
UC2B Documentation and Records

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UC2B Documentation and Records


UC2B, Big Broadband, Grants


Includes Grant applications, minutes, and other documentation of the UC2B program, focusing on the above-ground side of project development.


UC2B Consortium


Unpublished documentation



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UC2B Consortium, "UC2B Documentation and Records," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #827, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/827 (accessed February 23, 2025).

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File: UC2B 3 of 6.pdf

File: UC2B 1 of 6.pdf

File: UC2B-Marketing-Notes-2010-12-14b.pdf

File: UC2B+Federal+Grant+Application+-+Complete.pdf

File: UC2BMarketingNotes-2010-11-16.pdf

File: UC2B 5-2.pdf

File: UC2B-Marketing-Notes-2010-11-30.pdf

File: UC2B+4+of+6.pdf

File: UC2B-Marketing-Notes-2010-12-14.pdf

File: UC2B+5-1.pdf

File: UC2B-Marketing-Notes-2010-11-30b.pdf

File: Broadband PCC.pdf

File: UC2B 6 of 6.pdf

File: UC2B 2 of 6.pdf

File: UC2BMarketingNotes-2010-11-16b.pdf

File: Core Anchors & Wait List Maps 1-30-11.pdf

File: Core Anchors & Wait List Details 1-30-11-All.pdf

File: PCMtgMinutes11.01.13pke.pdf

File: PC-Agenda020311.pdf

File: MinutesfromeBlackPartII010811.pdf

File: OperationalStructuresMemotoFeinenCarterandSchnuer12-13-10.pdf

File: OSS-BSSSWSpecsDraft4011111.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-2-22.pdf

File: PC-Agenda030211.pdf

File: PC-Agenda 021711.pdf

File: February2010-HighSpeedMeeting.pdf

File: JCPES' Statement on Comcast-NBCU merger 2-17-11 agenda.pdf

File: PC-Agenda 021711.pdf

File: PC-Agenda021011.pdf

File: UC2B-PCCsINFOFeb26.pdf

File: PC Mtg Minutes 11.02.17 final.pdf

File: PC-Agenda 022311.pdf

File: 2011-01-06 PC Meeting Minutes.pdf

File: PC-Agenda 012711revised.pdf

File: 2011-01-27PCMeetingMinutes.pdf

File: 2011-02-10 PC Meeting Minutes.pdf

File: 2011-02-03 PC Meeting Minutes.pdf

File: PC Mtg Minutes 11.01.20.pdf

File: UC2B Marketing Notes 2011-02-22.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-3-8.pdf

File: 2011-03-12 UC2B Subcommittee on Minority Hiring-Contracts Agenda.pdf

File: MinorityHiring-ContractsAgenda 03-05-2011 Champaign.pdf

File: Minutes from eBlack Part II 010811.pdf

File: Agenda011811ChampaignUC2B.pdf

File: designreview outcomes.pdf

File: UC2B Ring Routes 11x17 Overview.pdf

File: 2011-03-02 PC Meeting Minutes.pdf

File: UC2B structure.pdf

File: UC2B Grant Update 1-2011 (2).pdf

File: uc2b diversity motion passed 3-16-11.pdf

File: PC-Agenda 031611.pdf

File: UC2B Policy Board Committee on Minority contracts minutes _3-5-11__1.pdf

File: PC-Agenda 040611.pdf

File: 0044uillinoisq4pr2010-NTIA-UC2B-quarterly-report.pdf

File: uc2b comm of whole mar 16 2011.pdf

File: PC-Agenda 020311.pdf

File: 030 mar Purchases-summary.pdf

File: 030 mar Purchases.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-3-22.pdf

File: Core Anchors & Wait List Maps 1-30-11.pdf

File: OSS-BSS SW Specs Draft 4 011111.pdf

File: eBlack Symposium Notice 031911.pdf

File: Core Anchors & Wait List Details 1-30-11-All.pdf

File: Operational Structures Memo to Feinen, Carter and Schnuer 12-13-10.pdf

File: Champaign-Consent-Decree-Full-Text.pdf

File: Champaign 2009 School Climate Report - DRAFT 121510.pdf

File: DRAFT RESOLUTION - 3-7-11_3.pdf

File: NTIA_&_Grant_Update_4-4-11.pdf

File: 2011-03-16 PC Meeting Minutes.pdf

File: 4-5-2011 UC2B Tech Meeting Minutes.pdf

File: PC Mtg Minutes 11.04.06 final.pdf

File: NTIA_&_Grant_Update_4-18-11.pdf

File: PC Mtg Minutes 11.04.20 final.pdf

File: PC Mtg Minutes 11.04.06 corrected final.pdf

File: Community benefit resolution2.pdf

File: UC2BPC-Agenda 050411.pdf

File: UC2BTIA 942 DC Standards Overview.pdf

File: UC2BNTIA_&_Grant_Update_4-29-11.pdf

File: UC2B and Data Centers.pdf

File: UC2BBrandon's Data Center Questions.pdf

File: UC2BDitigal Equality Committee Resolution Section 5 proposed 11.04.20.pdf

File: Tech_Agenda_050311_Champaign-UC2B.pdf

File: UC2BAccess Facility Memo & Motion 11.05.01.pdf

File: Digital Equality Committee Resolution #2 on Community Benefit.pdf

File: UC2B Marketing Update May2011-5-13-11.pdf

File: Lead Agency Memo to Policy Committee 11.05.16.pdf

File: PC Mtg Minutes 11.05.04 final_2.pdf


File: Agenda_051711_Champaign.pdf

File: PC-Agenda 051811.pdf

File: Executive Summary IRU Document 20110513 - final.pdf

File: NTIA_&_Grant_Update_5-17-11.pdf

File: Attachments 5-13-11.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-5-12.pdf

File: Appendix A Further Reading Pages250-261 from initial UC2B application.pdf

File: Indefeasible Rights of Use PP.pdf

File: Anticipated UC2B Construction Services and Materials.pdf

File: Report on Use of Existing Infrastructure Final.pdf

File: PC-Agenda 060111.pdf

File: Lead Agency Memo to Policy Committee 11.05.16.pdf

File: Champaign Invitation to Bid Fiber Construction.pdf

File: Agenda OSS-BSS Subcomm 060111.pdf

File: voting rights approval-uc2b.pdf

File: U_of_I_Construction-BAU11008-ad.pdf

File: site_visit_checklist_&_Route Changes.pdf

File: UC2B PC memo re LOI 052711.pdf

File: NTIA_&_Grant_Update_5-27-11-all.pdf

File: UC2B Marketing Subcommittee update 5-27-11.pdf

File: LOI for UC2B Bus Model-Ops Plan.pdf

File: PC-Agenda and Materials 061511.pdf

File: Agenda OSS-BSS Subcomm 061511.pdf

File: Minutes OSS-BSS 060111.pdf

File: Agenda_061411_Champaign.pdf

File: PUBLIC NOTICE for summer UC2B M&O Subcommittee meetings.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-6-14.pdf

File: Resolution 2011-01 Delegating Operational Responsibilities 2011.06.02.pdf

File: SS 2011-040.pdf

File: Resolution 2011-01 Delegating Operational Responsibilities 2011.06.02 v2 strikeout.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-6-28.pdf

File: UC2B Meeting Packet June 22.pdf

File: 2011-06-21_sub_recruitment.pdf

File: 7-26-11 Marketing & Outreach Subcommittee Info packet.pdf

File: ADTRAN-UC2B_Press_Release.pdf

File: AGENDA final.pdf

File: Agenda 081611 Champaign.pdf

File: Agenda and Minutes OSS-BSS Subcomm 070711.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-8-9.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.07.20.final.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.07.27.final.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.08.10.final.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.08.10.final_1.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.08.17 final.pdf

File: PC Packet 11.07.06.pdf

File: UC2B PC memo re LOU 72611.pdf

File: UC2B Technical Committee Meeting Agenda 071911.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-10-11.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-10-25.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-8-23.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-8-30.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-9-12.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.09.07.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.09.28.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.10.19 REVISED.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.11.02.pdf

File: UC2B Community Ambassador Job Description.pdf

File: UC2B GSLIS Outreach Efforts.pdf

File: UC2B Groundbreaking CCE Meeting Notice-Invite 090611.pdf

File: UC2B Groundbreaking Invitation 09.06.11.pdf

File: UC2B Job Announcement Flyer.pdf

File: UC2B Tech Meeting Agenda 090611 Champaign.pdf

File: UC2B-Marketing-Notes-2011-08-30 DRAFT.pdf

File: UC2B-Marketing-Notes-2011-09-12 DRAFT.pdf

File: IBOP_Update_2011.09.30.pdf

File: IL BTOP 2011 Q2 reports.pdf

File: report on SIBR and anchors oct 10 2011.pdf

File: Broadband Access Committee_s Final Report.pdf

File: Community Civic Event UC2B Showcase.pdf

File: Agenda 110811 Champaign.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2011-11-8 CANCELLED.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.11.16 final.pdf

File: UC2B Tech Meeting Agenda Packet 112211.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2012-1-24.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2012-2-28.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2012-3-27.pdf

File: Agenda_Subcommittee_Marketing_2012-4-10.pdf

File: PC Agenda 11.12.07 final.pdf

File: PC Agenda 12.01.11 FINAL packet.pdf

File: PC Agenda 12.01.18 Final2.pdf

File: PC Agenda 12.02.01 draft.pdf

File: PC Agenda 12.02.15 packet.pdf

File: PC Agenda 12.02.23 packet-original.pdf

File: PC Agenda 12.02.23 packet.pdf

File: UC2B Agenda Packet_04112012.pdf

File: UC2B Policy Board Packet 03-22-2012.pdf

File: UC2B Policy Board Packet_03-14-2012.pdf

File: UC2B Tech Agenda Packet 011012 Champaign.pdf

File: UC2B Tech Agenda Packet 122711 Champaign.pdf

File: UC2B Technical Committee Packet_04032012.pdf

File: UC2B-Marketing-Notes-2011-10-25 DRAFT-v2.pdf

File: UC2B-Marketing-Notes-2011-10-25 DRAFT.pdf

File: Agenda 2011-12-13 Champaign.pdf

File: Canceled - Agenda 04-10-2012 Champaign.pdf

File: Market Analysis Pricing and Service Recommendations, NEO Updated 3-11-12.pdf

File: Methodology and Feasibility Objectives, updated 3-13-12.pdf

File: REVISED FTTP procurement plan 1 19 12_1.pdf

File: Sec 12.5-38 Award Criteria.pdf

File: 1 PC Agenda 12.04.18 FINAL.pdf

File: 2012-08-14 UC2B Technical Committee Meeting Agenda.pdf

File: 2012-08-28-UC2B-Technical-Committee-Meeting-Agenda.pdf

File: Agenda Item V-a.pdf

File: Agenda Packet_05092012.pdf

File: Agenda Packet_05092012v2.pdf

File: Agenda Packet_052412.pdf

File: Agenda-Packet_06202012.pdf

File: PC Agenda Packet_06112012.pdf

File: PC-Agenda-Packet_06112012.pdf

File: PC-Agenda-Packet_06272012.pdf

File: Private Expansion of UC2B-7.pdf

File: Tech Agenda 05-01-2012.pdf

File: UC2B Policy Board Packet_04182012.pdf

File: UC2B Tech Agenda 07-10-2012.pdf

File: UC2B Tech Agenda Packet 05-08-2012.pdf
