
Urban Renewal and Negro Involvement: A Case Study of Negro Politics in Champaign, Illinois

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Urban Renewal and Negro Involvement: A Case Study of Negro Politics in Champaign, Illinois


Urban Renewal, Politics, Civil Rights


This study of Negro Politics in a medium-sized midwestern
city, describes the role residents of the city's
North End ghetto played in the development of an urban
renewal program.
Through passage of the 1949 Federal Housing Act,
Congress took action to ~heck the spread of slums in urban
areas. Federal aid was to be provided communities for
clearance of blighted areas, and the cleared sites were to
be sold to private redevelopers who would agree to develop
them "according to the land use des ignated for that area in
the redevelopment plan. Depending upon city size, the
federal government would pay up to 75% of the cost of
acquisition and clearance of land, the balance to bel paid
by the local community.


Carl Vernon Patton



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Carl Vernon Patton, "Urban Renewal and Negro Involvement: A Case Study of Negro Politics in Champaign, Illinois," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #418, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/418 (accessed March 9, 2025).

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