
Community Engagement @ Illinois: Unedited Source Material

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Community Engagement @ Illinois: Unedited Source Material


Campus-Community Engagement, Education, Youth, Environment


Unedited texts Community Engagement @ Illinois: Connecting Research and Service at the University of Illinois. These documents are the unedited submissions that were excerpted for the final published volume, available at: http://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/705


Table of contents of Volume:
Chapter Page
Introduction, Noah Lenstra and Abdul Alkalimat vii
Section 1. Historical Context
The University of Illinois Negro Students, Albert R. Lee (1940) 2
Descriptive Inventory of Resources for...Work with Disadvantaged (1967) 5
What Does CAD Mean?, John Lee Johnson (1970) 12
Report on Higher Education Public Responsibilities in the Black Community (1972) 13
The Gap Between University Blacks and Community Blacks, by Glenna Bryant (1976) 15
The Art of Social Change, Julian Rappaport (1998) 18
The Concept and Description of an Exchange Center..., Leonard Heumann (2000) 22
Urban Exchange Center, Troy (Kamau) LaRaviere (2004) 27
Section 2. Contemporary Project, 1. Community
History of Douglass Center, Michael Burns 41
Writing Rhetorical Education through Archival Records and Oral Histories, Vanessa Rouillon 42
Abstract for Ongoing study on campus-community interactions, Melissa Pognon 49
Inclusive Illinois 2010 Impact Report, Office of Equal Opportunity and Access 50
Economic Development Opportunity Program Flyer and Program, Otis Noble 54
Construction Trades Opportunity Program, Final Report, Otis Noble 56
Letter Requesting Participants in Business Certification Workshop, Fred Coleman 57
The Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club Learning Center Redesign, Deven Gibbs 58
Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Planning Committee, Nathaniel Banks 60
Mo' Betta Music Camps, Nathaniel Banks 63
Program for AFRO498 Final Concert at Salem Baptist Church, Willie Summerville 64
Stewarding Excellence Project Team Report, Public Engagement at the University of Illinois 65
Service Learning Opportunities: The Advocacy Model, Nicole Allen 67
$9 Million Grant for Champaign County Secured by Psychology Faculty, Elaine Shpungin 69
C-U Citizen Access, Journalism Department 70
University of Illinois Campus Charitable Fund Drive 72
C-U Volunteer.org, Office of Volunteer Programs 73
Learning in Community (LINC) 74
Diversity and Technology for Engaging Communities website 74
Section 2. Contemporary Projects, 2. Politics and Police
Champaign County Courtwatching Project Highlights, College of Law 76
Transforming Policing Practices, Brian Dolinar, Kerry Pimblott and Regina Pritchett 81
Planners Network, Flyers for Events relating to Kiwane Carrington Case 87
Police Brutality, The State and the Killing of Kiwane Carrington, Amira Davis 88
Ubuntu: Anti-Racism, Sharon Irish 95
Letters to the President Program, Ray Muhammad and Ruby Mendenhall 96
ELSEY: Extending Library Services to Empower Youth, Joe Coyle and Jeanie Austin 97
Section 2. Contemporary Projects, 3. Environment and Health
Citizens, Experts and Local Environmental Knowledge, Ken Salo 100
Champaign, IL, Toxic Tour Map, Ken Salo 103
Organic Gardener Maps Gardens in African-American Community, Kimberlie Kranich 104
Abstract for Capstone Research Abstract: Young Planners Network, Yolanda Richards 105
Farmers Market on Historic North First Street Community Survey Results, Stacy Harwood 105
North First Street Prosperity Garden opening, University of Illinois Extension 107
Sun, Dirt, Rain and Champaign, Jon Weisman, et.al. 108
Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club Environmental Program, Division of Safety and Compliance 110
Section 2. Contemporary Projects, 4. Culture
Revisiting Murals, Animating Neighborhoods, Ryan Griffis, Sharon Irish and Sam Smith 112
Exploring Social and Artistic Elements of African-American Photography, Sydney Stoudmire 114
In Search of Hip-Hop Express, Executive Summary, William M. Patterson 124
Engagement Report, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Sam Smith 125
Speak Cafe' Flyers, Aaron Ammons 127
Section 2. Contemporary Projects, 5. Education
Diversity in Higher Education: The Story of SEOP and ATEP, Ronald Threadgill 129
SOLHOT, Ruth Nicole Brown 139
An eBlackCU intern looks back on her Summer, Dominique Johnson and Patricia Rosario 140
Bruce D. Nesbitt African-American Cultural Center website 143
History of Project 500, Bruce D. Nesbitt African-American Cultural Center 145
Champaign Community Unit School District 4 - School Climate Study, Mark S. Aber, et.al. 146
Announcement for The Great Campus Scoping Study 149
Excerpts from website for Campus Academy 149
Harambee: Pulling Together at Freedom School, Jan-Carter Black 150
An Evaluation of the Odyssey Project, James Kilgore 151
U.R. Movement Focal Point Proposal and Flyer. 2009-2010, Jonathan Hamilton 153
TAP In Leadership Academy, Shameem Rakha, Sally Carter and Chaebong Nam 156
Multicultural Youth Conference, Center for Education in Small Urban Communities 162
The Effects of the SOAR Program..., Caitlyn Smith and Emily Wolfkiel 163
Recreating Booker T. Washington Elementary School as a STEM Academy, Lizanne DeStefano 165
C-U Fab Lab Fosters Creativity in Local Youth, I-STEM Initiative website 166
Project Upward Bound. Summer 2007 Report, Office of Minority Student Affairs (OMSA) 167
Section 2. Contemporary Projects, 6. Technology
Hook 'em with Technology, Keep 'em with Relationships, Kimberlie Kranich/William Patterson 170
A census of public computing in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, Kate Williams 173
Big Broadband (UC2B) Reaching Out to Community Institutions, John Kersh 175
UC2B Below and Above Ground Applications, Mike Smeltzer and Abdul Alkalimat 176
The Engaging and Empowering Youth (E2Y) Project, Chaebong Nam 178
Section 3. Bibliographies
Webliography of African-American Champaign-Urbana, Noah Lenstra, et.al. 184
Guide to African-American Research Resources University of Illinois Archives 196
Index to Community Engagement @ the University of Illinois 207


Multiple authors


November 2010


All authors retain all copyright permissions over all material.

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Multiple authors, "Community Engagement @ Illinois: Unedited Source Material," in eBlack Champaign-Urbana, Item #798, https://eblackcu.net/portal/items/show/798 (accessed January 19, 2025).

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File: Tap-In-Academy.pdf

File: Rouillon-Paper.pdf

File: Mobettasummercampblurb.doc

File: EDOPonesheet.doc

File: UC2b.pdf

File: ExchangeCtrConcept.101200.doc

File: Heumann-white-paper.pdf

File: Exchange Center White Paper2.doc

File: Campus_Charitable-Fund.pdf

File: McNairfinalpaper.doc

File: EDOP one sheet.doc

File: Rappaport-article.pdf

File: Mobettasummerconcert09.doc

File: PublicI_KiwaneCarrington.doc

File: U.R.Movement-FrontCoverBrochure.doc

File: U.R.Movement-InsideCoverBrochure.doc

File: Great-Campus.pdf

File: Great-Campus-2.pdf

File: Comm-UnivAbstract.doc

File: Planners-Network.pdf

File: U.R.MovementProposal-FinalCopy.doc

File: U.R.MovementOfficialFlyerwithBNAACClogo.doc

File: Schedule 2010 (review).doc

File: DMGGC-Booklet.pdf

File: Exchange Ctr Concept.101200.doc

File: PublicI_EdgarHoults.doc

File: TheDonMoyerBoysandGirlsClubProject_DevenGibbs.doc

File: Mobettasummer09flyer2.doc

File: Freedom_School.pdf

File: KortneysPaper1.doc

File: eBlackCU-intern.pdf

File: C-U-Citizen-Access.pdf

File: UC2B+6+of+6.pdf

File: UC2B+4+of+6.pdf

File: Kortney's Paper 1.doc

File: McNair final paper .doc

File: Campus-Community-Interface.pdf

File: Letters to President recruitment_flyers[2].doc

File: SPEAKflyer--Oct2010.doc

File: mcnair044_555cb03f24.pdf

File: UC2B+5-2.pdf

File: 04, Rouillon, Proposal CCCC, Sp 10.pdf

File: UC2B+2+of+6.pdf

File: 03, Rouillon, App Race Wrk, Fa 09.pdf

File: UC2B+5-1.pdf

File: Ken_Salo.pdf

File: Residency_Display.pdf

File: MLKFinalReport2a2010.doc

File: Mendenhall.pdf

File: UC2B+3+of+6.pdf

File: 10_17_C.Nam_ cufa_ paper.doc

File: Public I_Edgar Hoults.doc

File: Community_Psychology_2.pdf

File: NoahLenstra-FocaPoint(FinalCopy).doc

File: 05, Rouillon, Memory Wrkshop, Sp 10.pdf

File: ExchangeCenterWhitePaper2.doc

File: UXCCaseStudy_Re-Draft_050521.doc

File: C-U-Fab-Lab.pdf

File: Threadgill-Paper.pdf

File: The-University-of-Illinois-Negro-Students.pdf

File: UC2B+1+of+6.pdf

File: OEOA-Noble.pdf

File: Upward-Bound.pdf

File: Public I_Kiwane Carrington.doc

File: Speak-Cafe.pdf

File: The Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club Project_Deven Gibbs.doc

File: DMBGCredesign.pdf

File: CTOPLanguage.doc

File: UXC-report-2004.pdf

File: A History of Douglass Center.doc

File: U-R-Movement.pdf

File: 01, Rouillon, Proposal Oral H, Bethel, Sp 09.pdf

File: Black_Alumni-Reunion.pdf

File: abstract for eblack CU volume - PCC census.doc

File: Stoudmire-Paper.pdf

File: 06, Rouillon, Archival Records Bethel, Sp 10.pdf

File: Community_Psychology.pdf

File: N1stStreet.pdf

File: LetterstoPresidentrecruitment_flyers[2].doc

File: Inclusive-Illinois-Impact-Report.pdf

File: Policing.pdf

File: Amira-Davis-Papers.pdf

File: EBlackCU_Kiwane-1.doc

File: 02, Rouillon, Race Wrk, Fa 09.pdf

File: LetterstothePresidentPoster3-3-10.ppt

File: School-to-Prison Pipeline.ppt

File: Letters to the President Poster 3-3-10.ppt
