot


Polling Places


Candidate Guide




Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week


Online Survey For Unit 4 Website


Schools Unite


Candidates wishing to run for school board


For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

Youth Hoops


Parade of Lights Volunteer


For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Champaign Library

Library Home Page


Library Calender


Library for the Kids


News Letters

Unity Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/

eBlackCU Newsletter http://eblackcu.net/eBlackCUNewsletter2.pdf


November Events at Parkland


Public Engagement at U of I


News at U of I


Daily Illini



From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: The Weekly Post (Council Member Will Kyles Newsletter)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 7:29 AM

Note from Council member: Welcome to another addition of the Weekly Newsletter. It is always a pleasure to research and present information from areas of the city. I have a few interesting highlights in this week’s update. I have included under City News a draft of Champaign Tomorrow. Please take a look at it and provide your feedback. Also, under City News, the city is hosting a Neighborhood Meeting for public input on whether or not the city should grant a liquor license to a local store owner in Pirtle’s Place. As you all know, the November Elections have just passed. Below are a list of names of the elected officials and the offices that each represents. Under Campus, I included a website on how our local university is trying to make a more inclusive campus (quite interesting). Lastly under the Events section, I would like to highlight today’s College workshop (covers financial aid, standardized tests, majors and topics, and courses a high school student should be taking if interested in attending college. I look forward to continuing to be able to serve you and for your input on how future newsletters should look. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by mail or phone (217) 552-3625.

City News

Regular City Meeting

Post Council Study Session

Champaign Tomorrow

Housing Needs Assessment

November 22nd Neighborhood Meeting that On whether the store by Pirtle’s Place should get a liquor license
Douglas Libary at 6pm

For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

November Election Results

US Senate – Mark Kirk

US House of Representatives – Tim Johnson

Governor – Pat Quinn

Attorney General – Lisa Madigan

State Comptroller – Judy Barr Topinka

State Treasurer – Dan Rutherford

State Representative – Naomi Jakobsson, Chapin Rose, Shane Cultra, Dale Righter, Chad Hays

State Senator – Mike Frerichs

County Sheriff – Dan Walsh

County Clerk – Mark Sheldon

County Treasurer – Dan Welch

County Board District 1 – Stephanie Holderfield

County Board District 2 – Stephanie James & Dianne Michaels

County Board District 3 – John Schroeder & Brad Jones

County Board District 4 – Greg Knott & Steven Moser

County Board District 5 – Lorraine Cowart

County Board District 6 – Pattsi Petrie & Michael Richards

County Board District 7 – Alan Kurtz

County Board District 8 – Thomas Betz & Ralph Langenheim

County Board 9 - James P. Quisenberry & Christopher E. Alix


Voted Yes to Reduce County Board from 27 to 22

Voted Yes to Increase Township General Funding

Voted Yes to Amendment Recall of Governor

Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week

Board of Education Meeting Recap

Candidates wishing to run for school board

For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

Youth Theatre

Parade of Lights Volunteer

For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Champaign Library

Library Home Page

Library Calender

Library for the Kids

News Letters
Unity In Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/


November Events at Parkland

Public Engagement at U of I

News at U of I

Daily Illini


November 16th - Regional Task Force Open House at the City Building from 5pm-6:30pm

November 16th – How to Prep for College at Salem Baptist Church from 6-7:30

November 17th Fall Out Fashion Show at the Indigo Co-Op from 7pm-9m

November 20th North End Men’s Breakfast Meeting at 7am

For More events, please visit http://the217.com/events/day/2010/ and http://www.news-gazette.com/calendar/


--- On Tue, 12/7/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Posts (Council Member Will Kyles)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 6:07 PM

Note from Council member: Welcome to another edition of the Weekly Post Newsletter. The Newsletter can be viewed at www.willkyles.com. On this site, there are free advertisements for businesses. Check out http://www.willkyles.com/city-corner/around-the-city/featured-businesses for the latest updates. Lastly, please continue to provide your input on how the City should deal with its budget crisis. Do you prefer to see CUT services, HIGHER taxes – please reply to this email and voice YOUR position? It is always a pleasure to research and present information from areas of the city. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by mail or phone (217) 552-3625.

City News

Regular Council Meeting


Post Study Session


Free Holiday Parking


Champaign Proposes Sewer Fee Increase


Champaign Tomorrow


Housing Needs Assessment


For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week


Champaign Schools Weigh Facility Issue


Candidates wishing to run for school board have until December 13th to file.


For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

Calls For Santa


Park Board Visits Virginia Redesigns


For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Champaign Library

Library Home Page


Library Calender


Library for the Kids


News Letters

Unity In Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/


December Events at Parkland


Public Engagement at U of I



News at U of I


Daily Illini



All events can be seen at http://www.willkyles.com/events

Events below communicated from Chamber of Commerce newsletter:

Delivery 4U is partnering with the Eastern Illinois Food Bank through December to collect food and donations at 17 participating restaurants. In exchange for donations, participants will receive a free delivery card for future use. For more information, call 217.367.5000, e-mail: Delivery4U@live.com or visit www.Delivery4Uonline.com.

do good Consulting is hosting a Chocolate Auction on Thursday, December 9 from 6-9 p.m. at the High Dive downtown Champaign to benefit the Flatlander Fund. The event, which is open to the public, will feature a silent and live auction of chocolates made by the late local business owner Daniel Schreiber as well as dozens of other items donated by area businesses. Free food will also be served, including some made with Dan's chocolate. The Flatlander Fund's mission is to build a certified community kitchen - a place where smaller local food entrepreneurs could go to affordably and collaboratively practice their talents and passions, grow new businesses, and share their goods and products with the community. All funds raised at the auction benefit the Fund directly. More information on the Fund can be found at www.flatlanderfund.org.

Champaign Unit 4 School District is sponsoring the Warm-A-Kid Program, providing coats for needy students. Community donations of new coats and/or monetary donations are welcome and will be accepted at the Family Information Center , 405 E. Clark St. , Champaign , through December 20. Donations will be distributed by the district's family liaisons and parent coordinator to children in need based on referrals and recommendations by school social workers.
For More events, please visit http://the217.com/events/day/2010/ and http://www.news-gazette.com/calendar/


November 30, 2010

Note from Council member: Welcome to another edition of the Weekly Post Newsletter. The Newsletter can be viewed at www.willkyles.com. There will be a new space for FREE advertisement for small businesses coming soon. Please email me your business website and I will post it on my site for FREE advertising. Lastly, please continue to provide your input on how the City should deal with its budget crisis. Do you prefer to see CUT services, HIGHER taxes – please reply to this email and voice YOUR position? It is always a pleasure to research and present information from areas of the city. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by mail or phone (217) 552-3625.

City News

5th Tuesday No City Council Meeting

Tree Lighting and 1st Annual Gift Drive

Fire Chief for a Day

Champaign Tomorrow

Housing Needs Assessment

For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week

Champaign Schools Weigh Facility Issue

Candidates wishing to run for school board

For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

Calls For Santa

Parade of Lights

Park Board Visits Virginia Redesigns

For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Champaign Library

Library Home Page

Library Calender

Library for the Kids

News Letters
Unity In Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/


December Events at Parkland

Public Engagement at U of I

News at U of I

Daily Illini


November 30th- Literacy Celebration at the Champaign Main Library starting at 6:30pm

December 2nd Big Brothers and Big Sisters Christmas Celebration at Hilton Garden Inn 5pm-7pm

December 2nd SODO Holiday Party 9 East University 6pm-8pm

December 4th North End Men’s Breakfast Club 7am-9am

December 4th Parade of Lights, Tree Lighting and First Annual Gift Drive Downtown Champaign 6pm

For More events, please visit http://the217.com/events/day/2010/ and http://www.news-gazette.com/calendar/


--- On Tue, 11/23/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Newsletter (CM Will Kyles)
Date: Tuesday, November 23, 2010, 6:09 PM

This week, I decided to try something different. I would like to direct you all to my new website, www.willkyles.com. On the site, you will have an opportunity to blog, look at current events, view the agenda live, provide input on different subjects, write compliments, complaints, Facebook, Twitter, get important city numbers, etc. In the future, I will continue to send out a hard copy of the newsletter. Your feedback is encouraged and definitely welcome. In the end, I hope that this provides another way for citizens to be heard and engage in public dialogue. I thank you for all of your support and it is an honor to serve on City Council as the District 1 representative.

CM Will Kyles


--- On Wed, 12/22/10, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Posts (Council Member Will Kyles)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 1:02 AM

Note from Council member: I would like to thank you all for wanting to be informed and involved in city government and other activities. You all have made every hour invested in this newsletter well worth it. This newsletter has evolved over the last year, due to your feedback, from a letter to www.willkyles.com. One of your concerns was that the newsletter was so long that valuable information could be lost. Spreading the newsletter across a website has allowed me more flexibility to provide more information for a longer period of time and gives you the option to click and choose what you are most interested in. I am most excited about the social networks that will evolve from the small businesses in the featured business section. I am also excited about the Calender which allows us to know some of the most important meetings and we can began to plan ahead. Ultimately, my goal is to create a one stop online shop where you will have the ability to access a wide variety of information from one general location. I have the greatest job in the world and that is serving you. I wish you all an enjoyable holiday season! Please continue to provide feedback and concerns via email or telephone (217) 552-3625.

City News


Free Holiday Parking

City of Champaign Minority Business Directory

City of Champaign snow plan

Census Data

For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week

School of Choice Community Forums

For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Champaign Library

Library Calender

Library for the Kids

For more info, please visit http://www.champaign.org/ .

News Letters
Unity In Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/


Available Scholarships


University of Illinois

All events can be seen at http://www.willkyles.com/events
and click AGENDA

The exciting news is that January's Calender is filling up with events such as
- Job Training for Youth
- Martin Luther King Events
- Broadband Follow-up Discussion
- Board Meetings
- School Tours


--- On Tue, 1/18/11, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Posts (Council Member Will Kyles)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 6:35 PM

City News

City Council Regular City Meeting


City Council Study Session


Register to vote 2011

http://www.willkyles.com/city-corner/timely-issues (See attachment on site)

City of Champaign Minority Business Directory


Census Data


Events around town


For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Champaign School News

This Week in Champaign Schools


School of Choice Community Forums


For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Champaign Library

Library Calender


Library for the Kids


For more info, please visit http://www.champaign.org/ .

News Letters

Unity In Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/


Available Scholarships




University of Illinois



All events can be seen at http://www.willkyles.com/events

and click AGENDA

The exciting news is that the Calender is filling up with events such as

- Youth Job Training Opportunity

- GED Prep

- Martin Luther King Events

- Broadband Follow-up Discussion

- Board Meetings

- School Tours


--- On Tue, 1/25/11, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: Weekly Posts (Council Member Will Kyles)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 7:39 AM

--- On Tue, 1/25/11, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: Weekly Posts (Council Member Will Kyles)
Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 7:38 AM

--- On Tue, 1/25/11, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: Weekly Posts (Council Member Will Kyles)
Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 7:38 AM

Note from Council Member: Tonight is a very important study session. For this week, I have strayed away from my traditional format of the newsletter to place emphasis on the budget and to solicit your thoughts as we go through this process. I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions. For information on things going on around the city, please refer to my website www.willkyles.com. Thank you for your help and input in making these tough decisions. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by email or phone (217) 552-3625.

City Council Regular Study Session


City of Champaign Proposes Service Cuts


Molly Talks about Budget


Line by Line Item of the Budget Breakdown


Here are some areas that concern me:

Reduction to Front Desk at City Building

Eliminate Student Patrol Contract (page 56)

Close Police Front Desk from 7am-7pm

Eliminate 1 Sworn Office (page 64)

Reduction to Emergency Management (page 68)

Public Education (page 71)

Reduction to 27 – 25 fire department staff (page 76)

Fire Training (page 67)


--- On Tue, 2/8/11, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: Weekly Posts (Council Member Will Kyles)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011, 3:16 PM

--- On Tue, 2/8/11, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Posts (Council Member Will Kyles)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2011, 11:55 AM

Note from Council member: BRRRRRR- it’s a cold Tuesday! Welcome to another addition of the Weekly Posts. I am especially excited about this issue. For the longest, citizens from all over the county have sent me flyers that were difficult to incorporate in my newsletter because of the size. Now you can visit http://www.willkyles.com/home/community-posts and see what’s going on in Champaign County . Thank you for sending me update and please continue to do so. I am also excited about education. This is the season for college both current and prospect students to apply for FASFA and scholarships. I have plenty of good info on scholarships at http://www.willkyles.com/home/community-posts. Please do not apply late. Financial aid is a time sensitive subject. Lastly, I encourage you to join the City Council tonight at our meeting. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email or phone (217) 552-3625.

CM Will Kyles

City News

Special Council Meeting (due to weather last week)


Study Session


Community Posts (a list of community events around Champaign-Urbana)


Lots and lots of Scholarship Info


For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/


What are some revenue generating ideas that can help the Champaign budget? http://cmwillkyles.blogspot.com/2011/02/budget-issues.html

How do you think that Unit 4 should deal with the Central High School relocation?


Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week


Enroll in a Magnet School




Performance Statistics


Capital Improvement Projects


For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Champaign Library

Library Home Page


Library Calendar


Library for the Kids


News Letters

Unity In Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/


December Events at Parkland


Public Engagement at U of I



News at U of I


Daily Illini



Visit http://www.willkyles.com/events for all events posted. Below are this week’s:

Tuesday, February 8

6:00pm 2nd Annual African American Film Festival Presents "Ditch Diggers"

7:00pm City Council Study Session

Wednesday, February 9

7:00pm African American Film Festival Presents School Daze

7:00pm Regular Park District Meeting

Thursday, February 10

7:15am Chamber Breakfast

6:00pm School Community Forum for School of Choice

7:00pm African American Film Festival Presents "Natural Woman"

Friday, February 11

6:00pm Daddy Princess Ball

6:30pm A Night of Elegance

7:00pm African American Film Festival Presents "Buck and the Preacher"

Saturday, February 12

Back In the Day Dance

10:00 Poverty Simulation

3:00pm Play From the Bidder's Box to the White House

7:00pm Paper Locket A Photographic Collection

For More events, please visit http://the217.com/events/day/2010/ and http://www.news-gazette.com/calendar/


--- On Wed, 2/16/11, William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: William Kyles <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Subject: Weekly Posts (Council Member Will Kyles)
To: "Will Kyles" <williamkyles2@yahoo.com>
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011, 12:16 AM

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Note from Council member: The draft for Champaign Tomorrow is almost complete. Please do not let the opportunity for you to provide input in how our city will look in the next 20 years. Please respond by email or contact the Planning Department. Today, February 16, 2011 there is a Job fair put on by RPC at the Douglas Community Center. I have updated www.willkyles.com and included plenty of grant writing information on http://www.willkyles.com/city-corner/timely-issues. Thank you for all of your help in keeping me aware on community issues. I make it a habit on a weekly basis to update your PDF files that you send me at http://www.willkyles.com/home/community-posts. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email or phone (217) 552-3625.

City News

Public input needed for Champaign Tomorrow
Contact Planning Department at (217) 403-7070 or email williamkyles2@yahoo.com

Community Posts (UPDATED)

Lots and lots of Scholarship Info (UPDATED)

For more info, please visit http://ci.champaign.il.us/

Champaign School News

Unit 4 this Week

Enroll in a Magnet School


Performance Statistics

Capital Improvement Projects

For More info please visit http://www.champaignschools.org/.

Champaign Park District

For more info, please visit http://www.champaignparkdistrict.com/index.html

Champaign Library

Library Home Page

Library Calendar

Library for the Kids

News Letters

Unity In Action Magazine http://www.unityinactionmagazine.com/


December Events at Parkland

Public Engagement at U of I

News at U of I

Daily Illini


Visit http://www.willkyles.com/events for all events posted. Below are this week’s:

Wednesday, February 16 10:00am
NO Limits Job Fair

Thursday, February 17 12:00pm
ATHENA Award Luncheon

Saturday, February 19 5:30pm
Fundraiser for 40North

Sunday, February 20 7:30pm
Black Symposium Concert

For More events, please visit http://the217.com/events/day/2010/ and http://www.news-gazette.com/calendar/

We won't tell. Get more on shows you hate to love
(and love to hate): Yahoo! TV's Guilty Pleasures list.


William Kyles


April 10, 2010

Contribution Form

Online Submission



Document Item Type Metadata



William Kyles, "Champaign City District 1 Council Member William Kyles e-newsletter ," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #257, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/257 (accessed March 6, 2025).

Social Bookmarking

File: Yard Waste News Release 03-16-10.doc

File: NewsReleaseAnnualLeadersMeeting.doc

File: 2010-03-15 Community & Police Forum Focus Questions & Responses.pdf

File: MMM_Follow_up_card.pdf

File: 2010-04-27Study Session.pdf

File: Needed Changes to the Cha.doc

File: Issue 8 2010.pdf

File: VT Director flyer10.pdf

File: 2010 sep-oct calendar Lighted School House.pdf

File: Community Matters bowling flyer.pdf

File: weTRaIN e-newsletter Fall 2010.pdf

File: Community Matters Fall Festival flyer.pdf

File: Community Matters bowling flyer.pdf

File: Community Matters Fall Festival flyer.pdf

File: Crime Prevention Month Activities - Flyer w temp.pdf

File: 2010 sep-oct calendar Lighted School House.pdf

File: Beyond Obstacles.pdf

File: Community Matters Fall Festival flyer.pdf

File: 2010 sep-oct calendar Lighted School House.pdf

File: Will-Kyles-Oct-23-2011.pdf

File: Will-Kyles-Sept-15-2011.pdf
