
UC2B Round 2 Application Materials

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UC2B Round 2 Application Materials


Big Broadband, University-Community Relations, Parkland College


Materials from the Round 2 Application for the UC2B Big Broadband Federal Grant.

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ca. February/March 2010

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Multiple, "UC2B Round 2 Application Materials," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #951, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/951 (accessed March 14, 2025).

Social Bookmarking

File: UFL program, round 2 BTOP.pdf

File: MuellerRecommendationsfor Urbana Latino and Underserved Populationfor theUC2B1.pdf

File: BTOPCUFastFactsMar8.pdf

File: Douglass BTOPFeb8.pdf

File: Feb 18th PCC Award Statistics.pdf

File: Ecology Sustainability Draft.pdf

File: Letters-of-committment.pdf

File: NC-Presentation-July08.pdf

File: UNCC_Broadband_grant_info3.pdf

File: NETS_T_Standards_Final.pdf

File: UFL match, round 2 BTOP rev 2-14-10.pdf

File: UC2B round 2 - last mile area and anchor institutions 2 16 10.pdf

File: PCC_Targeted_underserverd_submission.pdf

File: Frances Nelson BROADBAND FEDERAL GRANT 02152010 (3).pdf

File: PCC_Targeted_submission.pdf

File: BTOP PublicComputerCentersMar2010.pdf

File: NR List.pdf

File: Executive Summary_sliFeb15.pdf

File: PCC-SBA application draft.2010.AB1.pdf

File: NOFA2-Fact-Sheet.pdf

File: PCC submission.pdf

File: Text for CU BTOP.pdf

File: Recording studio budget.pdf

File: UC2B.ProposalManagement (round2).pdf

File: UC2B Unit 4.Meeting Minutes.pdf

File: UC2B-round2-images.pdf

File: UC2BPCCApplication 02-24-10.pdf

File: Wireless notes.pdf

File: NETS-A_2009.pdf

File: CUBTOPSBASubmitted.pdf

File: TimelineCU BTOP Proposal.pdf

File: Feb 8 AGENDA.pdf

File: BTOP-SBA-round2.pdf

File: UC2B.round2LisaFeb4.pdf

File: PCC-OrgChart.pdf

File: PCC-SBA_Avicenna_021510 (5).pdf

File: demographics.pdf

File: UC2B-PCCs.pdf

File: BTOP PCC Site Description Form.USD.pdf

File: UC2B-PCC-SBA-Locations-Feb28.pdf

File: UCIMC-letter-of-support-UC2B.pdf

File: Great Campus Educational Vision.pdf

File: Executive Summary_sliFeb15_bbFeb16.pdf

File: UC2B-PCC-SBA-Locations-Mar3.pdf

File: Final Report.pdf

File: Jobs-Created.pdf

File: Johnson_Resume_SBA.pdf

File: UFL data, round 2 BTOP.pdf

File: F44047949 health edits ben.pdf

File: List of CU projects to mention3.pdf

File: Description task abilities for broadband.pdf

File: Table 1 free clinics.pdf

File: NewAmericaFeb5.pdf

File: 1- FilesOnBasecamp.pdf

File: CUBTOPPCCSubmitted.pdf

File: Johnson_Resume_PCC.pdf

File: UC2B PCCs.pdf

File: BroadbandParty2.pdf

File: Douglass Branch Library Public Computer Training Center Info. for Marsha.pdf

File: BTOP-Winners-Numbers.pdf

File: UC2B-PCC-SBA-Locations-Mar7.pdf

File: Sevy Short Bio 03.07.10.pdf

File: FIRMette2.pdf

File: BTOP -- Parkland Overview.pdf

File: UC2B-PCCs-1.pdf

File: UCIMC-Public-Computing2.pdf

File: Species List.pdf

File: PCC-SBA-OrgChart-Mar3.pdf

File: RESUME 2010-1.pdf

File: NETS_for_Students_2007_Standards.pdf

File: BTOPPCCAppRD2.pdf

File: UC2B.Unit 4.Proposal.pdf

File: HighlightsFebwebinar.pdf

File: UC2B round 2 - potential computing centers in last mile area 2 16 10.pdf

File: Biosketch Ben 03.07.10.pdf

File: UC2B-PCCs-2.pdf

File: UC2B-PCC-SBA-Locations.pdf


File: BTOP PCC Site Description Form USD2.pdf

File: BTOP NOFA 1-15-10 with disclaimer.pdf

File: FIRMette.pdf

File: UC2B ExecSumm for K-12.pdf

File: BTOP_NOFA2_OTI_Summary.pdf

File: SisterNet Broadband Support Ltr 3.8.pdf

File: BTOP Successful Application PPT.pdf

File: 2-NamesOfFilesOnBasecamp.pdf

File: ParklandCUBTOPFeb8.pdf

File: K-12 BTOP Description1.pdf

File: UC2B.round2.PCC.pdf

File: UC2B public computing center query-UCIMC.pdf

File: UC2B Minutes 2.23.2010.pdf

File: Grant Report Final 120510.pdf

File: Anchor_Institutions_in_the_round_1_last_mile_areas.pdf

File: UC2B.ProposalManagement (round2new).pdf

File: Library Media Tech Center Draft.pdf

File: UC2B-PCCFullMar7.pdf

File: 1-FilesOnBasecamp.pdf

File: SubmittedUC2BPCCSBARd2.pdf

File: demographics-1.pdf
